Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult AddFile(HttpPostedFileBase UploadFile)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (UploadFile != null && UploadFile.ContentLength > 0)

                    ProspectiveStudentResume f = new ProspectiveStudentResume();
                    ProspectModel prospect = new ProspectModel();
                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                        f.FileContent = ms.ToArray();
                        f.FileName = Path.GetFileName(UploadFile.FileName);
                        f.ContentType = UploadFile.ContentType;
                        f.ContentLength = UploadFile.ContentLength;

                        //DatabaseHelper.UploadFile(f, User.Identity.Name);  // here you write file into the database. You will have to write this method or just add it right here...
                        DatabaseHelper.UploadResume(f, prospect);
                    TempData["Upload"] = "Thank you for uploading your resume.";
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Resume");

                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "The resume was not uploaded.");

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
            return View();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //      Upload Prospect Student Resume.                                             //
        //                                                                                  //
        //      Uploads the prospective student transcript if it is not empty.              //
        public static bool UploadResume(ProspectiveStudentResume resume, ProspectModel prospect)
            int UserId = WebSecurity.GetUserId(prospect.EmailAddress);

                using (ITintheDTestTableEntities context = new ITintheDTestTableEntities())
                    // Put everything we find in the database in the var variable. All the
                    // information will be gotten using the User ID.

                    var UserResume = from r in context.ProspectiveStudentResumes
                                     where r.UserId == UserId
                                     select r;

                    // If the user has a resume then update it.
                    // Otherwise make a new row in the database.

                    if (UserResume.Count() > 0)
                        ProspectiveStudentResume currentResume = UserResume.FirstOrDefault();

                        currentResume.UserId = UserId;
                        currentResume.FileContent = resume.FileContent;
                        currentResume.FileName = resume.FileName;
                        currentResume.ContentLength = resume.ContentLength;
                        return true;

                        resume.UserId = UserId;
                        return true;

            catch (Exception)
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //      Store Prospect Student information                                          //
        //                                                                                  //
        //      Register the prospective student information if it is                       //
        //      empty. Otherwise edit it.                                                   //
        //                                                                                  //
        //      Note: If the edit is true then the account is being edited.                 //
        //      Otherwise it is being registered.                                           //
        public static bool StoreProspectData(ProspectModel prospect, ref bool edit)
            int UserId = WebSecurity.GetUserId(prospect.EmailAddress);

            ProspectiveStudent CurrentStudent;

            edit = false;

                using (ITintheDTestTableEntities context = new ITintheDTestTableEntities())
                    // Put everything we find in the database in the var variable. All the
                    // information will be gotten using the User ID.

                    var ProspectData = from r in context.ProspectiveStudent
                                       where r.UserId == UserId
                                       select r;

                    // If the user has some information then edit it.
                    // Otherwise register the account.

                    if (ProspectData.Count() > 0 && UserId > 0)
                        edit = true;

                        CurrentStudent = ProspectData.FirstOrDefault();
                        CurrentStudent.Status = prospect.AccountStatus;
                        CurrentStudent.UserId = UserId;
                        CurrentStudent.Name = prospect.Name;
                        CurrentStudent.Telephone = prospect.Telephone;
                        CurrentStudent.EmailAddress = prospect.EmailAddress;
                        CurrentStudent.DesiredCareerPath = prospect.DesiredCareerPath;
                        CurrentStudent.Gender = prospect.Gender;
                        CurrentStudent.ProspectiveStudentTextField = prospect.ProspectiveStudentTextField;

                        // Store the avatar if it is supplied.

                        if (prospect.ImageFile != null)
                            UserImage image = new UserImage();

                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                                image.FileContent = ms.ToArray();
                                image.FileName = Path.GetFileName(prospect.ImageFile.FileName);
                                image.ContentType = prospect.ImageFile.ContentType;
                                image.ContentLength = prospect.ImageFile.ContentLength;

                                DatabaseHelper.UploadImage(image, CurrentStudent.UserId);

                                CurrentStudent.ImageUploaded = "Yes";
                                prospect.ImageUploaded = "Yes";

                        // Store the new resume if it is supplied and not empty.

                        if (prospect.ResumeFile != null && prospect.ResumeFile.ContentLength > 0)
                            ProspectiveStudentResume Resume = new ProspectiveStudentResume();

                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                                Resume.FileContent = ms.ToArray();
                                Resume.FileName = Path.GetFileName(prospect.ResumeFile.FileName);
                                Resume.ContentType = prospect.ResumeFile.ContentType;
                                Resume.ContentLength = prospect.ResumeFile.ContentLength;

                                DatabaseHelper.UploadResume(Resume, prospect);

                                CurrentStudent.ResumeUploaded = "Yes";
                                prospect.ResumeUploaded = "Yes";

                        // Store the new transcript if it is supplied and not empty.

                        if (prospect.TranscriptFile != null && prospect.TranscriptFile.ContentLength > 0)
                            ProspectiveStudentTranscript Transcript = new ProspectiveStudentTranscript();

                            using (MemoryStream ts = new MemoryStream())

                                Transcript.FileContent = ts.ToArray();
                                Transcript.FileName = Path.GetFileName(prospect.TranscriptFile.FileName);
                                Transcript.ContentType = prospect.TranscriptFile.ContentType;
                                Transcript.ContentLength = prospect.TranscriptFile.ContentLength;

                                DatabaseHelper.UploadTranscript(Transcript, prospect);

                                CurrentStudent.TranscriptUploaded = "Yes";
                                prospect.TranscriptUploaded = "Yes";

                        CurrentStudent = new ProspectiveStudent();

                        CurrentStudent.Status = prospect.AccountStatus;
                        CurrentStudent.Name = prospect.Name;
                        CurrentStudent.Telephone = prospect.Telephone;
                        CurrentStudent.EmailAddress = prospect.EmailAddress;
                        CurrentStudent.DesiredCareerPath = prospect.DesiredCareerPath;
                        CurrentStudent.Gender = prospect.Gender;
                        CurrentStudent.ProspectiveStudentTextField = prospect.ProspectiveStudentTextField;


                        // If the account is edited then save changes. Otherwise register the account.

                        if (edit == false)
                            WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(prospect.EmailAddress, prospect.Password);

                            // User is automatically logged in here.

                            WebSecurity.Login(prospect.EmailAddress, prospect.Password);

                            DatabaseHelper.AddUserToRole(prospect.EmailAddress, "Student");

                            CurrentStudent.UserId = WebSecurity.GetUserId(prospect.EmailAddress);

                            // Store the avatar if it is supplied.

                            if (prospect.ImageFile != null)
                                UserImage image = new UserImage();

                                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                                    image.FileContent = ms.ToArray();
                                    image.FileName = Path.GetFileName(prospect.ImageFile.FileName);
                                    image.ContentType = prospect.ImageFile.ContentType;
                                    image.ContentLength = prospect.ImageFile.ContentLength;

                                    DatabaseHelper.UploadImage(image, CurrentStudent.UserId);

                                    CurrentStudent.ImageUploaded = "Yes";
                                    prospect.ImageUploaded = "Yes";

                                CurrentStudent.ImageUploaded = "No";
                                prospect.ImageUploaded = "No";

                            // Store the resume if it is supplied and not empty.

                            if (prospect.ResumeFile != null && prospect.ResumeFile.ContentLength > 0)
                                ProspectiveStudentResume Resume = new ProspectiveStudentResume();

                                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                                    Resume.FileContent = ms.ToArray();
                                    Resume.FileName = Path.GetFileName(prospect.ResumeFile.FileName);
                                    Resume.ContentType = prospect.ResumeFile.ContentType;
                                    Resume.ContentLength = prospect.ResumeFile.ContentLength;

                                    DatabaseHelper.UploadResume(Resume, prospect);

                                    CurrentStudent.ResumeUploaded = "Yes";
                                    prospect.ResumeUploaded = "Yes";

                                CurrentStudent.ResumeUploaded = "No";
                                prospect.ResumeUploaded = "No";

                            // Store the resume if it is supplied and not empty.

                            if (prospect.TranscriptFile != null && prospect.TranscriptFile.ContentLength > 0)
                                ProspectiveStudentTranscript Transcript = new ProspectiveStudentTranscript();

                                using (MemoryStream ts = new MemoryStream())

                                    Transcript.FileContent = ts.ToArray();
                                    Transcript.FileName = Path.GetFileName(prospect.TranscriptFile.FileName);
                                    Transcript.ContentType = prospect.TranscriptFile.ContentType;
                                    Transcript.ContentLength = prospect.TranscriptFile.ContentLength;

                                    DatabaseHelper.UploadTranscript(Transcript, prospect);

                                    CurrentStudent.TranscriptUploaded = "Yes";
                                    prospect.TranscriptUploaded = "Yes";

                                CurrentStudent.TranscriptUploaded = "No";
                                prospect.TranscriptUploaded = "No";

                        return true;

                        return false;

                return false;