Ejemplo n.º 1
        public decimal PromptForPayment()
            _prompt.Message = "\n" +
                              "Please pay for your order using " + PaymentType.ToLower() + ". Enter the amount to pay:";

            //Get input and trim any $ symbol, the user might have specified.
            string userResponse = Prompt.CleanCurrencyInput(_prompt.GetUserInput());

            while (!decimal.TryParse(userResponse, out decimal num) || Convert.ToDecimal(userResponse) < TotalPrice) // while not a decimal value that is at least the amount requested
                // Validate Payment (did they give enough money?)
                if (decimal.TryParse(userResponse, out num) && (Convert.ToDecimal(userResponse) < TotalPrice))
                    _prompt.Message = "Inadequate amount received. You are " + (TotalPrice - Convert.ToDecimal(userResponse)).ToString("C") + " short. Please pay the full amount: " + TotalPrice.ToString("C");
                    _prompt.Message = "That is not a valid numeric response. Please enter a number:";

                //Get input and trim any $ symbol, the user might have specified.
                userResponse = Prompt.CleanCurrencyInput(_prompt.GetUserInput());