Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected override void Context()
     _oldProjectMetaData = A.Fake <ProjectMetaData>();
     A.CallTo(() => _projectToProjectMetaDataMapper.MapFrom(_project)).Returns(_projectMetaData);
        public IPKSimProject MapFrom(ProjectMetaData projectMetaData)
            var project = new PKSimProject
                Name        = projectMetaData.Name,
                Description = projectMetaData.Description

            //Observed data needs to be loaded first into project
            projectMetaData.AllObservedData.Each(x => project.AddObservedData(mapFrom(x)));

            projectMetaData.BuildingBlocks.Each(x => project.AddBuildingBlock(mapFrom(x)));

            //we need a shared context for all object referencing observed data and simulations
            using (var context = _serializationContextFactory.Create(project.AllObservedData, project.All <ISimulation>()))
                var localContext = context;
                projectMetaData.ParameterIdentifications.Each(x => project.AddParameterIdentification(mapFrom(x, localContext)));
                projectMetaData.SensitivityAnalyses.Each(x => project.AddSensitivityAnalysis(mapFrom(x, localContext)));

            projectMetaData.SimulationComparisons.Each(x => project.AddSimulationComparison(mapFrom(x)));

            //Once reference to dynamic meta data was added, deserialize the project itself
            _serializationManager.Deserialize(project, projectMetaData.Content.Data);

            //if the project DB Version is the same as the current project, the project did not change
            if (projectMetaData.Version == ProjectVersions.Current)
                project.HasChanged = false;

 protected override void Context()
     _orgMetaData         = new ProjectMetaData();
     _session             = A.Fake <ISession>();
     _orgMetaData.Version = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void GlobalContext()

            sut = new ProjectMetaData {
                Name = "Project", Id = 1
            _observedDataMetaData = new ObservedDataMetaData {
                Id = "DataRepo", DataRepository = new DataRepositoryMetaData {
                    Id = "DataRepo", Name = "DataRepo"

            using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())

            using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                    var projectFromDb = session.Get <ProjectMetaData>(sut.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <bool> SaveProject(ProjectMetaData metaData)
            var savedFolder = await save.SaveProject(_storageFolder, _strokes, metaData, components);

            if (savedFolder != null)
                _storageFolder = savedFolder;
 public void should_create_the_database_schema()
     using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
         using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
             var projectMetaData = new ProjectMetaData {
                 Id = 1, Name = "toto"
        protected override void Context()
            _simulationMapper            = A.Fake <ISimulationMetaDataToSimulationMapper>();
            _entitySerializer            = A.Fake <ICompressedSerializationManager>();
            _serializationContextFactory = A.Fake <ISerializationContextFactory>();
            sut = new ProjectMetaDataToProjectMapper(_simulationMapper, _entitySerializer, _serializationContextFactory);

            _projectMetaData = new ProjectMetaData();
            _simulationComparisonMetaData = new IndividualSimulationComparisonMetaData {
                Id = "ComparisonData"
        public ProjectMetaData MapFrom(IMoBiProject project)
            var projectMetaData = new ProjectMetaData {
                Name = project.Name, Description = project.Description

            serializeContent(projectMetaData, project);

            project.AllBuildingBlocks().Each(x => projectMetaData.AddChild(mapFrom(x)));
            project.Simulations.Each(x => projectMetaData.AddChild(mapFrom(x)));
            project.Charts.Each(x => projectMetaData.AddChild(mapFrom(x)));
            project.AllParameterAnalysables.Each(x => projectMetaData.AddChild(mapFrom(x)));

        public ProjectMetaData MapFrom(PKSimProject project)
            var projectMetaData = new ProjectMetaData();

            project.All <IPKSimBuildingBlock>().Each(x => projectMetaData.AddBuildingBlock(mapFrom(x)));
            project.AllSimulationComparisons.Each(x => projectMetaData.AddSimulationComparison(mapFrom(x)));
            project.AllParameterIdentifications.Each(x => projectMetaData.AddParameterIdentification(mapFrom(x)));
            project.AllSensitivityAnalyses.Each(x => projectMetaData.AddSensitivityAnalysis(mapFrom(x)));
            project.AllObservedData.Each(x => projectMetaData.AddObservedData(mapFrom(x)));

            projectMetaData.Name         = project.Name;
            projectMetaData.Description  = project.Description;
            projectMetaData.Content.Data = _serializationManager.Serialize(project);
            _metaData = null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override void Context()
            _project         = A.Fake <PKSimProject>();
            _session         = A.Fake <ISession>();
            _projectMetaData = new ProjectMetaData {
                Id = 1
            _listOfProjectsInDatabase       = new List <ProjectMetaData>();
            _projectToProjectMetaDataMapper = A.Fake <IProjectToProjectMetaDataMapper>();
            _projectMetaDataToProjectMapper = A.Fake <IProjectMetaDataToProjectMapper>();
            A.CallTo(() => _session.BeginTransaction()).Returns(A.Fake <ITransaction>());
            var criteria = A.Fake <ICriteria>();

            A.CallTo(() => _session.CreateCriteria <ProjectMetaData>()).Returns(criteria);
            A.CallTo(() => criteria.List <ProjectMetaData>()).Returns(_listOfProjectsInDatabase);
            sut = new ProjectPersistor(_projectToProjectMetaDataMapper, _projectMetaDataToProjectMapper);
        public override void GlobalContext()
            _projectMetaData = new ProjectMetaData {
                Name = "Project"
            _simulationMetaData = new SimulationMetaData {
                Id = "PopSim", SimulationMode = SimulationMode.Population, Name = "Sim"
            _simulationMetaData.SimulationResults = DomainHelperForSpecs.CreateSimulationResults(_numberOfIndividuals, numberOfPaths: 2);

            using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void GlobalContext()
            _projectMetaData = new ProjectMetaData {
                Name = "Project"
            _simulationMetaData = new SimulationMetaData {
                Id = "Id", SimulationMode = SimulationMode.Individual, Name = "Sim"
            _simulationChartMetaData = new SimulationChartMetaData {
                Id = "Chart", Name = "Chart"

            //save project once
            using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())

            //then delete chart to simulation lazy loading
            _simulationMetaData.Content.Data = null;

            //update project again. The charts should not be clear
            using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                    var projectMetaData = session.CreateCriteria <ProjectMetaData>().List <ProjectMetaData>().First();
                    projectMetaData.UpdateFrom(_projectMetaData, session);
        public IMoBiProject MapFrom(ProjectMetaData projectMetaData)
                // deserialization is a three stage process. First we need to load the observed data
                // then all other entities and finish with the project charts
                using (var serializationContext = _serializationContextFactory.Create())
                    _project             = deserializeContent <IMoBiProject>(projectMetaData.Content, serializationContext);
                    _project.Name        = projectMetaData.Name;
                    _project.Description = projectMetaData.Description;

                    //add observed data to global

                    //load simulation first
                    foreach (var simulationMetaData in projectMetaData.Simulations)
                        addSimulationToProject(simulationMetaData, serializationContext);

                    //then load the rest of the entities
                    foreach (var entityMetaData in projectMetaData.Children)
                        addEntityToProject(entityMetaData, serializationContext);

                    _deserializedReferenceResolver.ResolveFormulaAndTemplateReferences(_project, _project);
                _project = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void PostSave(QASystem tis, TestResult tr, XmlRepositoryItem xmlRepoItem, ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, ITISExtenderState state)
     // do nothing
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private static void saveProject(ISession session, ProjectMetaData projectMetaData)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public async Task <ContentDialogResult> OpenNewProject(ProjectMetaData metaData)
     return(await save.ConfirmSave(_strokes, _storageFolder, metaData, components));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public async Task <MainCanvasParams> OpenExistingProject(ProjectMetaData metaData)
     return(await save.OpenProject(_strokes, _storageFolder, metaData, components));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private IMoBiProject projectFrom(ProjectMetaData projectMetaData)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void SaveAsImage(double width, double height, ProjectMetaData metaData, Canvas recognitionCanvas)
     save.SaveAsImage(width, height, _strokes, metaData, recognitionCanvas);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml"></param>
        /// <param name="senderType"></param>
        /// <param name="fileID"></param>
        /// <param name="updateRB"></param>
        /// <param name="updateDoR"></param>
        /// <param name="sendToHandScoring"></param>
        /// <param name="ignoreHandscoringDuplicates"></param>
        /// <param name="emailAlertForWarnings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public QAResult ReceiveTestResult(XmlDocument xml, XmlRepositoryItem xmlRepoItem)
            DateTime        startDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            QAResult        result        = QAResult.Success;
            ArchiveDB       ar            = new ArchiveDB();
            TestResult      tr            = null;
            bool            isFatal       = false;
            bool            isValid       = false;
            XMLAdapter      adapter;
            SendToModifiers sendToModifiers = null;
            long?           archivedFileID  = null;
            long?           dorRecordId     = null;
            // these config settings may be overridden or modified below for this test.
            ProjectMetaData              projectMetaData   = new ProjectMetaData();
            ITISExtender                 tisExtender       = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ITISExtender>() ?? new NullTISExtender();
            ITISExtenderState            tisExtenderState  = tisExtender.CreateStateContainer();
            ITestResultSerializerFactory serializerFactory = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ITestResultSerializerFactory>();

            if (serializerFactory == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Must register an ITestResultSerializerFactory with the ServiceLocator.");

                xmlRepositoryBL = new BL.XmlRepository(QASystemConfigSettings.Instance.LongDbCommandTimeout);
                adapter         = serializerFactory.CreateDeserializer(xml);
                tr = adapter.CreateTestResult(_tc, out isValid, true);
                if (tr != null)
                    // set the project metadata based on the current project (set in the parser)

                    // if the opp is null, we can't process the file
                    if (tr.Opportunity == null)
                        result = QAResult.FailValidation;
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, adapter.ValidationRecords, xmlRepoItem.FileID);

                    //merge item scores from outside vendor if necessary
                    bool qaProjectChanged = false;
                    if (projectMetaData.mergeItemScores && adapter.MergeScores(tr, out qaProjectChanged))

                    // if the project changed, refresh the metadata
                    if (qaProjectChanged)

                    tisExtender.PreScore(this, tr, xmlRepoItem, projectMetaData, tisExtenderState);

                    if (tisExtender.ShouldScore(this, adapter, tr, projectMetaData, tisExtenderState))
                        if (tr.AddScores(_tc))

                    //COMPLETENESS STATUS:
                    tr.Opportunity.Completeness = !tr.IsComplete() ? "Partial" : "Complete";

                    // Validation section. This checks the xml file against several business rules.
                    // If validation fails, the file is moved to a failed files directory.

                    List <ValidationRecord> vrs = new List <ValidationRecord>();

                    tr.ValidationRecords = adapter.ValidationRecords;
                    if (tr.ValidationRecords.Count == 0)
                        tisExtender.PostScore(this, tr, xmlRepoItem, projectMetaData, tisExtenderState);

                        // if the startdate is null in the file, it will be set to the statusDate.
                        //  Make sure we archive it so that we have a record of the unmodified file.
                        if (tr.Opportunity.OriginalStartDate == DateTime.MinValue)

                        switch (archiveStrategy)
                        case ArchiveStrategy.ArchiveAndInsert:
                            //Change the status of old XML file to Arcvhive
                            //insert the new XML file with status as Pprocessing
                            //get the new File id
                            archivedFileID     = xmlRepoItem.FileID;
                            xmlRepoItem.FileID = xmlRepositoryBL.InsertAndArchiveXML(xmlRepoItem.FileID, BL.XmlRepository.Location.processing, tr.ToXml(serializerFactory));

                        case ArchiveStrategy.UpdateOriginalFile:
                            // just update the contents of the existing file w/o archiving
                            xmlRepositoryBL.UpdateFileContent(xmlRepoItem.FileID, tr.ToXml(serializerFactory));

                        vrs = tisExtender.Validate(this, tr, xmlRepoItem, projectMetaData, tisExtenderState, out isFatal, out sendToModifiers);

                        tr.Acknowledged = true;

                        if (((tr.Testee.EntityKey < 0 || tr.Opportunity.OpportunityNumber < 0) && !tr.Opportunity.IsDiscrepancy) ||
                            tr.Opportunity.StatusDate == null ||
                            tr.ValidationRecords.Count > 0 ||
                            // Update db with message messages...
                            ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, tr.ValidationRecords, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                            // If fatal then save exception and move to failed folder
                            if (isFatal)
                                result = QAResult.FailValidation;
                                //AM 8/13/2010: changed this; 1 email will be sent at the end with all
                                //  warnings (and errors too if there were any) if emailAlertForWarnings = true
                                //  and there were warnings to send.
                                ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, vrs, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                                //ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, vrs, destinationFile, fileName, emailAlertForWarnings);
                        //AM 8/13/2010: same comment as above
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, vrs, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                        //ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, vrs, destinationFile, fileName, emailAlertForWarnings);
                    else // If there are some XML validation errors then save exception and move to exception folder
                        result = QAResult.FailValidation;
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, adapter.ValidationRecords, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                else // tr == null
                    result = QAResult.FailValidation;
                    ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, adapter.ValidationRecords, xmlRepoItem.FileID);

                // Update the test results after validation has been completed.
                    if (isValid)
                        tisExtender.PreRoute(this, adapter, tr, xmlRepoItem, projectMetaData, sendToModifiers, tisExtenderState);

                        // Update XML destinations in case some business rule modified it
                        if (sendToModifiers != null)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <SendTo, bool> sendInfo in (SendToModifiersTyped)sendToModifiers)
                                switch (sendInfo.Key)
                                case SendTo.DoR:
                                    projectMetaData.updateDoR = sendInfo.Value;

                                case SendTo.Handscoring:
                                    projectMetaData.sendToHandScoring = sendInfo.Value;

                                case SendTo.RB:
                                    projectMetaData.updateRB = sendInfo.Value;

                        if (projectMetaData.updateDoR)
                                List <Target> dorTarget = Target.GetOrderedTargets(tr.ProjectID, Target.TargetClass.DoR);
                                if (dorTarget != null && dorTarget.Count == 1)
                                    dorTarget[0].Send(tr, delegate(object o) { dorRecordId = (long)o; }, projectMetaData.doRAdminID);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new QAException(String.Format("DoR update failed for fileId: {0}, Message: {1}", xmlRepoItem.FileID, ex.Message), QAException.ExceptionType.General, ex);

                        //send to configured Handscoring targets
                        ItemScoringManager.Instance.Send(tr, sendToModifiers);

                        // send to configured targets in order (incl RB)
                        foreach (Target t in Target.GetOrderedTargets(tr.ProjectID, Target.TargetClass.General))
                            if (!sendToModifiers.ShouldSend(t.Name))
                            ITargetResult targetResult = t.Send(tr);
                            if (targetResult.Sent)
                                Logger.Log(true, String.Format("Sent data for FileId: {0} to Target: {1} ({2}).", xmlRepoItem.FileID, t.Name, targetResult.ID ?? "<unspecified>"), EventLogEntryType.Information, false, true);

                        tisExtender.PostRoute(this, tr, xmlRepoItem, projectMetaData, tisExtenderState);

                    // Check if this test need to be merged with something else
                        TDSQASystemAPI.TestMerge.TestMerge testMerge = TestMergeConfiguration.Instance.GetTestMerge(tr.Name);
                        if (testMerge != null)
                            testMerge.CreateCombinedTest(_tc, tr, serializerFactory);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new QAException(String.Format("TestMerge operation failed for fileId: {0}, Message: {1}", xmlRepoItem.FileID, ex.Message), QAException.ExceptionType.General, ex);
                catch (QAException qae)
                    result = QAResult.FailUpdate;
                    string message = qae.GetExceptionMessage(true);
                    if (message.StartsWith("DoR"))
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "DoR update failed: ", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                        Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);
                    else if (message.StartsWith("Handscoring"))
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "Handscoring update failed: ", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                        Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);
                    else if (message.StartsWith("TestMerge"))
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "Test merge operation failed: ", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                        Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);
                    else if (message.StartsWith("AutoAppeal"))
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "AutoAppeal failed: ", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                        Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "Response Bank update failed: ", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                        Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = QAResult.FailUpdate;
                    string message = ex.GetExceptionMessage(true);
                    ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "Response Bank update failed: ", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                    Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);

                // Log to TestOpportunityStatus, Update the TDS_QC database, and possibly send to TIS
                if (tr != null)
                        // Log to TestOpportunityStatus, Update the TDS_QC database
                        ar.SaveResultInfo(tr, xmlRepoItem.FileID, tr.Testee.IsDemo, dorRecordId, archivedFileID, projectMetaData.updateRB);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        result = QAResult.FailUpdate;
                        string message = ex.GetExceptionMessage(true);
                        ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "Archive ", ex.Message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                        Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);

                    tisExtender.PostSave(this, tr, xmlRepoItem, projectMetaData, tisExtenderState);
                result = QAResult.Success;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = QAResult.Unknown;
                string message = ex.GetExceptionMessage(true);

                if (tr != null)
                    ar.SaveResultExceptions(tr, "QA System Exception:", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                    ar.SaveResultExceptions("QA System Exception:", message, xmlRepoItem.FileID);
                Logger.Log(true, message, EventLogEntryType.Error, false, true);
                if (!(tr == null || tr.Opportunity == null))
                    // We don't want to call back to TDS for scanned paper tests, since they did not originate from TDS.
                    //  Just skip w/o logging.
                    if (!tr.Mode.Equals("scanned"))
                        Boolean accepted = true;
                        string  message  = null;
                        if (result == QAResult.FailUpdate || result == QAResult.FailValidation || result == QAResult.Unknown || !(tr.PassedAllValidations()))
                            accepted = false;
                            if (result == QAResult.FailUpdate)
                                message = "failed validation";
                            else if (result == QAResult.FailValidation)
                                message = "failed while either updating the Response Bank, storing data into the DoR, or invoking the Handscoring webservice";
                            else if (result == QAResult.Unknown)
                                message = "An unknown exception occurred";
                            else if (!(tr.PassedAllValidations()))
                                message = "Failed rules validation";

                        IAcknowledgementTargetFactory ackTargetFactory = AIR.Common.ServiceLocator.Resolve <IAcknowledgementTargetFactory>();
                        if (ackTargetFactory != null) // ok not to acknowledge I suppose
                            IAcknowledgementTarget ackTarget = ackTargetFactory.SelectTarget(xmlRepoItem);
                                if (ackTarget == null ||
                                    !ackTarget.Send(new Message(tr.Opportunity.Key, accepted, message), xmlRepoItem))
                                    Logger.Log(true, String.Format("Acknowledgement not sent for fileID: {0}", xmlRepoItem.FileID), EventLogEntryType.Information, false, true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // allow these to be treated as warnings or errors.  If TreatAcknowledgementFailureAsError is set to true,
                                //  a failure to send an ACK will result in the file being dumped into the reject bin.
                                //  Default behavior is to treat these as warnings.  We generally don't want to fail a file just because
                                //  we can't send the ACK.  Note also that a combo may already have been created (if applicable).
                                bool treatAckfailureAsError = false;

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TreatAcknowledgementFailureAsError"]) &&
                                    treatAckfailureAsError = true;

                                // if the file would have otherwise succeeded and there was an exception while attempting to send the ACK and
                                //  we're not treating these as warnings, fail the file.
                                if (treatAckfailureAsError && result == QAResult.Success)
                                    result = QAResult.Unknown;

                                Logger.Log(true, String.Format("Could not send acknowledgement for fileID: {0}, Exception: {1}", xmlRepoItem.FileID, ex.GetExceptionMessage(true)),
                                           treatAckfailureAsError ? EventLogEntryType.Error : EventLogEntryType.Warning, false, true);

                //Move file to appropriate folder based on the QAResult and log the status accordingly.
                LogAndCleanup(result, xmlRepoItem.FileID, tr, startDateTime);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public bool ShouldScore(QASystem tis, XMLAdapter adapter, TestResult tr, ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, ITISExtenderState state)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void PreRoute(QASystem tis, XMLAdapter adapter, TestResult tr, XmlRepositoryItem xmlRepoItem, ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, SendToModifiers sendToModifiers, ITISExtenderState state)
     // do nothing
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public List <ValidationRecord> Validate(QASystem tis, TestResult tr, XmlRepositoryItem xmlRepoItem, ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, ITISExtenderState state, out bool isFatal, out SendToModifiers sendToModifiers)
     isFatal         = false;
     sendToModifiers = new SendToModifiers();
     return(new List <ValidationRecord>());