Ejemplo n.º 1
 public BackgroundColorMarkup(string sVariable)
     m_zBrush = new SolidBrush(ProjectLayoutElement.TranslateColorString(sVariable));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a new brush based on the passed in element and color.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="zElement"></param>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Brush GetElementOpacityBrush(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, Color color)
     return(new SolidBrush(GetElementOpacityColor(zElement, color)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the color based on the element opacity
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="zElement"></param>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Color GetElementOpacityColor(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, Color color)
     return(255 != zElement.opacity
         ? Color.FromArgb(zElement.opacity, color)
         : color);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected override bool ProcessMarkupHandler(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, FormattedTextData zData, FormattedTextProcessData zProcessData, Graphics zGraphics)
     m_ePreviousStringAlignment          = zProcessData.CurrentStringAlignment;
     zProcessData.CurrentStringAlignment = MarkupAlignment;
        public override void UpdateLineAlignment(int nFirst, int nLast, bool bLastLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement, List <MarkupBase> listMarkups, float fVerticalOffset, IEnumerable <MarkupBase> listAllMarkups)
            // detect if this is the last line of markups - if so don't bother with jusity alignment
            if (bLastLine)
                base.UpdateLineAlignment(nFirst, nLast, bLastLine, zElement, listMarkups, fVerticalOffset, listAllMarkups);
            // detect if this line is followed by a line break - if so don't bother with justify alignment on this line
            var lastLineMarkup      = listMarkups[nLast];
            var theBigList          = listAllMarkups.ToList();
            var lastLineMarkupIndex = theBigList.IndexOf(lastLineMarkup);

            for (var nIdx = lastLineMarkupIndex + 1; nIdx < theBigList.Count; nIdx++)
                if (theBigList[nIdx] is NewlineMarkup)
                    // no justified alignment due to this line ending with an explicit line break
                    base.UpdateLineAlignment(nFirst, nLast, bLastLine, zElement, listMarkups, fVerticalOffset, listAllMarkups);
                if (theBigList[nIdx].Aligns)
                    // the next rendered thing aligns so treat this line as though it is part of a paragraph
                // default to justify alignment

            // TODO: the space markups are completely ignored by justified (who cares?)
            var listTextMarkups = listMarkups.GetRange(nFirst, (nLast - nFirst) + 1).Where(zMarkup => !(zMarkup is SpaceMarkup)).ToList();
            var fTotalTextWidth = listTextMarkups.Sum(zMarkup => zMarkup.TargetRect.Width);
            var fDifference     = (float)zElement.width - fTotalTextWidth;

            var fXOffset = fDifference / ((float)listTextMarkups.Count - 1);

            //Logger.AddLogLine("TotalTextWidth: {0} Difference: {1} SpaceSize: {2} listTextMarkups: {3}".FormatString(fTotalTextWidth, fDifference, fXOffset, listTextMarkups.Count));
            var fCurrentPosition = listMarkups[nFirst].TargetRect.X;

            for (var nIdx = nFirst; nIdx <= nLast; nIdx++)
                if (listMarkups[nIdx].Aligns && !(listMarkups[nIdx] is SpaceMarkup))
                    var rectCurrent = listMarkups[nIdx].TargetRect;
                    listMarkups[nIdx].TargetRect = new RectangleF(fCurrentPosition,
                                                                  rectCurrent.Y + fVerticalOffset, rectCurrent.Width, rectCurrent.Height);
                    fCurrentPosition += listMarkups[nIdx].TargetRect.Width + fXOffset;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void DrawText(Graphics zGraphics, ProjectLayoutElement zElement, string sInput, Brush zBrush, Font zFont, Color colorFont)
            if (null == zFont) // default to something!
                // font will show up in red if it's not yet set
                zFont  = s_zDefaultFont;
                zBrush = Brushes.Red;
            var zFormat = new StringFormat
                LineAlignment = (StringAlignment)zElement.verticalalign,
                Alignment     = (StringAlignment)zElement.horizontalalign

            if (255 != zElement.opacity)
                zBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(zElement.opacity, colorFont));

            if (zElement.autoscalefont)
                SizeF zSize = zGraphics.MeasureString(sInput, zFont, new SizeF(zElement.width, int.MaxValue), zFormat);

                if (zSize.Height > zElement.height || zSize.Width > zElement.width)
                    float newSizeRatio;
                    if ((zSize.Height - zElement.height) > (zSize.Width - zElement.width))
                        newSizeRatio = (float)zElement.height / (float)zSize.Height;
                        newSizeRatio = (float)zElement.width / (float)zSize.Width;

                    var scaledFont = new Font(zFont.FontFamily, newSizeRatio * zFont.Size, zFont.Style);
                    //Support.IO.Logger.AddLogLine(scaledFont.Size + " was [" + zFont.Size + "]");
                    zFont = scaledFont;

#if true            // the preprocessing above will get the font size close but not perfect, the slow code below further refines the size
                    // slow mode - but perfect precision (well arguably with the Graphics.MeasureString)
                    bool bUpscaled = false;
                    if (0 < sInput.Trim().Length)
                        while (true)
                            zSize = zGraphics.MeasureString(sInput, zFont, new SizeF(zElement.width, int.MaxValue), zFormat);
                            if (zSize.Height > zElement.height || zSize.Width > zElement.width)
                                if (zFont.Size == 1)
                                zFont = new Font(zFont.FontFamily, zFont.Size - 1, zFont.Style);
                                if (bUpscaled)
                                zFont     = new Font(zFont.FontFamily, zFont.Size + 1, zFont.Style);
                                bUpscaled = true;
                        //Support.IO.Logger.AddLogLine("[" + zFont.Size + "]");
                // else -- font size is fine for this element
                zFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;

            var arrayDrawLines = new string[] { sInput };
            var nLineOffset    = 0;

            // hackery -- would be nice if this was not used... (if words could be measured)
            var bAutoNewline = true;

            // configure line height (if specified)
#if false
            if (!zElement.autoscalefont && 0 < zElement.lineheight && -1 != sInput.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine))
                bAutoNewline   = false;
                arrayDrawLines = sInput.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                // if bottom aligned start the line offset however many y pixels up
                if (StringAlignment.Far == zFormat.LineAlignment)
                    nLineOffset = -(zElement.lineheight * (arrayDrawLines.Length - 1));

            var fEmSize = zFont.Size;

            switch (zFont.Unit)
            case GraphicsUnit.Point:
                fEmSize = zGraphics.DpiY * (zFont.Size / 72f);

                Logger.AddLogLine("This font is using the Unit: {0} (not currently supported)".FormatString(zFont.Unit.ToString()));

            foreach (var sLine in arrayDrawLines)
                if (0 == zElement.outlinethickness)
                        zGraphics.DrawString(sLine, zFont, zBrush,
                                             new RectangleF(0, nLineOffset, bAutoNewline ? zElement.width : zElement.width * 100,
                                                            zElement.height), zFormat);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Logger.AddLogLine("Unable to render text (font issue?)");
                    // prepare to draw text
                    var zPath = new GraphicsPath();

                        zPath.AddString(sLine, zFont.FontFamily, (int)zFont.Style, fEmSize, new RectangleF(0, nLineOffset, bAutoNewline ? zElement.width : zElement.width * 100, zElement.height), zFormat);
                        DrawOutline(zElement, zGraphics, zPath);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Logger.AddLogLine("Unable to render text (font issue?)");

                    // fill in the outline
                    zGraphics.FillPath(zBrush, zPath);
                nLineOffset += zElement.lineheight;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private string GenerateListViewItemElementText(ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
     return(zElement.name + (null != zElement.layoutreference && null != zElement.elementreference ? "*" : ""));
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the position of the markups based on horizontal alignment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nFirst">First index of the listMarkups in the line (start of line)</param>
        /// <param name="nLast">Last index of the listMarkups in the line (end of line) -- inclusive</param>
        /// <param name="bLastLine">Indicates this is the last line (specific to justified)</param>
        /// <param name="zElement">The element being rendered</param>
        /// <param name="listMarkups">List of Markups (all must have Aligns set to true)</param>
        /// <param name="fVerticalOffset">Any vertical offset to apply</param>
        /// <param name="listAllMarkups">List of all markups (even those with Aligns set to false)  (specific to justified)</param>
        public virtual void UpdateLineAlignment(int nFirst, int nLast, bool bLastLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement,
                                                List <MarkupBase> listMarkups, float fVerticalOffset, IEnumerable <MarkupBase> listAllMarkups)
            var fHorizontalOffset = GetHorizontalOffset(zElement, listMarkups[nFirst].TargetRect, listMarkups[nLast].TargetRect);

            for (var nIdx = nFirst; nIdx <= nLast; nIdx++)
                var rectCurrent = listMarkups[nIdx].TargetRect;
                listMarkups[nIdx].TargetRect = new RectangleF(rectCurrent.X + fHorizontalOffset, rectCurrent.Y + fVerticalOffset, rectCurrent.Width, rectCurrent.Height);
 public virtual float GetHorizontalOffset(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, RectangleF rectFirst, RectangleF rectLast)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void DrawText(Graphics zGraphics, ProjectLayoutElement zElement, string sInput)
            var zFont     = zElement.GetElementFont();
            var colorFont = zElement.GetElementColor();

            if (null == zFont) // default to something!
                // font will show up in red if it's not yet set
                zFont = FontLoader.DefaultFont;

            var zBrush = 255 == zElement.opacity
                ? new SolidBrush(colorFont)
                : new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(zElement.opacity, colorFont));

            TextFormatFlags zFormatFlags =
                | TextFormatFlags.NoClipping;

            switch (zElement.GetVerticalAlignment())
            case StringAlignment.Center:
                zFormatFlags |= TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                zFormatFlags |= TextFormatFlags.Bottom;

            switch (zElement.GetHorizontalAlignment())
            case StringAlignment.Center:
                zFormatFlags |= TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                zFormatFlags |= TextFormatFlags.Right;

#warning TextRenderer apparently does not support opactiy?!
            Bitmap zOpacityBitmap = null;
            if (255 != zElement.opacity)
                zOpacityBitmap = new Bitmap(zElement.width, zElement.height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                zOpacityBitmap.SetResolution(zGraphics.DpiY, zGraphics.DpiY);

            if (zElement.autoscalefont)
                var zSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(sInput, zFont, new Size(zElement.width, int.MaxValue), zFormatFlags);

                if (zSize.Height > zElement.height || zSize.Width > zElement.width)
                    float newSizeRatio;
                    if ((zSize.Height - zElement.height) > (zSize.Width - zElement.width))
                        newSizeRatio = (float)zElement.height / (float)zSize.Height;
                        newSizeRatio = (float)zElement.width / (float)zSize.Width;

                    //var scaledFont = new Font(zFont.FontFamily, newSizeRatio * zFont.Size, zFont.Style);
                    var scaledFont = new Font(zFont.FontFamily, newSizeRatio * zFont.Size, zFont.Style);
                    //Logger.AddLogLine(scaledFont.Size + " was [" + zFont.Size + "]");
                    zFont = scaledFont;

#if true            // the preprocessing above will get the font size close but not perfect, the slow code below further refines the size
                    // slow mode - but perfect precision (well arguably with the Graphics.MeasureString)
                    bool        bUpscaled         = false;
                    const float FONT_SCALE_ADJUST = 0.25f;
                    if (0 < sInput.Trim().Length)
                        while (true)
                            zSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(sInput, zFont, new Size(zElement.width, int.MaxValue), zFormatFlags);
                            if (zSize.Height > zElement.height || zSize.Width > zElement.width)
                                if (zFont.Size <= 1)
                                zFont = new Font(zFont.FontFamily, zFont.Size - FONT_SCALE_ADJUST, zFont.Style);
                                //Logger.AddLogLine("ADJ A [" + zFont.Size + "]");
                                if (bUpscaled)
                                zFont = new Font(zFont.FontFamily, zFont.Size + FONT_SCALE_ADJUST, zFont.Style);
                                //Logger.AddLogLine("ADJ B [" + zFont.Size + "]");
                                bUpscaled = true;
                // else -- font size is fine for this element
                zFormatFlags |= TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis;

            Logger.AddLogLine("[" + zFont.Size + "]");

            var arrayDrawLines = new string[] { sInput };
            var nLineOffset    = 0;

            var fEmSize = zFont.Size;

            switch (zFont.Unit)
            case GraphicsUnit.Point:
                fEmSize = zGraphics.DpiY * (zFont.Size / 72f);

                Logger.AddLogLine("This font is using the Unit: {0} (not currently supported)".FormatString(zFont.Unit.ToString()));

            foreach (var sLine in arrayDrawLines)
                if (0 == zElement.outlinethickness)
                        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/849531/textrenderer-drawtext-in-bitmap-vs-onpaintbackground/1578056#1578056
                        if (null != zOpacityBitmap)
                            zFont = new Font("SkyScrappers Regular", zFont.Size);

                            // TODO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18838037/drawing-text-to-a-bitmap-with-textrenderer

#if false
// too bad this makes the font look terrible
                            var image = new Bitmap(zElement.width, zElement.height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                            // create memory buffer from desktop handle that supports alpha channel
                            IntPtr dib;
                            var    memoryHdc = CreateMemoryHdc(IntPtr.Zero, image.Width, image.Height, out dib);
                                // create memory buffer graphics to use for HTML rendering
                                using (var memoryGraphics = Graphics.FromHdc(memoryHdc))
                                    // must not be transparent background

                                    TextRenderer.DrawText(memoryGraphics, sLine, zFont, new Rectangle(0, 0, zElement.width, zElement.height), colorFont, zFormatFlags);

                                // copy from memory buffer to image
                                using (var imageGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                                    var imgHdc = imageGraphics.GetHdc();
                                    BitBlt(imgHdc, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, memoryHdc, 0, 0, 0x00CC0020);
                                // release memory buffer
                            zGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(image, 0, 0);
#if false
                            using (Bitmap buffer = new Bitmap(zElement.width, zElement.height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
                                using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(buffer))
                                    graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, 0, 0, zElement.width, zElement.height);
                                    // Produces the result below
                                    //graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
                                    // Produces clean text, but I'd really like ClearType!
                                    graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                                    TextRenderer.DrawText(graphics, sLine, zFont, new Rectangle(0, 0, zElement.width, zElement.height), colorFont, zFormatFlags);
                                zGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(buffer, 0, 0);
                            var zGraphicsTemp = Graphics.FromImage(zOpacityBitmap);
                            zGraphicsTemp.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                            zGraphicsTemp.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                            TextRenderer.DrawText(zGraphicsTemp, sLine, zFont, new Rectangle(0, 0, zElement.width, zElement.height), colorFont, zFormatFlags);

                            var zColor = new ColorMatrix
                                Matrix33 = (float)zElement.opacity / 255.0f
                            var zAttrib = new ImageAttributes();
                            var zBitmap    = new Bitmap(zOpacityBitmap.Width, zOpacityBitmap.Height); // target image
                            var zGraphicsX = Graphics.FromImage(zBitmap);
                            // draw the source image into the destination with the desired opacity
                            zGraphicsX.DrawImage(zOpacityBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, zBitmap.Width, zBitmap.Height), 0, 0, zBitmap.Width, zBitmap.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel,

                             *             var zImageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
                             * if (255 != zElement.opacity)
                             * {
                             * var zColor = new ColorMatrix
                             * {
                             * Matrix33 = (float)zElement.opacity / 255.0f
                             * };
                             * zImageAttributes.SetColorMatrix(zColor);
                             * }
                             * zDestinationBitmap = new Bitmap(nTargetWidth, nTargetHeight); // target image
                             * var zGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(zDestinationBitmap);
                             * // draw the source image into the destination with the desired opacity
                             * zGraphics.DrawImage(zSourceBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, nTargetWidth, nTargetHeight), 0, 0, zSourceBitmap.Width, zSourceBitmap.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel,
                             * zImageAttributes);
                             * */

                            zGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(zBitmap, 0, 0);
                            TextRenderer.DrawText(zGraphics, sLine, zFont, new Rectangle((int)zGraphics.Transform.OffsetX, (int)zGraphics.Transform.OffsetY, zElement.width,
                                                                                         zElement.height), colorFont, zFormatFlags);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Logger.AddLogLine("Unable to render text (font issue?)");
                    // prepare to draw text
                    var zPath = new GraphicsPath();

#warning is there a path based text renderer thing to use?
                        var zFormat = new StringFormat
                            LineAlignment = zElement.GetVerticalAlignment(),
                            Alignment     = zElement.GetHorizontalAlignment(),
                            Trimming      = StringTrimming.None,
                            FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoClip

                        zPath.AddString(sLine, zFont.FontFamily, (int)zFont.Style, fEmSize, new RectangleF(0, nLineOffset, zElement.width, zElement.height), zFormat);
                        //CardRenderer.DrawElementPath(zElement, zGraphics, zPath);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Logger.AddLogLine("Unable to render text (font issue?)");

                    // fill in the outline
                    zGraphics.FillPath(zBrush, zPath);
                nLineOffset += zElement.lineheight;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected override bool ProcessMarkupHandler(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, FormattedTextData zData, FormattedTextProcessData zProcessData, Graphics zGraphics)
     m_colorPrevious         = zProcessData.ImageColor;
     zProcessData.ImageColor = ProjectLayoutElement.TranslateColorString(m_sVariable, zElement.opacity);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override bool ProcessMarkup(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, FormattedTextData zData, FormattedTextProcessData zProcessData, Graphics zGraphics)
     m_zPreviousBrush       = zProcessData.FontBrush;
     zProcessData.FontBrush = new SolidBrush(ProjectLayoutElement.TranslateColorString(m_sVariable, zElement.opacity));
 public override float GetVerticalAlignOffset(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, List <MarkupBase> listMarkups)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override bool ProcessMarkup(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, FormattedTextData zData, FormattedTextProcessData zProcessData,
                                    Graphics zGraphics)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void Setup()
     _testDeck    = new TestDeck();
     _testLine    = new DeckLine(new List <string>());
     _testElement = new ProjectLayoutElement("testElement");
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override bool PostProcessMarkupRectangle(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, List <MarkupBase> listAllMarkups, int nMarkup)
     // remove once hit during text size processing (this would always be after something used the information for the close tag)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void MoveToNextLine(ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
     CurrentX  = 0;
     CurrentY += zElement.lineheight;
        public override float GetHorizontalOffset(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, RectangleF rectFirst, RectangleF rectLast)
            var fXOffset = -rectFirst.X + 1;

Ejemplo n.º 19
 public override bool PostProcessMarkupRectangle(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, List <MarkupBase> listAllMarkups, int nMarkup)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 protected abstract ElementString TranslateToElementString(Deck zDeck, string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine,
                                                           ProjectLayoutElement zElement);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 private void UpdateListViewItemText(ListViewItem zLvi, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
     //zLvi.BackColor = zElement.enabled ? Color.White : Color.Tomato;
     zLvi.SubItems[0].Text = zElement.enabled.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public ElementString TranslateString(Deck zDeck, string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement, string sCacheSuffix = "")
            var sCacheKey = zElement.name + sCacheSuffix;

            // pull from translated string cache
            ElementString zCached;

            if (m_dictionaryElementStringCache.TryGetValue(sCacheKey, out zCached))

            var zElementString = TranslateToElementString(zDeck, sRawString, nCardIndex, zDeckLine, zElement);

            if (zElementString.String.Contains("#nodraw"))
                zElementString.DrawElement = false;

            // all translators perform this post replacement operation
            switch ((ElementType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ElementType), zElement.type))
            case ElementType.Text:
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine);
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\q", "\"");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\c", ",");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&gt;", ">");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&lt;", "<");

            case ElementType.FormattedText:
                // NOTE: never convert \n => <br> here. This will affect file paths that include '\n' (ie. c:\newfile.png)
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("<c>", ",");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("<q>", "\"");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&gt;", ">");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&lt;", "<");

            AddStringToTranslationCache(sCacheKey, zElementString);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void DrawGraphicFile(Graphics zGraphics, string sFile, ProjectLayoutElement zElement, int nXGraphicOffset = 0, int nYGraphicOffset = 0)
            var sPath = sFile;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFile) ||
                sPath.Equals("none", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
            if (sPath.StartsWith(APPLICATION_FOLDER_MARKER))
                sPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location),
                                     sPath.Replace(APPLICATION_FOLDER_MARKER, string.Empty));
            if (!File.Exists(sPath))
                sPath = ProjectManager.Instance.ProjectPath + sFile;
            if (!File.Exists(sPath))
                IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Image file not found: " + sFile);

            var zBmp = 255 != zElement.opacity
                ? ImageCache.LoadCustomImageFromCache(sPath, zElement)
                : ImageCache.LoadImageFromCache(sPath);

            var nWidth  = zElement.width;
            var nHeight = zElement.height;

            // TODO: sub processor methods (at a minimum)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zElement.tilesize) &&
                zElement.tilesize.Trim() != "-")
                var zMatch = regexImageTile.Match(zElement.tilesize);
                if (zMatch.Success)
                    var nTileWidth  = Math.Max(-1, ParseUtil.ParseDefault(zMatch.Groups[1].Value, -1));
                    var nTileHeight = Math.Max(-1, ParseUtil.ParseDefault(zMatch.Groups[3].Value, -1));
                    GetAspectRatioHeight(zBmp, nTileWidth, nTileHeight, out nTileWidth, out nTileHeight);
                    // paranoia...
                    nTileWidth  = Math.Max(1, nTileWidth);
                    nTileHeight = Math.Max(1, nTileHeight);

                    zBmp = ImageCache.LoadCustomImageFromCache(sFile, zElement, nTileWidth, nTileHeight);
                using (var zTextureBrush = new TextureBrush(zBmp, WrapMode.Tile))
                    // backup the transform
                    var zOriginalTransform = zGraphics.Transform;
                    // need to translate so the tiling starts with a full image if offset
                    zGraphics.TranslateTransform(nXGraphicOffset, nYGraphicOffset);
                    zGraphics.FillRectangle(zTextureBrush, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight);
                    zGraphics.Transform = zOriginalTransform;

            if (zElement.keeporiginalsize)
                DrawGraphicOriginalSize(zGraphics, zBmp, zElement);

            if (zElement.lockaspect)
                GetSizeFromAspectRatio((float)zBmp.Tag, nWidth, nHeight, out nWidth, out nHeight);

            var nX = 0;
            var nY = 0;

            // standard alignment adjustment
            UpdateAlignmentValue(zElement.GetHorizontalAlignment(), ref nX, zElement.width, nWidth);
            UpdateAlignmentValue(zElement.GetVerticalAlignment(), ref nY, zElement.height, nHeight);
            zGraphics.DrawImage(zBmp, nX + nXGraphicOffset, nY + nYGraphicOffset, nWidth, nHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the string representing the element. (also handles any nodraw text input)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sRawString"></param>
        /// <param name="nCardIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="zDeckLine"></param>
        /// <param name="zElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
            List <string> listLine = zDeckLine.LineColumns;

            string sOutput = sRawString;

            sOutput = sOutput.Replace("#empty", string.Empty);

            var zElementString = new ElementString();

            // Translate card variables (non-reference information
            // Groups
            //     1    2    3   4   5
            // @"(.*)(!\[)(.+?)(\])(.*)"
            Match zMatch;

            while (s_regexCardVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexCardVariable.Match(sOutput);
                string sDefineValue;
                var    sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // NOTE: if this expands into more variables move all this into some other method and use a dictionary lookup
                if (sKey.Equals("cardindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (nCardIndex + 1).ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("deckindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (zDeckLine.RowSubIndex + 1).ToString();
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad card variable: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];

            // Translate named items (column names / defines)
            //    1    2    3   4   5
            while (s_regexColumnVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexColumnVariable.Match(sOutput);
                int    nIndex;
                string sDefineValue;
                var    sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // check the key for untranslated components
                var arrayParams = sKey.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    sKey = arrayParams[0];

                if (DictionaryDefines.TryGetValue(sKey, out sDefineValue))
                else if (DictionaryColumnNameToIndex.TryGetValue(sKey, out nIndex))
                    sDefineValue = (nIndex >= listLine.Count ? string.Empty : (listLine[nIndex] ?? "").Trim());
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad reference name: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    for (int nIdx = 1; nIdx < arrayParams.Length; nIdx++)
                        sDefineValue = sDefineValue.Replace("{" + nIdx + "}", arrayParams[nIdx]);
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];

            // Translate card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            while (s_regexCardCounter.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexCardCounter.Match(sOutput);
                var nStart   = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange  = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                          (nStart + (nCardIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate sub card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            while (s_regexSubCardCounter.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexSubCardCounter.Match(sOutput);
                var nStart   = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange  = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                var nIndex = zDeckLine.RowSubIndex;

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                          (nStart + (nIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate If Logic
            //    1     2    3    4   5
            while (s_regexIfLogic.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexIfLogic.Match(sOutput);
                string sLogicResult = TranslateIfLogic(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          sLogicResult +

            // Translate Switch Logic
            //    1     2        3    4   5
            while (s_regexSwitchLogic.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexSwitchLogic.Match(sOutput);
                string sLogicResult = TranslateSwitchLogic(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          sLogicResult +

            zElementString.String = sOutput;

Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the string representing the element. (also handles any nodraw text input)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zDeck"></param>
        /// <param name="sRawString"></param>
        /// <param name="nCardIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="zDeckLine"></param>
        /// <param name="zElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(Deck zDeck, string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
#warning Investigate using method references instead of anonymous methods (optimization/code easier to read)

            var listLine = zDeckLine.LineColumns;
            var sOutput  = sRawString;

            sOutput = sOutput.Replace("#empty", string.Empty);

            var zElementString = new ElementString();

            // TODO: maybe move these into classes so this isn't one mammoth blob

            LogTranslation(zElement, sOutput);

            // Translate card variables (non-reference information
            // Groups
            //     1    2    3   4   5
            // @"(.*)(!\[)(.+?)(\])(.*)"
            Func <Match, string> funcCardVariableProcessor =
                (zMatch =>
                string sDefineValue;
                var sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // NOTE: if this expands into more variables move all this into some other method and use a dictionary lookup
                if (sKey.Equals("cardindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (nCardIndex + 1).ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("deckindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (zDeckLine.RowSubIndex + 1).ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("cardcount"))
                    sDefineValue = zDeck.CardCount.ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("elementname"))
                    sDefineValue = zElement.name;
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad card variable: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5]);

            // Translate named items (column names / defines)
            //    1    2    3   4   5
            Func <Match, string> funcDefineProcessor =
                zMatch =>
                int    nIndex;
                string sDefineValue;
                var    sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString();

                // check the key for define parameters
                var arrayParams = sKey.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    sKey = arrayParams[0];

                sKey = sKey.ToLower();

                if (DictionaryDefines.TryGetValue(sKey, out sDefineValue))
                else if (DictionaryColumnNameToIndex.TryGetValue(sKey, out nIndex))
                    sDefineValue = (nIndex >= listLine.Count ? string.Empty : (listLine[nIndex] ?? "").Trim());
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad reference name: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    for (int nIdx = 1; nIdx < arrayParams.Length; nIdx++)
                        sDefineValue = sDefineValue.Replace("{" + nIdx + "}", arrayParams[nIdx]);
                var result = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];
                // perform the #empty replace every time a define is unwrapped
                return(result.Replace("#empty", string.Empty));

            // Translate substrings (column names / defines)
            //    1  2    3    4  5    6  7    8   9
            Func <Match, string> funcDefineSubstringProcessor =
                zMatch =>
                var sValue = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString();
                int nStartIdx;
                int nLength;
                if (!int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString(), out nStartIdx) ||
                    !int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString(), out nLength))
                    sValue = "[Invalid substring parameters]";
                    sValue = sValue.Length >= nStartIdx + nLength
                            ? sValue.Substring(nStartIdx, nLength)
                            : string.Empty;

                var result = zMatch.Groups[1] + sValue + zMatch.Groups[9];
                // perform the #empty replace every time a define is unwrapped
                return(result.Replace("#empty", string.Empty));

            // define and define substring processing
            sOutput = LoopTranslationMatchMap(sOutput, zElement,
                                              new Dictionary <Regex, Func <Match, string> >
                { s_regexColumnVariable, funcDefineProcessor },
                { s_regexColumnVariableSubstring, funcDefineSubstringProcessor },
                { s_regexCardVariable, funcCardVariableProcessor }

            // Translate card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexCardCounter, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var nStart = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] +
                       // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                       (nStart + (nCardIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                       .PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate sub card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexSubCardCounter, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var nStart = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                var nIndex = zDeckLine.RowSubIndex;

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] +
                       // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                       (nStart + (nIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate random number
            // Groups
            //    1  2         3      4  5      6  7
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexRandomNumber, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                int nMin;
                int nMax;

                if (!int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString(), out nMin) ||
                    !int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString(), out nMax))
                    return("Failed to parse random min/max");

                if (nMin >= nMax)
                    return("Invalid random specified. Min >= Max");

                // max is not inclusive
                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + CardMakerInstance.Random.Next(nMin, nMax + 1).ToString() +

            // Translate math (float support)
            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings
            // Groups
            //   1   2            3                  4         5                           6    7  8
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexMath, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var sResult = "";
                if (ParseUtil.ParseFloat(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString(), out var fAValue) &&
                    ParseUtil.ParseFloat(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString(), out var fBValue))
                        var sFormat = zMatch.Groups[6].ToString();
                        var bUseFormat = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sFormat);
                        float fResult = 0;
                        switch (zMatch.Groups[4].ToString()[0])
                        case '+':
                            fResult = fAValue + fBValue;

                        case '-':
                            fResult = fAValue - fBValue;

                        case '*':
                            fResult = fAValue * fBValue;

                        case '/':
                            if (fBValue == 0)
                                throw new Exception("Cannot divide by zero.");
                            fResult = fAValue / fBValue;

                        case '%':
                            fResult = fAValue % fBValue;

                        sResult = bUseFormat
                                ? fResult.ToString(sFormat)
                                : fResult.ToString();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.AddLogLine("Math float translator failed: {0}".FormatString(e));
                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + sResult + zMatch.Groups[8]);

            // Translate repeat
            // Groups
            //    1  2         3    4  5    6  7
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexRepeat, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                int nRepeatCount;
                var zBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                if (int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString(), out nRepeatCount))
                    for (var nIdx = 0; nIdx < nRepeatCount; nIdx++)
                    Logger.AddLogLine("Unable to parse repeat count: " + zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + zBuilder.ToString() + zMatch.Groups[7]);

            // Translate If Logic
            //    1     2    3    4   5
            Func <Match, string> funcIfProcessor =
                (match =>
                var sLogicResult = TranslateIfLogic(match.Groups[3].ToString());
                return(match.Groups[1] +
                       sLogicResult +

            // Translate Switch Logic
            //    1    2         3    4   5
            Func <Match, string> funcSwitchProcessor =
                match =>
                var sLogicResult = TranslateSwitchLogic(match.Groups[3].ToString());
                return(match.Groups[1] +
                       sLogicResult +

            // if / switch processor
            sOutput = LoopTranslationMatchMap(sOutput, zElement,
                                              new Dictionary <Regex, Func <Match, string> >
                { s_regexIfLogic, funcIfProcessor },
                { s_regexSwitchLogic, funcSwitchProcessor }

            var dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            // Override evaluation:
            // Translate card variables (non-reference information
            // Groups
            //     1     2    3    4    5   6
            // @"(.*)(\$\[)(.+?):(.+?)(\])(.*)
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexElementOverride, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var sField = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();
                var sValue = zMatch.Groups[4].ToString();

                if (IsDisallowedOverrideField(sField))
                        "[{1}] override not allowed on element: [{0}]".FormatString(zElement.name, sField));
                // empty override values are discarded (matches reference overrides)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sValue))
                    dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue[sField] = sValue;

                return(zMatch.Groups[1].Value + zMatch.Groups[6].Value);

            zElementString.String = sOutput;
            zElementString.OverrideFieldToValueDictionary = dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue == null
                ? null
                : dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public ElementEventArgs(ProjectLayoutElement zElement) :
     this(new List <ProjectLayoutElement>(new ProjectLayoutElement[] { zElement }))
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a new pen based on the passed in element, color, and thickness.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="zElement"></param>
 /// <param name="color"></param>
 /// <param name="nThickness"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Pen GetElementOpacityPen(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, Color color, int nThickness)
     return(new Pen(GetElementOpacityColor(zElement, color), nThickness));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public ElementRenamedEventArgs(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, string oldName)
     Element = zElement;
     OldName = oldName;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void DrawCard(int nX, int nY, Graphics zGraphics, DeckLine zDeckLine, bool bExport, bool bDrawBackground)
            List <string> listLine = zDeckLine.LineColumns;

            // Custom Graphics Setting
            zGraphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            zGraphics.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            //zGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;

            var matrixOriginal = zGraphics.Transform;

            // Zoom does not apply to export
            if (!bExport)
                zGraphics.ScaleTransform(ZoomLevel, ZoomLevel);
                // Custom Graphics Setting

                zGraphics.InterpolationMode = 1.0f != ZoomLevel
                    ? InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor
                    : InterpolationMode.Bilinear;

            ProjectLayoutElement zSelectedElement = null;

            if (!bExport)
                zSelectedElement = ElementManager.Instance.GetSelectedElement();

            // draw the background
            if (bDrawBackground)
                zGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, nX, nY, CurrentDeck.CardLayout.width,

            // All drawing is handled in reverse element order

            if (null != CurrentDeck.CardLayout.Element)
                for (var nIdx = CurrentDeck.CardLayout.Element.Length - 1; nIdx > -1; nIdx--)
                    var zElement = CurrentDeck.CardLayout.Element[nIdx];
                    if (zElement.enabled) // only add enabled items to draw

                        // get override Element
                        ProjectLayoutElement zOverrideElement = CurrentDeck.GetOverrideElement(zElement, listLine, zDeckLine, bExport);
                        var zDrawElement = zOverrideElement;

                        // translate any index values in the csv
                        var zElementString = CurrentDeck.TranslateString(zDrawElement.variable, zDeckLine, zDrawElement, bExport);

                        // enabled is re-checked due to possible override of the enabled value
                        if (!zElementString.DrawElement || !zDrawElement.enabled)

                        var eType = DrawItem.GetElementType(zDrawElement.type);

                        //NOTE: removed transform backup (draw element resets it anyway...)
                        //if (!bExport) // backup is only necessary for zoomed canvas
                        //matrixPrevious = zGraphics.Transform;
                        DrawItem.DrawElement(zGraphics, CurrentDeck, zDrawElement, eType, nX, nY, zElementString.String, bExport);
                        if (!bExport)
                            //zGraphics.Transform = matrixPrevious;
                            zGraphics.ScaleTransform(ZoomLevel, ZoomLevel);

                if (!bExport)
                    // draw all selections and element borders after everything else
                    for (var nIdx = CurrentDeck.CardLayout.Element.Length - 1; nIdx > -1; nIdx--)
                        ProjectLayoutElement zElement = CurrentDeck.CardLayout.Element[nIdx];
                        if (zElement.enabled) // only add enabled items to draw
                            var bDrawSelection = zSelectedElement == zElement;

                            if (CardMakerInstance.DrawElementBorder)
                                var matrixPrevious = zGraphics.Transform;
                                DrawItem.DrawElementDebugBorder(zGraphics, zElement, nX, nY, bDrawSelection);
                                zGraphics.Transform = matrixPrevious;
            // draw the card border
            if ((bExport && CardMakerSettings.PrintLayoutBorder) || (!bExport && CurrentDeck.CardLayout.drawBorder))
                // note that the border is inclusive in the width/height consuming 2 pixels (0 to total-1)
                zGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, nX, nY, CurrentDeck.CardLayout.width - 1, CurrentDeck.CardLayout.height - 1);

            zGraphics.Transform = matrixOriginal;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public ProjectLayoutElement GetVariableOverrideElement(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, Dictionary <string, string> dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue)
     return(m_zTranslator.GetVariableOverrideElement(zElement, dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue));