Ejemplo n.º 1
        private String describeCardinality(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent definition, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent fallback, UnusedTracker tracker)
            var min = definition.Min;
            var max = definition.Max;

            if (min == null && fallback != null)
                min = fallback.Min;
            if (max == null && fallback != null)
                max = fallback.Max;

            tracker.used = max == null || !(max == "0");

            if (min == null && max == null)
                return(min == null ? "" : min.ToString() + ".." + (max == null ? "" : max));
 private void generateElementInner(Profile profile, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent d)
     tableRowMarkdown("Definition", d.Formal, profile);
     tableRow("Control", "conformance-rules.html#conformance", d.DescribeCardinality() + summariseConditions(d.Condition));
     tableRowNE("Binding", "terminologies.html", describeBinding(d));
     if (d.NameReference != null)
         tableRow("Type", null, "See " + d.NameReference);
         tableRowNE("Type", "datatypes.html", describeTypes(profile, d.Type));
     tableRow("Is Modifier", "conformance-rules.html#ismodifier", displayBoolean(d.IsModifier));
     tableRow("Must Support", "conformance-rules.html#mustSupport", displayBoolean(d.MustSupport));
     tableRowMarkdown("Requirements", d.Requirements, profile);
     tableRow("Aliases", null, d.Synonym != null ? String.Join(", ", d.Synonym) : null);
     tableRowMarkdown("Comments", d.Comments, profile);
     tableRow("Max Length", null, d.MaxLength == null ? null : d.MaxLength.ToString());
     tableRow("Fixed Value", null, d.Value != null ? d.Value.ForDisplay() : null);
     tableRow("Example", null, d.Example != null ? d.Example.ForDisplay() : null);
     tableRowNE("Invariants", null, describeInvariants(d.Constraint));
     tableRow("LOINC Code", null, getMapping(profile, d, LOINC_MAPPING));
     tableRow("SNOMED-CT Code", null, getMapping(profile, d, SNOMED_MAPPING));
        private void HarvestCardinality(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent source, Element target)
            Cardinality cardinality = new Cardinality();

            cardinality.Min    = source.Min.ToString();
            cardinality.Max    = source.Max;
            target.Cardinality = cardinality;
 private String describeBinding(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent d)
     if (d.Binding == null)
 public static string DescribeCardinality(this Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent defn)
     if (defn.Max == null || defn.Max == "-1")
         return(defn.Min.ToString() + "..*");
         return(defn.Min.ToString() + ".." + defn.Max);
 private void HarvestElementDefinition(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent source, Element target)
     if (source != null)
         HarvestBinding(source, target);
         HarvestTypeRefs(source, target);
         HarvestElementRef(source, target);
         HarvestCardinality(source, target);
         HarvestConstraints(source, target);
         HarvestFixedValue(source, target);
        private void HarvestTypeRefs(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent source, Element target)
            if (source.Type == null)

            foreach (var type in source.Type)
        private void HarvestConstraints(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent source, Element target)
            if (source.Constraint == null)

            foreach (Profile.ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent c in source.Constraint)
                Constraint constraint = new Constraint();
                constraint.Name          = c.Name ?? c.Key;
                constraint.XPath         = c.Xpath;
                constraint.HumanReadable = c.Human;
        private void HarvestBinding(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent source, Element target)
            if (source.Binding != null)
                var reference = source.Binding.Reference;

                if (reference is ResourceReference)
                    // todo: dit deel is nog niet getest.
                    target.BindingUri = (reference as ResourceReference).Url.ToString();
                else if (reference is FhirUri)
                    target.BindingUri = (reference as FhirUri).Value;
        private String getMapping(Profile profile, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent d, String uri)
            if (profile.Mapping == null)
            if (d.Mapping == null)

            String id = profile.Mapping.Where(map => map.Uri == uri).Select(map => map.Identity).FirstOrDefault();

            if (id == null)

            return(d.Mapping.Where(map => map.Identity == id).Select(map => map.Map).FirstOrDefault());
        public static bool InRange(this Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent defn, int count)
            int min = Convert.ToInt32(defn.Min);

            if (count < min)

            if (defn.Max == "*")

            int max = Convert.ToInt32(defn.Max);

            if (count > max)

 private void HarvestFixedValue(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent source, Element target)
     target.FixedValue = (source.Value != null)
         ? source.Value.ToString()
         : null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private Cell generateDescription(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row row, Profile.ElementComponent element, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent fallback, bool used, String baseURL, String profileUrl, Profile profile)
            Cell c = new Cell();


            if (used)
                if (element.Definition != null && element.Definition.Short != null)
                    if (c.getPieces().Any())
                        c.addPiece(new Piece("br"));
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(null, element.Definition.Short, null));
                else if (fallback != null && fallback.Short != null)
                    if (c.getPieces().Any())
                        c.addPiece(new Piece("br"));
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(null, fallback.Short, null));

                if (profileUrl != null)
                    if (c.getPieces().Any())
                        c.addPiece(new Piece("br"));
                    String fullUrl   = profileUrl.StartsWith("#") ? baseURL + profileUrl : profileUrl;
                    String reference = _pkp.getLinkForExtension(profile, profileUrl);
                    c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "URL: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold"));
                    c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(reference, fullUrl, null));

                if (element.Slicing != null)
                    if (c.getPieces().Any())
                        c.addPiece(new Piece("br"));
                    c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Slice: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold"));
                    c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, describeSlice(element.Slicing), null));

                if (element.Definition != null)
                    if (element.Definition.Binding != null)
                        if (c.getPieces().Any())
                            c.addPiece(new Piece("br"));
                        String reference = _pkp.resolveBinding(element.Definition.Binding);
                        c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Binding: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold"));
                        c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(reference, element.Definition.Binding.Name, null));

                    if (element.Definition.Constraint != null)
                        foreach (Profile.ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent inv in element.Definition.Constraint)
                            if (c.getPieces().Any())
                                c.addPiece(new Piece("br"));
                            c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Inv-" + inv.Key + ": ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold"));
                            c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, inv.Human, null));

                    if (element.Definition.Value != null)
                        if (c.getPieces().Any())
                            c.addPiece(new Piece("br"));
                        c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Fixed Value: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold"));
                        c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, element.Definition.Value.RenderValue(), null));

                    // ?? example from definition

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void genTypes(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row r, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent elementDefn, String profileBaseFileName, Profile profile)
            Cell c = new Cell();


            if (elementDefn.Type == null)

            bool first = true;

            foreach (Profile.TypeRefComponent t in elementDefn.Type)
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(null, ", ", null));

                if (t.Code == "ResourceReference" || (t.Code == "Resource" && t.Profile != null))
                    if (t.Profile.StartsWith("http://hl7.org/fhir/Profile/"))
                        String rn = t.Profile.Substring(28);
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.getLinkFor(rn), rn, null));
                    else if (t.Profile.StartsWith("#"))
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(profileBaseFileName + "." + t.Profile.Substring(1).ToLower() + ".html", t.Profile, null));
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(t.Profile, t.Profile, null));
                else if (t.Profile != null)
                { // a profiled type
                    String reference = _pkp.getLinkForProfile(profile, t.Profile);
                    if (reference != null)
                        String[] parts = reference.Split('|');      //TODO: Not too sure, was: String[] parts = ref.split("\\|"); in Java
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(parts[0], parts[1], t.Code));
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, t.Code, null));
                else if (_pkp.hasLinkFor(t.Code))
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.getLinkFor(t.Code), t.Code, null));
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(null, t.Code, null));
        private void genTypes(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row r, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent elementDefn, Profile profile)
            Cell c = new Cell();


            if (elementDefn.Type == null)

            bool first = true;

            foreach (Profile.TypeRefComponent t in elementDefn.Type)
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(null, ", ", null));

                if (t.Code == "ResourceReference" || (t.Code == "Resource" && t.Profile != null))
                    var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile);
                    var label     = _pkp.GetLabelForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile);

                    if (t.Profile.StartsWith("http://hl7.org/fhir/Profile/"))
                        String rn = t.Profile.Substring(28);
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForTypeDocu(rn), rn, null));
                    else if (t.Profile.StartsWith("#"))
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForLocalStructure(profile, t.Profile.Substring(1)), t.Profile, null));
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(t.Profile, t.Profile, null));
                else if (t.Profile != null)
                { // a profiled type
                    var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile);
                    var label     = _pkp.GetLabelForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile);

                    if (reference != null)
                        String[] parts = reference.Split('|');      //TODO: Not too sure, was: String[] parts = ref.split("\\|"); in Java
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, label, t.Code));
                        c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, t.Code, null));
                else if (_pkp.HasLinkForTypeDocu(t.Code))
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForTypeDocu(t.Code), t.Code, null));
                    c.addPiece(new Piece(null, t.Code, null));
        private void mergeElementDefnAttributes(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent snap, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent diff)
            if (diff.ShortElement != null)
                snap.ShortElement = (FhirString)diff.ShortElement.DeepCopy();
            if (diff.FormalElement != null)
                snap.FormalElement = (FhirString)diff.FormalElement.DeepCopy();
            if (diff.CommentsElement != null)
                snap.CommentsElement = (FhirString)diff.CommentsElement.DeepCopy();
            if (diff.RequirementsElement != null)
                snap.RequirementsElement = (FhirString)diff.RequirementsElement.DeepCopy();

            if (diff.SynonymElement != null)
                if (snap.SynonymElement == null)
                    snap.SynonymElement = new List <FhirString>();

                // Add new synonyms to the snap, and replace existing ones
                foreach (var dsyn in diff.SynonymElement)
                    snap.SynonymElement.Remove(snap.SynonymElement.FirstOrDefault(ssyn => ssyn.Value == dsyn.Value));
                // Original code from Java leaves snapshot untouched when encountering an existing synonym,but
                // this means differential can not override e.g. extensions in such synonyms.
                //var newSynonyms = from dsyn in diff.SynonymElement
                //                  where !snap.SynonymElement.Any(ssyn => ssyn.Value == dsyn.Value)
                //                  select (FhirString)dsyn.DeepCopy();

            if (diff.MinElement != null)
                snap.MinElement = (Integer)diff.MinElement.DeepCopy();
            if (diff.MaxElement != null)
                snap.MaxElement = (FhirString)diff.MaxElement.DeepCopy();

            // ElementDefinition.nameReference cannot be overridden by a derived profile

            if (diff.Fixed != null)
                snap.Fixed = (Element)diff.Fixed.DeepCopy();
            if (diff.Pattern != null)
                snap.Pattern = (Element)diff.Pattern.DeepCopy();
            if (diff.Example != null)
                snap.Example = (Element)diff.Example.DeepCopy();
            if (diff.MaxLengthElement != null)
                snap.MaxLengthElement = (Integer)diff.MaxLengthElement.DeepCopy();

            // todo: [GG] what to do about conditions?  [EK] Since me made ElementDefinition.Constrain cumulative, these need to be cumulative too?
            if (diff.ConditionElement != null && diff.ConditionElement.Any())
                if (snap.ConditionElement == null)
                    snap.ConditionElement = new List <Id>();

            if (diff.MustSupportElement != null)
                snap.MustSupportElement = (FhirBoolean)diff.MustSupportElement.DeepCopy();

            // ElementDefinition.isModifier cannot be overridden by a derived profle
            if (diff.IsSummaryElement != null)
                snap.IsSummaryElement = (FhirBoolean)diff.IsSummaryElement.DeepCopy();

            if (diff.Binding != null)
                snap.Binding = (Profile.ElementDefinitionBindingComponent)diff.Binding.DeepCopy();

            // todo: [GG] is this actually right?  [EK] I think it is, at least this is what Forge expects as well
            if (diff.Type != null && diff.Type.Any())
                snap.Type = new List <Profile.TypeRefComponent>(diff.Type.DeepCopy());

            // todo: [GG] mappings are cumulative - or does one replace another?
            if (diff.Mapping != null && diff.Mapping.Any())
                if (snap.Mapping == null)
                    snap.Mapping = new List <Profile.ElementDefinitionMappingComponent>();

            // todo: constraints are cumulative - or does one replace another?
            if (diff.Constraint != null && diff.Constraint.Any())
                if (snap.Constraint == null)
                    snap.Constraint = new List <Profile.ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent>();
 private void HarvestElementRef(Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent source, Element target)
     target.ElementRefPath = source.NameReference;
 public static bool IsRepeating(this Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent defn)
     return(defn.Max != "1" && defn.Max != "0");
 public static string DescribeTypeCode(this Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent defn)
     return(String.Join(" | ", defn.Type.Select(tr => tr.Code)));
 public static string CardinalityAsString(this Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent defn)
     return(defn.Min + ".." + defn.Max);