Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void HandleRulesWithSpecialConditions(
            ProductionRule rule, int begin, int part, int span, string key)
            bool isBinary = rule.RHS.Length == 2;

            int[] tableKey = GetTableKey(begin + part, span - part);
            bool  hasMatch = _table[tableKey].ContainsKey(rule.RHS[1].Text);

            if (isBinary && hasMatch)
                bool satisfied = true;

                TableEntry left  = _table[GetTableKey(begin, part)][key];
                TableEntry right = _table[GetTableKey(begin + part, span - part)][rule.RHS[1].Text];

                // Loop through all special conditions
                for (int i = 0; i < rule.Conditions.Length; i++)
                    SpecialCondition condition = rule.Conditions[i];

                    satisfied = condition.Check(left, right, _tokens);

                    if (!satisfied)

                // add entry to table if all rule conditions are satisfied
                if (satisfied)
                    AddEntry(new TableEntry(GetTableKey(begin, span), rule, new TableEntry[] { left, right }));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Procedura losuj¹ca zasadê wyprowadzania, która zostanie zastosowana
        // przy generowaniu nowego losowego wyrazu.
        private ProductionRule RandomProductionRule(char symbol)
            ProductionRule[] rulesTempArray = new ProductionRule[productionRules.Length];

            int i = 0;

            // Tworzenie tymczasowej tablicy, która zawiera zasady
            // wyprowadzania dla zadanego symbolu.
            foreach (var productionRule in productionRules)
                if (productionRule.NonTerminal == symbol)
                    rulesTempArray[i++] = productionRule;

            // Je¿eli nie znaleziono zasady wyprowadzania dla danego
            // nieterminalu, to zwracany jest b³¹d.
            if (i == 0)
                throw new System.Exception("Error! Grammar is not correct!");

            // Zwracanie losowej zasady z podanych.
            return(rulesTempArray[randomizer.Next(0, i)]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override CharsetNode CreateNonterminal(ProductionRule rule, IReadOnlyList <CharsetNode> nodes)
            if (nodes.Count == 1)
            switch (rule.ProductionSymbolId.ToInt32())
            case CharsetGrammar.SymNegateExpression:
                Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 2);
                return(new CharsetNegate(nodes[1]));

            case CharsetGrammar.SymValueExpression:
                Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 3);

            case CharsetGrammar.SymUnionExpression:
                Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 3);
                return(new CharsetUnion(nodes[0], nodes[2]));

            case CharsetGrammar.SymDifferenceExpression:
                Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 3);
                return(new CharsetDifference(nodes[0], nodes[2]));

            case CharsetGrammar.SymIntersectExpression:
                Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 3);
                return(new CharsetIntersection(nodes[0], nodes[2]));

            case CharsetGrammar.SymSubtractExpression:
                Debug.Assert(nodes.Count == 3);
                return(new CharsetSubtract(nodes[0], nodes[2]));
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected non-terminal rule " + rule);
            public static ProductionRule operator%(Production p, Symbol s)
                var r = new ProductionRule(p, s == null ? new Symbol[0] : new[] { s });

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public LRItem(ProductionRule rule, int marker, IEnumerable <Terminal_T> lookaheads = null, bool?isKernel = null)
     Rule       = rule;
     Marker     = marker;
     IsKernel   = isKernel ?? marker != 0;
     Lookaheads = new HashSet <Terminal_T>(lookaheads ?? Enumerable.Empty <Terminal_T>());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void BuildTable()
            // dynamic step -- build up to top of table
            for (int span = 2; span < _tokens.Length + 1; span++)
                for (int begin = 0; begin < _tokens.Length - span + 1; begin++)
                    for (int part = 1; part < span; part++)
                        int[]         tableKey = GetTableKey(begin, part);
                        List <string> keyList  = _table[tableKey].Keys.ToList();

                        for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keyList.Count; keyIndex++)
                            string key = keyList[keyIndex];

                            for (int ruleIndex = 0; ruleIndex < _grammar.RhsIndex[key].Count; ruleIndex++)
                                ProductionRule rule = _grammar.RhsIndex[key][ruleIndex];

                                    string.Format("***** {0},{1},{2},{3},{4}",
                                                  new object[] { span, begin, part, key, rule })

                                bool hasConditions = rule.Conditions.Length > 0;
                                bool isBinary      = rule.RHS.Length == 2;

                                int[] tableKey1 = GetTableKey(begin + part, span - part);
                                bool  hasMatch  = isBinary && _table[tableKey1].ContainsKey(rule.RHS[1].Text);

                                //handle matches for non-special rules (those that are in Conjunctive Normal Form and do not have any conditions)
                                if (!hasConditions && isBinary && hasMatch)
                                    TableEntry left  = _table[GetTableKey(begin, part)][key];
                                    TableEntry right = _table[GetTableKey(begin + part, span - part)][rule.RHS[1].Text];

                                    Console.WriteLine("- left: " + left);
                                    Console.WriteLine("- right: " + right);
                                    Console.WriteLine("- parent: " + rule);

                                    AddEntry(new TableEntry(GetTableKey(begin, span), rule, new TableEntry[] { left, right }));
                                else if (hasConditions)
                                    HandleRulesWithSpecialConditions(rule, begin, part, span, key);
Ejemplo n.º 7
			public IApplicationParseNode CreateApplication(ProductionRule production, ParseNodePreference preference, IReadOnlyList<IParseNode> children)
				Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(production != null);
				Contract.Requires<InvalidEnumArgumentException>(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ParseNodePreference), preference));
				Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(children != null);
				Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IApplicationParseNode>() != null);
				return default(IApplicationParseNode);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override string ToString()
     return(ProductionRule.ToString() +
            (ProductionRule.Rhs.Count > 1 ?
             $"( {ProductionRule.Rhs[RulePartIndex].ToString()} )" : string.Empty) +
            $" {Position}" +
            $" :{Content}");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override ReduceAction AddProductionRule(ProductionRule productionRule)
     if (productionRule.Equals(this.ProductionRule))
     return(new ReduceMultiAction(this.ProductionRule, productionRule));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void SetUp()
     mCfg = CfgBuilderGenerator.Generate().Build();
     mParenthesizedProduction = new ProductionRule(
         Symbol.Of <Expression>(),
         new[] { Symbol.Of <SymLParen>(), Symbol.Of <Expression>(), Symbol.Of <SymRParen>() },
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void LoadFooProduction()
            var symbol   = new Symbol(typeof(A));
            var expected = new ProductionRule(symbol, new[] { symbol, symbol }, mFooInfo);
            var actual   = ProductionRule.Load(mFooInfo);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static CfgBuilder AddAllProductionsInClass <T>(this CfgBuilder cfgBuilder)
     foreach (var production in ProductionRule.LoadAllInClass <T>())
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void ReductionFoo()
            var lhs        = Node.Make(new A(42));
            var rhs        = Node.Make(new A(-41));
            var production = ProductionRule.Load(mFooInfo);
            var product    = production.Reduce(new[] { lhs, rhs });

            Assert.AreEqual(1, (product.Payload as A).Val);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void LoadBarProduction()
            var symbolA  = new Symbol(typeof(A));
            var symbolB  = new Symbol(typeof(A.B));
            var expected = new ProductionRule(symbolA, new[] { symbolA, symbolB, symbolA }, mBarInfo);
            var actual   = ProductionRule.Load(mBarInfo);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    IEnumerator UpdateAxiom()
        AxiomIsStepping = true;
        //Reset newAxiom
        newAxiom = "";

        //Check each letter and replace it with the rule if it exists
        for (int i = 0; i < axiom.Length; i++)
            char currentChar = axiom[i];

            //Get the rules associated with the current char
            List <ProductionRule> currentRules = productionRuleOrganiser.GetRuleForChar(currentChar);
            if (currentRules != null)
                bool aRuleWasApplied = false;
                //Check each rule to see if it is applicable for this char
                for (int j = 0; j < currentRules.Count; j++)
                    ProductionRule prodRule = currentRules[j];
                    //Get the different char for the rule
                    char predecessor;
                    char preLetter;
                    char postLetter;
                    GetLetters(out predecessor, out preLetter, out postLetter, i, axiom.Length);

                    //Apply the rule to the predecessor, if the rule is applicable, apply it.
                    string replacement = prodRule.ApplyRule(predecessor, preLetter, postLetter);
                    if (replacement != null)
                        //Debug.Log("the rule " + replacement + " was applied on " + predecessor + " from " + prodRule.name);
                        newAxiom       += replacement;
                        aRuleWasApplied = true;
                if (!aRuleWasApplied)
                    newAxiom += currentChar;
                newAxiom += currentChar;
            if (i % 50 == 0)
                yield return(1);

        axiom       = newAxiom;
        visual.text = newAxiom;

        AxiomIsStepping = false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void TestBuildingProductionRule()
            string rule = "на случай дождя : если 'холодно - да' и 'влажность-высокая' то 'будет дождь - да', 'взять зонт - да'";
            LogicalExpressionHelper      eh      = new LogicalExpressionHelper();
            IBuilder <ILogicalStatement> builder = new ProductionRuleBuilder(eh);
            ProductionRule r = (ProductionRule)builder.Build(

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Actions.Count() == 2);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 internal AbstractSyntaxRuleNode(ProductionRule productionRule, int rulePartIndex, Position position, string content) : base(position, content)
     Debug.Assert(productionRule != null, "Production Rule is required.");
     if (rulePartIndex >= productionRule.Rhs.Count)
         throw new ArgumentException("Invalid rule part index.", nameof(rulePartIndex));
     ProductionRule = productionRule;
     RulePartIndex  = rulePartIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void ReductionBar()
            var lhs        = Node.Make(new A(1));
            var mid        = Node.Make(new A.B(2));
            var rhs        = Node.Make(new A(3));
            var production = ProductionRule.Load(mBarInfo);
            var product    = production.Reduce(new[] { lhs, mid, rhs });

            Assert.AreEqual(6, (product.Payload as A).Val);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void LoadAllProductionsFromClass()
            var expected = new[]
            var actual = ProductionRule.LoadAllInClass(typeof(A));

Ejemplo n.º 20
 //public ExamineExamplesDataGridItem(ExaminableExample examinedExample, ProductionRule productionRule, ArguedLearnableExample arguedExample) : this()
 public ExamineExamplesDataGridItem(ExaminableExample examinedExample, ProductionRule productionRule) : this()
     foreach (var attributeValue in examinedExample.AllAttributes)
     DecisiveAttributeValue = examinedExample.DecisiveAttribute.Value;
     ExaminedAttributeValue = examinedExample.ExaminedAttribute.Value;
     ProductionRule         = productionRule.GetStringValue();
     //ArguedExample = arguedExample.BecauseExpression.GetValueString();
Ejemplo n.º 21
    static public ProductionRule ReadProductionRule(string path)
        string jsonText   = HandleTextFile.ReadString(path);
        var    parsedJson = JSON.Parse(jsonText);

        ProductionRule rule = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ProductionRule>();

        rule.name = parsedJson["name"];

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public TableEntry(int[] key, ProductionRule rule, TableEntry[] children)
            Key = key;
            Rule = rule;
            Base = rule.LHS.Text;
            Probability = rule.Probability;
            Children = children;

            //adjust probability using probabilities of children
            for (int i = 0; i < Children.Length; i++)
                Probability *= Children[i].Probability;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public TableEntry(int[] key, ProductionRule rule, TableEntry[] children)
            Key         = key;
            Rule        = rule;
            Base        = rule.LHS.Text;
            Probability = rule.Probability;
            Children    = children;

            //adjust probability using probabilities of children
            for (int i = 0; i < Children.Length; i++)
                Probability *= Children[i].Probability;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void AddEntry(TableEntry entry)
            string entryBase = entry.Rule.LHS.Text;

            if (!_table.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                _table.Add(entry.Key, new Dictionary <string, TableEntry>());

            // if table already has an entry with the same base, keep the more probable of the two
            if (_table[entry.Key].ContainsKey(entryBase))
                TableEntry oldEntry = _table[entry.Key][entryBase];

                if (oldEntry.Probability < entry.Probability)
                    _table[entry.Key][entry.Base] = entry;

                    Console.WriteLine("OVERWRITING " + oldEntry + " WITH " + entry + " AT " + string.Format("({0},{1})", entry.Key[0], entry.Key[1]));

                Console.WriteLine("FAILED TO OVERWRITE " + oldEntry + " WITH " + entry + " AT " + string.Format("({0},{1})", entry.Key[0], entry.Key[1]));
                _table[entry.Key].Add(entryBase, entry);

                Console.WriteLine("ADDING " + entry + " AT " + string.Format("({0},{1})", entry.Key[0], entry.Key[1]));

            // handle alias rules (rules of the form A --> B)
            for (int i = 0; i < _grammar.RhsIndex[entry.Base].Count; i++)
                ProductionRule rule = _grammar.RhsIndex[entry.Base][i];

                if (rule.RHS.Length == 1)
                    AddEntry(new TableEntry(entry.Key, rule, new TableEntry[] { entry }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Получает возможные цели вывода. Используется в том случае, если в запросе не указано
        /// значение цели вывода.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statement">Логичесткое утверждение.</param>
        /// <param name="target">Цель вывода.</param>
        /// <returns>Получает возможные цели вывода</returns>
        protected IData GetPossibleTarget(ILogicalStatement statement, IData target)
            ProductionRule rule = statement as ProductionRule;

            if (rule != null)
                foreach (var action in rule.Actions)
                    AddFactAction addFact = action as AddFactAction;
                    if (addFact != null && addFact.Fact.Name == target.Name)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    public void AddRule(ProductionRule r)
        float p = r.desiredProb;

        if (probMap.ContainsKey(r.pre.sym))
            r.prob              = p / (1 - probMap[r.pre.sym]);
            probMap[r.pre.sym] += p;
            r.prob = p;
            probMap.Add(r.pre.sym, p);

        //Debug.Log("Desired: " + r.desiredProb + "\tEffective: " + r.prob);
        private static void ResolveProductionRule<T>(this IProductionRule rule, T entry, OilexerGrammarFile file, ICompilerErrorCollection errors)
            where T :
            /* *
             * Copy the source, can't use just a standard IEnumerable because by design
             * it only enumerates the source when requested.  If we tamper with the source,
             * before enumerating the transitionFirst time, the results are distorted.
             * */
            IList<IProductionRuleItem> rCopy = new List<IProductionRuleItem>(rule);

            ProductionRule pr = rule as ProductionRule;
            IEnumerable<IProductionRuleItem> finalVersion = from item in rCopy
                                                            select (item.ResolveProductionRuleItem(entry, file, errors));
            foreach (IProductionRuleItem iti in finalVersion)
        /// <summary>
        /// Возвращает <c>true</c>, если заданное правило содержит полностю заданную цель.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statement">Логичесткое утверждение.</param>
        /// <param name="target">Цель вывода.</param>
        /// <returns>Возвращает <c>true</c>, если заданное правило содержит полностю заданную цель.</returns>
        protected bool FullyContainsTarget(ILogicalStatement statement, IData target)
            ProductionRule rule = statement as ProductionRule;

            if (rule != null)
                foreach (var action in rule.Actions)
                    AddFactAction addFact = action as AddFactAction;
                    if (addFact != null && addFact.Fact.Name == target.Name &&
                        addFact.Fact.Value == target.Value)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        private void DoReduce(ProductionRule rule)
            var currentState = this.context.currentState;
            // Take all AST nodes required for reduction from stack
            var nodes = new TAstNode[rule.RuleSymbolIds.Count];

            for (var i = nodes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                nodes[i]     = currentState.Node;
                currentState = currentState.Parent;
            var node = this.CreateNonterminal(rule, nodes);
            // Get the next transition key based on the item being reduced (should exist as goto in the table) and push onto the stack
            var topState = currentState.State;
            var newState = ((GotoAction)this.table.Action[new StateKey <SymbolId>(topState, rule.ProductionSymbolId)]).NewState;

            // Transition to the top state
            this.context.currentState = new ParserState <TAstNode>(node, newState, currentState);
        /// <summary>
        /// Процедура рекурсивного вывода заданной цели.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Цель вывода.</param>
        /// <returns>Возвращает <c>true</c>, если вывод удачен.</returns>
        protected bool GetResultRec(IData target)
            if (AlredySolved(target))
            IEnumerable <ILogicalStatement> set = GetSetContainingTarget(target);

            foreach (var statement in set)
                ProductionRule rule = (ProductionRule)statement;
                if (GetResultRec(rule.Condition))
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public LR1AutomataState(int stateName, ProductionRule header, List <ProductionRule> contents = null, Dictionary <Symbol, ProductionRule> kernelTransitions = null)
            StateName    = stateName;
            Header       = header;
            Explored     = false;
            Contents     = contents;
            RuleToReduce = null;

            if (Contents == null)
                Contents = new List <ProductionRule>();

            KernelTransitions = kernelTransitions;
            if (KernelTransitions == null)
                KernelTransitions = new Dictionary <Symbol, ProductionRule>();
Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the suppled production rule starting at token index
        /// This will recursively call further production rules
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if rule was applied, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="r">The red component.</param>
        /// <param name="tokenIndex">Token index.</param>
        /// <param name="indent">Indent.</param>
        bool ApplyRule(ProductionRule r, ref int tokenIndex, int indent = 0)
            Log("Applying " + r.ToString() + " to " + string.Join(", ", _tokens.GetRange(tokenIndex, _tokens.Count - tokenIndex).Select(t => $"{t.TokenType.Name} ({t.Value})")), indent);

            var incomingTokenIndex = tokenIndex;

            // In order to pass this rule one of the RuleParts must evaluate
            bool evaluatedRuleSuccessfully = false;
            ProductionRulePart successfullyEvaluatedRulePart = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < r.Rhs.Count; i++)
                // Take a copy of tokens.
                if (ApplyRulePart(r.Rhs[i], ref tokenIndex, indent))
                    // We have passed - so can break out.
                    // Otherwise, try the next rule part
                    evaluatedRuleSuccessfully     = true;
                    successfullyEvaluatedRulePart = r.Rhs[i];
            if (evaluatedRuleSuccessfully)
                var nodePosition = GetRuleNodePosition(tokenIndex, incomingTokenIndex);
                    new AbstractSyntaxRuleNode(
                        _source.Substring(nodePosition.Index, nodePosition.Length)
                // restore the index - we need to try a different rule
                tokenIndex = incomingTokenIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks whether the production is a completion production, and if so, checks
		/// the boundaries for the completion region, the parser location and the cursor
		/// location, and whether the parser is in completion mode.
		/// Otherwise, when the production is not a completion production,
		/// checks whether it is a recover production, or the parser is in fine grained recovery mode.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stack"></param>
		/// <param name="production"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool RecoverModeOk(Frame stack, ProductionRule production)
			if (!production.IsCompletion)
				return !production.IsRecover || isFineGrainedMode;  // TODO: isFineGrainedMode
			return InCompletionMode(production);
Ejemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Ajouter la production en entée à l'ensemble des regles des productions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="production"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int AddProduction(ProductionRule production)
     if (getProductions(production.A).Contains(production.W + production.B))
         return 1;   // production existe
     if (!this.V.Contains(production.A) || (!this.V.Contains(production.B) && production.B != NOVARIABLE))
         return -2;  //erreur: Variable n'existe pas
     if (!InAlphabet(production.W))
         return -3;  //error: word not in X
     this.P[toIndex(production.A)].Add(production.W + production.B);
     if (!this.Read.Contains(production.W) && (production.W.Length > 1))
     return 0;       //instruction ajoutée avec succée
Ejemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// supprimer la regle de l'ensemble des regles des productions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="production"></param>
 public void RemoveProduction(ProductionRule production)
     this.P[toIndex(production.A)].Remove(production.W + production.B);
Ejemplo n.º 36
		private bool InCompletionMode(ProductionRule production)
			// TODO
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 37
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="production"></param>
		/// <param name="kids"></param>
		/// <param name="line"></param>
		/// <param name="column"></param>
		/// <param name="isLayout"></param>
		/// <param name="isIgnoreLayout"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private IParseNode ApplyProduction(ProductionRule production, IReadOnlyList<IParseNode> kids, int line, int column, bool isLayout, bool isIgnoreLayout)
			// TODO: Use other parameters.
			switch (production.Type)
				case ProductionType.None:
					return this.parseNodeFactory.CreateApplication(production, ParseNodePreference.None, kids);
				case ProductionType.Prefer:
					return this.parseNodeFactory.CreateApplication(production, ParseNodePreference.Prefer, kids);
				case ProductionType.Avoid:
					return this.parseNodeFactory.CreateApplication(production, ParseNodePreference.Avoid, kids);
				case ProductionType.Reject:
					var node = this.parseNodeFactory.CreateApplication(production, ParseNodePreference.None, kids);
					return node;
					throw new NotSupportedException();
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private void HandleRulesWithSpecialConditions(
            ProductionRule rule, int begin, int part, int span, string key)
            bool isBinary = rule.RHS.Length == 2;
            int[] tableKey = GetTableKey(begin + part, span - part);
            bool hasMatch = _table[tableKey].ContainsKey(rule.RHS[1].Text);

            if (isBinary && hasMatch)
                bool satisfied = true;

                TableEntry left = _table[GetTableKey(begin, part)][key];
                TableEntry right = _table[GetTableKey(begin + part, span - part)][rule.RHS[1].Text];

                // Loop through all special conditions
                for (int i = 0; i < rule.Conditions.Length; i++)
                    SpecialCondition condition = rule.Conditions[i];

                    satisfied = condition.Check(left, right, _tokens);

                    if (!satisfied)

                // add entry to table if all rule conditions are satisfied
                if (satisfied)
                    AddEntry(new TableEntry(GetTableKey(begin, span), rule, new TableEntry[] { left, right }));
Ejemplo n.º 39
		/// <inheritdoc />
		public IApplicationParseNode CreateApplication(ProductionRule production, ParseNodePreference preference, IReadOnlyList<IParseNode> children)
			// CONTRACT: Inherited from IParseNodeFactory
			return new ApplicationParseNode(production, preference, children);
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public TableEntry(int[] key, ProductionRule rule)
     : this(key, rule, new TableEntry[0])