void GetProdData()
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        dt = db.SqlGetDataTable("SELECT * FROM Product WHERE ProductCheck = '1' AND ProductShortage = '0' AND ProductShopId IN (SELECT ShopId FROM Shop WHERE ShopCheck = '1')");
        ProdGrid.DataSource = dt;
    void GetAllData()
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        dt = DB.SqlGetDataTable("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Product,PType WHERE ProductShopId ='" + Session["UserShopId"] + "' AND ProductTypeId = PTypeId ORDER BY ProductId DESC");
        ProdGrid.DataSource = dt;
    void GetAllProdData()
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        dt = db.SqlGetDataTable("SELECT * FROM Product,PType WHERE ProductCheck = 'False' AND ProductTypeId = PTypeId ORDER BY ProductDate ASC");
        ProdGrid.DataSource = dt;
        //SELECT ProductId, ProductName, ProductInfo, ProductImage, ProductPrice, ProductPCS, PTypeName,ProductDate FROM Product,PType WHERE ProductCheck = 'False' AND ProductTypeId = PTypeId ORDER BY ProductDate ASC