public IActionResult newbid(int productID, int bidding) { int curUsrID = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("logged_id"); User curUser = _context.users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.idUsers == curUsrID); Prod curProd = _context.prods.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProdId == productID); System.Console.WriteLine(bidding); System.Console.WriteLine(curUser.Wallet); System.Console.WriteLine(curProd.StartingBid); System.Console.WriteLine("##################################################"); if (curUser.Wallet < bidding || curProd.StartingBid >= bidding) { return(RedirectToAction("Logout")); } if (curProd.BidderId != 0) { User cheapskate = _context.users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.idUsers == curProd.BidderId); cheapskate.Wallet += curProd.StartingBid; } curUser.Wallet -= bidding; curProd.BidderId = curUsrID; curProd.BidderName = curUser.FirstName; curProd.StartingBid = bidding; _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Success")); }
private object[] InvokeMethod(MethodInfo mi, object[] args, object type) { object ret; try { Prod.ActivateWindow(_parentWindowHandle); ret = mi.Invoke(type, args); } catch (TargetInvocationException err) { MessageBox.Show(@"An error occurred while executing this method from within ProdSpy: " + err.InnerException.Message, @"Invocation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); object[] error = new object[1]; error[0] = "ERR"; return(error); } catch (ProdOperationException err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); object[] error = new object[1]; error[0] = "ERR"; return(error); } /* handle displays of return values */ if (ret != null) { MessageBox.Show(ret.ToString(), mi.Name); } return(args); }
private string displayCartTable(List <userCart> cart) { string display = ""; foreach (userCart c in cart) { Prod pod = client.GetProd(Convert.ToInt32(c.Prod_ID)); double total = 0; total += c.Quantity * pod.Price; subtotal += total; nProds++; display += "<tr class='text-center' id='" + c.Prod_ID + "row'>"; display += "<td class='product-remove'><a type='button' onclick='remove(" + c.Prod_ID + "," + c.User_ID + ")'><span class='ion-ios-close'></span></a></td>"; display += "<td class='image-prod'><div class='img' style='background-image:url(" + pod.Image + ")'></div></td>"; display += "<td class='product-name'>"; display += "<h3>" + pod.prodName + "</h3>"; display += "<p>" + pod.description + "</p>"; display += "</td>"; display += "<td class='price'><input id='" + c.Prod_ID + "price' value='" + Math.Round(pod.Price, 2) + "' " + "style='display:none;'>$ " + Math.Round(pod.Price, 2) + "</td>"; display += "<td class='quantity'>"; display += "<div class='input-group mb-3'>"; display += "<p class='text-center'><a onclick='decreasingQ(" + c.Prod_ID + "," + c.User_ID + ")' class='btn btn-primary py-3 px-4'> - </a></p>"; display += "<input type='text' id='" + c.Prod_ID + "' readonly='readonly' name='quantity' class='quantity form-control input-number' value='" + c.Quantity + "' min='1' max='100'>" + "<p class='text-center'><a onclick='increasingQ(" + c.Prod_ID + "," + c.User_ID + ")' class='btn btn-primary py-3 px-4'> + </a></p></div></td>"; display += "<td id='" + c.Prod_ID + "total' class='total'>$ " + Math.Round(total, 2) + "</td></tr>"; } return(display); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Prod Product = new Prod { prodName = pName.Value, prodType = pType.Value, sNumber = sNumber.Value, Price = Convert.ToDouble(pricr.Value), brand = bName.Value, special = Convert.ToInt32(special.Value), description = description.Value, Qty = Convert.ToInt32(Qty.Value), Image = image.Value, inStock = 1 }; if (Product != null) { bool check = client.appendNewProduct(Product); if (check == true) { int id = client.searchProd(sNumber.Value); Response.Redirect("productInfo.aspx?ID=" + id); } else { } } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutProd(int id, Prod prod) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != prod.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(prod).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ProdExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Prod p = new Prod { prodName = name.Value, prodType = pType.Value, sNumber = sNumber.Value, Price = Convert.ToDouble(prodPrice.Value), brand = brand.Value, special = Convert.ToInt32(productSpecial.Value), description = description.Value, Qty = Convert.ToInt32(quantity.Value), Image = image.Value }; int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]); bool edit = client.modifyProd(p, Convert.ToInt32(id)); if (edit == true) { Response.Write("<script>window.alert('Changes Made Successfully!')</script>"); Response.Redirect("productInfo.aspx?ID=" + id); } else { messageDiv.Visible = true; message.Value = "Something Went Wrong Please Again Later"; } }
static object InflateEnum(string name, int[] loc) { List <string[]> names = new List <string[]>(); int rpos2 = loc[6]; while (rpos2 < loc[7]) { string rname = AsciiZ(ref rpos2); string[] keys; if (!val_aliases.TryGetValue(Prod.C(name, rname), out keys)) { keys = new string[] { rname } } ; names.Add(keys); } int rpos0 = loc[2]; int rpos1 = loc[4]; int[] data = new int[(loc[5] - loc[4]) * 2]; int lix = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length / 2; i++) { lix += (int)BER(ref rpos0); data[2 * i] = lix; data[2 * i + 1] = bits[rpos1++]; //if (Trace) Console.WriteLine("inflate: {0} = {1}", data[2*i], names[data[2*i+1]][0]); } return(new LimitedProperty(data, names.ToArray())); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ID,Name,Price,ImagenName,Status")] Prod producto1) { if (id != producto1.ID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(producto1); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ProductoExists(producto1.ID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(producto1)); }
// GET: Prods/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { Prod prod = db.Prods.Find(id); ViewBag.CATEGORY_FID = new SelectList(db.Categories, "CATEGORY_ID", "CATEGORY_NAME", prod.CATEGORY_FID); return(View(prod)); }
public async Task ActionBegin(ActionEventArgs <Prod> args) { if (args.RequestType == Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.Action.Save) { HttpResponseMessage response; bool found = prods.Any(p => p.CG_PROD == args.Data.CG_PROD); Prod ur = new Prod(); if (!found) { args.Data.CG_CIA = 1; args.Data.USUARIO = "User"; response = await Http.PostAsJsonAsync("api/Prod", args.Data); args.Data.CG_PROD = prods.Max(s => s.CG_PROD) + 1; } else { response = await Http.PutAsJsonAsync($"api/Prod/{args.Data.CG_PROD}", args.Data); } if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created) { } } if (args.RequestType == Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.Action.Delete) { await EliminarProd(args); } }
/// <summary> /// Demonstrates creating a simple Prod using preconfigured loggers from a configuration file /// </summary> public static void LoadConfigFile() { try { /* Loading a set of loggers from a configuration file (located in the /bin directory */ LoggingConfiguration lc = new LoggingConfiguration(); /* Adding them to the controller */ LogController.AddActiveLogger(lc.LoadFromConfiguration(@"")); /* start the application and wait until it exists */ Process.Start("MasterWinformTest.exe"); Prod.WinWaitExists(WIN_TITLE); /* Get the parent window and add loggers */ ProdWindow window = new ProdWindow(WIN_TITLE); /* here's the control we want to Prod */ ProdCheckBox chk1 = new ProdCheckBox(window, "checkBox1"); /* We'll monkey with the slider control */ ProdSlider slider = new ProdSlider(window, "trackBarTest"); slider.SetValue(3); chk1.SetCheckState(ToggleState.On); } catch (ProdUI.Exceptions.ProdOperationException e) { /* Show any errors */ Debug.WriteLine(">>>>>>>" + e.InnerException.Message + "<<<<<<<<"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,NombreProducto,Precio")] Prod prod) { if (id != prod.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(prod); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ProdExists(prod.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(prod)); }
private void HandleData(int Port, byte[] Data) { if (Data.Length > 1) { PGN = Data[0] << 8 | Data[1]; if (PGN == 32897) { // AGIO // AutoSteer AGIO PGN switch (Data[3]) { case 0xFE: mf.AutoSteerPGN.ParseByteData(Data); break; } } else { switch (PGN) { case 32618: mf.SwitchBox.ParseByteData(Data); break; case 32613: foreach (clsProduct Prod in mf.Products.Items) { Prod.UDPcommFromArduino(Data); } break; } } } }
static PWApp() { CONF = AssetUtils.GetConfig(CONF_NAME); if (CONF != null) { Prod.Checkin(CONF); } }
/// <summary> /// App data /// </summary> static PWApp() { conf = AssetUtils.GetConfig(CONF_NAME, true); if (conf != null) { Prod.Checkin(conf); } }
/* * internal bool blaklist(NonAddresseS2 nonAddresseS) * { * // this.TGs.emplacement.Contains(x => x.); * return TGs.emplacement.Contains(new TG.Doubleint { rayon = nonAddresseS.Alle, trave = nonAddresseS.Trave }); * }*/ private Parameters() { = new Prod(); this.TGs = new TG(); = new LisSecteur(); this.emag = new Emag(); this.client = new ClientPar(); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Prod prod = db.Prods.Find(id); db.Prods.Remove(prod); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ProductModel GetProduct(int Id) { using (var context = new Prod()) { var query = context.Students .where (s => s.StudentName == "Bill") .FirstOrDefault <Student>(); } }
private void ReceiveData(string sentence) { try { // look for ',' and '\r'. Return if not found int end = sentence.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (end == -1) { return; } end = sentence.IndexOf("\r"); if (end == -1) { return; } sentence = sentence.Substring(0, end); string[] words = sentence.Split(','); if (words.Length > 1) { if (byte.TryParse(words[0], out HiByte)) { if (byte.TryParse(words[1], out LoByte)) { int PGN = HiByte << 8 | LoByte; switch (PGN) { case 32618: if (mf.SwitchBox.ParseStringData(words)) { SerialActive = true; } break; case 32613: foreach (clsProduct Prod in mf.Products.Items) { if (Prod.SerialFromAruduino(words)) { SerialActive = true; } } break; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { mf.Tls.WriteErrorLog("SerialComm/ReceiveData: " + ex.Message); } }
static void InflateAliases() { int[] loc = directory["!PropertyAlias"]; aliases = new Dictionary <string, string>(); val_aliases = new Dictionary <Prod <string, string>, string[]>(); proxy_aliases = new Dictionary <string, string>(); int rpos = loc[2]; while (rpos < loc[3]) { string main = AsciiZ(ref rpos); string alias; aliases[StringProperty.Loosen(main)] = main; while ((alias = AsciiZ(ref rpos)).Length != 0) { aliases[StringProperty.Loosen(alias)] = main; //if (Trace) Console.WriteLine("Alias {0} -> {1}", alias, main); } } aliases["SCRIPTEXTENSIONS"] = aliases["SCX"] = "scx"; loc = directory["!pva"]; rpos = loc[2]; List <string> aset = new List <string>(); while (rpos < loc[3]) { string tbl = AsciiZ(ref rpos); string canon = AsciiZ(ref rpos); if (canon == "n/a") { canon = AsciiZ(ref rpos); } string alias; aset.Add(canon); while ((alias = AsciiZ(ref rpos)).Length != 0) { aset.Add(alias); } //if (Trace) Console.WriteLine("Alias {0},{1} -> {2}", tbl, canon, Kernel.JoinS(", ", aset)); val_aliases[Prod.C(tbl, canon)] = aset.ToArray(); if (tbl == "sc" || tbl == "gc" || tbl == "blk") { foreach (string a in aset) { aliases[(tbl == "blk" ? "IN" : "") + StringProperty.Loosen(a)] = tbl + "+" + canon; } proxy_aliases[tbl + "+" + canon] = tbl == "sc" ? "Script" : tbl; } aset.Clear(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { client.IncrementTracking("ProductInfo"); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]); string display = ""; Prod cl = client.GetProd(id); display += "<div class='row'>"; display += "<div class='col-lg-6 mb-5 ftco-animate'>"; display += "<a href='productInfo.aspx?ID=" + cl.ID + "' class='image-popup'><img src='" + cl.Image + "' class='img-fluid' alt='Colorlib Template'></a>"; display += "</div>"; display += "<div class='col-lg-6 product-details pl-md-5 ftco-animate'>"; display += "<h3>" + cl.prodName + "</h3>"; display += "<h5>" + cl.brand + "</h5>"; display += "<p>" + cl.description + "</p>"; display += "<h4 class='price'><span>R " + Math.Round(cl.Price, 2) + "</span></h4>"; display += "<div class='row mt-4'>"; display += "<div class='col-md-6'>"; display += "<div class='form-group d-flex'>"; display += "<div class='select-wrap'>"; display += "<div class='icon'><span class='ion-ios-arrow-down'></span></div>"; display += "</div>"; display += "</div>"; display += "</div>"; //display += "<div class='w-100'></div>"; //display += "<div class='input-group col-md-6 d-flex mb-3'>"; //display += "<span class='input-group-btn mr-2'>"; //display += "<button type='button' class='quantity-left-minus btn' data-type='minus' data-field=''>"; //display += "<i class='ion-ios-remove'></i>"; //display += "</button>"; //display += "</span>"; //display += "<input type='text' id='quantity' name='quantity' class='form-control input-number' value='1' min='1' max='100'>"; //display += "<span class='input-group-btn ml-2'>"; //display += "<button type='button' class='quantity-right-plus btn' data-type='plus' data-field=''>"; //display += " <i class='ion-ios-add'></i>"; //display += " </button>"; //display += "</span>"; if (Session["ID"] != null) { String strID = Session["ID"].ToString(); //display += "<p class='bottom-area d-flex'>"; display += "<button type='button' class='btn btn-primary py-3 px-5' style='postion:center;' onclick='addCart(" + cl.ID + "," + strID + ")'>Add to cart</button>"; display += "</p>"; //display += "<p id='" + cl.ID + "Added'style='color:green; display:none;>Item Successfully added to cart!</p>"; //display += "<p id='" + cl.ID + "NoAdd'style='color:red; display:none; postion:center;'>Item not added to cart!</p>"; } display += "</div>"; display += "</div>"; display += "</div>"; AboutProduct.InnerHtml = display; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ID,Name,Price,ImagenName,Status")] Prod producto1) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(producto1); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(producto1)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,NombreProducto,Precio")] Prod prod) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(prod); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(prod)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetProd(int id) { Prod prod = await db.Prods.FindAsync(id); if (prod == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(prod)); }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; CodProd.Clear(); Prod.Clear(); pre.Clear(); cu.Clear(); uti.Clear(); cant.Clear(); des.Clear(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
public static Activity ToContract(this Prod dataBaseActivity) { if (dataBaseActivity == null) { return(null); } return(new Activity { Id = dataBaseActivity.ProdNo, Description = dataBaseActivity.Descr, }); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostProd(Prod prod) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.Prods.Add(prod); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = prod.Id }, prod)); }
protected void btnPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Terms.Checked) { Random rand = new Random(); int order = rand.Next(100, 100001); /*while(client.OrderExists(order)) * { * order = rand.Next(100, 100001); * }*/ bDetails billing = new bDetails { Name = name.Value, Surname = surname.Value, Email = email.Value, Province = Province.Value, House_Adress = HouseNum.Value, City = TownCity.Value, Street_Adress = street.Value, ZIP = zip.Value, Phone = phone.Value, Order_ID = order, User_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"].ToString()) }; if (client.addDetails(billing) == 1) { Prod prod = client.GetProd(getProdID()); double amountDue = Convert.ToDouble(Session["Total"].ToString()); Response.Write("<form action='' method='post' name='buyCredits' id='buyCredit'>"); Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='cmd' value='_xclick'>"); Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='business' value='*****@*****.**'>"); Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='currency_code' value='USD'>"); Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='item_name' value='" + prod.prodName + "'>"); Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='item_number' value='" + prod.ID + "'>"); Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='amount' value='" + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(amountDue, 2)).Replace(",", ".") + "'>"); Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='return' value='http://localhost:58955/Receipt.aspx?order=" + order + "'>"); Response.Write("</form>"); Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>"); Response.Write("document.getElementById('buyCredit').submit();"); Response.Write("</script>"); } } else { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<script>window.alert('Please Accept The Terms & Conditions')</script>"); } }
/// <summary> /// Used to run things after a package was imported. /// </summary> private static void OnPackageImport() { if (m_conf == null) { m_conf = AssetUtils.GetConfig(CONF_NAME); } Prod.Checkin(m_conf); // No need for these anymore AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted -= OnImportPackageCompleted; AssetDatabase.importPackageCancelled -= OnImportPackageCancelled; AssetDatabase.importPackageFailed -= OnImportPackageFailed; }
private string parseProdFromDeviceID(string deviceId) { string[] splitDeviceId = deviceId.Split('\\'); string Prod; //Разбиваем строку на несколько частей. //Каждая чаcть отделяется по символу & string[] splitProd = splitDeviceId[1].Split('&'); Prod = splitProd[2].Replace("PROD_", "");; Prod = Prod.Replace("_", " "); return(Prod); }
// Method to add product to the cart. If the product already exists, just update the quantity by one public void AddProduct(string id, string name, decimal price, int qty) { Prod result = products.Find( delegate(Prod tp) { return tp.ID == id; } ); if (result != null) { UpdateQuantity(result.Quantity + 1, result.ID); } else { Prod tp = new Prod(id, name, price, qty); products.Add(tp); } }
public IActionResult Mini(int id, Prod.Mini item) { var result = new Result(); item.Id = id; item.UserId = 1; if (item.Skus != null && item.Skus.Any()) { item.Price = item.Skus.Min(x => x.Price); item.Stock = item.Skus.Sum(x => x.Stock); } result.Status = DefaultStorage.ProdMiniUpdate(item); return Json(result); }
public IActionResult Item(int id, int catgId, int spuId, Prod.Item item) { var userId = 1; var result = new Result<string>(); if (id < 0 || id < 0) { result.Message = "参数错误"; return Json(result); } var form = Request.Form; var time = DateTime.Now; var propPrefix = "prop."; var itemPrefix = "item."; if (item.Name.IsNullOrEmpty() || item.Name.Length > 30) { result.Data = "name"; return Json(result); } if (!item.Title.IsNullOrEmpty() && item.Title.Length > 30) { result.Data = "title"; return Json(result); } if (item.Stock < 1 || item.Stock > 99999999) { result.Data = "stock"; return Json(result); } if (item.RetailPrice < 1 || item.RetailPrice > 99999999) { result.Data = "retailPrice"; return Json(result); } if (item.Price < 1 || item.Price > 99999999) { result.Data = "price"; return Json(result); } if (item.AppPrice < 1 || item.AppPrice > 99999999) { result.Data = "appPrice"; return Json(result); } var summary = form[itemPrefix + "summary"].ToString(); if (summary.IsNullOrEmpty() || (summary.Length < 5 || summary.Length > 200)) { result.Data = "summary"; return Json(result); } var subStock = form[itemPrefix + "subStock"].ToString().As<byte>(0); var isTiming = false; var onlineTime = time; var itemStatus = Prod.Status.Online; var onlineTimeField = form[itemPrefix + "online"]; if (onlineTimeField == "0" || onlineTimeField == "1") { if (onlineTimeField == "1") { itemStatus = Prod.Status.Offline; } } else if (!DateTime.TryParse(onlineTimeField, out onlineTime)) { //var error = new { name = prefix + "onlineTime", message = "请选择日期及时间!" }; //errors.Add(error); result.Data = "onlinetime"; result.Message = "请选择日期及时间!"; return Json(result); } else { isTiming = true; } var data = DefaultStorage.CatgGet(catgId); if (data == null || !data.Props.Any()) { result.Message = "参数错误!"; return Json(result); } var props = new List<Prod.Prop>(); var propIdBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var propStrBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var p in data.Props) { if (p.IsEnumProp && p.Values != null) { var val = form[propPrefix + p.Id].ToArray().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); var array = Array.ConvertAll(val, Convert.ToInt32); foreach (var o in array) { foreach (var v in p.Values) { if (o > 0 && o == v.Id) { var prop = new Prod.Prop(); prop.PId = p.Id; prop.VId = v.Id; prop.PName = p.Name; prop.VName = v.Name; prop.Extra = string.Empty; if (p.IsSaleProp) { prop.Extra = "sale"; } if (p.IsColorProp) { prop.Extra += " color"; } if (p.Id == 20000) { item.BrandId = v.Id; item.BrandName = v.Name; } props.Add(prop); if (!p.IsSaleProp) { propIdBuilder.Append(p.Id + ":" + v.Id + ";"); propStrBuilder.Append(p.Id + ":" + v.Id + ":" + p.Name + ":" + v.Name + ";"); } } } } } } var skus = new List<Prod.Sku>(); var saleProps = props.Where(x => x.Extra.Contains("sale")).ToList(); var saleKeys = new List<string[]>(); foreach (var g in saleProps.OrderBy(x => x.PId).GroupBy(g => g.PId)) { var keys = g.Select(x => g.Key + ":" + x.VId).ToArray(); saleKeys.Add(keys); } var skuKeys = GetAllSkuKeys(saleKeys); if (skuKeys != null && skuKeys.Any()) { foreach (var skuKey in skuKeys) { if (skuKey.IsNullOrEmpty()) continue; var codeParam = "sku.code." + skuKey; var stockParam = "sku.stock." + skuKey; var priceParam = "sku.price." + skuKey; var appPriceParam = "sku.appPrice." + skuKey; var barcodeParam = "sku.barcode." + skuKey; int stock; decimal price, appPrice; var codeVal = form[codeParam].ToString().Trim(); var stockVal = form[stockParam].ToString().Trim(); var priceVal = form[priceParam].ToString().Trim(); var appPriceVal = form[appPriceParam].ToString().Trim(); var barcodeVal = form[barcodeParam].ToString().Trim(); if (stockVal.IsNullOrEmpty() || !int.TryParse(stockVal, out stock) || priceVal.IsNullOrEmpty() || !decimal.TryParse(priceVal, out price) || appPriceVal.IsNullOrEmpty() || !decimal.TryParse(appPriceVal, out appPrice)) { continue; } var nvs = skuKey.Split(';'); var propstr = string.Empty; foreach (var nv in nvs) { var pid = nv.Split(':')[0].AsInt(); var vid = nv.Split(':')[1].AsInt(); var pname = saleProps.First(o => o.PId == pid).PName; var vname = saleProps.First(o => o.VId == vid).VName; propstr += string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3};", pid, vid, pname, vname); } var sku = new Prod.Sku(); sku.SpuId = spuId; sku.UserId = userId; sku.CatgId = catgId; sku.CatgRId = 0; sku.CatgMId = ""; sku.Code = codeVal; sku.Barcode = barcodeVal; sku.BrandId = item.BrandId; sku.Stock = stock; sku.Price = price; sku.AppPrice = appPrice; sku.PropId = skuKey; sku.PropStr = propstr.TrimEnd(';'); sku.SaleCount = 0; sku.Status = itemStatus; sku.CreatedOn = time; sku.ModifiedBy = ""; sku.ModifiedOn = time; skus.Add(sku); } } var colorImgDic = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var colorProps = props.Where(x => x.Extra.Contains("color")).ToList(); foreach (var p in colorProps) { var key = p.PId + ":" + p.VId; var colorParam = "color.img." + key; var val = form[colorParam].ToString(); if (!val.IsNullOrEmpty()) { colorImgDic.Add(key, val); } } var itemImgs = form["item.img"].ToArray().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Take(5); var picture = itemImgs.FirstOrDefault(); var itemImgStr = string.Join(";", itemImgs); item.SpuId = spuId; item.UserId = userId; item.CatgId = catgId; item.CatgRId = 0; item.CatgMId = ""; item.Code = item.Code; item.Name = item.Name.StripHtml(); item.Title = item.Title.StripHtml(); item.Barcode = item.Barcode; item.Keyword = ""; item.PropId = propIdBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd(';'); item.PropStr = propStrBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd(';'); item.PropAlias = string.Empty; item.InputId = ""; item.InputStr = ""; item.Summary = summary; item.Picture = picture; item.ItemImgStr = itemImgStr; item.PropImgStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(colorImgDic); item.Width = 0; item.Depth = 0; item.Height = 0; item.Weight = 0; item.Location = ""; item.IsBonded = false; item.IsOversea = false; item.IsTiming = isTiming; item.IsVirtual = false; item.IsAutoFill = false; item.SupportCod = false; item.FreePostage = false; item.PostageTplId = 1; item.SubStock = subStock; item.Showcase = 1; item.OnlineOn = time; item.OfflineOn = time.AddDays(15); item.RewardRate = 0.5m; item.HasInvoice = false; item.HasWarranty = false; item.HasGuarantee = false; item.SaleCount = 0; item.CollectCount = 0; item.ConsultCount = 0; item.CommentCount = 0; item.Status = itemStatus; item.CreatedOn = time; item.ModifiedBy = ""; item.ModifiedOn = time; item.Skus = skus; item.Desc.CreatedOn = time; item.Desc.ModifiedBy = ""; item.Desc.ModifiedOn = time; if (id > 0) { item.Id = id; var propIds = item.Skus.Select(x => x.PropId); var oldSkus = DefaultStorage.ProdSkuList(id); var oldSkuPropIds = oldSkus.Select(x => x.PropId); var dic = oldSkus.ToDictionary(x => x.PropId, x => x.Id); foreach (var sku in item.Skus) { if (dic.ContainsKey(sku.PropId)) { sku.Id = dic[sku.PropId];//更新 } else { sku.Id = 0;//新增 } } var deletedPropIds = oldSkuPropIds.Except(propIds);//删除的 var deletedIds = oldSkus.Where(x => deletedPropIds.Contains(x.PropId)).Select(x => x.Id); result.Status = DefaultStorage.ProdItemUpdate(item, deletedIds.ToArray()); return Json(result); } var newId = DefaultStorage.ProdItemCreate(item); result.Data = newId.ToString(); result.Status = newId > 0; return Json(result); }