protected void CarveRoom()
        var roomToDraw = new ProcSpace();

        PaintRoomRandomly(roomToDraw, 100000);
	protected void CarveRoom()
		ProcSpace roomToDraw = new ProcSpace();

		PaintRoomRandomly(roomToDraw, 100000);
    protected void CarveCrawlspaces()

        int originX;
        int originY;
        int x;

        foreach (ProcSpace room in roomList)
            int rand2 = Rand.Range(0, 1);

            if (rand2 == 0)
                var crawlspace = new ProcSpace();

                direction = RIGHT;

                originX = room.TopRightX();
                originY = room.TopRightY() + 1;
                x       = 1;

                // get random height to make hallList either two or four tiles tall
                rand2 = Rand.Range(0, 10);
                int i = (rand2 == 0 ? 2 : 4);

                while (map.GetTileInfo(originX + x, originY) != null &&
                       TileInBounds(originX + x, originY))
                    if (i == 2)
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 2);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 3);

                    x = (direction == RIGHT ? x + 1 : x - 1);

                // with hall succesfully placed, set its origin, width, and height, then add to List
                crawlspace.width   = Math.Abs(x) - 1;
                crawlspace.height  = i;
                crawlspace.originY = originY - (i - 1);
                crawlspace.originX = (direction == RIGHT ? originX + 1 : originX - crawlspace.width);


    // previous iteration
    protected void CarveRandomRooms(int numberOfRooms)
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRooms; i++)
            var roomToDraw = new ProcSpace();

            PaintRoomRandomly(roomToDraw, 5);
    protected bool WithinRoomBounds(ProcSpace room, int x, int y)
        if ((x >= room.originX && x <= room.width) &&
            (y >= room.originY && y <= room.height))

    protected bool RoomInBounds(int originX, int originY, ProcSpace room)
        if (originX + room.width < (mapColumns - mapMarginX) &&
            originY + room.height < (mapRows - mapMarginY))

    protected bool TouchingRooms(int originX, int originY, ProcSpace room)
        // iterate through each potential tile placement
        for (int x = originX - roomMarginX; x < room.width + originX + roomMarginX; x++)
            for (int y = originY - roomMarginY; y < room.height + originY + roomMarginY; y++)
                // if a room has already been carved out here, return true
                if (map.GetTileInfo(x, y) == null)

    protected void PaintRoomRandomly(ProcSpace room, int maxAttempts)
        bool successful = false;
        int  attempts   = 0;


        while (!successful && attempts < maxAttempts)
            // random ints divisible by four 4 — keeps some distance between elements
            int originX = Rand.RangeDivFour(mapMarginX, mapColumns - mapMarginX);
            int originY = Rand.RangeDivFour(mapMarginY, mapRows - mapMarginY);

            // check that room will fit within map bounds
            if (RoomInBounds(originX, originY, room) &&
                !TouchingRooms(originX, originY, room))
                // paint room
                for (int x = 0; x < room.width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < room.height; y++)
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY + y);

                // with room succesfully placed, set origin then add room to List
                room.originX = originX;
                room.originY = originY;
                currentRoom = room;

                successful = true;


	protected void PaintRoomRandomly(ProcSpace room, int maxAttempts)
		bool successful = false;
		int attempts = 0;


		while (!successful && attempts < maxAttempts)
			// random ints divisible by four 4 — keeps some distance between elements
			int originX = Rand.RangeDivFour(mapMarginX, mapColumns - mapMarginX);
			int originY = Rand.RangeDivFour(mapMarginY, mapRows - mapMarginY);

			// check that room will fit within map bounds
			if (RoomInBounds(originX, originY, room) &&
					!TouchingRooms(originX, originY, room))
				// paint room
				for (int x = 0; x < room.width; x++)
					for (int y = 0; y < room.height; y++)
						map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY + y);

				// with room succesfully placed, set origin then add room to List
				room.originX = originX;
				room.originY = originY;
				currentRoom = room;

				successful = true;


 protected void GetRoom(ProcSpace room)
     room.width  = Rand.GaussianDivFour(8, 8, 2, 50);
     room.height = Rand.GaussianDivFour(4, 8, 8, 20);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    protected void CarveCrawlspaces()

        int originX;
        int originY;
        int x;

        foreach (ProcSpace room in roomList)
            int rand2 = Rand.Range(0, 1);

            if (rand2 == 0)
                ProcSpace crawlspace = new ProcSpace();

                direction = RIGHT;

                originX = room.TopRightX();
                originY = room.TopRightY() + 1;
                x = 1;

                // get random height to make hallList either two or four tiles tall
                rand2 = Rand.Range(0, 10);
                int i = (rand2 == 0 ? 2 : 4);

                while (map.GetTileInfo(originX + x, originY) != null &&
                        TileInBounds(originX + x, originY))
                    if (i == 2)
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 2);
                        map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 3);

                    x = (direction == RIGHT ? x + 1 : x - 1);

                // with hall succesfully placed, set its origin, width, and height, then add to List
                crawlspace.width   = Math.Abs(x) - 1;
                crawlspace.height  = i;
                crawlspace.originY = originY - (i - 1);
                crawlspace.originX = (direction == RIGHT ? originX + 1 : originX - crawlspace.width);


Ejemplo n.º 12
    protected void CarveHalls()

        int originX;
        int originY;
        int x;

        foreach (ProcSpace room in roomList)
            ProcSpace hall = new ProcSpace();

            // get random direction
            int rand = Rand.Range(0, 1);
            direction = (rand == 0 ? RIGHT : LEFT);

            // set origin point
            if (direction == RIGHT)
                originX = room.BottomRightX();
                originY = room.BottomRightY();
                x = 1;
                originX = room.BottomLeftX();
                originY = room.BottomLeftY();
                x = -1;

            // get random height to make hallList either two or four tiles tall
            int rand2 = Rand.Range(0, 10);
            int i = (rand2 == 0 ? 2 : 4);

            while (map.GetTileInfo(originX + x, originY) != null &&
                    TileInBounds(originX + x, originY))
                if (i == 2)
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 2);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 3);

                x = (direction == RIGHT ? x + 1 : x - 1);

            // with hall succesfully placed, set its origin, width, and height, then add to List
            hall.width   = Math.Abs(x) - 1;
            hall.height  = i;
            hall.originY = originY - (i - 1);
            hall.originX = (direction == RIGHT ? originX + 1 : originX - hall.width);


    protected void CarveHalls()

        int originX;
        int originY;
        int x;

        foreach (ProcSpace room in roomList)
            var hall = new ProcSpace();

            // get random direction
            int rand = Rand.Range(0, 1);
            direction = (rand == 0 ? RIGHT : LEFT);

            // set origin point
            if (direction == RIGHT)
                originX = room.BottomRightX();
                originY = room.BottomRightY();
                x       = 1;
                originX = room.BottomLeftX();
                originY = room.BottomLeftY();
                x       = -1;

            // get random height to make hallList either two or four tiles tall
            int rand2 = Rand.Range(0, 10);
            int i     = (rand2 == 0 ? 2 : 4);

            while (map.GetTileInfo(originX + x, originY) != null &&
                   TileInBounds(originX + x, originY))
                if (i == 2)
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 1);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 2);
                    map.ClearTile(originX + x, originY - 3);

                x = (direction == RIGHT ? x + 1 : x - 1);

            // with hall succesfully placed, set its origin, width, and height, then add to List
            hall.width   = Math.Abs(x) - 1;
            hall.height  = i;
            hall.originY = originY - (i - 1);
            hall.originX = (direction == RIGHT ? originX + 1 : originX - hall.width);


Ejemplo n.º 14
    protected bool WithinRoomBounds(ProcSpace room, int x, int y)
        if ((x >= room.originX && x <= room.width) &&
                (y >= room.originY && y <= room.height))
            return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    protected bool TouchingRooms(int originX, int originY, ProcSpace room)
        // iterate through each potential tile placement
        for (int x = originX - roomMarginX; x < room.width + originX + roomMarginX; x++)
            for (int y = originY - roomMarginY; y < room.height + originY + roomMarginY; y++)
                // if a room has already been carved out here, return true
                if (map.GetTileInfo(x, y) == null)
                    return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
    protected bool RoomInBounds(int originX, int originY, ProcSpace room)
        if (originX + room.width < (mapColumns - mapMarginX) &&
                originY + room.height < (mapRows - mapMarginY))
            return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected void GetRoom(ProcSpace room)
     room.width  = Rand.GaussianDivFour(8, 8, 2, 50);
     room.height = Rand.GaussianDivFour(4, 8, 8, 20);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    // previous iteration
    protected void CarveRandomRooms(int numberOfRooms)
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRooms; i++)
            ProcSpace roomToDraw = new ProcSpace();

            PaintRoomRandomly(roomToDraw, 5);