Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool AddFrame(Texture2D tex)
            if (_encoderPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Error will have been triggered earlier

            // Validate the pixel format
            var expectedFormat = _hasAlpha ? TextureFormat.ARGB32 : TextureFormat.RGB24;

            if (tex.format != expectedFormat)
                Debug.LogError($"Unexpected pixel format {tex.format} (expected {expectedFormat})");

            var  pixels  = tex.GetRawTextureData();
            bool success = ProResWrapper.AddVideoFrame(_encoderPtr, pixels);

            if (!success)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to add video frame to ProRes encoder");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool AddFrame(
            int width, int height, int rowBytes, TextureFormat format, NativeArray <byte> data)
            if (_encoderPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Error will have been triggered earlier

            // Validate the pixel format
            var expectedFormat = _hasAlpha ? TextureFormat.ARGB32 : TextureFormat.RGB24;

            if (format != expectedFormat)
                Debug.LogError($"Unexpected pixel format {format} (expected {expectedFormat})");

            bool success = ProResWrapper.AddVideoFrame(_encoderPtr, data.ToArray());

            if (!success)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to add video frame to ProRes encoder");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Dispose()

            if (_encoderPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Error will have been triggered earlier
            bool success = false;

            success = ProResWrapper.Close(_encoderPtr);
            if (!success)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to close ProRes encoder");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public bool AddSamples(NativeArray <float> interleavedSamples)
            if (_encoderPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Error will have been triggered earlier

            bool success = false;

            // Recorder clips may send empty buffers, in which case success will still be true.
            success = ProResWrapper.AddAudioSamples(_encoderPtr, interleavedSamples.ToArray(), interleavedSamples.Count());
            if (!success)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to add audio samples to ProRes encoder");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void StartEncoding()
            Vector2 imageSize          = new Vector2(1920, 1080);
            float   fps                = 30.0f;
            float   fAudioSamplingRate = 44100.0f;

            _hasAudio = false;
            _hasAlpha = false;
            ProResOut.ProResCodecFormat codecFormat = ProResOut.ProResCodecFormat.ProRes4444XQ;
            int colorDefinition = 0; // a value that matches ProResCommon::ColorDescription enum in C++ wrappers

            UnityEditor.Media.VideoTrackAttributes vAttr = new UnityEditor.Media.VideoTrackAttributes();
            UnityEditor.Media.AudioTrackAttributes aAttr = new UnityEditor.Media.AudioTrackAttributes();
            IMediaEncoderAttribute attr;

            if (m_Attributes.TryGetValue(AttributeLabels[MovieRecorderSettingsAttributes.CodecFormat], out attr))
                var presetSelectedAttr = (IntAttribute)(attr);
                codecFormat = (ProResOut.ProResCodecFormat)presetSelectedAttr.Value;

            if (m_Attributes.TryGetValue(AttributeLabels[MovieRecorderSettingsAttributes.ColorDefinition], out attr))
                var presetSelectedAttr = (IntAttribute)(attr);
                // Map UI value to wrapper enum values for the ProRes wrapper libraries.
                // We need to do this because the final value for the wrapper call most likely does not
                // match the UI dropdown index (depends what enum values are exposed).
                var enumValue = GetProResColorDefinitionFromExposedIndex(presetSelectedAttr.Value);
                colorDefinition = GetProResWrapperColorDefinition(enumValue);

            if (m_Attributes.TryGetValue("ImageSize", out attr))
                var imageSizeAttribute = (Vector2Attribute)(attr);
                imageSize = imageSizeAttribute.Value;

            if (m_Attributes.TryGetValue("Filename", out attr))
                var stringAttribute = (StringAttribute)(attr);
                _rawVideoFilename = stringAttribute.Value;

            if (m_Attributes.TryGetValue("VideoAttributes", out attr))
                var vmAttr  = (VideoTrackMediaEncoderAttribute)(attr);
                var vidAttr = vmAttr.Value;
                vAttr       = vidAttr;
                imageSize.x = vAttr.width;
                imageSize.y = vAttr.height;
                fps         = vAttr.frameRate.numerator / (float)vAttr.frameRate.denominator;
                _hasAlpha   = vAttr.includeAlpha;

            if (m_Attributes.TryGetValue("AudioAttributes", out attr))
                var amAttr    = (AudioTrackMediaEncoderAttribute)(attr);
                var audioAttr = amAttr.Value;
                fAudioSamplingRate = audioAttr.sampleRate.numerator / (float)audioAttr.sampleRate.denominator;
                aAttr     = audioAttr;
                _hasAudio = true;

            int nCodecFormat = (int)codecFormat;

            // Ensure that this codec format is supported, because on macOS we depend on AVFoundation in the OS
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(128);
            bool   supported             = ProResWrapperHelpers.SupportsCodecFormat(nCodecFormat, sb, sb.Capacity);
            string sSupported            = sb.ToString();

            if (!supported)
                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Could not create file {0}: {1}", _rawVideoFilename, sb.ToString()));
                _encoderPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

            // Prepare the file
            _encoderPtr = ProResWrapper.Create(UnityHelpers.PackageDescription, _rawVideoFilename, (int)imageSize.x, (int)imageSize.y, fps, _hasAudio, fAudioSamplingRate, nCodecFormat, _hasAlpha, colorDefinition);
            if (_encoderPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Could not create file {0}", _rawVideoFilename));