public async Task <PrizeBulkCreationResult> CreatePrizes(PrizeBulkCreationRequest prizeBulkCreationRequest)
            var stringContent = await prizesApiClient.CreatePrizesBulkAsync(prizeBulkCreationRequest);

            var result = jsonConverter.DeserializeObject <PrizeBulkCreationResult>(stringContent);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ActionResult> InitPromotionAsync(PromotionRequest request)
            //var result = Created(??);
            //The correct status code will be 201 ( created ) however we need to build a url
            // which stores the result of the method. This is out of scope but we can modify this later.
            var result = StatusCode(500);

            var customerCreateRequest = new CustomerCreateRequest
                CustomerName = request.CustomerName

            //create customer
            var taskResult = await _customerRepository.Create(customerCreateRequest).ContinueWith(async taskResult =>
                var newCustomer          = taskResult.Result;
                var distributionPerPrize = request.TotalAmount / request.NumberOfPrizes;
                //create prizes
                var prizeBulkCreationRequest = new PrizeBulkCreationRequest
                    CustomerId           = newCustomer.CustomerId,
                    TotalPrizes          = request.NumberOfPrizes,
                    DistributionPerPrize = distributionPerPrize

                //now the desicion to make here.
                // Do we want to create a list with {NumberOfPrizes} length or
                // delegate this to the prizes API.

                //to avoid blocking the current API we will delegate this to the prizes API.
                var prizesBulkCreationResponse = await _prizesRepository.CreatePrizes(prizeBulkCreationRequest);

            if (!taskResult.IsFaulted)
                result = Ok();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <ActionResult> BulkInsertPrizesAsync(PrizeBulkCreationRequest request)
            // there are so many ways we can handle this:
            // * Queue
            // * Kafka
            // * etc
            //for the moment it will go with a simple range add
            var listOfPrizes = new List <DTO.Prize>();

            for (int i = 0; i < request.TotalPrizes; i++)
                var p = new DTO.Prize
                    //id is autogenerated
                    Amount     = request.DistributionPerPrize,
                    Name       = $"Name = {i}",
                    CustomerId = request.CustomerId,
                    Status     = StatusEnum.NOT_INITIALIZED


            await _prizeRepository.BulkInsertPrizes(listOfPrizes);


            //it really shoud return Accepted() if we ever move this to a queue or kafka.

             * The 202 (Accepted) status code indicates that the request has been
             * accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
             * The request might or might not eventually be acted upon, as it might
             * be disallowed when processing actually takes place.  There is no
             * facility in HTTP for re-sending a status code from an asynchronous
             * operation.
 public async Task <string> CreatePrizesBulkAsync(PrizeBulkCreationRequest prizeBulkCreationRequest)
     return(await DoPostAsync(prizeBulkCreationRequest));