Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void WorkWithPriorityQuery(int maxSize)
            PriorityQuery <long> prioQ = new PriorityQuery <long>(maxSize);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++)
                prioQ.Insert(rnd.Next(0, 2000));

            catch (Exception e)

            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Note: Since this is a struct and this function can modify the fields of the struct,
 /// make sure you are calling this on a "ref" version of the struct, and if it's a member
 /// of another object, make sure it IS NOT readonly.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dnsPriorityQuery">Callback that determines priority to select an address from Dns record.
 ///   Use DnsPriority.(QueryName) for standard queries.</param>
 public void ForceIPResolution(PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery)
     if (ipEndPoint == null)
         ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(EndPoints.DnsResolve(ipOrHost, dnsPriorityQuery), port);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static void Connect(this Socket socket, ref StringEndPoint endpoint, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery)
     if (endpoint.ipEndPoint == null)
         endpoint.ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(EndPoints.DnsResolve(endpoint.ipOrHost, dnsPriorityQuery), endpoint.port);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // millisecondsRefreshTime: negative Always refresh
        // millisecondsRefreshTime:        0 Never refresh
        // millisecondsRefreshTime: positive Refresh after this many milliseconds
        public DnsEndPoint(String domainName, Int32 port, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, Int64 millisecondRefreshTime)
            this.domainName             = domainName;
            this.port                   = port;
            this.dnsPriorityQuery       = dnsPriorityQuery;
            this.millisecondRefreshTime = millisecondRefreshTime;

            this.lastRefreshStopwatchTicks = 0;
            this.lastRefreshEndPoint       = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to parse the string as an IPAddress.  If that fails, it will resolve
        /// it as a host name and select the best address using the given priority query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipOrHost">An ip address or host name</param>
        /// <param name="dnsPriorityQuery">Callback that determines priority to select an address from Dns record.
        ///   Use DnsPriority.(QueryName) for standard queries.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed or resolved ip address.</returns>
        public static IPAddress ParseIPOrResolveHost(String ipOrHost, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery)
            IPAddress ip;

            if (IPParser.TryParse(ipOrHost, out ip))
            return(DnsResolve(ipOrHost, dnsPriorityQuery));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)

            var categories = new CategoryQuery().GetAll();

            foreach (var category in categories)
                Console.WriteLine($"\t{category.Id} | {category.Description}");

            var people = new PersonQuery().GetAll();

            Console.WriteLine("People and categories");
            foreach (var person in people)
                Console.WriteLine($"\t{person.Id} | {person.Name} | {person.Age} | {person.CategoryId} | {person.Category.Description}");

            var peopleProjects = new PersonQuery().GetAllWithProjects();

            Console.WriteLine("People and projects");
            foreach (var person in peopleProjects)
                Console.WriteLine($"\t{person.Id} | {person.Name}");
                if (person.Projects != null)
                    foreach (var project in person.Projects)
                        Console.WriteLine($"\t\t{project.Id} | {project.Name}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tNo projects");

            var priorities = new PriorityQuery().GetAll();

            foreach (var priority in priorities)
                Console.WriteLine($"\t{priority.Id} | {priority.Description}");

            var tickets = new TicketQuery().GetAll();

            foreach (var ticket in tickets)
                Console.WriteLine($"\t{ticket.Description} | {ticket.PersonId} | {(ticket.Person?.Name ?? "No requester")} | {(ticket.Person?.CategoryId.ToString() ?? "No category id")} | {(ticket.Person?.Category?.Description ?? "No category")} | {(ticket.PriorityId.ToString() ?? "No priority Id")} | {(ticket.Priority?.Description ?? "No Priority")}");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the DNS host name, and uses the given <paramref name="dnsPriorityQuery"/> to determine which address to use.
        /// Note: in order to distinguish between dns resolution errors and having no suitable addresses,
        /// it is recommended to not ignore any addresses in your priority query, but instead,
        /// give them low priority and check if the address family is suitable in the return value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">host to resolve</param>
        /// <param name="dnsPriorityQuery">Callback that determines priority to select an address from Dns record.
        ///   Use DnsPriority.(QueryName) for standard queries.</param>
        /// <returns>The resolved ip address with the highest priority</returns>
        public static PriorityValue <IPAddress> TryDnsResolve(String host, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery)
            IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(host);

            IPAddress[] addresses = hostEntry.AddressList;
            if (hostEntry == null || addresses == null || addresses.Length <= 0)
                return(new PriorityValue <IPAddress>(Priority.Ignore, null));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void Connect(Socket socket, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, ProxyConnectOptions proxyOptions, ref BufStruct buf)
     if (proxy == null)
         proxy.ProxyConnectTcp(socket, ref targetEndPoint, proxyOptions, ref buf);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void Connect(this Socket socket, More.Net.InternetHost host, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery,
                            More.Net.ProxyConnectOptions proxyOptions, ref BufStruct buf)
     if (host.proxy == null)
         host.proxy.ProxyConnectTcp(socket, ref host.targetEndPoint, proxyOptions, ref buf);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static Proxy ParseProxy(String proxySpecifier, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, Proxy proxyForProxy)
            // format
            // http:<ip-or-host>:<port>
            // socks4:<ip-or-host>:<port>
            if (proxySpecifier == null || proxySpecifier.Length <= 0)

            String[] splitStrings = proxySpecifier.Split(':');
            if (splitStrings.Length != 3)
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Invalid proxy '{0}', expected 'http:<host>:<port>', 'socks4:<host>:<port>' or 'socks5:<host>:<port>'", proxySpecifier));

            String proxyTypeString = splitStrings[0];
            String ipOrHost        = splitStrings[1];
            String portString      = splitStrings[2];

            UInt16 port;

            if (!UInt16Parser.TryParse(portString, out port))
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Invalid port '{0}'", portString));
            InternetHost proxyHost = new InternetHost(ipOrHost, port, dnsPriorityQuery, proxyForProxy);

            if (proxyTypeString.Equals("socks4", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                return(new Socks4Proxy(proxyHost, null));
            else if (proxyTypeString.Equals("socks5", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                return(new Socks5NoAuthenticationConnectSocket(proxyHost));
            else if (proxyTypeString.Equals("http", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                return(new HttpProxy(proxyHost));
            else if (proxyTypeString.Equals("gateway", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                return(new GatewayProxy(proxyHost));
            else if (proxyTypeString.Equals("httpconnect", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                return(new HttpConnectProxyProxy(proxyHost));

            throw new FormatException(String.Format("Unexpected proxy type '{0}', expected 'gateway', 'http', 'httpconnect', 'socks4' or 'socks5'", proxyTypeString));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Strips proxies from connection specifier.
        /// Proxies are configured before the '%' sign, i.e. socks4:myproxy:1080%host.
        /// You can also configure multiple proxies, i.e. gateway:my-gateway-proxy:8080%socks4:myproxy:1080%host.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectorString">A connector string with potential proxies configured.</param>
        /// <param name="dnsPriorityQuery">Callback that determines priority to select an address from Dns record.
        ///   Use DnsPriority.(QueryName) for standard queries.</param>
        /// <param name="proxy">The proxy (or proxies) stripped from the connector string.</param>
        /// <returns>Connector string with proxies stripped.  Also returns the parsed proxies.</returns>
        public static String StripAndParseProxies(String connectorString, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, out Proxy proxy)
            proxy = null;

            while (true)
                int percentIndex = connectorString.IndexOf('%');
                if (percentIndex < 0)

                proxy           = ParseProxy(connectorString.Remove(percentIndex), dnsPriorityQuery, proxy);
                connectorString = connectorString.Substring(percentIndex + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves the DNS host name, and uses the given <paramref name="dnsPriorityQuery"/> to determine which address to use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">host to resolve</param>
        /// <param name="dnsPriorityQuery">Callback that determines priority to select an address from Dns record.
        ///   Use DnsPriority.(QueryName) for standard queries.</param>
        /// <returns>The resolved ip address and it's priority</returns>
        public static IPAddress DnsResolve(String host, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery)
            IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(host);

            IPAddress[] addresses = hostEntry.AddressList;
            if (hostEntry == null || addresses == null || addresses.Length <= 0)
                throw new DnsException("host");
            var priorityValue = addresses.PrioritySelect(dnsPriorityQuery);

            if (priorityValue.value == null)
                throw new NoSuitableAddressesException(host, addresses);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static InternetHost FromIPOrHostWithOptionalPort(
            String ipOrHostOptionalPort, UInt16 defaultPort, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, Proxy proxy)
            Int32 colonIndex = ipOrHostOptionalPort.IndexOf(':');

            if (colonIndex >= 0)
                // NOTE: I could parse this without creating another string
                String portString = ipOrHostOptionalPort.Substring(colonIndex + 1);
                if (!UInt16Parser.TryParse(portString, out defaultPort))
                    throw new FormatException(String.Format("Port '{0}' could not be parsed as a 2 byte unsigned integer", portString));
                ipOrHostOptionalPort = ipOrHostOptionalPort.Remove(colonIndex);

            return(new InternetHost(ipOrHostOptionalPort, defaultPort, dnsPriorityQuery, proxy));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static InternetHost FromIPOrHostWithPort(String ipOrHostWithPort, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, Proxy proxy)
            Int32 colonIndex = ipOrHostWithPort.IndexOf(':');

            if (colonIndex < 0)
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Missing colon to designate the port on '{0}'", ipOrHostWithPort));

            // NOTE: I could parse this without creating another string
            String portString = ipOrHostWithPort.Substring(colonIndex + 1);
            UInt16 port;

            if (!UInt16Parser.TryParse(portString, out port))
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Port '{0}' could not be parsed as a 2 byte unsigned integer", portString));
            String ipOrHost = ipOrHostWithPort.Remove(colonIndex);

            return(new InternetHost(ipOrHost, port, dnsPriorityQuery, proxy));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public DnsEndPoint(String domainName, Int32 port, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery)
     : this(domainName, port, dnsPriorityQuery, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static PriorityValue <T> PrioritySelect <T>(this IEnumerable <T> values, PriorityQuery <T> priorityQuery)
            PriorityValue <T> highestPriorityValue = new PriorityValue <T>(Priority.Ignore, default(T));

            foreach (var value in values)
                Priority priority = priorityQuery(value);
                if (priority.IsHighest)
                    return(new PriorityValue <T>(priority, value));
                if (priority.value > highestPriorityValue.priority.value)
                    highestPriorityValue = new PriorityValue <T>(priority, value);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public InternetHost(String ipOrHost, UInt16 port, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, Proxy proxy)
     this.targetEndPoint   = new StringEndPoint(ipOrHost, port);
     this.dnsPriorityQuery = dnsPriorityQuery;
     this.proxy            = proxy;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 // neverRefresh: true to never refresh, false to always refresh
 public DnsEndPoint(String domainName, Int32 port, PriorityQuery <IPAddress> dnsPriorityQuery, Boolean neverRefresh)
     : this(domainName, port, dnsPriorityQuery, neverRefresh ? 0 : -1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public InternetHost(InternetHost other, UInt16 port)
     this.targetEndPoint   = new StringEndPoint(other.targetEndPoint, port);
     this.dnsPriorityQuery = other.dnsPriorityQuery;
     this.proxy            = other.proxy;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public InternetHost(InternetHost other, Proxy proxy)
     this.targetEndPoint   = other.targetEndPoint;
     this.dnsPriorityQuery = other.dnsPriorityQuery;
     this.proxy            = proxy;