Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult PrintTag(LotAttributeModel lotAttributeModel)
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            POHeaderModel entity = (POHeaderModel)Session["ModifiedPOHeaderModel"];

            entity.PODetails.ForEach(s => s.LotAttribute = lotAttributeModel);

            Session["ModifiedPOHeaderModel"] = entity;
            ViewBag.Uom     = entity.PODetails.Select(s => s.UomCode).FirstOrDefault <string>();
            ViewBag.UserQty = entity.PODetails.Select(s => s.Qty).FirstOrDefault <decimal>();

            PrintTagModel objPrintTag = new PrintTagModel();

            if (!entity.CartonLabel)
                return(RedirectToAction("ManualUpdate", objPrintTag));

            objPrintTag.Id      = lotAttributeModel.Id;
            objPrintTag.Company = lotAttributeModel.Company;
            objPrintTag.PONum   = lotAttributeModel.PONum;
            objPrintTag.POLine  = lotAttributeModel.POLine;
            objPrintTag.DONum   = lotAttributeModel.DONum;
            objPrintTag.PartNum = lotAttributeModel.PartNum;
            objPrintTag.LotNum  = lotAttributeModel.LotNum;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult ManualUpdate(PrintTagModel obj)
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            string errMsg = "";
            string msg    = "-";

            POHeaderModel entity = (POHeaderModel)Session["ModifiedPOHeaderModel"];

            TempData["PONum"]   = entity.PONum;
            TempData["DONum"]   = entity.DONum;
            TempData["Company"] = entity.Company;

            entity.PODetails.ForEach(s => s.PrintTag = obj);

            HttpResponseMessage response = GlobalVariables.WebApiClient.PostAsJsonAsync("POReceipt", entity).Result;

            //TempData["RespondMessage"] = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                errMsg = "";
                msg = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(msg);
                    string  msgJ    = (string)jObject.SelectToken("Message");
                    string  msgDtl  = (string)jObject.SelectToken("MessageDetail");
                    if (msgDtl == null)
                        errMsg = msgJ;
                        errMsg = msgDtl;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errMsg = msg;

            ViewBag.Status  = errMsg;
            ViewBag.PONum   = entity.PONum;
            ViewBag.DONum   = entity.DONum;
            ViewBag.Company = entity.Company;

            // return Json(new { Message = msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult LotAttribute(PODetailModel obj)
            if (Session["User"] == null || obj == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            //Session["XOrderQty"] = obj.XOrdQty; //bring XOrder Calc to Print Tag Page

            Session["LotNum"] = obj.LotNum;

            //if (TempData["ModifiedPODetailModel"] == obj) {


            POHeaderModel entity = (POHeaderModel)Session["POHeaderModel"];
            //This is for LotAttribute only
            PODetailModel objPODtl = new PODetailModel();

            objPODtl = entity.PODetails.Where(w => w.POLine == obj.POLine).SingleOrDefault();

            Session["LotNum"]  = objPODtl.LotNum;
            Session["PartNum"] = objPODtl.PartNum;

            //entity.PODetails = new List<PODetailModel>();
            //entity.PODetails.Add(obj );
            entity.PODetails.Where(w => w.POLine == obj.POLine).ToList().ForEach(s => s.TuId   = obj.TuId);
            entity.PODetails.Where(w => w.POLine == obj.POLine).ToList().ForEach(s => s.LotNum = obj.LotNum);
            entity.PODetails.Where(w => w.POLine == obj.POLine).ToList().ForEach(s => s.Qty    = obj.Qty);
            entity.PODetails.Where(w => w.POLine == obj.POLine).ToList().ForEach(s => s.TuConv = obj.TuConv);

            Session["ModifiedPOHeaderModel"] = entity;

            //Lot Validation (is it exist in PartLot table or not)
            string Qry = $"LotNumValidation?Company={obj.Company}&PartNum={obj.PartNum}&LotNum={obj.LotNum}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = GlobalVariables.WebApiClient.GetAsync(Qry).Result;
            bool isLotExist = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <bool>().Result;

            //AMIN - Check Lot Attribute M or T or else
            LotAttributeModel tempLotAtt = obj.LotAttribute;
            bool isNullAtt = false;

            if ((tempLotAtt.AttBatch == null && tempLotAtt.AttMfgBatch == null && tempLotAtt.AttMfgLot == null && tempLotAtt.AttHeat == null && tempLotAtt.AttFirmware == null && tempLotAtt.AttBeforeDt == null && tempLotAtt.AttMfgDt == null && tempLotAtt.AttCureDt == null && tempLotAtt.AttExpDt == null) ||
                (tempLotAtt.AttBatch == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttMfgBatch == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttMfgLot == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttHeat == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttFirmware == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttBeforeDt == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttMfgDt == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttCureDt == "N" && tempLotAtt.AttExpDt == "N"))
                isNullAtt = true;
                isNullAtt = false;

            //test data
            //objPODtl.TrackLot = true;
            //isLotExist = false;
            //isNullAtt = false;

            //tempLotAtt.AttBeforeDt = "M";
            //tempLotAtt.AttMfgDt = "M";
            //tempLotAtt.AttCureDt = "M";
            //tempLotAtt.AttExpDt = "M";

            //if (objPODtl!=null && objPODtl.TrackLot && !isLotExist)
            if (objPODtl != null && objPODtl.TrackLot && !isLotExist && !isNullAtt)
                //LotNum Validation fails then open LotAttribute Page
                LotAttributeModel objLotAttribute = obj.LotAttribute == null ? objPODtl.LotAttribute : obj.LotAttribute;
                objLotAttribute.LotNum       = obj.LotNum;
                objLotAttribute.DONum        = obj.DONum;
                objLotAttribute.LotShelfLife = obj.LotShelfLife;
                //LotNum Validation sucess then open PrintTag Page
                PrintTagModel objPrintTag = new PrintTagModel();
                //if Carton label tick true then prompt the printtag page
                if (!entity.CartonLabel)
                    return(RedirectToAction("ManualUpdate", objPrintTag));
                objPrintTag.Id      = obj.Id;
                objPrintTag.Company = obj.Company;
                objPrintTag.PONum   = obj.PONum;
                objPrintTag.POLine  = obj.POLine;
                objPrintTag.DONum   = obj.DONum;
                objPrintTag.PartNum = obj.PartNum;
                objPrintTag.LotNum  = obj.LotNum;

                ViewBag.Uom     = entity.PODetails.Select(s => s.UomCode).FirstOrDefault <string>();
                ViewBag.UserQty = entity.PODetails.Select(s => s.Qty).FirstOrDefault <decimal>();

                return(RedirectToAction("PrintTag", objPrintTag));
                //return View("PrintTag", objPrintTag);