Ejemplo n.º 1
 void Do()
     for (int i = 0; i < replace.Length; i++)
         Transform trs   = replace[i];
         Transform clone = PrefabUtilityExtensions.ClonePrefabInstance(prefab.gameObject).GetComponent <Transform>();
         clone.position = trs.position;
         clone.rotation = trs.rotation;
         clone.localScale = trs.localScale;
         if (copyMesh)
             MeshFilter meshFilter = trs.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
             if (meshFilter != null)
                 MeshFilter cloneMeshFilter = clone.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                 if (cloneMeshFilter != null)
                     cloneMeshFilter.mesh = meshFilter.mesh;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void PrefabUpdated(GameObject go)
     if (go)
         if (go.activeSelf)
             // Debug.LogError("Set prefab: {0} was left active on last \"Apply\", be sure to set the active flag to false (Sets are always marked inactive)".Fmt(setCom.GetType().Name));
             /// Eventually we want this, but there are some gotchas with writing out a prefab
             /// e.g. if the set gets parented to a blank gameobject and then applied, we would end up writing out that prefab
             Debug.LogError("Set prefab: {0} was left active on last \"Apply\", auto-correcting the active flag to false (Sets are always marked inactive)".Fmt(GetType().Name));
             // TODO: Make sure the correct object is written out and not just simply the root prefab