Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Draw(PowderSim.MaterialID Type)
        float2 cur_center = ((float3)Sim.transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position)).xy + 0.5f;
        float  cur_radius = ((float3)Sim.transform.InverseTransformVector(transform.localScale)).y / 2;

        cur_center *= Sim.Resolution;
        cur_radius *= Sim.Resolution.y;

        // since moving the mouse fast results in in skipping pixels between frames
        // we store the prev frames mouse position and step through all pixels on the line from prev frame and cur frame pos to never skip pixels
        float dist     = draw_prev_frame ? distance(cur_center, prev_center) : 0f;
        float cur_dist = 0;

            float t = dist != 0f ? cur_dist / dist : cur_dist;

            float2 center = lerp(cur_center, prev_center, t);
            float  radius = lerp(cur_radius, prev_radius, t);

            int2 a = clamp((int2)floor(center - radius), 0, Sim.Resolution);
            int2 b = clamp((int2)ceil(center + radius), 0, Sim.Resolution);

            for (int y = a.y; y < b.y; ++y)
                for (int x = a.x; x < b.x; ++x)
                    if (distance(float2(x, y) + 0.5f, center) <= radius + 0.2f)
                        Sim.cells.Array[y, x] = new PowderSim.Cell {
                            mat = Type

            cur_dist += 1;
        } while (cur_dist < dist);

        prev_center = cur_center;
        prev_radius = cur_radius;

        draw_prev_frame = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        var  plane    = new Plane(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), 0);
        var  ray      = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        bool mouseHit = plane.Raycast(ray, out float dist);

        MeshRenderer.enabled = mouseHit;
        if (mouseHit)
            float3 pos = ray.origin + ray.direction * dist;
            transform.position = float3(pos.xy, transform.position.z);

        {         // Update Tool Size
            float size_log = log2(DrawSize);
            size_log += Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * MouseScrollDeltaSens;
            DrawSize  = clamp(pow(2f, size_log), 1, 1024);

            float Diameter = DrawSize * Sim.transform.localScale.y / Sim.Resolution.y;             // size in world space of mouse cursor

            transform.localScale = float3(Diameter);
            MeshRenderer.material.SetFloat("_Thickness", 0.33f * 2 / DrawSize);

        DrawMaterial = NumberKeyDown() ?? DrawMaterial;

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))           // Draw
        else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))             // Erase
            draw_prev_frame = false;