public void init (FightScreen fightScreen, PotionBag potionBag) { this.fightScreen = fightScreen; this.potionBag = potionBag; location = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("LocationScreen").GetComponent<Location>(); render = transform.Find("WinImage").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); bg = transform.Find("BG"); valuesHolder = transform.Find("ValuesHolder"); // rankPointsValue = valuesHolder.Find("RankPointsValue").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); goldValue = valuesHolder.Find("GoldValue").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); newLevelLabel = valuesHolder.Find("NewLevelLabel").GetComponent<TextMesh>(); // MeshRenderer mesh = valuesHolder.Find("RankPointsLabel").GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); // mesh.sortingLayerName = "FightResultLayer"; // mesh.sortingOrder = 2; MeshRenderer mesh = valuesHolder.Find("GoldLabel").GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); mesh.sortingLayerName = "FightResultLayer"; mesh.sortingOrder = 2; // mesh = rankPointsValue.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); // mesh.sortingLayerName = "FightResultLayer"; // mesh.sortingOrder = 2; mesh = goldValue.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); mesh.sortingLayerName = "FightResultLayer"; mesh.sortingOrder = 2; mesh = newLevelLabel.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); mesh.sortingLayerName = "FightResultLayer"; mesh.sortingOrder = 2; newLevelLabel.gameObject.SetActive(false); valuesHolder.gameObject.SetActive(false); transform.Find("ClickText").GetComponent<StrokeText>().init("FightResultLayer", 10); gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void init () { elementsHolder = transform.Find("ElementsHolder").GetComponent<ElementsHolder>(); iconsHolderRender = elementsHolder.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); fightEffectPlayer = transform.Find("FightEffectPlayer").GetComponent<FightEffectPlayer>(); elementEffectPlayer = transform.Find("ElementEffectPlayer").GetComponent<ElementEffectPlayer>(); fightInterface = transform.Find("FightInterface").GetComponent<FightInterface>(); enemy = transform.Find("Enemy").GetComponent<Enemy>(); resultScreen = transform.Find("FightResultScreen").GetComponent<FightResultScreen>(); enemyDeadAnimator = transform.Find("EnemyDeadAnim").GetComponent<Animator>(); fightProcessor = GetComponent<FightProcessor>(); deadStone = enemyDeadAnimator.transform.Find("DeadStone"); enemyPos = enemy.transform.localPosition; potionBag = Vars.gameplay.getPotionBag(); elementsHolder.init(); enemy.init(); resultScreen.init(this, potionBag); fightInterface.init(); elementEffectPlayer.init(this, enemy); fightProcessor.init(this, elementsHolder, enemy, potionBag); elementsHolder.gameObject.SetActive(true); fightInterface.gameObject.SetActive(true); enemyDeadAnimator.gameObject.SetActive(false); gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void init () { Transform equipments = transform.Find("EquipmentHolders"); equipments.gameObject.SetActive(true); EquipmentHolder holder; for (int i = 0; i < equipments.childCount; i++) { holder = equipments.GetChild(i).GetComponent<EquipmentHolder>(); holder.init(this); equipmentHolders.Add(holder); } potionBag = Vars.gameplay.getPotionBag(); foreach (PotionHolder pHolder in potionBag.getPotionHolders()) { equipmentHolders.Add(pHolder); } inventoryManipulator = GetComponent<InventoryManipulator>(); inventoryManipulator.init(equipmentHolders); Transform attributes = transform.Find("Attributes"); damageValue = attributes.Find("DamageValue").GetComponent<StrokeText>(); armorValue = attributes.Find("ArmorValue").GetComponent<StrokeText>(); strengthValue = attributes.Find("StrengthValue").GetComponent<StrokeText>(); enduranceValue = attributes.Find("EnduranceValue").GetComponent<StrokeText>(); agilityValue = attributes.Find("AgilityValue").GetComponent<StrokeText>(); luckValue = attributes.Find("LuckValue").GetComponent<StrokeText>(); setLayersForText(attributes); addAttributes = attributes.Find("AddAttributes").GetComponent<AddAttributes>(); addAttributes.init(); transform.Find("BG").gameObject.SetActive(true); attributes.gameObject.SetActive(true); gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void SellBackPotion(int inputNumber) { if (PotionBag.Any()) { this.Gold += (this.PotionBag[inputNumber].Price - 1); this.PotionBag.RemoveAt(inputNumber); } }
void Awake() { Vars.gameplay = this; Hero.init(); GetComponent<Imager>().init(); WorkbenchSchemeDescriptor.fillSchemesMap(); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UserInterface").GetComponent<UserInterface>().init(); GetComponent<ItemFactory>().init(); itemDescriptor = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ItemDescriptor").GetComponent<ItemDescriptor>(); itemDescriptor.init(); potionBag = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PotionBag").GetComponent<PotionBag>(); potionBag.init(); inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Inventory").GetComponent<Inventory>(); inventory.init(); GameObject[] scrs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("GameScreen"); foreach (GameObject gameObj in scrs) { GameScreen screen = gameObj.GetComponent<GameScreen>(); switch (screen.getScreenType()) { case ScreenType.CITY: city = screen as CityScreen; break; case ScreenType.GUILD: guild = screen as GuildScreen; break; case ScreenType.BLACKSMITH: blacksmith = screen as BlacksmithScreen; break; case ScreenType.HEALER: healer = screen as HealerScreen; break; case ScreenType.HOME: home = screen as HomeScreen; break; } screens.Add(screen); screen.init(); screen.hideScreen(); } GetComponent<InputProcessor>().init(screens); fightScreen = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("FightScreen").GetComponent<FightScreen>(); equipmentScreen = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("EquipmentScreen").GetComponent<EquipmentScreen>(); fightScreen.init(); equipmentScreen.init(); buffShop = healer.getBuffShop(); questBoard = guild.getQuestBoard(); equipmentScreen.setBuffShop(buffShop); equipmentScreen.setQuestInformation(questBoard.getQuestInformation()); worldMap = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("WorldMap").GetComponent<WorldMap>(); worldMap.init(); QuestParser.parseQuests(questsFile); showScreen(ScreenType.CITY); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { potionBag = GetComponent <PotionBag>(); ingredientsBag = new List <List <CraftingDataBase.IngredientList> >(); //Test PickUpIngredient(CraftingDataBase.IngredientList.SpeedFlower, 2); PickUpIngredient(CraftingDataBase.IngredientList.FireStone, 2); PickUpIngredient(CraftingDataBase.IngredientList.OmniaStone, 10); PickUpIngredient(CraftingDataBase.IngredientList.IceStone, 2); PickUpIngredient(CraftingDataBase.IngredientList.MeteoriteShard, 2); PickUpIngredient(CraftingDataBase.IngredientList.MedHerb, 2); }
void Awake() { m_potsImg = new PotSelectImg[5]; m_potsImg[0] = GameObject.Find("Img1").GetComponent <PotSelectImg>(); m_potsImg[1] = GameObject.Find("Img2").GetComponent <PotSelectImg>(); m_potsImg[2] = GameObject.Find("Img3").GetComponent <PotSelectImg>(); m_potsImg[3] = GameObject.Find("Img4").GetComponent <PotSelectImg>(); m_potsImg[4] = GameObject.Find("Img5").GetComponent <PotSelectImg>(); m_pots = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PotionBag>(); m_potsList = m_pots.GetPotiosBag(); m_initilized = false; m_alreadySet = false; }
public void UseHealthPotion(int inputNumber) { if (PotionBag.Any()) { int roundHP; roundHP = this.CurrentHP + this.PotionBag[inputNumber].HealthRestored; if (roundHP <= this.OriginalHP) { this.CurrentHP = roundHP; } else { this.CurrentHP = this.OriginalHP; } this.PotionBag.RemoveAt(inputNumber); } }
public void init (FightScreen fightScreen, ElementsHolder elementsHolder, Enemy enemy, PotionBag potionBag) { this.fightScreen = fightScreen; this.elementsHolder = elementsHolder; this.enemy = enemy; this.potionBag = potionBag; }
public void takePotion(Potion potion) { usedPotion = PotionBag.IndexOf(potion); //recherche le bon type de potion PotionBag.Remove(usedPotion); //la retire du sac }
public void addPotion() //ranger une potion dans le sac { PotionBag.Add(this); }
public void ShowInventory() { int num1 = 1; int num2 = 1; var input = "0"; while (input != "9") { Console.WriteLine("***** INVENTORY ******"); Console.WriteLine("Weapons: "); foreach (var weapon in this.WeaponsBag) { Console.WriteLine(num1 + " " + weapon.Name + " of " + weapon.Strength + " Strength"); num1++; } Console.WriteLine("Armor: "); foreach (var armor in this.ArmorsBag) { Console.WriteLine(num2 + " " + armor.Name + " of " + armor.Defense + " Defense"); num2++; } ; Console.WriteLine("Shield: "); foreach (var shield in this.ShieldBag) { Console.WriteLine(num2 + " " + shield.Name + " of " + shield.Defense + " Defense"); num2++; } ; Console.WriteLine("Potions: "); foreach (var potion in this.PotionBag) { Console.WriteLine(num1 + " " + potion.Name + " of " + potion.HealthRestored + " Health"); num1++; } if (EquippedWeapon != null) { Console.WriteLine("Equipped Weapon: " + EquippedWeapon.Name); } else { Console.WriteLine("Equipped Weapon: None"); }; if (EquippedArmor != null) { Console.WriteLine("Equipped Armor: " + EquippedArmor.Name); } else { Console.WriteLine("Equipped Armor: None"); }; if (EquippedShield != null) { Console.WriteLine("Equipped Shield: " + EquippedShield.Name); } else { Console.WriteLine("Equipped Shield: None"); }; Console.WriteLine("Gold: " + Gold); Console.WriteLine("Please choose an option by entering a number."); Console.WriteLine("1. Equip Armor"); Console.WriteLine("2. Equip Weapon"); Console.WriteLine("3. UnEquip Armor"); Console.WriteLine("4. UnEquip Weapon"); Console.WriteLine("5. Heal"); Console.WriteLine("6. Sell"); Console.WriteLine("7. Equip Shield"); Console.WriteLine("8. UnEquip Shield"); Console.WriteLine("9. Return to Main Menu"); input = Console.ReadLine(); int inputNumber = Int32.Parse(input) - 1; if (input == "1") { int num3 = 1; Console.WriteLine("Please choose the armor to equip by entering a number."); foreach (var armor in this.ArmorsBag) { Console.WriteLine(num3 + " " + armor.Name + " of " + armor.Defense + " Defense"); num3++; } ; input = Console.ReadLine(); inputNumber = Int32.Parse(input) - 1; this.EquipArmor(inputNumber); } else if (input == "2") { int num4 = 1; Console.WriteLine("Please choose the weapon to equip by entering a number."); foreach (var weapon in this.WeaponsBag) { Console.WriteLine(num4 + " " + weapon.Name + " of " + weapon.Strength + " Strength"); num4++; } input = Console.ReadLine(); inputNumber = Int32.Parse(input) - 1; this.EquipWeapon(inputNumber); } else if (input == "3") { this.TotalDefense -= this.EquippedArmor.Defense; this.EquippedArmor = null; } else if (input == "4") { this.TotalStrength -= this.EquippedWeapon.Strength; this.EquippedWeapon = null; } else if (input == "8") { this.TotalDefense -= this.EquippedShield.Defense; this.EquippedShield = null; } else if (input == "5") { Console.WriteLine("Please choose the potion to heal with by entering a number."); int i; for (i = 0; i < this.PotionBag.Count(); i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} {this.PotionBag[i].Name} of {this.PotionBag[i].HealthRestored} Health"); } input = Console.ReadLine(); inputNumber = Int32.Parse(input) - 1; this.UseHealthPotion(inputNumber); } else if (input == "6") { var inputKey = "0"; while (inputKey != "4") { Console.WriteLine("Please chose which item type to sell by entering a number."); Console.WriteLine("1. Armor"); Console.WriteLine("2. Weapon"); Console.WriteLine("3. Potion"); Console.WriteLine("4. Return"); inputKey = Console.ReadLine(); var inputNumber2 = Int32.Parse(inputKey) - 1; if (inputKey == "1") { if (ArmorsBag.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose the Armor to sell with by entering a number."); int i; for (i = 0; i < this.ArmorsBag.Count(); i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} {this.ArmorsBag[i].Name} of {this.ArmorsBag[i].Defense} Defence for {this.ArmorsBag[i].Price - 1} Gold"); } inputKey = Console.ReadLine(); inputNumber2 = Int32.Parse(inputKey) - 1; SellBackArmor(inputNumber2); } else { Console.WriteLine("Armor Bag Empty"); } } else if (inputKey == "2") { if (WeaponsBag.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose the Weapon to sell by entering a number."); int i; for (i = 0; i < this.WeaponsBag.Count(); i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} {this.WeaponsBag[i].Name} of {this.WeaponsBag[i].Strength} Strength, Selling Price: {this.WeaponsBag[i].Price - 1}"); } inputKey = Console.ReadLine(); inputNumber2 = Int32.Parse(inputKey) - 1; SellBackWeapon(inputNumber2); } else { Console.WriteLine("Weapon Bag Empty"); } } else if (inputKey == "3") { if (PotionBag.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose the Potion to sell by entering a number."); int i; for (i = 0; i < this.PotionBag.Count(); i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} {this.PotionBag[i].Name} of {this.PotionBag[i].HealthRestored} Health for {this.PotionBag[i].Price - 1} Gold"); } inputKey = Console.ReadLine(); inputNumber2 = Int32.Parse(inputKey) - 1; SellBackPotion(inputNumber2); } else { Console.WriteLine("Potion Bag Empty"); } } } } if (input == "7") { int num3 = 1; Console.WriteLine("Please choose the shield to equip by entering a number."); foreach (var shield in this.ShieldBag) { Console.WriteLine(num3 + " " + shield.Name + " of " + shield.Defense + " Defense"); num3++; } ; input = Console.ReadLine(); inputNumber = Int32.Parse(input) - 1; this.EquipShield(inputNumber); } } }
static public void LoadProgress(bool currentSave) { int ID; int ILVL; if (!currentSave) { SaveFileMenu.isLoading = true; SaveFileHandler(); if (!File.Exists(savename)) { Console.WriteLine("Данный файл не существует. Попробуйте ещё раз."); LoadProgress(false); } } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(savename)) { try { string line; line = sr.ReadLine(); City.cityBank = Convert.ToSingle(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); LVL = Convert.ToByte(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); XP = Convert.ToInt32(line); MaxXP = GetMaxXP(); line = sr.ReadLine(); HP = Convert.ToInt32(line); MaxHP = GetMaxHP(); line = sr.ReadLine(); Money = Convert.ToInt32(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); City.currentPlotState = (City.QuestState)Enum.Parse(typeof(City.QuestState), line); line = sr.ReadLine(); questNum = Convert.ToInt32(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); City.wasInCity = Convert.ToBoolean(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); MasteryPoints = Convert.ToInt32(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); towerLoc = Convert.ToBoolean(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); Tower.mageName = line; line = sr.ReadLine(); Tower.wasIntroduced = Convert.ToBoolean(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); gotAnarchy = Convert.ToBoolean(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); ahShit = Convert.ToBoolean(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); brokeOut = Convert.ToBoolean(line); line = sr.ReadLine(); BHDweller = Convert.ToBoolean(line); #region Inventory Loading (Leave for last) for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Length + Passive_Inventory.Length; i++) { line = sr.ReadLine(); ID = Convert.ToInt16(line); // This is absolutely f*****g horrible and disgusting, but I have no other clue on how to implement this. ffs! /* * Let me explain why I have to resort to such measures: Even though I could have a list of Items from wich I could pull from in * the previous version of loading/saving the inventory, that would lead to something unpleasant: if you have Ying and have * leveled it up, then each new Ying you get will be leveled up as well. See why this is an issue? * * Basically, all I want to do is make unique examples of Items everytime the player gets one. Which is not ideal anyway. */ Item buffer; switch (ID) { case 0: buffer = new None_Item(); break; case 1: buffer = new Default_A(); break; case 2: buffer = new Ying_A(); break; case 3: buffer = new Default_W(); break; case 4: buffer = new Yang_W(); break; case 5: buffer = new PotionBag(); break; default: buffer = new None_Item(); break; } line = sr.ReadLine(); ILVL = Convert.ToInt16(line); buffer.LVL = ILVL; buffer.Upgrade(); if (i >= Inventory.Length) { Passive_Inventory[i - Inventory.Length] = buffer; } else { Inventory[i] = buffer; } } #endregion } catch { Console.WriteLine("Загружаемый файл, скорее всего, повреждён."); LoadProgress(false); } Console.WriteLine("Файл загружен"); } }