private async Task <IReadOnlyList <Post> > CreatePostsAsync(
            TestDatabaseContext testDatabase,
            QueueId queueId,
            IReadOnlyList <DateTime> liveDates,
            bool scheduledByQueue)
            using (var databaseContext = testDatabase.CreateContext())
                var user = UserTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(user);

                var file = FileTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                file.UserId = user.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(file);

                var blog = BlogTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                blog.CreatorId = user.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(blog);

                var channel = ChannelTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                channel.BlogId = blog.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(channel);

                var collection = QueueTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                collection.Id     = queueId.Value;
                collection.BlogId = blog.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(collection);

                var postsInCollection = new List <Post>();
                foreach (var liveDate in liveDates)
                    var post = PostTests.UniqueNote(Random);
                    post.ChannelId = channel.Id;
                    post.QueueId   = scheduledByQueue ? queueId.Value : (Guid?)null;
                    post.LiveDate  = liveDate;

                    // Clip dates as we will be comparing from these entities.
                    post.LiveDate     = new SqlDateTime(post.LiveDate).Value;
                    post.CreationDate = new SqlDateTime(post.CreationDate).Value;


                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(postsInCollection);

        private async Task CreateDataAsync(TestDatabaseContext testDatabase)
            using (var databaseContext = testDatabase.CreateContext())
                var random  = new Random();
                var creator = UserTests.UniqueEntity(random);
                creator.Id = CreatorId1.Value;

                var subscription = BlogTests.UniqueEntity(random);
                subscription.Creator   = creator;
                subscription.CreatorId = creator.Id;

                var channel1 = ChannelTests.UniqueEntity(random);
                channel1.Id     = ChannelId1.Value;
                channel1.Blog   = subscription;
                channel1.BlogId = subscription.Id;

                var channel2 = ChannelTests.UniqueEntity(random);
                channel2.Id     = ChannelId2.Value;
                channel2.Blog   = subscription;
                channel2.BlogId = subscription.Id;

                var post1 = PostTests.UniqueNote(random);
                post1.Id        = PostId1.Value;
                post1.LiveDate  = PostDate1;
                post1.Channel   = channel1;
                post1.ChannelId = channel1.Id;

                var post2 = PostTests.UniqueNote(random);
                post2.Id        = PostId2.Value;
                post2.LiveDate  = PostDate2;
                post2.Channel   = channel2;
                post2.ChannelId = channel2.Id;


                await databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync();
        private async Task <IReadOnlyList <Post> > CreatePostsAsync(
            TestDatabaseContext testDatabase,
            UserId userId,
            QueueId queueId,
            bool liveDateInFuture,
            bool scheduledByQueue)
            using (var databaseContext = testDatabase.CreateContext())
                var user = UserTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                user.Id = userId.Value;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(user);

                var file = FileTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                file.Id     = FileId.Value;
                file.UserId = user.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(file);

                var blog = BlogTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                blog.CreatorId = user.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(blog);

                var channel = ChannelTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                channel.BlogId = blog.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(channel);

                var queue = QueueTests.UniqueEntity(Random);
                queue.Id     = queueId.Value;
                queue.BlogId = blog.Id;
                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(queue);

                var notes = new List <Post>();
                for (var i = 0; i < CollectionTotal; i++)
                    // Notes are not covered by this feature as they do not belong in a collection, but we add them to create a more realistic test state.
                    var post = PostTests.UniqueNote(Random);
                    post.ChannelId = channel.Id;


                var postsInCollection = new List <Post>();
                for (var i = 0; i < CollectionTotal; i++)
                    var post = PostTests.UniqueFileOrImage(Random);
                    post.ChannelId      = channel.Id;
                    post.QueueId        = scheduledByQueue ? queueId.Value : (Guid?)null;
                    post.PreviewImageId = file.Id;
                    post.LiveDate       = Now.AddDays((1 + Random.Next(100)) * (liveDateInFuture ? 1 : -1));

                    // Clip dates as we will be comparing from these entities.
                    post.LiveDate     = new SqlDateTime(post.LiveDate).Value;
                    post.CreationDate = new SqlDateTime(post.CreationDate).Value;


                await databaseContext.Database.Connection.InsertAsync(notes.Concat(postsInCollection));
