Ejemplo n.º 1
 public PostsController(IHostingEnvironment env)
     pm     = new PostManagement();
     um     = new UserManagement();
     _env   = env;
     helper = new Helper();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult CreateIndex()
            string path = "";

            path = ControllerContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~");
            PostManagement postManagement = new PostManagement(path);

            //ایجاد پست ها

            //ایجاد صفحه اصلی
            CreateIndexPage(path, postManagement);

            //ایجاد صفحه کتگوری ها
            PostController postCtr = new PostController();


            //ایجاد صفحه حيوانات
            AnimalController animaltCtr = new AnimalController();


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard"));
            //return View("Dashboard/Index");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public CommentController()
     _helper = new Helper();
     pm      = new PostManagement();
     cm      = new CommentManagement();
     um      = new UserManagement();
     clm     = new CommentLikeManagement();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public PostController(IHostingEnvironment env)
     _env   = env;
     helper = new Helper();
     pm     = new PostManagement();
     um     = new UserManagement();
     plm    = new PostLikeManagement();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async void plusOneButton_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            int result = await PostManagement.PlusOne(post.postID, !post.isPlusonedByViewer);

            if (result == 0)
                post.isPlusonedByViewer = !post.isPlusonedByViewer;
                //plusOneButton.IsPressed = !plusOneButton.IsPressed;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private async void AppBarButton_Click_4(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int result = await PostManagement.ReportAbuse(post.postID);

            if (result == 0)
                MessageDialog dlg = new MessageDialog("Post successfully reported", "Success!");
                await dlg.ShowAsync();

                //post = await Posts.GetActivity(post.postID); //
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public JsonResult CreateAnimalMenu(string path)
            PostManagement postManagement = new PostManagement(path);

            List <VM_Post> listAll  = new List <VM_Post>();
            var            docIndex = new HtmlDocument();

                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Animal/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-catlist
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "bloglist default");

                //ایجاد  محتواي bloglist default
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.SourceSiteUrl.Contains("motamem") || p.SourceSiteUrl.Contains("yjc") || p.SourceSiteUrl.Contains("alef")).Take(150).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.BloglistDefault);
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي -- bloglist default
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateBloglistDefault(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "bloglist default", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Animal/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);

                return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                //    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                //    IP = Request.UserHostAddress,
                //    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                //    PostName = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.BloglistDefault",
                //    PostID = -100

                return(Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private async void AppBarToggleButton_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int result = await PostManagement.PlusOne(post.postID, !post.isPlusonedByViewer);

            if (result == 0)
                post.isPlusonedByViewer = false;
                //tu error
                (sender as AppBarToggleButton).IsChecked = true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult CreateIndex()
            string path = "";

            path = ControllerContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~");
            PostManagement postManagement = new PostManagement(path);

            //ایجاد پست ها

            //ایجاد صفحه اصلی
            CreateIndexPage(path, postManagement);

            //ایجاد صفحه کتگوری ها
            PostController postCtr = new PostController();


Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult CreateContentCategory(string path)
            //path = ControllerContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~");
            PostManagement postManagement = new PostManagement(path);

            var docIndex = new HtmlDocument();

            docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Sexy/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

            //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-author-grid
            postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "author-grid");

            //ایجاد  تگ آرتیکل به ازای هر پست
            var repo     = new PostRepository();
            var postQuiz = repo.SelectPostByCategory("sexy").OrderByDescending(p => p.PostID).Take(200).ToList();

            foreach (var item in postQuiz)
                //ايجاد محتوا براي وسط صفحه-- author-grid
                var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateBloglist(item, "", 0);
                if (itSelfNode != null)
                    result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "author-grid", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Sexy/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception)

Ejemplo n.º 11
        private async void AppBarButton_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var result = await PostManagement.PostActivity(contentTextBox.Text, selectedItems, link, selectedEmoticon, reshareId, place, imageContent);

            if (result == 0)
                if (operation != null)
                if (this.Frame.CanGoBack)
                var messageDialog = new MessageDialog("Cannot into. Contact with developer.");
                await messageDialog.ShowAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private async void AppBarButton_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            StackPanel panel = new StackPanel();
            TextBox    box   = new TextBox()
                //Margin = new Thickness(0, 14, 0, -2)
                Text = post.content
            TextBlock block = new TextBlock()
                Text         = "Tap OK to continue.",
                TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap

            var dlg = new ContentDialog()
                Title               = "Edit post",
                Content             = panel,
                PrimaryButtonText   = "ok",
                SecondaryButtonText = "cancel"

            var dlgResult = await dlg.ShowAsync();

            if (dlgResult == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
                int result = await PostManagement.EditActivity(post.postID, box.Text);

                if (result == 0)
                    post = await Posts.GetActivity(post.postID);

                    this.DefaultViewModel["Item"] = post;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private async void AppBarButton_Click_3(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var dialog = new MessageDialog("", "");
            var dlg    = new ContentDialog()
                Title               = "Warning",
                Content             = "Do you really want to delete this post?",
                PrimaryButtonText   = "yes",
                SecondaryButtonText = "no"
            var dlgResult = await dlg.ShowAsync();

            if (dlgResult == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
                int result = await PostManagement.DeleteActivity(post.postID);

                if (result == 0)
                    //post = await Posts.GetActivity(post.postID); //
Ejemplo n.º 14
        //ایجاد صفحه اصلی
        private void CreateIndexPage(string path, PostManagement postManagement)
            List <VM_Post> listAll  = new List <VM_Post>();
            var            docIndex = new HtmlDocument();

            /////////////////////////////create bloglist/////////////////////////////
            //وسط صفحه
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-author-grid
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "author-grid");

                ///// در هر گروه بر اساس نام سایت، بالاترین مقادیر را یکی یکی خارج می کند و لیست جدید می سازد
                //پست نوع استاتوس  و لینک را در داخل متد سورت گروپ ليست مقدار دهي مي کنيم
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.PostFormat.FirstOrDefault().NameEn != "status" &&
                                                        p.PostFormat.FirstOrDefault().NameEn != "link" && p.PostFormat.FirstOrDefault().NameEn != "video" &&
                                                        p.PostFormat.FirstOrDefault().NameEn != "audio").OrderByDescending(p => p.PostID).Take(200).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.MiddleIndex);

                //ایجاد  تگ آرتیکل به ازای هر پست
                int i = 0; List <string> duplicateImage = new List <string>();
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    // برای قسمت اصلی داشتن  تصویر مهم است یا پست آپارات باشد یا استاتوس باشد يا ويديو یا صوتی
                    // 30 پست ایجاد گردد --------  i < 30
                    if ((item.Image1_1 != null && i < 30) || (item.ScriptAparat != null && i < 30) || (item.Status != null && i < 30) ||
                        (item.UrlVideo != null && i < 30) || (item.UrlMP3 != null && i < 30))
                        //در صفحه اصلی عکس تکراری نداشته باشیم
                        if (duplicateImage.FirstOrDefault(x => x == item.Image1_1) == null)
                            item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                            //ايجاد محتوا براي وسط صفحه-- author-grid
                            var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateBloglist(item, "CreateIndexPage", i);
                            if (itSelfNode != null)
                                result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "author-grid", itSelfNode);

                                //این قسمت مرحله ای است که پابلیش هر پست نهایی می شود
                                // یک عدد به فیلد پابلیش کانت آنها اضافه کنیم

                            i += 1;

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.MiddleIndex",
                    PostID         = -100

            //////////////////////Create catlist///////////////////////////////////////
            //آخرین رويدادها
                var startDaysAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10);
                var endDaysAgo   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5);
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-catlist
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "tab-content");

                //ایجاد  محتواي تب هاي کت ليست
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.ModifyDate >= startDaysAgo && p.ModifyDate <= endDaysAgo && p.Status == null).OrderByDescending(p => p.PostID).Take(50).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.LastEvent);
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي قسمت طبقه بندی-- catlist
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateCatListContent(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "tab-content", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.LastEvent",
                    PostID         = -100

            //////////////////////Create bloglist-content///////////////////////////////////////
            //مطالب جالب
            //قسمت کتگوری لیست که ترانسپرنت است
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-catlist
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "row bloglist-content");

                //ایجاد  محتواي تب هاي کت ليست
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.Status == null).OrderBy(x => x.CommentCount).Take(10).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.InterestingStuff);
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي قسمت طبقه بندی-- catlist
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateBloglistContent(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "row bloglist-content", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.InterestingStuff",
                    PostID         = -100

            //////////////////////Create bloglist-default///////////////////////////////////////
            // قسمتی که عکس در سمت راست و توضیجات در سمت راست دارد-- زیر مطالب جالب
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-catlist
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "bloglist default");

                //ایجاد  محتواي bloglist default
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.Status == null).Take(5).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.BloglistDefault);
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي -- bloglist default
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateBloglistDefault(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "bloglist default", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.BloglistDefault",
                    PostID         = -100

            //اسلایدر پایینی
            //////////////////////Create postslider-container slider-image-bottom///////////////////////////////////////
            var startDateSliderButtom = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-4);
            var endDateSliderButtom   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2);
            var postSliderButton      = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.ModifyDate >= startDateSliderButtom && p.ModifyDate <= endDateSliderButtom && p.Image1_1 != null && p.Status == null).OrderByDescending(p => p.LikePost).Take(6).ToList();

            listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(postSliderButton, PlaceInMainPage.SliderBottom);
                var someDaysAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5);
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-slider-image-bottom
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "sp-slides sp-slider-image");

                //ایجاد  محتواي slider-image-bottom
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    //اسلایدر بالا حتما عکس داشته باشد
                    if (item.Image1_1.Trim() == "")

                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي -- bloglist default
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateSliderImageBottom(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "sp-slides sp-slider-image", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.SliderBottom",
                    PostID         = -100

            //عکس های زیر اسلایدر پایینی
            //////////////////////Create postslider-container slider-image-bottom sp-thumbnails sp-slider-image///////////////////////////////////////
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-slider-image-bottom
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "sp-thumbnails sp-slider-image");

                //ایجاد  محتواي slider-image-bottom
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    //اسلایدر بالا حتما عکس داشته باشد
                    if (item.Image1_1.Trim() == "")

                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي -- bloglist default
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateSliderImageBottom_ImageBottom(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        result = postManagement.AddHeadToContentDiv(nodesIndex, "sp-thumbnails sp-slider-image", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.SliderBottom - Picture",
                    PostID         = -100

            //اسلایدر بالایی
            ////////////////////////sp-slides sp-slider-image-top///////////////////////////////////////
            var someDaysAgoSliderTop = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5);
            var postSliderTop        = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.ModifyDate >= someDaysAgoSliderTop && p.ModifyDate < DateTime.Now && p.Image1_1 != null && p.Status == null).OrderByDescending(p => p.Views).Take(6).ToList();

            listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(postSliderTop, PlaceInMainPage.SliderTop);
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "sp-slides sp-slider-image-top");

                //ایجاد  محتوا
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    //اسلایدر بالا حتما عکس داشته باشد
                    if (item.Image1_1.Trim() == "")

                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateSliderTop(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        postManagement.AddHeadToContent(nodesIndex, "sp-slides sp-slider-image-top", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.SliderTop",
                    PostID         = -100

            //عکس های سمت چپ اسلایدر بالایی
            ////////////////////////sp-thumbnails sp-slider-image-top///////////////////////////////////////
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div");

                //حذف محتويات ند
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "sp-thumbnails sp-slider-image-top");

                //ایجاد  محتوا
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    //اسلایدر بالا حتما عکس داشته باشد
                    if (item.Image1_1.Trim() == "")

                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreateSliderTopThumbnails(item);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        postManagement.AddHeadToContent(nodesIndex, "sp-thumbnails sp-slider-image-top", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.SliderTop - Picture",
                    PostID         = -100

            //////////////////////// sidebar-widget mostviewed///////////////////////////////////////
            //بیشترین بازدید
                var someDaysAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5);
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul");

                ////حذف محتويات ند بلاك-slider-image-bottom
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "recent_posts_wid right-slider1");

                ////ایجاد  محتوا
                int rowID = 1;
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.ModifyDate > someDaysAgo && p.Status == null).OrderByDescending(p => p.Views).Take(5).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.Mostviewed);
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreatePostMostViewed(item, rowID);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        postManagement.AddHeadToContent(nodesIndex, "recent_posts_wid right-slider1", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.Mostviewed",
                    PostID         = -100

            //////////////////////// sidebar-widget popular///////////////////////////////////////
                var someDaysAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-8);
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul");

                //حذف محتويات ند بلاك-slider-image-bottom
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "recent_posts_wid right-slider2");

                //ایجاد  محتوا
                int rowID = 1;
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.ModifyDate > someDaysAgo && p.Status == null).OrderByDescending(x => x.LikePost).Take(5).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.Popular);
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreatePostPopular(item, rowID);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        postManagement.AddHeadToContent(nodesIndex, "recent_posts_wid right-slider2", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.Popular",
                    PostID         = -100

            ////////////////////////// آخرين خبرها///////////////////////////////////////
                docIndex.Load(path + "/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                var nodesIndex = docIndex.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul");

                //حذف محتويات ند
                postManagement.ClearContentNode(nodesIndex, "superior-posts recent_posts_wid");

                //ایجاد  محتوا
                int rowID = 1;
                var posts = repo.SelectPostUser().Where(p => p.Status == null).OrderByDescending(x => x.PostID).Take(6).ToList();
                listAll = Utilty.SortGroupsList(posts, PlaceInMainPage.LaseNews);
                foreach (var item in listAll)
                    item.JalaliModifyDate = item.ModifyDate.ToPersianDateTime();

                    //ايجاد محتوا براي
                    var itSelfNode = postManagement.CreatePostSuperiorr(item, rowID);
                    if (itSelfNode != null)
                        postManagement.AddHeadToContent(nodesIndex, "superior-posts recent_posts_wid", itSelfNode);

                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                htmlDoc.Save(path + "/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml", Encoding.UTF8);
            catch (Exception ex)
                repoErrorLog.Add(new VM_LogError()
                    ErrorDescription = ex.ToString(),
                    IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                    ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PostName       = "Create Main Page - PlaceInMainPage.LaseNews",
                    PostID         = -100

            //ایجاد لاگ به ازای هر بار انجام فرایندهای مربوط به ایجاد صفحه اصلی
            repoLog.Add(new VM_Log()
                IP             = Request.UserHostAddress,
                ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                PostName       = "Create Main Page",
                PostID         = -100,
                LogTypeID_fk   = 59,