Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Edge applyRotateShift(Edge edge, Pose2D Changes, Vector2 rotateCenter)
            Vector2 newP, newT, newH;

            newP = MathHelper.TranformVector(edge.point, rotateCenter, Changes);
            Line        newLine;
            List <Line> lines = null;

            if (edge.lines == null)
                throw new Exception("WTF");
                lines = new List <Line>();

                foreach (Line line in edge.lines)
                    newH         = MathHelper.TranformVector(line.head, rotateCenter, Changes); //Point3D.applyRotateShift(line.head, Changes.Rotation, rotateCenter, Changes.Position);
                    newT         = MathHelper.TranformVector(line.tail, rotateCenter, Changes); //Point3D.applyRotateShift(line.tail, Changes.Rotation, rotateCenter, Changes.Position);
                    newLine      = new Line();
                    newLine.head = newH;
                    newLine.tail = newT;

            return(new Edge(newP, edge.type, lines, edge.AccuracyOfNewObservation));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void updateValues(Pose2D robot, Laser LaserData, int timeCycle)
     this.LaserData = LaserData;
     this.RobotPose = new Pose2D(robot.Position, robot.Rotation);
     this.timeCycle = timeCycle;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void btnStep_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ScanObservation m1 = new ScanObservation(m3DScaleFactor, mPrevLaser);
            ScanObservation m2 = new ScanObservation(m3DScaleFactor, mCurrLaser);

            MatchResult mR = null;

            mSM        = new MbIcpScanMatcher();
            mEstimated = new Pose2D();

            if (chkSeed.Checked)
                mR = mSM.Match(m1, m2, mSeed);
                mR = mSM.Match(m1, m2, new Pose2D());

            if (mR.Converged)
                Pose2D es = mR.EstimatedOdometry;
                mEstimated = compound(mEstimated, es);

                mCurrLaser.posRobot = new Pose2D(mEstimated.Position, mEstimated.Rotation);

                ComputeMapPoints(mPrevLaser, 0);
                ComputeMapPoints(mCurrLaser, 1);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IScanMatchers sc = new IdcScanMatcher();

            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(linkLabel1.Text);

            string cmdLaser1 = "SEN {Time 6.42} {Type RangeScanner} {Name Scanner1} {Resolution 0.0174} {FOV 3.1415} {Range " + lines[0] + "}";
            string cmdLaser2 = "SEN {Time 6.43} {Type RangeScanner} {Name Scanner1} {Resolution 0.0174} {FOV 3.1415} {Range " + lines[1] + "}";

            USARParser p1 = new USARParser(cmdLaser1);
            USARParser p2 = new USARParser(cmdLaser2);

            Laser m1 = new Laser(p1);
            Laser m2 = new Laser(p2);

            ScanObservation so1 = new ScanObservation(1000, m1);
            ScanObservation so2 = new ScanObservation(1000, m2);

            string [] parts = lines[2].Split("/".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            float[] p = USARParser.parseFloats(parts[0], ",");
            float   t = float.Parse(parts[1]);

            Pose2D pSeed = new Pose2D(p[0], p[1], t);

            MatchResult r = sc.Match(so1, so2, pSeed);

            textBox1.Text += "My Estm. :" + r.EstimatedOdometry.ToString() + "\r\n";
            textBox1.Text += "UvA Estm. :" + lines[3] + "\r\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public MatchResult(Pose2D rawOdometry, Pose2D estimatedOdometry, Matrix3 covariance, double distance, int numIterations, int numCorrespondencies, int numMilliseconds, bool converged)
            this._RawOdometry         = rawOdometry;
            this._EstimatedOdometry   = estimatedOdometry;
            this._Covariance          = covariance;
            this._Distance            = distance;
            this._NumIterations       = numIterations;
            this._NumCorrespondencies = numCorrespondencies;
            this._NumMilliseconds     = numMilliseconds;
            this._Converged           = converged;

            if (numCorrespondencies == 0)
                this._Converged = false;

            if (System.Math.Abs(covariance[0, 0]) > _CovarianceThreshold ||
                System.Math.Abs(covariance[1, 1]) > _CovarianceThreshold ||
                System.Math.Abs(covariance[2, 2]) > _CovarianceThreshold)
                this._Converged = false;

            this._Converged = !ExceedDelta(estimatedOdometry);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // Methods
 public MatchResult(Pose2D rawOdometry, Pose2D estimatedOdometry, int numIterations, bool converged)
     this._RawOdometry       = rawOdometry;
     this._EstimatedOdometry = estimatedOdometry;
     this._NumIterations     = numIterations;
     this._Converged         = converged;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Laser(Laser t)
            if (t == null)

            fRanges = new List <double>();

            fTheta = new List <double>();

            bFilters = new List <bool>();

            this.rangesString = t.rangesString;
            this.fName        = t.fName;
            this.fAng0        = t.fAng0;
            this.fTime        = t.fTime;
            this.fFov         = t.fFov;
            this.fResolution  = t.fResolution;
            this.pos          = new Pose2D(t.pos.Position, t.pos.Rotation);
            this.posRobot     = new Pose2D(t.posRobot.Position, t.posRobot.Rotation);
            this.scan_mask    = t.scan_mask;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private Vector4[] ToPoints(ScanObservation scan, Pose2D q)
            Matrix2 R = new Matrix2(System.Math.Cos(q.Rotation), -System.Math.Sin(q.Rotation),
                                    System.Math.Sin(q.Rotation), System.Math.Cos(q.Rotation));

            List <Vector4> points = new List <Vector4>();

            Vector2 tmpC;
            Vector2 tmpP;

            int len = scan.RangeScanner.Range.Length - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)
                double dist  = scan.RangeScanner.Range[i] * scan.Factor;
                double angle = scan.RangeScanner.RangeTheta[i];

                if (dist < MaxLaserRange && !scan.RangeScanner.RangeFilters[i])
                    tmpC    = new Vector2(System.Math.Cos(angle) * dist, System.Math.Sin(angle) * dist);
                    tmpC    = R * tmpC;
                    tmpC.X += q.X;
                    tmpC.Y += q.Y;

                    tmpP = new Vector2(dist, System.Math.Atan2(tmpC.Y, tmpC.X));

                    points.Add(new Vector4(tmpC.X, tmpC.Y, tmpP.X, tmpP.Y));

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override Task <LocalizeRep> getLocalizeResult(LocalizeReq request, ServerCallContext context)
            LocalizeRep localizeRespone = new LocalizeRep();
            double      posX            = 0;
            double      posY            = 0;
            double      delta           = 0;
            int         posture         = 0;

            getLocalizeResultHandler(ref posX, ref posY, ref delta, ref posture);

            delta = delta * 180 / Math.PI;
            while (delta > 180)
                delta -= 360;
            while (delta < -180)
                delta += 360;

            delta -= 180;  //修改数据
            Pose2D result_2D_pos = new Pose2D {
                X = posX, Y = posY, Theta = delta

            localizeRespone.Pose2D       = result_2D_pos;
            localizeRespone.VisionStatus = posture;     //1-工件平放状态 2-工件竖立状态
            localizeRespone.OffsetMethod = "P";

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
            int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
            bool hasmetacomponents = false;

            byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
            List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
            GCHandle      h;

            if (pose == null)
                pose = new Pose2D();
            pieces.Add(new[] { (byte)leg });
            //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
            int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
            int __a_b__e = 0;

            byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
            foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public LineMatchResult getCorrelation_NEW(Pose2D Changes, List <Edge> NewEdges, List <Edge> MapEdges, Vector2 RobotPos)
            List <Edge>             newEdges     = convertEdges(NewEdges, Changes, RobotPos);
            Dictionary <Edge, Edge> matchedEdges = calculateCurrentMatches(newEdges, MapEdges);
            float count = matchedEdges.Count;
            float P = 0, sigmaP = 0;
            float res = 0, dist;
            Edge  ne, oe;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Edge, Edge> kv in matchedEdges)
                ne   = kv.Key;
                oe   = kv.Value;
                dist = MathHelper.GetDistance(ne.point, oe.point); //ne.point.getDistance2D(oe.point);
                //lineAng = Edge.getAngleBetweenLines(ne, oe);
                P = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(ne.AccuracyOfNewObservation * oe.AccuracyOfEdgeP);
                //P = ne.AccuracyOfNewObservation * bestEdge.AccuracyOfEdgeP;
                //res += (dist + lineAng)*P;
                res    += (dist) * P;
                sigmaP += P;
            res /= ((float)System.Math.Pow(count, 2) * sigmaP);

            LineMatchResult lmres = new LineMatchResult(res, matchedEdges, Changes, newEdges);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void QueueReader()
            while (!StopQueue)
                // If the queue is empty, run the delay for checking queue
                if (PoseQueue.Count <= 0)
                    catch (IOException)
                        Console.WriteLine("IOException. File is probably in-use by another program.");
                    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                        Console.WriteLine("UnauthorizedAccessException. File is probably in-use by another program.");

                else if (PoseQueue.Count > 20)
                    PoseQueue.RemoveRange(0, PoseQueue.Count - 1);

                // Parse saved text
                JObject parsedPose = JObject.Parse(PoseQueue[0]);

                // Do JSON stuff to grab keypoints


                if (parsedPose["people"].HasValues && parsedPose["people"][0].HasValues)


                    //foreach (double f in parsedPose["people"][0].Value<JArray>("pose_keypoints_2d").Values<double>())
                    //	Console.WriteLine(f);

                    double[] keypoints = new List <double> (parsedPose["people"][0].Value <JArray>("pose_keypoints_2d").Values <double>()).ToArray();

                    if (Simulate3D)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public LineMatchResult(float corrolation, Dictionary <Edge, Edge> matchedEdges, Pose2D changes, List <Edge> newEdges)
     this.corrolation  = corrolation;
     this.matchedEdges = matchedEdges;
     this.count        = matchedEdges.Count;
     this.changes      = changes;
     this.newEdges     = newEdges;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    |*   ROS2Custom   *|

    public static void Pose2DToPose2D(RosPose2D dataOut, Pose2D dataIn)
        // Set fields
        // ----------
        dataOut.x     = dataIn.z;
        dataOut.y     = -dataIn.x;
        dataOut.theta = -dataIn.theta;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    |*   Custom2ROS   *|

    public static void Pose2DToPose2D(Pose2D dataOut, RosPose2D dataIn)
        // Set fields
        // ----------
        dataOut.z     = dataIn.x;
        dataOut.x     = -dataIn.y;
        dataOut.theta = -dataIn.theta;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void CarmenLogParser(string l, ref bool completed)
            USARParser p = new USARParser(l, "\":", true);

            string odo = p.getString("odometry").Replace(" ", "");

            odo = "SEN {Type Odometry} {Name Odometry} {Pose " + odo + "}";

            mUSARParser.SimulationMessage = odo;

            Odometry mOdo = (Odometry)mUSARParser.MessageData;

            Pose2D mNewPose = new Pose2D(mOdo.x * m3DScaleFactor, mOdo.y * m3DScaleFactor, mOdo.theta);

            mPrevPose = mCurrPose;
            mCurrPose = mNewPose;

            if (mPrevPose != null)
                mSeed = new Pose2D(mSeed.Position + (mCurrPose.Position - mPrevPose.Position),
                                   mSeed.Rotation - (mCurrPose.Rotation - mPrevPose.Rotation));
                mSeed = new Pose2D();

            string lsr       = p.getString("readings").Replace(" ", "");
            string valid     = p.getString("valid").Replace(" ", "");
            string theta     = p.getString("theta").Replace(" ", "");
            float  nrays     = float.Parse(p.getString("nrays"));
            float  min_theta = float.Parse(p.getString("min_theta"));
            float  max_theta = float.Parse(p.getString("max_theta"));

            float fov = max_theta - min_theta;
            float res = fov / nrays;

            string range = "SEN {Time 0.0} {Type RangeScanner} {Name Scanner1} {Resolution " + res + "} {FOV " + fov + "} {Range " + lsr + "} {Valid " +
                           valid + "} {Theta " + theta + "}";

            mUSARParser.SimulationMessage = range;
            Laser mLaser = (Laser)mUSARParser.MessageData;

            if (mPrevLaser == null)
                mPrevLaser = mLaser;
                mCurrLaser = mLaser;
                completed  = true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public Pedestrian(int id, Pose2D pose, Point velocity, Point goalPosition, float radius, float prefSpeed, Policies policy = Policies.RVO, AgentType agentType = AgentType.PEDESTRIAN)
     this.id           = id;
     this.pose         = pose;
     this.velocity     = velocity;
     this.goalPosition = goalPosition;
     this.radius       = radius;
     this.prefSpeed    = prefSpeed;
     this.policy       = policy;
     this.agentType    = agentType;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private bool isChangeValid(Pose2D Changes)
            float[] validChanges;

            validChanges = getMaxDetectedValidTransformation();

            bool changesValid = (MathHelper.VectorLength(Changes.Position) < validChanges[1]) &&
                                (System.Math.Abs(Changes.GetNormalizedRotation()) < validChanges[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static Vector2 TranformVector(Vector2 local, Vector2 center, Pose2D q)
            Matrix2 R = new Matrix2(System.Math.Cos(q.Rotation), -System.Math.Sin(q.Rotation),
                                    System.Math.Sin(q.Rotation), System.Math.Cos(q.Rotation));

            Vector2 tmpL = local - center;

            tmpL  = R * tmpL + center;
            tmpL += q.Position;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static List <Edge> convertEdges(List <Edge> Edges, Pose2D Changes, Vector2 RobotPos) // Should Convert Lines
            Edge        nEdge;
            List <Edge> res = new List <Edge>();

            foreach (Edge edge in Edges)
                nEdge = Edge.applyRotateShift(edge, Changes, RobotPos);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private Pose2D compound(Pose2D t1, Pose2D t2)
            Pose2D t_ret = new Pose2D();

            t_ret.X        = t2.X * System.Math.Cos(t1.Rotation) - t2.Y * System.Math.Sin(t1.Rotation) + t1.X;
            t_ret.Y        = t2.X * System.Math.Sin(t1.Rotation) + t2.Y * System.Math.Cos(t1.Rotation) + t1.Y;
            t_ret.Rotation = t1.Rotation + t2.Rotation;

            // Make angle [-pi,pi)
            t_ret.Rotation = t_ret.GetNormalizedRotation();

Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected virtual Vector2[] ToLocal(Vector2[] points, Pose2D target)
            TMatrix2D rotmx = target.ToGlobalMatrix();

            Vector2[] local = new Vector2[(points.Length - 1) + 1];
            int       len   = points.Length - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)
                local[i] = (Vector2)(rotmx * points[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private bool ExceedDelta(Pose2D dpose)
            bool extend = false;

            extend = extend || System.Math.Abs(dpose.X) > CHANGE_MAXTRANSLATION;
            extend = extend || System.Math.Abs(dpose.Y) > CHANGE_MAXTRANSLATION;

            double dradians = dpose.GetNormalizedRotation();
            double dangle   = dradians / System.Math.PI * 180;

            extend = extend || System.Math.Abs(dangle) > CHANGE_MAXROTATION;

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public static bool ExceedThreshold(Pose2D dpose)
            bool extend = false;

            extend = extend || System.Math.Abs(dpose.X) > MATCH_MAXTRANSLATION;
            extend = extend || System.Math.Abs(dpose.Y) > MATCH_MAXTRANSLATION;

            double dradians = dpose.GetNormalizedRotation();
            double dangle   = dradians / System.Math.PI * 180;

            extend = extend || System.Math.Abs(dangle) > MATCH_MAXROTATION;

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public GSLAM()
            LaserData     = null;
            NewEdges      = new List <Edge>();
            MapEdges      = new List <Edge>();
            NewLines      = new List <Line>();
            RobotCURState = new Pose2D();

            ReservedValidData = false;
            isInit            = false;

            edgeMatcher = new EdgeMatcher();
            edgeTrimmer = new EdgeTrimmer();
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void updateValues(Laser l, Pose2D curPose)
            //RobotPos = new Point3D(pos);
            //RobotRot = new Point3D(rot);
            ////Add For KF
            //KRobotPos = new Point3D(pos);
            //KRobotRot = new Point3D(rot);
            RobotCURState = new Pose2D(curPose.Position, curPose.Rotation);

            ReservedValidData = (l != null);
            LaserData         = l;

            currentMatch = null;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public override void Deserialize(byte[] SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref int currentIndex)
            int    arraylength       = -1;
            bool   hasmetacomponents = false;
            object __thing;
            int    piecesize = 0;

            byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
            IntPtr h;

            pose = new Pose2D(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
            leg = SERIALIZEDSTUFF[currentIndex++];
Ejemplo n.º 28
            public override void Randomize()
                int    arraylength = -1;
                Random rand        = new Random();
                int    strlength;

                byte[] strbuf, myByte;

                start = new Pose2D();
                goal = new Pose2D();
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void Randomize()
            int    arraylength = -1;
            Random rand        = new Random();
            int    strlength;

            byte[] strbuf, myByte;

            pose = new Pose2D();
            myByte = new byte[1];
            leg = myByte[0];
Ejemplo n.º 30
        protected override void LoadContent()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            int windowWidth  = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width;
            int windowHeight = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height;

            // Set up all render targets, the blur map doesn't need a depth buffer
            colorMap = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, windowWidth, windowHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16, 16, RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents);
            lightMap = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, windowWidth, windowHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16, 16, RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents);
            blurMap  = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, windowWidth, windowHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, 16, RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents);

            combineEffect = Content.Load <Effect>("Combine");
            lightEffect   = Content.Load <Effect>("Light");
            blurEffect    = Content.Load <Effect>("Blur");

            quad = new Quad();

            Texture2D blockTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Block");
            Texture2D blockGlow    = Content.Load <Texture2D>("BlockGlow");

            blocks = new List <Visual>();

            // Add blocks
            blocks.Add(new Visual(blockTexture, new Vector2(250, 150), 0, blockGlow));
            blocks.Add(new Visual(blockTexture, new Vector2(windowWidth - 250, 150), 0, blockGlow));
            blocks.Add(new Visual(blockTexture, new Vector2(250, windowHeight - 150), 0.0f, blockGlow));
            blocks.Add(new Visual(blockTexture, new Vector2(windowWidth - 250, windowHeight - 150), 0.0f, blockGlow));

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Vector2 position = new Vector2(150 + (10 * (i + 1)) * i, windowHeight / 2.0f);
                Pose2D  p        = new Pose2D(position, (MathHelper.PiOver2 / 10) * i, (i + 1) * 0.15f);

                blocks.Add(new Visual(blockTexture, p, blockGlow));

            // Add lights
            lights = new List <PointLight>();

            lights.Add(new PointLight(lightEffect, new Vector2(300, 300), 500, Color.White, 1.0f));

            //lights.Add(new PointLight(lightEffect, new Vector2(100, 300), 500, Color.Red, 1.0f));
            //lights.Add(new PointLight(lightEffect, new Vector2(800, 300), 500, Color.Green, 1.0f));
            //lights.Add(new PointLight(lightEffect, new Vector2(100, 600), 500, Color.Blue, 1.0f));
            //lights.Add(new PointLight(lightEffect, new Vector2(800, 600), 500, Color.Yellow, 1.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public bool Equals(Pose2D other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
     return other._Position.Equals(_Position) && other._Heading.Equals(_Heading);