Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// GetParentSkin gets the Parent Skin for a control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="module">The control whose Parent Skin is requested</param>
 /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static Skin GetParentSkin(PortalModuleBase module)
     return(GetParentSkin(module as Control));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void AddModuleMessage(PortalModuleBase control, string heading, string message, ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType moduleMessageType)
     AddModuleMessage(control, heading, message, moduleMessageType, Null.NullString);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        ///     Executes a report and returns the results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objReport">The ReportInfo object</param>
        /// <param name="cacheKey">The cache key for the module</param>
        /// <param name="bypassCache">A boolean indicating that the cache should be bypassed</param>
        /// <param name="hostModule">The module that is hosting the report</param>
        /// <param name="fromCache">A boolean indicating if the data was retrieved from the cache</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        ///     The value of <paramref name="objReport" /> was null (Nothing in Visual Basic)
        /// </exception>
        /// <history>
        ///     [anurse]	08/25/2007	Created
        /// </history>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static DataTable ExecuteReport(ReportInfo objReport, string cacheKey, bool bypassCache,
                                              PortalModuleBase hostModule, ref bool fromCache)
                fromCache = false;
                if (ReferenceEquals(objReport, null))
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("objReport");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objReport.DataSource))
                    return(null); // If there's no data source, there's no report
                // Check the cache
                DataTable results = null;
                if (!bypassCache)
                    results = DataCache.GetCache(cacheKey) as DataTable;
                    if (results != null)
                        fromCache = true;

                // Get an instance of the data source
                //DotNetNuke.Modules.Reports.DataSources.IDataSource dataSource = GetDataSource(objReport.DataSourceClass) as DataSources.IDataSource;
                var dataSource = GetDataSource(objReport.DataSourceClass);

                // Create an extension context
                var moduleFolder = string.Empty;
                if (hostModule != null)
                    moduleFolder = hostModule.TemplateSourceDirectory;
                var ctxt = new ExtensionContext(moduleFolder, "DataSource", objReport.DataSource);

                // Load Parameters
                IDictionary <string, object> parameters = BuildParameters(hostModule, objReport);
                if (objReport.CacheDuration != 0)
                    // Check the app setting
                    if (!"True".Equals(

                // Execute the report
                results           = dataSource.ExecuteReport(objReport, hostModule, parameters).ToTable();
                results.TableName = "QueryResults";

                // Check if the converters were run
                if (!dataSource.CanProcessConverters)
                    // If not, run them the slow way :(
                    foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows)
                        foreach (DataColumn col in results.Columns)
                            if (!objReport.Converters.ContainsKey(col.ColumnName))
                            var list = objReport.Converters[col.ColumnName];
                            foreach (var converter in list)
                                row[col] = ApplyConverter(row[col], converter.ConverterName, converter.Arguments);

                // Do the token replace if specified
                if (objReport.TokenReplace)
                    var localTokenReplacer = new TokenReplace();
                    foreach (DataColumn col in results.Columns)
                        // Process each column of the resultset
                        if (col.DataType == typeof(string))
                            // We want to replace the data, we don't mind that it is marked as readonly
                            if (col.ReadOnly)
                                col.ReadOnly = false;

                            var maxLength  = col.MaxLength;
                            var resultText = "";

                            foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows)
                                resultText =

                                // Don't make it too long
                                if (resultText.Length > maxLength)
                                    resultText = resultText.Substring(0, maxLength);

                                row[col] = resultText;

                // Cache it, if not asked to bypass the cache
                if (!bypassCache && results != null)
                    DataCache.SetCache(cacheKey, results);

                // Return the results
            catch (DataSourceException)
                //Catch ex As Exception
                //    If hostModule IsNot Nothing Then
                //        Throw New DataSourceException("UnknownError.Text", hostModule.LocalResourceFile, ex, ex.Message)
                //    Else
                //        Throw
                //    End If