public AcceptanceReport RecalculateEligibilityForTeleport()
            int  humanPawnCount = 0;
            Room room           = Position.GetRoom(Map);

            if (room != null && room.OpenRoofCountStopAt(1) == 0)
                // Check floors
                List <List <IntVec3> > floorPlan = PortalGeneratorUtility.FieldEdgeCells(Position);
                foreach (IntVec3 cell in CellRect.CenteredOn(Position, 7, 7))
                    foreach (Thing t in cell.GetThingList(Map))
                        if (t.def.passability == Traversability.Impassable)
                            return("TeleportReport_CellImpassable".Translate()); // Walls and other impassable buildings cannot be placed within a 7x7 square around portal.
                        if (t is Building_CryptosleepCasket c)
                            foreach (Thing thing in ((IEnumerable <Thing>)InnerContainerField.GetValue(t)))
                                if (thing is Pawn p)
                                    if (p.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                    if (floorPlan[0].Contains(cell))
                        if (cell.GetTerrain(Map) != PRFDefOf.PRFFloorComputer)
                            return("TeleportReport_FloorLayoutIncorrect".Translate()); // The floor layout around the portal generator is incorrect.
                    else if (floorPlan[1].Contains(cell))
                        if (cell.GetTerrain(Map) != PRFDefOf.PRFZCompositeTile)
                            return("TeleportReport_FloorLayoutIncorrect".Translate()); // The floor layout around the portal generator is incorrect.
                    else if (floorPlan[2].Contains(cell))
                        if (cell.GetTerrain(Map) != PRFDefOf.PRFYCompositeTile)
                            return("TeleportReport_FloorLayoutIncorrect".Translate()); // The floor layout around the portal generator is incorrect.
                return("TeleportReport_RoomOutdoorsOrUnroofed".Translate()); // Room is outdoors or unroofed.
            if (humanPawnCount == 0)
                return("TeleportReport_NoHumanlikePawnsForTransportation".Translate()); // No humanlike pawns to transport.
 public override void DrawExtraSelectionOverlays()