private PopCommandResult LookupAppropriateCredential(ICredentialsByHost credentials,
                                                         string username,
                                                         PopAuthenticationMechanism authenticationMechanism,
                                                         out NetworkCredential credential)
            credential = credentials.LookupCredential(connection, username, authenticationMechanism);

              if (credential == null)
            return new PopCommandResult(PopCommandResultCode.RequestError,
                                    string.Format("credential not found for {0};AUTH={1}@{2}:{3}", username, authenticationMechanism, connection.Host, connection.Port));
            return null;
        internal void UpdateAuthority(string username, PopAuthenticationMechanism authType)
            authority.Scheme    = connection.IsSecurePortConnection ? PopUri.UriSchemePops : PopUri.UriSchemePop;
              authority.Host      = connection.Host;
              authority.Port      = connection.Port;
              authority.UserName  = username;
              authority.AuthType  = authType;

              TraceInfo("authority: {0}", authority);
 /// <summary>sends AUTH command</summary>
 /// <remarks>valid in authorization state</remarks>
 public PopCommandResult Auth(ICredentialsByHost credentials, PopAuthenticationMechanism authenticationMechanism)
     return Auth(credentials, null, authenticationMechanism);
        /// <summary>sends AUTH command</summary>
        /// <remarks>valid in authorization state</remarks>
        public PopCommandResult Auth(ICredentialsByHost credentials, string username, PopAuthenticationMechanism authenticationMechanism)
            if (credentials == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("credentials");
              if (authenticationMechanism == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("authenticationMechanism");

              var ret = RejectNonConnectedOrGetAuthenticatedResult();

              if (ret != null)
            return ret;

              // TODO: check Request.Arguments, not here
              if (handlesIncapableAsException)

              NetworkCredential credential;

              ret = LookupAppropriateCredential(credentials, username, authenticationMechanism, out credential);

              if (ret != null)
            return ret;

              using (var t = new AuthTransaction(connection, credential)) {
            t.RequestArguments["mechanism"] = (string)authenticationMechanism;

            if (ProcessTransaction(t).Succeeded) {
              UpdateAuthority(credential.UserName, authenticationMechanism);

            return t.Result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private static PopCommandResult AuthenticateWithSuppliedMechanism(PopSession session,
                                                               ICredentialsByHost credentials,
                                                               string username,
                                                               PopAuthenticationMechanism authMechanism)
        * 4. POP User Name and Authentication Mechanism
        *    An authentication mechanism can be expressed by adding ";AUTH=<enc-
        *    auth-type>" to the end of the user name.  If the authentication
        *    mechanism name is not preceded by a "+", it is a SASL POP [SASL]
        *    mechanism.  If it is preceded by a "+", it is either "APOP" or an
        *    extension mechanism.
        *    When an <enc-auth-type> is specified, the client SHOULD request
        *    appropriate credentials from that mechanism and use the "AUTH",
        *    "APOP", or extension command instead of the "USER" command.  If no
        *    user name is specified, one SHOULD be obtained from the mechanism or
        *    requested from the user as appropriate.
        *    If an <enc-auth-type> other than ";AUTH=*" is specified, the client
        *    SHOULD NOT use a different mechanism without explicit user
        *    permission.
       return session.Auth(credentials, username, authMechanism);