Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Brush CopyList()
            Brush brush = new Brush();
            brush.max = max;
            brush.min = min;

            brush.Polys = Polys.CopyList();

            if (!IsLast)

            return brush;
Ejemplo n.º 2

    public void line_to_buffer(ref Polys apolys, Point p1, Point p2)
        int ymin = 0;
        int ymax = 0;
        int xmin = 0;
        int xmax = 0;

        if (p1.Y > p2.Y)
            ymin = p2.Y;
            ymax = p1.Y;
            xmin = p2.X;
            xmax = p1.X;
            ymin = p1.Y;
            ymax = p2.Y;
            xmin = p1.X;
            xmax = p2.X;
        if (ymax - ymin > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i <= ymax - ymin; i++)
                if (ymin + i >= 0 && ymin + i <= apolys.Height - 1)
                    int value = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * i / (ymax - ymin);
                    if (value < apolys.minBuffer[ymin + i])
                        if (value < 0)
                            value = 0;
                        apolys.minBuffer[ymin + i] = value;
                    if (value > apolys.maxBuffer[ymin + i])
                        if (value > apolys.Width - 1)
                            value = apolys.Width - 1;
                        apolys.maxBuffer[ymin + i] = value;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Load(string onvfile)
            Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(onvfile).ToLowerInvariant();

            var       lines            = File.ReadAllLines(onvfile);
            bool      inverts          = false;
            bool      ininds           = false;
            bool      inedges          = false;
            bool      inpolys          = false;
            bool      insectors        = false;
            bool      insectordata     = false;
            bool      insectorpolyinds = false;
            bool      insectorbounds   = false;
            bool      inportals        = false;
            int       depth            = 0;
            int       cdepth           = 0;
            OnvSector csector          = SectorTree;

            var spacedelim = new[] { ' ' };
            var cult       = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                string tline = line.Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tline))
                    continue;                              //blank line
                //if (tline.StartsWith("#")) continue; //commented out

                string[] parts = tline.Split(spacedelim, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (tline.StartsWith("{"))
                    depth++; continue;
                if (tline.StartsWith("}"))
                }                                       //need to handle the closing cases

                if (inverts)
                    if (depth <= 0)
                        inverts = false;
                    else if (parts.Length == 3)
                        NavMeshVertex v = new NavMeshVertex();
                        v.X = ushort.Parse(parts[0].Trim(), cult);
                        v.Y = ushort.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                        v.Z = ushort.Parse(parts[2].Trim(), cult);
                else if (ininds)
                    if (depth <= 0)
                        ininds = false;
                        for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                            int ind = int.Parse(parts[i]);
                else if (inedges)
                    if (depth <= 0)
                        inedges = false;
                        OnvEdge edge = new OnvEdge(parts);
                else if (inpolys)
                    if (depth <= 0)
                        inpolys = false;
                        OnvPoly poly = new OnvPoly(parts);
                else if (insectors)
                    if (depth <= 0)
                        insectors        = false;
                        insectordata     = false;
                        insectorpolyinds = false;
                        insectorbounds   = false;
                    else if (insectordata)
                        if (depth <= cdepth)
                            insectordata     = false;
                            insectorpolyinds = false;
                            insectorbounds   = false;
                        else if (insectorpolyinds)
                            if (depth <= (cdepth + 1))
                                insectorpolyinds = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                                    int ind = int.Parse(parts[i]);
                        else if (insectorbounds)
                            if (depth <= (cdepth + 1))
                                insectorbounds = false;
                                OnvBounds bounds = new OnvBounds(parts);
                            string idstr = parts[0].Trim();
                            if (idstr == "PolyIndices")
                                csector.SectorData.PolyIndicesCount = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                                insectorpolyinds = csector.SectorData.PolyIndicesCount > 0;
                                if (insectorpolyinds)
                                    csector.SectorData.PolyIndices = new List <int>();
                            else if (idstr == "Bounds")
                                csector.SectorData.BoundsCount = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                                insectorbounds = csector.SectorData.BoundsCount > 0;
                                if (insectorbounds)
                                    csector.SectorData.Bounds = new List <OnvBounds>();
                        if (depth < cdepth)
                            csector = csector.Parent;
                        cdepth = depth;
                        string idstr = parts[0].Trim();
                        if (idstr == "AABBMin")
                            csector.AABBMin = Util.GetVector3(parts, 1);
                        else if (idstr == "AABBMax")
                            csector.AABBMax = Util.GetVector3(parts, 1);
                        else if ((parts.Length < 2) || (parts[1].Trim() != "null"))
                            if (idstr == "SectorData")
                                csector.SectorData = new OnvSectorData();
                                insectordata       = true;
                            else if (idstr == "SubTree0")
                                csector.SubTree0        = new OnvSector();
                                csector.SubTree0.Parent = csector;
                                csector = csector.SubTree0;
                            else if (idstr == "SubTree1")
                                csector.SubTree1        = new OnvSector();
                                csector.SubTree1.Parent = csector;
                                csector = csector.SubTree1;
                            else if (idstr == "SubTree2")
                                csector.SubTree2        = new OnvSector();
                                csector.SubTree2.Parent = csector;
                                csector = csector.SubTree2;
                            else if (idstr == "SubTree3")
                                csector.SubTree3        = new OnvSector();
                                csector.SubTree3.Parent = csector;
                                csector = csector.SubTree3;
                else if (inportals)
                    if (depth <= 0)
                        inportals = false;
                        OnvPortal portal = new OnvPortal(parts);
                    //at root level, look for identifier
                    depth = 0; //reset just in case
                    string idstr = parts[0].Trim();
                    if (idstr == "Version")
                        VersionMaj = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                        VersionMin = int.Parse(parts[2].Trim(), cult);
                    else if (idstr == "Sizes")
                        Sizes = Util.GetVector3(parts, 1);
                    else if (idstr == "Flags")
                        Flags = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                    else if (idstr == "Vertices")
                        VerticesCount = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                        inverts       = VerticesCount > 0;
                    else if (idstr == "Indices")
                        IndicesCount = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                        ininds       = IndicesCount > 0;
                    else if (idstr == "Edges")
                        EdgesCount = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                        inedges    = EdgesCount > 0;
                    else if (idstr == "Polys")
                        PolysCount = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                        inpolys    = PolysCount > 0;
                    else if (idstr == "SectorTree")
                        insectors = true;
                    else if (idstr == "Portals")
                        PortalsCount = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
                        inportals    = PortalsCount > 0;
                    else if (idstr == "SectorID")
                        SectorID = int.Parse(parts[1].Trim(), cult);
Ejemplo n.º 4

    public int Dopoly(Polys apolys, List <Point> aPointsLst, Boolean draw, byte[] img = null)
        double errf = 0;
        int    ymax = 0;
        int    ymin = 3999;
        Point  pnt1 = aPointsLst[p1];
        Point  pnt2 = aPointsLst[p2];
        Point  pnt3 = aPointsLst[p3];

        ymax = max(pnt1.Y, pnt2.Y, pnt3.Y);
        ymin = min(pnt1.Y, pnt2.Y, pnt3.Y);
        if (ymin < 0)
            ymin = 0;
        if (ymax > apolys.Height - 1)
            ymax = apolys.Height - 1;
        for (int i = ymin; i <= ymax; i++)
            apolys.minBuffer[i] = 99999;
            apolys.maxBuffer[i] = 0;
        line_to_buffer(ref apolys, pnt1, pnt2);
        line_to_buffer(ref apolys, pnt2, pnt3);
        line_to_buffer(ref apolys, pnt3, pnt1);
        int totr = 0;
        int totg = 0;
        int totb = 0;
        int cnt  = 0;

        for (int i = ymin; i < ymax; i++)
            int tmp = i * apolys.Width * 3;
            for (int j = apolys.minBuffer[i]; j < apolys.maxBuffer[i]; j++)
                totr = totr + apolys.src[j * 3 + tmp];
                totg = totg + apolys.src[j * 3 + 1 + tmp];
                totb = totb + apolys.src[j * 3 + 2 + tmp];
                cnt  = cnt + 1;
        errf = 0;
        byte r    = 0;
        byte g    = 0;
        byte b    = 0;
        int  srcr = 0;
        int  srcg = 0;
        int  srcb = 0;

        if (cnt != 0)
            r = System.Convert.ToByte(totr / cnt);
            g = System.Convert.ToByte(totg / cnt);
            b = System.Convert.ToByte(totb / cnt);

        rgb = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
        for (int i = ymin; i <= ymax; i++)
            int    pos = apolys.minBuffer[i] * 3 + i * apolys.Width * 3;
            byte[] bb  = apolys.src;
            if (draw == true)
                int mmin = apolys.minBuffer[i];
                int mmax = apolys.maxBuffer[i];
                for (int j = mmin; j <= mmax; j++)
                    img[pos]     = b;
                    img[pos + 1] = g;
                    img[pos + 2] = r;
                    pos          = pos + 3;
                int mmin = apolys.minBuffer[i];
                int mmax = apolys.maxBuffer[i];
                for (int j = mmin; j <= mmax; j++)
                    srcr = bb[pos] - r;
                    srcg = bb[pos + 1] - g;
                    srcb = bb[pos + 2] - b;
                    errf = errf + (srcr * srcr + srcg * srcg + srcb * srcb);
                    pos  = pos + 3;