Ejemplo n.º 1
    private static void GenerateHills(ICollection <Polygon> polygons, IList <Vector3> vertices, PolySet landPolys, Color32 landColor, Color32 sideColor)
        // Grab additional polygons to generate hills, but only from the set of polygons that are land.

        PolySet hillPolys = PolySet.RemoveEdges(landPolys);

        PolySet insetSides = Inset(polygons, vertices, hillPolys, 0.03f);

        PolySet.ApplyColor(insetSides, landColor);
        insetSides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(0.0f, 1.0f);

        PolySet extrudeSides = Extrude(polygons, vertices, hillPolys, 0.05f);

        PolySet.ApplyColor(extrudeSides, sideColor);

        //Hills have dark ambient occlusion on the bottom, and light on top.
        extrudeSides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);
    public PlanetGenerator(GameObject _planet, Material m_GroundMaterial, Material m_OceanMaterial, bool withRocket)
        planet = _planet;
        if (!withRocket)
            colorGrass     = new Color32(99, 61, 72, 0);
            colorDirt      = new Color32(59, 30, 39, 0);
            colorOcean     = new Color32(26, 67, 92, 0);
            colorDeepOcean = new Color32(11, 34, 48, 0);

        landPolys = new PolySet();
        m_Objects = new List <Polygon>();
        // Create an icosahedron, subdivide it three times so that we have plenty of polys
        // to work with.


        // When we begin extruding polygons, we'll need each one to know who its immediate
        //neighbors are. Calculate that now.


        // By default, everything is colored blue. As we extrude land forms, we'll change their colors to match.
        foreach (Polygon p in m_Polygons)
            p.m_Color = colorOcean;

        // Now we build a set of Polygons that will become the land. We do this by generating
        // randomly sized spheres on the surface of the planet, and adding any Polygon that falls
        // inside that sphere.
        // Grab polygons that are inside random spheres. These will be the basis of our planet's continents.

        for (int i = 0; i < m_NumberOfContinents; i++)
            float continentSize = Random.Range(m_ContinentSizeMin, m_ContinentSizeMax);

            Vector3 center = Random.onUnitSphere;
            if (i == 0)
                center.Set(-1, 0, 0);
            PolySet newLand = GetPolysInSphere(center, continentSize, m_Polygons);


        // While we're here, let's make a group of oceanPolys. It's pretty simple: Any Polygon that isn't in the landPolys set
        // must be in the oceanPolys set instead.

        var oceanPolys = new PolySet();

        surfacePolys = new List <Polygon>();

        foreach (Polygon poly in m_Polygons)
            if (!landPolys.Contains(poly))

        // Let's create the ocean surface as a separate mesh.
        // First, let's make a copy of the oceanPolys so we can
        // still use them to also make the ocean floor later.

        // Back to land for a while! We start by making it green. =)

        foreach (Polygon landPoly in landPolys)
            landPoly.m_Color = colorGrass;

        // The Extrude function will raise the land Polygons up out of the water.
        // It also generates a strip of new Polygons to connect the newly raised land
        // back down to the water level. We can color this vertical strip of land brown like dirt.

        PolySet lowLandSides = Extrude(landPolys, 0.05f);

        lowLandSides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);

        // Grab additional polygons to generate hills, but only from the set of polygons that are land.

        PolySet hillPolys      = landPolys.RemoveEdges();
        PolySet insetLandPolys = Inset(hillPolys, 0.03f);

        insetLandPolys.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(0.0f, 1.0f);

        PolySet topLandSides = Extrude(hillPolys, 0.05f);


        //Hills have dark ambient occlusion on the bottom, and light on top.
        topLandSides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);


        // Time to return to the oceans.

        PolySet insetOceanPolys = Inset(oceanPolys, 0.05f);

        insetOceanPolys.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);

        PolySet highOceanSides = Extrude(oceanPolys, -0.02f);

        highOceanSides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(0.0f, 1.0f);

        PolySet insetOceanPolys2 = Inset(oceanPolys, 0.02f);

        insetOceanPolys2.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);

        var deepOceanPolys = oceanPolys.RemoveEdges();

        PolySet lowOceanSides = Extrude(deepOceanPolys, -0.05f);




        PolySet allPolys = new PolySet(oceanPolys);


        // Okay, we're done! Let's generate an actual game mesh for this planet.

        for (int i = 0; i < m_Vertices.Count; i++)
            m_Vertices[i] *= 0.1f;
            m_Vertices[i] += planet.transform.position;

        //GenerateMesh(planet, oceanPolys, "Ocean Mesh", m_OceanMaterial);
        GenerateMesh(planet, allPolys, "Ground Mesh", m_GroundMaterial);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private static Mesh GetGroundMesh(IList <Polygon> polygons, IList <Vector3> vertices, float continentSizeMin, float continentSizeMax, int numberOfContinents, Color32 landColor, Color32 sideColor,
                                      Color32 oceanColor, Color32 deepOceanColor, bool isGenerateHills, bool isGenerateDeepOceans)
        // Now we build a set of Polygons that will become the land. We do this by generating
        // randomly sized spheres on the surface of the planet, and adding any Polygon that falls
        // inside that sphere.

        PolySet landPolys = CreateLand(polygons, vertices, continentSizeMin, continentSizeMax, numberOfContinents);

        // While we're here, let's make a group of oceanPolys. It's pretty simple: Any Polygon that isn't in the landPolys set
        // must be in the oceanPolys set instead.

        PolySet oceanPolys = CreateOcean(polygons, landPolys);

        // Let's create the ocean surface as a separate mesh.
        // First, let's make a copy of the oceanPolys so we can
        // still use them to also make the ocean floor later.

        var oceanSurface = new PolySet(oceanPolys);

        PolySet sides = Inset(polygons, vertices, oceanSurface, 0.05f);

        PolySet.ApplyColor(sides, oceanColor);
        sides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);

        // Time to return to the oceans.

        sides = Extrude(polygons, vertices, oceanPolys, -0.02f);
        PolySet.ApplyColor(sides, oceanColor);
        sides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(0.0f, 1.0f);

        sides = Inset(polygons, vertices, oceanPolys, 0.02f);
        PolySet.ApplyColor(sides, oceanColor);
        sides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);

        if (isGenerateDeepOceans)
            var deepOceanPolys = PolySet.RemoveEdges(oceanPolys);

            sides = Extrude(polygons, vertices, deepOceanPolys, -0.05f);
            PolySet.ApplyColor(sides, deepOceanColor);

            PolySet.ApplyColor(deepOceanPolys, deepOceanColor);

        // Back to land for a while! We start by making it green. =)

        PolySet.ApplyColor(landPolys, landColor);

        // The Extrude function will raise the land Polygons up out of the water.
        // It also generates a strip of new Polygons to connect the newly raised land
        // back down to the water level. We can color this vertical strip of land brown like dirt.

        sides = Extrude(polygons, vertices, landPolys, 0.05f);
        PolySet.ApplyColor(sides, sideColor);
        sides.ApplyAmbientOcclusionTerm(1.0f, 0.0f);

        if (isGenerateHills)
            GenerateHills(polygons, vertices, landPolys, landColor, sideColor);

        return(GenerateMesh("Ground Mesh", polygons, vertices));