Ejemplo n.º 1
        /* ViewTrainer() allows the user to view an NPC Trainer. */
        public static void ViewTrainer(PokemonDataManager pokemonDataManager)
            Border("PkmnEngine Editor - View Trainer");

            /* The user inputs the trainer's name. */
            Console.WriteLine("Enter name of trainer:");
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            /* The program checks to see if a Trainer with that name exists.
             * If it does, information about the Trainer with that name is displayed to the screen. */
            if (TrainerManager.Trainers.ContainsKey(input))
                Trainer trainer = TrainerManager.Trainers[input];
                Console.WriteLine("Trainer Name: {0}, Rank: {1}, Difficulty: {2}", trainer.TrainerName, trainer.Rank, trainer.Difficulty);
                Console.WriteLine("Trainer Dialogue: \"{0}\".", trainer.Dialogue);

                Console.WriteLine("Press return to continue.");
                Border("PkmnEngine Editor - View Trainer");

                /* In addition to the Trainer information, the species, stats and moves of each of the Trainer's Pokemon team are displayed. */
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    if (trainer.TrainerPokemon[i] != null)
                        Pokemon pokemon = trainer.TrainerPokemon[i];
                        Console.WriteLine("Pokemon #{0}: No. {1} ({2}), Level {3}, Gender: {4}", i + 1, pokemon.PokemonID, pokemon.Nickname, pokemon.Level, pokemon.PokemonGender);
                        Console.WriteLine("STATS | HP: {0} | ATK: {1} | DEF: {2} | SP. ATK: {3} | SP. DEF: {4} | SPD: {5}", pokemon.HP, pokemon.Attack, pokemon.Defence, pokemon.SpecialAttack, pokemon.SpecialDefence, pokemon.Speed);
                        Console.WriteLine("IVs | HP: {0} | ATK: {1} | DEF: {2} | SP. ATK: {3} | SP. DEF: {4} | SPD: {5}", pokemon.IV_HP, pokemon.IV_Attack, pokemon.IV_Defence, pokemon.IV_SpecialAttack, pokemon.IV_SpecialDefence, pokemon.IV_Speed);
                        Console.WriteLine("Moves: ");
                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            if (pokemon.Moves[j] != null)
                                Console.Write("{0} ", pokemon.Moves[j]);
                Console.WriteLine("\nPress return to continue.");

            /* Alternatively, if no trainer is found with the requested name, the user goes back to the main menu screen. */
                Console.WriteLine("Trainer with name {0} does not exist.", input);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //PokemonBase (){
    //	return this;

    public static PokemonBase RandomPokemon(int dexNum)
        GameObject temp = new GameObject();

        Debug.Log("GameObject is set" + temp.name);
        //Pokemon pokemonData = PokemonDataManager.GetPokemon ();
        PokemonDataManager data = temp.AddComponent <PokemonDataManager> ();

        Debug.Log("New data Manager created");
        Pokemon pokemonData = data.GetPokemon(dexNum);

        Debug.Log("Got our new pokemon");
        PokemonBase poke = temp.AddComponent <PokemonBase> ();

        Debug.Log("Pokemon Added to temp GameObject");
        //this = temp.AddComponent<PokemonBase> ();
        //PokemonBase poke = new PokemonBase ();
        poke.DexNum      = pokemonData.No;
        poke.DexNumJohto = pokemonData.JohtoNo;
        poke.Type1       = pokemonData.Type1;
        poke.Type2       = pokemonData.Type2;
        poke.Health      = pokemonData.BaseStats.HP;
        poke.Attack      = pokemonData.BaseStats.Attack;
        poke.Defense     = pokemonData.BaseStats.Defense;
        poke.Speed       = pokemonData.BaseStats.Speed;
        poke.Name        = pokemonData.Name;
        if (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) == 0.5f)
            poke.Gender = true;
            poke.Gender = false;

        if (Random.Range(0, shinyRate) == 0)
            poke.Shiny = true;
            poke.Shiny = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static PokemonBase RandomPokemon(int dexNum)
        GameObject         temp        = new GameObject();
        PokemonDataManager data        = new PokemonDataManager();
        Pokemon            pokemonData = data.GetPokemon(dexNum);
        PokemonBase        poke        = temp.AddComponent <PokemonBase> ();

        poke.DexNum      = pokemonData.No;
        poke.DexNumJohto = pokemonData.JohtoNo;
        poke.Type1       = pokemonData.Type1;
        poke.Type2       = pokemonData.Type2;
        poke.Health      = pokemonData.BaseStats.HP;
        poke.Attack      = pokemonData.BaseStats.Attack;
        poke.Defense     = pokemonData.BaseStats.Defense;
        poke.Speed       = pokemonData.BaseStats.Speed;
        poke.Name        = pokemonData.Name;

        if (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) == 0.5f)
            poke.Gender = true;
            poke.Gender = false;

        if (Random.Range(0, shinyRate) == 0)
            poke.Shiny = true;
            poke.Shiny = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /* The AddTrainer() function allows the user to add an NPC trainer manually.
         * It needs the PokemonDataManager and MoveManager as arguments since it uses them to create the trainer's team. */
        public static void AddTrainer(PokemonDataManager pokemonDataManager, MoveManager moveManager)
            Border("PkmnEngine Editor - New Trainer");

            /* The user is prompted to enter the Trainer's name. */
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Trainer Name (must be unique for now)");
            string name = Console.ReadLine();

            /* If the TrainerManager already contains a Trainer with the entered name, the user is prompted to ask if they want to overwrite it. */
            if (TrainerManager.Trainers.ContainsKey(name))
                Console.WriteLine("Trainer with name {0} already exists. Overwrite? (y/n)", TrainerManager.Trainers[name].TrainerName);
                string choice = Console.ReadLine();

                /* If the user doesn't want to overwrite, the function returns. */
                if (choice[0] != 'y' && choice[0] != 'Y')
                Console.WriteLine("Trainer will be overwritten.");

            /* Otherwise, the user will then enter all the Trainer's details into the program. */
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Trainer Rank (Normal, Grunt, Elite, GymLeader, EliteFour, Champion)");
            TrainerRank rank = ParseEnum <TrainerRank>(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Trainer Difficulty (VeryEasy, Easy, Normal, Hard, VeryHard)");
            TrainerDifficulty difficulty = ParseEnum <TrainerDifficulty>(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("How many Pokemon does the trainer have? (Max 6)");
            byte pokemonCount = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Pokemon[] pokemonTeam = new Pokemon[6];

            /* After taking the Trainer information, the program then gets data about the Trainer's Pokemon team from the user.
             * The floor loop iterates through each Pokemon in the team according to the count specified by the user. */
            for (int i = 0; i < pokemonCount; i++)
                Border("PkmnEngine Editor - New Trainer - Pokemon #" + (i + 1));
                Console.WriteLine("Enter ID of Pokemon species.");
                byte        id      = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                PokemonData species = pokemonDataManager.PokemonData[id];
                Console.WriteLine("Enter level of Pokemon. (1-100)");
                byte   level = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Gender gender;
                if (species.CanHaveGender)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter gender of Pokemon (Male/Female).");
                    gender = ParseEnum <Gender>(Console.ReadLine());
                    gender = Gender.none;
                Console.WriteLine("How many moves does the Pokemon have?");
                byte   moveCount    = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Move[] pokemonMoves = new Move[4];

                /* Similarly to the iteraton through the Pokemon team, the program also iterates through each Pokemon's moveset. */
                for (int j = 0; j < moveCount; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter name of move #" + (j + 1));
                    pokemonMoves[j] = moveManager.Moves[Console.ReadLine()];

                /* Each new Pokemon is constructed using the parameters passed in, and added to the pokemonTeam array. */
                Pokemon pokemon = new Pokemon(species, gender, pokemonMoves, level, rank);
                pokemonTeam[i] = pokemon;
            Border("PkmnEngine Editor - Add Pokemon");

            /* Finally, the user enters the Trainer dialogue (what the NPC says when you fight them). */
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the test dialogue for the trainer:");
            string dialogue = Console.ReadLine();

            /* The new Trainer is constructed and added to the TrainerManager. */
            Trainer trainer = new Trainer(name, rank, difficulty, pokemonTeam, dialogue, pokemonCount);
