/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="Byte"></param>
        /// <param name="totalCount"></param>
        /// <param name="progress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Stream WriteByteRepeated(this Stream stream, byte Byte, long totalCount,
                                               Action <long, long> progress = null)
            if (totalCount > 0)
                long maxBuffer = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
                var  bytes     = new byte[Math.Min(maxBuffer, totalCount)];
                PointerUtils.Memset(bytes, Byte, bytes.Length);
                var  left    = totalCount;
                long current = 0;
                if (progress == null)
                    progress = (cur, max) => { }

                progress(0, totalCount);

                while (left > 0)
                    var toWrite = Math.Min(bytes.Length, left);
                    stream.Write(bytes, 0, (int)toWrite);
                    left    -= toWrite;
                    current += toWrite;
                    progress(current, totalCount);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestMemset4()
            int TotalSize = 65;
            var Dest      = new byte[TotalSize];

            foreach (var Set64 in new[] { false, true })
                //PointerUtils.Is64 = Set64;

                fixed(byte *DestPtr = Dest)
                    for (int count = 0; count < TotalSize; count++)
                        for (int m = 0; m < TotalSize; m++)
                            Dest[m] = 0;

                        PointerUtils.Memset(DestPtr, 1, count);

                        for (int m = 0; m < TotalSize; m++)
                            Assert.Equal(m < count ? 1 : 0, Dest[m]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestMemset()
            var Data = new byte[131];

            PointerUtils.Memset(Data, 0x3E, Data.Length);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public uint sceKernelMemset(uint PspPointer, int Data, int Size)
         PointerUtils.Memset((byte *)Memory.PspAddressToPointerSafe(PspPointer, Size), (byte)Data, Size);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        unsafe public static Stream WriteByteRepeated(this Stream Stream, byte Byte, int Count = 1)
            if (Count > 0)
                var Bytes = new byte[Count];
                fixed(byte *BytesPtr = &Bytes[0])
                    PointerUtils.Memset(BytesPtr, Byte, Count);


Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void BufferFillEventHandler(IntPtr data, int size)
     if (Queue.Count > 0)
         short[] Result;
         while (!Queue.TryDequeue(out Result))
             if (_mPlayer.Disposing)
         Marshal.Copy(Result, 0, data, size / 2);
         PointerUtils.Memset((byte *)data.ToPointer(), 0, size);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Block dithering function. Simply dithers a block to 565 RGB.
        /// (Floyd-Steinberg)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dest"></param>
        /// <param name="block"></param>
        static void stb__DitherBlock(ARGB_Rev *dest, ARGB_Rev *block)
            var  err = stackalloc int[8];
            int *ep1 = err;
            int *ep2 = err + 4;
            int *et;
            int  ch, y;

            fixed(byte *_stb__QuantGTab = stb__QuantGTab)
            fixed(byte *_stb__QuantRBTab = stb__QuantRBTab)
                var bpList = new byte *[] {&block->R, &block->G, &block->B };
                var dpList = new byte *[] {&dest->R, &dest->G, &dest->B };

                // process channels seperately
                for (ch = 0; ch < 3; ++ch)
                    byte *bp    = bpList[ch];
                    byte *dp    = dpList[ch];
                    byte *quant = (ch == 1) ? _stb__QuantGTab + 8 : _stb__QuantRBTab + 8;
                    PointerUtils.Memset((byte *)err, 0, sizeof(int) * 8);
                    for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y)
                        dp[0]  = quant[bp[0] + ((3 * ep2[1] + 5 * ep2[0]) >> 4)];
                        ep1[0] = bp[0] - dp[0];
                        dp[4]  = quant[bp[4] + ((7 * ep1[0] + 3 * ep2[2] + 5 * ep2[1] + ep2[0]) >> 4)];
                        ep1[1] = bp[4] - dp[4];
                        dp[8]  = quant[bp[8] + ((7 * ep1[1] + 3 * ep2[3] + 5 * ep2[2] + ep2[1]) >> 4)];
                        ep1[2] = bp[8] - dp[8];
                        dp[12] = quant[bp[12] + ((7 * ep1[2] + 5 * ep2[3] + ep2[2]) >> 4)];
                        ep1[3] = bp[12] - dp[12];
                        bp    += 16;
                        dp    += 16;
                        et     = ep1; ep1 = ep2; ep2 = et;                     // swap
Ejemplo n.º 8
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Stream"></param>
    /// <param name="Byte"></param>
    /// <param name="TotalCount"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    unsafe public static Stream WriteByteRepeated(this Stream Stream, byte Byte, long TotalCount, Action <long, long> Progress = null)
        if (TotalCount > 0)
            long MaxBuffer = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
            var  Bytes     = new byte[Math.Min(MaxBuffer, TotalCount)];
            PointerUtils.Memset(Bytes, Byte, Bytes.Length);
            long Left    = TotalCount;
            long Current = 0;
            if (Progress == null)
                Progress = (_Current, _Max) => { }

            Progress(0, TotalCount);

            while (Left > 0)
                var ToWrite = Math.Min(Bytes.Length, Left);
                Stream.Write(Bytes, 0, (int)ToWrite);
                Left    -= ToWrite;
                Current += ToWrite;
                Progress(Current, TotalCount);


    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Stream"></param>
    /// <param name="Byte"></param>
    /// <param name="PositionStop"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    unsafe public static Stream WriteByteRepeatedTo(this Stream Stream, byte Byte, long PositionStop, Action <long, long> Progress = null)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void ZeroFillSegment(Segment Segment)
     //Range<byte>(Segment.Low, (int)Segment.Size).Fill(0);
     PointerUtils.Memset((byte *)PspAddressToPointerSafe(Segment.Low), 0, (int)Segment.Size);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void ZeroFillSegment(Segment Segment)
     PointerUtils.Memset((byte *)PspAddressToPointerSafe(Segment.Low), 0, (int)Segment.Size);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void WriteRepeated1(byte Value, uint Address, int Count)
     PointerUtils.Memset((byte *)PspAddressToPointerSafe(Address, Count), Value, Count);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input"></param>
        /// <param name="OutputMaxSize"></param>
        /// <param name="Version"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] Decode13(byte[] Input, int OutputMaxSize, int Version)
            if ((Version != 1) && (Version != 3))
                throw(new InvalidOperationException("Can't handle version '" + Version + "'"));

            var       Output      = new byte[OutputMaxSize + 0x1000];
            bool      HasRle      = (Version == 3);
            const int WindowSize  = 0x1000;
            var       MinLength   = 3;
            int       MaxLength   = HasRle ? 0x11 : 0x12;
            var       OffsetStart = WindowSize - MaxLength;

            WritePrependData(Output, OffsetStart);

            Console.WriteLine("Decoding at 0x{0:X8}", OffsetStart);

            //File.WriteAllBytes("c:/temp/lol.bin", Input);

#if false
            Console.WriteLine("START: 0x{0:X3}", OffsetStart);

            fixed(byte *InStart = &Input[0])
            fixed(byte *OutStart = &Output[OffsetStart])
                byte *InCurrent = InStart, InEnd = InStart + Input.Length;
                byte *OutCurrent = OutStart, OutEnd = OutStart + OutputMaxSize;

                uint Data = 0x001;

                while (InCurrent < InEnd)
                    if (Data == 0x001)
                        Data = (uint)(*InCurrent++ | 0x100);
                        Console.WriteLine("ControlByte: 0x{0:X2}", (byte)Data);
                    bool Uncompressed = ((Data & 1) != 0); Data >>= 1;

                    // UNCOMPRESSED
                    if (Uncompressed)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0:X8}: BYTE(0x{1:X2})", (OutCurrent - OutStart) + OffsetStart, *InCurrent);
                        *OutCurrent++ = *InCurrent++;
                    // COMPRESSED
                        int Byte1        = *InCurrent++;
                        int Byte2        = *InCurrent++;
                        var WindowOffset = Byte1 | ((Byte2 & 0xF0) << 4);
                        var Length       = (Byte2 & 0x0F) + MinLength;

                        // RLE
                        if (HasRle && Length > MaxLength)
                            int  RleLength;
                            byte RleByte;

                             * if ((WindowOffset >> 8) == 0)
                             * {
                             *      RleByte = (byte)(*InCurrent++);
                             *      RleLength = (WindowOffset & 0xFF) + MaxLength + 1 + 1;
                             * }
                             * else
                             * {
                             *      RleByte = (byte)(WindowOffset & 0xFF);
                             *      RleLength = (WindowOffset >> 8) + MinLength;
                             * }

                            //int Type;
                            if (WindowOffset < 0x100)
                                //Type = 1;
                                RleByte   = *InCurrent++;
                                RleLength = WindowOffset + MaxLength + 1 + 1;
                                //Type = 0;
                                RleByte   = (byte)WindowOffset;
                                RleLength = (WindowOffset >> 8) + MinLength;

                            Console.WriteLine("{0:X8}: RLE(Byte: 0x{1:X2}, Length: {2}, Type: {3})", (OutCurrent - OutStart) + OffsetStart, RleByte, RleLength, Type);

                            PointerUtils.Memset(OutCurrent, RleByte, RleLength);
                            OutCurrent += RleLength;
                        // LZ
                            //int CurrentWindowPos = (OffsetStart + (int)(OutCurrent - OutStart)) % WindowSize;
                            //int MinusDisp = (CurrentWindowPos - WindowOffset + WindowSize) % WindowSize;

                            int MinusDisp = ((OffsetStart + (int)(OutCurrent - OutStart)) - WindowOffset + WindowSize) % WindowSize;
                            if (MinusDisp == 0)
                                MinusDisp = WindowSize;

#if false
                                "LZ(0x{0:X3}, {1}) : CUR:0x{2:X3} : MIN:{3}",
                                WindowOffset, Length, CurrentWindowPos, -MinusDisp

                            //SourcePointer = (OutCurrent - WindowSize) + (WindowOffset + Offset) % WindowSize;
                            PointerUtils.Memcpy(OutCurrent, (OutCurrent - MinusDisp), Length);

                            Console.WriteLine("{0:X8}: LZ(Offset: {1}, Length: {2})", (OutCurrent - OutStart) + OffsetStart, -MinusDisp, Length);
                            for (int n = 0; n < Length; n++)
                                Console.WriteLine("  {0:X8}: 0x{1:X2}", (OutCurrent - OutStart) + OffsetStart - MinusDisp + n, OutCurrent[-MinusDisp + n]);

                            OutCurrent += Length;
                return(PointerUtils.PointerToByteArray(OutStart, (int)(OutCurrent - OutStart)));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static void *_AllocRange(void *Address, uint Size, bool Guard)
            switch (OS)
            case OS.Windows:
                byte *Pointer;
                if (Guard)
                    Pointer = InternalWindows.VirtualAlloc(Address, Size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_GUARD);
                    Pointer = InternalWindows.VirtualAlloc(Address, Size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

                if (Pointer != null)
                    if ((void *)Pointer != (void *)Address)
                        throw (new Exception(
                                   $"Not allocated the desired address! Expected {new IntPtr(Address):X}, Allocated: {new IntPtr(Pointer):X}"));
                    PointerUtils.Memset(Pointer, 0, (int)Size);

                int errno;

                void *AllocatedAddress = InternalUnix.mmap(
                    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                    MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_FIXED,
                errno = InternalUnix.errno();
                if (errno != 0)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("mmap errno: {0} : {1}", errno, InternalUnix.strerror(errno));

                if (AllocatedAddress == (void *)-1)
                    AllocatedAddress = null;

                if (AllocatedAddress != Address)
                    Console.WriteLine("Alloc pointer mismatch! {0}, {1}", new IntPtr(AllocatedAddress),
                                      new IntPtr(Address));

#if false
                int result3 = InternalUnix.mprotect(Address, Size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
                errno = InternalUnix.errno();
                if (errno != 0)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("mprotect errno: {0} : {1}", errno, InternalUnix.strerror(errno));
                if (result3 != 0)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("mprotect result3: {0}", result3);

            throw (new NotImplementedException());
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public int sceNetEtherStrton(string String, byte *MacAddress)
     PointerUtils.Memset(MacAddress, 0, 6);
     //throw (new NotImplementedException());
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected byte[] DecryptPrx1(byte[] pbInBytes, bool showInfo = false)
            var cbTotal    = pbInBytes.Length;
            var pbOutBytes = new byte[cbTotal];

            pbInBytes.CopyTo(pbOutBytes, 0);

            fixed(byte *pbIn = pbInBytes)
            fixed(byte *pbOut = pbOutBytes)
                //var headerPointer = (HeaderStruct*) pbIn;
                Header = *(HeaderStruct *)pbIn;
                var pti = GetTagInfo(Header.Tag);

                if (showInfo)
                    Console.WriteLine("TAG_INFO: {0}", pti);

                // build conversion into pbOut
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut, pbIn, pbInBytes.Length);
                PointerUtils.Memset(pbOut, 0, 0x150);
                PointerUtils.Memset(pbOut, 0x55, 0x40);

                // step3 demangle in place
                var h7Header = (Kirk.KirkAes128CbcHeader *) & pbOut[0x2C];

                h7Header->Mode     = Kirk.KirkMode.DecryptCbc;
                h7Header->Unknown4 = 0;
                h7Header->Unknown8 = 0;
                h7Header->KeySeed  = pti.Code; // initial seed for PRX
                h7Header->Datasize = 0x70;     // size

                // redo part of the SIG check (step2)
                var buffer1Bytes = new byte[0x150];

                fixed(byte *buffer1 = buffer1Bytes)
                    PointerUtils.Memcpy(buffer1 + 0x00, pbIn + 0xD0, 0x80);
                    PointerUtils.Memcpy(buffer1 + 0x80, pbIn + 0x80, 0x50);
                    PointerUtils.Memcpy(buffer1 + 0xD0, pbIn + 0x00, 0x80);

                    if (pti.CodeExtra != 0)
                        ExtraV2Mangle(buffer1 + 0x10, pti.CodeExtra);

                    PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut + 0x40 /* 0x2C+20 */, buffer1 + 0x40, 0x40);

                for (var iXor = 0; iXor < 0x70; iXor++)
                    pbOut[0x40 + iXor] = (byte)(pbOut[0x40 + iXor] ^ pti.Key[0x14 + iXor]);

                var ret = _kirk.HleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(
                    pbOut + 0x2C,
                    20 + 0x70,
                    pbOut + 0x2C,
                    20 + 0x70,

                if (ret != 0)
                    throw new Exception(CStringFormater.Sprintf("mangle#7 returned 0x%08X, ", ret));

                for (var iXor = 0x6F; iXor >= 0; iXor--)
                    pbOut[0x40 + iXor] = (byte)(pbOut[0x2C + iXor] ^ pti.Key[0x20 + iXor]);

                PointerUtils.Memset(pbOut + 0x80, 0, 0x30); // $40 bytes kept, clean up

                pbOut[0xA0] = 1;
                // copy unscrambled parts from header
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut + 0xB0, pbIn + 0xB0, 0x20); // file size + lots of zeros
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut + 0xD0, pbIn + 0x00, 0x80); // ~PSP header

                // step4: do the actual decryption of code block
                //  point 0x40 bytes into the buffer to key info
                ret = _kirk.HleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(
                    pbOut + 0x40,
                    cbTotal - 0x40,

                if (ret != 0)
                    throw new Exception(CStringFormater.Sprintf("mangle#1 returned 0x%08X", ret));

                //File.WriteAllBytes("../../../TestInput/temp.bin", _pbOut);

                var outputSize = *(int *)&pbIn[0xB0];

                return(pbOutBytes.Slice(0, outputSize).ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 16
        protected byte[] DecryptPrx2(byte[] pbIn, bool showInfo = false)
            var size  = pbIn.Length;
            var pbOut = new byte[size];

            pbIn.CopyTo(pbOut, 0);

            var tmp1Bytes = new byte[0x150];
            var tmp2Bytes = new byte[0x90 + 0x14];
            var tmp3Bytes = new byte[0x60 + 0x14];

            fixed(byte *inbuf = pbIn)
            fixed(byte *outbuf = pbOut)
            fixed(byte *tmp1   = tmp1Bytes)
            fixed(byte *tmp2   = tmp2Bytes)
            fixed(byte *tmp3   = tmp3Bytes)
                //var headerPointer = (HeaderStruct*) inbuf;
                Header = *(HeaderStruct *)inbuf;
                var pti = GetTagInfo2(Header.Tag);

                Console.WriteLine("{0}", pti);

                var retsize = *(int *)&inbuf[0xB0];

                PointerUtils.Memset(tmp1Bytes, 0, 0x150);
                PointerUtils.Memset(tmp2Bytes, 0, 0x90 + 0x14);
                PointerUtils.Memset(tmp3Bytes, 0, 0x60 + 0x14);

                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf, inbuf, size);

                if (size < 0x160)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("buffer not big enough, ");

                if (size - 0x150 < retsize)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("not enough data, ");

                PointerUtils.Memcpy(tmp1, outbuf, 0x150);

                int i, j;

                //byte *p = tmp2+0x14;

                for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 0x10; j++)
                        tmp2Bytes[0x14 + (i << 4) + j] = pti.Key[j];

                    tmp2Bytes[0x14 + (i << 4)] = (byte)i;

                if (Scramble((uint *)tmp2, 0x90, pti.Code) < 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("error in Scramble#1, ");

                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf, tmp1 + 0xD0, 0x5C);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x5C, tmp1 + 0x140, 0x10);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x6C, tmp1 + 0x12C, 0x14);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x80, tmp1 + 0x080, 0x30);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xB0, tmp1 + 0x0C0, 0x10);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xC0, tmp1 + 0x0B0, 0x10);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xD0, tmp1 + 0x000, 0x80);

                PointerUtils.Memcpy(tmp3 + 0x14, outbuf + 0x5C, 0x60);

                if (Scramble((uint *)tmp3, 0x60, pti.Code) < 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("error in Scramble#2, ");

                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x5C, tmp3, 0x60);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(tmp3, outbuf + 0x6C, 0x14);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x70, outbuf + 0x5C, 0x10);
                PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + 0x18, 0, 0x58);
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x04, outbuf, 0x04);

                *((uint *)outbuf) = 0x014C;
                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x08, tmp2, 0x10);

                /* sha-1 */
                if (_kirk.HleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(outbuf, 3000000, outbuf, 3000000,
                                                      Kirk.CommandEnum.PspKirkCmdSha1Hash) !=
                    throw new InvalidDataException("error in sceUtilsBufferCopyWithRange 0xB, ");

                if (PointerUtils.Memcmp(outbuf, tmp3, 0x14) != 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("WARNING (SHA-1 incorrect), ");

                int iXor;

                for (iXor = 0; iXor < 0x40; iXor++)
                    tmp3[iXor + 0x14] = (byte)(outbuf[iXor + 0x80] ^ tmp2Bytes[iXor + 0x10]);

                if (Scramble((uint *)tmp3, 0x40, pti.Code) != 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("error in Scramble#3, ");

                for (iXor = 0x3F; iXor >= 0; iXor--)
                    outbuf[iXor + 0x40] = (byte)(tmp3Bytes[iXor] ^ tmp2Bytes[iXor + 0x50]);  // uns 8

                PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + 0x80, 0, 0x30);
                *(uint *)&outbuf[0xA0] = 1;

                PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xB0, outbuf + 0xC0, 0x10);
                PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + 0xC0, 0, 0x10);

                // the real decryption
                var ret = _kirk.HleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(outbuf, size, outbuf + 0x40, size - 0x40,

                if (ret != 0)
                    throw new InvalidDataException(
                              $"error in sceUtilsBufferCopyWithRange 0x1 (0x{ret:X}), ");

                if (retsize < 0x150)
                    // Fill with 0
                    PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + retsize, 0, 0x150 - retsize);

                return(pbOut.Slice(0, retsize).ToArray());