Inheritance: IComparable
Ejemplo n.º 1
    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        if (obj == null)

        PointMatch otherMatch = obj as PointMatch;

        if (otherMatch != null)
            throw new ArgumentException("obj is not a PointMatch");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public double PushOntoCloud(PointCloud other, int iterations, int matchLength, double threshold)
        // we are going to update our transform to place us on the other cloud with the ICP

        double error = 0;

        #region Correspondence
        // make the list of matches
        // NOTE this cannot be a SortedList because that will complain if you give multiple pairs with the same dist
        List <PointMatch> matches = new List <PointMatch>();

        // go over our list of features
        foreach (CloudPoint p in this.FeatureTree)
            // find nearest in their list of features after our transform
            var pT = p.ApplyTransform(R, T);

            CloudPoint o = other.FeatureTree.FindNearestNeighbor(pT.ColorLocation());

            PointMatch match = new PointMatch(pT, o);


        // select the top ni matches based on how close they are
        var topMatches = matches.OrderBy(x => x.Distance).Take(matchLength);

        #region find normals for matchpoints

        var ourQueryPoints = topMatches.Select(x => x.A.UnApplyTransform(R, T));

        var theirQueryPoints = topMatches.Select(x => x.B);


        // iterative part
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
            #region refine ICP estimate
            Matrix cov = new Matrix(6, 6);
            Vector b   = new Vector(6);

            var r = Vector.Create(new double[] { R[2, 1], R[0, 2], R[1, 0] });
            foreach (PointMatch pm in topMatches)
                // moving A onto B
                var A = pm.A;
                var B = pm.B;

                Vector ni = B.normal;
                Vector ci = Vector.CrossProduct(A.location, ni);

                Vector CN = Vector.Create(ci.Concat(ni).ToArray());

                cov = cov + (CN.ToColumnMatrix() * CN.ToRowMatrix());

                var diffDot = (A.location - B.location) * ni; // this is a dot product

                b = b - (diffDot * Vector.Ones(6)).ArrayMultiply(CN);

                // also accumulate error for this RT since we're here already

                error = error + Math.Pow((diffDot + (T * ni) + (r * ci)), 2);
            // done accumulating cov and B

            // we're done here if our thing put us close enough
            if (error < threshold)

            // solve cov * inc_transform = b
            // compute decomp
            var chol = cov.CholeskyDecomposition;

            // solve LL' * inc_transform = b
            var L = chol.TriangularFactor;

            Vector inc_transform = LLTSolve(L, b);

            R = Matrix.Create(new double[, ] {
                { 1, -inc_transform[2], inc_transform[1] },
                { inc_transform[2], 1, -inc_transform[0] },
                { -inc_transform[1], inc_transform[0], 1 }

            // last three components are translation
            T = Vector.Create(inc_transform.Skip(3).ToArray());


        // apply transform to whole cloud

Ejemplo n.º 3
    public double PushOntoCloud(PointCloud other, int iterations, int matchLength, double threshold)
        // we are going to update our transform to place us on the other cloud with the ICP

        double error = 0;

        #region Correspondence
        // make the list of matches
        // NOTE this cannot be a SortedList because that will complain if you give multiple pairs with the same dist
        List<PointMatch> matches = new List<PointMatch>();

        // go over our list of features
        foreach (CloudPoint p in this.FeatureTree)
            // find nearest in their list of features after our transform
            var pT = p.ApplyTransform(R, T);

            CloudPoint o = other.FeatureTree.FindNearestNeighbor(pT.ColorLocation());

            PointMatch match = new PointMatch(pT, o);


        // select the top ni matches based on how close they are
        var topMatches = matches.OrderBy(x => x.Distance).Take(matchLength);

        #region find normals for matchpoints

        var ourQueryPoints = topMatches.Select(x => x.A.UnApplyTransform(R, T));

        var theirQueryPoints = topMatches.Select(x => x.B);


        // iterative part
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)

            #region refine ICP estimate
            Matrix cov = new Matrix(6, 6);
            Vector b = new Vector(6);

            var r = Vector.Create(new double[] { R[2, 1], R[0, 2], R[1, 0] });
            foreach (PointMatch pm in topMatches)
                // moving A onto B
                var A = pm.A;
                var B = pm.B;

                Vector ni = B.normal;
                Vector ci = Vector.CrossProduct(A.location, ni);

                Vector CN = Vector.Create(ci.Concat(ni).ToArray());

                cov = cov + (CN.ToColumnMatrix() * CN.ToRowMatrix());

                var diffDot = (A.location - B.location) * ni; // this is a dot product

                b = b - (diffDot * Vector.Ones(6)).ArrayMultiply(CN);

                // also accumulate error for this RT since we're here already

                error = error + Math.Pow((diffDot + (T * ni) + (r * ci)), 2);
            // done accumulating cov and B

            // we're done here if our thing put us close enough
            if (error < threshold) break;

            // solve cov * inc_transform = b
            // compute decomp
            var chol = cov.CholeskyDecomposition;

            // solve LL' * inc_transform = b
            var L = chol.TriangularFactor;

            Vector inc_transform = LLTSolve(L, b);

            R = Matrix.Create(new double[,]{{1,     -inc_transform[2], inc_transform[1]},
                                            {inc_transform[2],  1,     -inc_transform[0]},
                                            {-inc_transform[1], inc_transform[0],  1}});

            // last three components are translation
            T = Vector.Create(inc_transform.Skip(3).ToArray());



        // apply transform to whole cloud

        return error;