Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void ValidateData()
            PointGraphViewModel vm = ViewModel as PointGraphViewModel;

            if (vm.CircleType == CircleType.None)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CircleType");
            if (vm.CircleRadius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("CircleRadius must be set");
            if (vm.DataGroups == null || vm.DataGroups.Count != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Point graph must have only one DataGroup");
            foreach (var dataGroup in ViewModel.DataGroups)
                foreach (var dataPoint in dataGroup.DataPoints)
                    var dataPointX = dataPoint as DataPointX;
                    if (dataPointX is null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Point graph data points must be of type DataPointX");
                    if (!dataPoint.Value.HasValue)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Point graph data points must have a value");
                    if (vm.PointColor == null && dataPointX.Color == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("PointColor for viewmodel or Color for data point must be set.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void GraphData(float padding, List <IGraphItem> graphItems, float xPos, float yPos, double minimum, List <IDataPoint> dataPoints, float labelWidth, float graphHeight, float pointWidth, double minimumGraphValue, double maximumGraphValue, List <decimal> hValues, float ySectionHeight, float zeroYPos, float scale)
            PointGraphViewModel vm = ViewModel as PointGraphViewModel;
            float  xDP             = xPos;// Essentially, this is X zero for graph on the canvas!
            float  yDP             = -1;
            double min             = 0;
            double max             = 0;
            bool   first           = true;

            foreach (var dataPoint in dataPoints)
                DataPointX dp = dataPoint as DataPointX;
                if (first)
                    min   = dp.XValue;
                    max   = dp.XValue;
                    first = false;
                if (dp.XValue > max)
                    max = dp.XValue;
                else if (dp.XValue < min)
                    min = dp.XValue;
            if (vm.MaxXValue.HasValue && vm.MaxXValue.Value > max)
                max = vm.MaxXValue.Value;

            double yRange = maximumGraphValue - minimumGraphValue;
            double xRange = max - min;

            foreach (var dataPoint in dataPoints)
                DataPointX dp = dataPoint as DataPointX;
                yDP = graphHeight - Convert.ToSingle(graphHeight * (dataPoint.Value - minimumGraphValue) / yRange);
                xDP = Convert.ToSingle((dp.XValue - min) / xRange * vm.DataGroups[0].GroupWidth) + xPos;
                float strokeWidth = 3;
                graphItems.Add(new GraphCircle
                    Color       = dataPoint.Color != null ? dataPoint.Color.Value : vm.PointColor,
                    XPos        = xDP,
                    YPos        = yPos + padding + yDP,
                    Radius      = vm.CircleRadius * scale,
                    PaintStyle  = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                    StrokeWidth = strokeWidth,
                if (vm.CircleType == CircleType.Donut)
                    graphItems.Add(new GraphCircle
                        Color       = ViewModel.BackgroundColor.HasValue ? ViewModel.BackgroundColor.Value : SKColors.White,
                        XPos        = xDP,
                        YPos        = yPos + padding + yDP,
                        Radius      = (vm.CircleRadius - strokeWidth) * scale,
                        PaintStyle  = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                        StrokeWidth = strokeWidth,
                if (dataPoint.Label != null)
                    graphItems.Add(new GraphText
                        Alignment = dataPoint.Label.TextAlignment,
                        Color     = dataPoint.Label.Color,
                        PointSize = dataPoint.Label.PointSize * scale,
                        Text      = dataPoint.Label.Text,
                        XPos      = xDP + dataPoint.Label.XOffSet * scale,
                        YPos      = yPos + padding + yDP + dataPoint.Label.YOffSet * scale,
                        Bold      = dataPoint.Label.Bold
                if (dataPoint.IndicatorLine)
                    SKColor color;
                    if (ViewModel.VerticalLineColor.HasValue)
                        color = ViewModel.VerticalLineColor.Value;
                    else if (ViewModel.HorizontalBottomLineColor.HasValue)
                        color = ViewModel.HorizontalBottomLineColor.Value;
                    else if (ViewModel.HorizontalLineColor.HasValue)
                        color = ViewModel.HorizontalLineColor.Value;
                        color = SKColors.Black;
                    graphItems.Add(new GraphLine
                        Color       = color,
                        StrokeWidth = 2,
                        XPosStart   = xDP,
                        YPosStart   = yPos + graphHeight + padding,
                        XPosEnd     = xDP,
                        YPosEnd     = yPos + graphHeight + padding + ViewModel.InidicatorLineLength * scale