Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ComputeDesiredNeighbours()
            // neighbours interaction
            if (neighbours.Count != 0)
                // define flocking vectors
                Vector3d alignX     = Vector3d.Zero;
                Vector3d alignY     = Vector3d.Zero;
                Vector3d cohesion   = Vector3d.Zero;
                Vector3d separation = Vector3d.Zero;
                Vector3d pointer;

                int    sepCount = 0;
                double distanceSquared;
                double invNCount = 1.0 / neighbours.Count;

                // neighbours calculations
                foreach (AgentPlane neighbour in neighbours)
                    alignX         += neighbour.X;
                    alignY         += neighbour.Y;
                    pointer         = neighbour.O - O;
                    cohesion       += pointer;
                    distanceSquared = O.DistanceToSquared(neighbour.O);
                    if (distanceSquared < agentSim.sepDistSquared)
                        // separation vector is bigger when closer to another agent
                        separation += -pointer * (agentSim.sepDistSquared - distanceSquared);

                // ............................ alignment behavior
                alignX *= invNCount;
                alignY *= invNCount;

                // updates desired direction
                // multiplies alignment vector by alignment intensity factor
                desDirX += agentSim.alignmentIntensity * alignX;
                desDirY += agentSim.alignmentIntensity * alignY;

                // ............................ cohesion behavior
                cohesion *= invNCount;

                // updates desired position
                // multiplies cohesion vector by cohesion intensity factor
                desPos += agentSim.cohesionIntensity * cohesion;

                // ............................ separation behavior
                if (sepCount > 0)
                    separation /= sepCount;

                // updates desired position
                // multiplies separation vector by separation intensity factor
                desPos += agentSim.separationIntensity * separation;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public DataTree <Line> GetDowels(double radius = 0.075, int count = 8)
            DataTree <Line> dt = new DataTree <Line>();

            for (int i = 0; i < this._nexors.Count; i++)
                if (this._nexors[i].isNexor != 0)
                    var     path = new GH_Path(i);
                    Point3d c    = (this._nexors[i].endPl0.Origin + this._nexors[i].endPl1.Origin) * 0.5;

                    int dir = (c.DistanceToSquared(this._nexors[i].endPl0.Origin + this._nexors[i].endPl0.ZAxis) < c.DistanceToSquared(this._nexors[i].endPl0.Origin - this._nexors[i].endPl0.ZAxis)) ? -1 : 1;

                    Plane  plane  = this._nexors[i].endPl0.ChangeOrigin(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(this._nexors[i].pipe.line, this._nexors[i].endPl0));
                    Circle circle = new Circle(plane, radius);
                    Curve  curve  = circle.ToNurbsCurve();
                    curve.DivideByCount(count, true, out Point3d[] pts);

                    foreach (Point3d p in pts)
                        Line line = new Line(p, this._nexors[i].endPl0.ZAxis * dir * 0.15);
                        dt.Add(line, path);

                    plane  = this._nexors[i].endPl1.ChangeOrigin(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(this._nexors[i].pipe.line, this._nexors[i].endPl1));
                    circle = new Circle(plane, radius);
                    curve  = circle.ToNurbsCurve();
                    curve.DivideByCount(count, true, out Point3d[] pts1);

                    dir = (c.DistanceToSquared(this._nexors[i].endPl1.Origin + this._nexors[i].endPl1.ZAxis) < c.DistanceToSquared(this._nexors[i].endPl1.Origin - this._nexors[i].endPl1.ZAxis)) ? -1 : 1;

                    foreach (Point3d p in pts1)
                        Line line = new Line(p, this._nexors[i].endPl1.ZAxis * dir * 0.15);
                        dt.Add(line, path);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        double planardsquared(Point3d a, Point3d b)
            Point3d tmp1 = new Point3d(a.X, a.Y, 0);
            Point3d tmp2 = new Point3d(b.X, b.Y, 0);
            double  d    = tmp1.DistanceToSquared(tmp2);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ComputeDesiredToTip(List <Tip> neighbourTips)
            // reset desired vector
            desired = Vector3d.Zero;
            // if neighbour tips list is zero or null return
            if (neighbourTips == null || neighbourTips.Count == 0)

            Vector3d cohesion = Vector3d.Zero;
            double   nTipCount = 0.0;
            double   distSq, angle;
            Vector3d toNTip;

            // search neighbour tips list
            foreach (Tip nTip in neighbourTips)
                distSq = pos.DistanceToSquared(nTip.pos);
                //  if tip in radius
                if (distSq < cR)
                    //   then if tip in angle of vision
                    //toTip = pos - body.O; // now we use dir
                    //toNTip = nTip.pos - body.O;
                    toNTip = nTip.pos - pos;
                    angle  = Vector3d.VectorAngle(dir, toNTip);
                    if (angle < angleOfVis)
                        //     add to cohesion vector and increase counter
                        cohesion += toNTip;
            // if found tips number > 0
            if (nTipCount > 0)
                // average cohesion vector
                cohesion /= nTipCount;
                // desired is cohesion
                desired = cohesion;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            bbox = new BoundingBox();

            List <Curve> curves = new List <Curve>();

            DA.GetDataList(0, curves);
            double tolerance = 1;

            DA.GetData(1, ref tolerance);
            double ecc = -1;

            DA.GetData(2, ref ecc);
            ecc = ecc < 0 ? Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance : ecc;

            CP.ClosestCurveT cp = new CP.ClosestCurveT();
            CP.ClosestCurves(curves, tolerance, ref cp);

            foreach (Curve c in curves)

            for (int i = 0; i < cp.ID0.Count; i++)
                Point3d p0 = cp.L0[i].PointAt(cp.T0[i]);
                Point3d p1 = cp.L1[i].PointAt(cp.T1[i]);
                if (p0.DistanceToSquared(p1) <= ecc)
                    crvs.Add(new Line(p0, p1));

            DA.SetDataList(0, cp.L0);
            DA.SetDataList(1, cp.L1);
            DA.SetDataList(2, cp.ID0);
            DA.SetDataList(3, cp.ID1);
            DA.SetDataList(4, cp.T0);
            DA.SetDataList(5, cp.T1);
            DA.SetData(6, cp);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static List <Point3d> IsPointsCloseToCurve(this Curve C, List <Point3d> P, ref List <int> ID, double T = 0.01)
            List <Point3d> cp    = new List <Point3d>();
            List <int>     cpID  = new List <int>();
            double         tolSQ = T * T;

            BoundingBox bbox = C.GetBoundingBox(false);

            bbox.Inflate(bbox.Diagonal.Length * 0.01);
            double t;

            for (int i = 0; i < P.Count; i++)
                //if (bbox.Contains(P[i])) {

                if (!C.IsClosed)
                    C.ClosestPoint(P[i], out t);
                    Point3d p = C.PointAt(t);
                    if (p.DistanceToSquared(P[i]) < tolSQ)
                    C.ClosestPoint(P[i], out t);
                    C.TryGetPlane(out Plane plane);
                    var containment = C.ToNurbsCurve().Contains(P[i], plane, T);

                    if (containment == PointContainment.Inside || containment == PointContainment.Coincident)


            ID = cpID;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        void move()
            // calculates new position
            Point3d newPos = pos + vel;

            newPos = er.M.ClosestPoint(newPos);

            // kills particle if it has reached a pit - update if not
            if (Math.Abs(newPos.Z - pos.Z) < 0.01 || pos.DistanceToSquared(newPos) < er.maxSpeed * 0.2)
                alive = false;
                pos = newPos;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static List <Point3d> IsPointsInsideMesh(this Mesh M, List <Point3d> P, ref List <int> ID, double T = 0.01)
            List <Point3d> cp    = new List <Point3d>();
            List <int>     cpID  = new List <int>();
            double         tolSQ = T * T;

            Mesh mesh = M.DuplicateMesh();

            if (mesh.SolidOrientation() == -1)
                mesh.Flip(true, true, true);

            BoundingBox bbox = M.GetBoundingBox(false);

            bbox.Inflate(bbox.Diagonal.Length * 0.01);

            for (int i = 0; i < P.Count; i++)
                if (mesh.IsClosed)
                    if (mesh.IsPointInside(P[i], T, false))
                    Point3d p = mesh.ClosestPoint(P[i]);
                    if (p.DistanceToSquared(P[i]) < tolSQ)
            ID = cpID;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static int ClosestPoint(Point3d P, Point3d[] list)
            int    num  = -1;
            double num1 = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
                if (list[i] != null && list[i].IsValid)
                    double num2 = P.DistanceToSquared(list[i]);
                    if (num2 < num1)
                        num1 = num2;
                        num  = i;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Evenly populate a triangle with points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aPoint">The first point of the triangle in world
        ///     (Cartesian) coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="bPoint">The second point of the triangle in world
        ///     (Cartesian) coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="cPoint">The third point of the triangle in world
        ///     (Cartesian) coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Rough maximum distance between the points.
        ///     This behaves differently for various geometry type and for
        ///     various circumstances.  The distance is never higher and often
        ///     is significantly lower.</param>
        private static List <Point3d> PopulateTriangle(double distance,
                                                       Point3d aPoint,
                                                       Point3d bPoint,
                                                       Point3d cPoint)
            // Compute the density of points on the respective face.
            var abDistanceSq   = aPoint.DistanceToSquared(bPoint);
            var bcDistanceSq   = bPoint.DistanceToSquared(cPoint);
            var caDistanceSq   = cPoint.DistanceToSquared(aPoint);
            var longestEdgeLen = Math.Sqrt(
                         Math.Max(bcDistanceSq, caDistanceSq))

            // Number of face divisions (points) in each direction.
            var divisions = Math.Ceiling(longestEdgeLen / distance);

            var points = new List <Point3d>(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow((divisions + 1), 2)));

            for (var ui = 0; ui < divisions; ui++)
                for (var wi = 0; wi < divisions; wi++)
                    var uNormalized = ui / divisions;
                    var wNormalized = wi / divisions;
                    var vNormalized = 1.0 - uNormalized - wNormalized;
                    if (vNormalized >= 0.0)
                        var barycentric =
                            new Point3d(uNormalized, vNormalized, wNormalized);
                        var cartesian = BarycentricToCartesian(barycentric,
Ejemplo n.º 11
    void SetTypeClosest(IEnumerable <GeometryBase> attractors, double maxDistance)
        var points     = attractors.Where(a => a is Point).Select(p => (p as Point).Location);
        var curves     = attractors.Where(a => a is Curve).Select(c => (c as Curve));
        var pointCloud = new PointCloud(points);

        foreach (var voxel in GetVoxels().Where(v => v.IsActive))
            Point3d p            = voxel.Location.Origin;
            var     closestIndex = pointCloud.ClosestPoint(p);
            var     closestPoint = pointCloud[closestIndex].Location;

            double minDistance = p.DistanceToSquared(closestPoint);

            foreach (var curve in curves)
                if (curve.ClosestPoint(p, out double t, minDistance))
                    minDistance = curve.PointAt(t).DistanceToSquared(p);

            var distance = Sqrt(minDistance);

            var param = distance / maxDistance;
            param = Rhino.RhinoMath.Clamp(param, 0.0, 1.0);
            var typeCount = _typesCount.Max();
            var type      = (int)(param * typeCount);
            if (type == typeCount)
            voxel.AttractorDistance = param;
            voxel.Type = type;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public double MinimumDistanceTo(Line testLine, out double paramA, out double paramB)
            bool    rc   = Intersection.LineLine(this, testLine, out double paramA1, out double paramB1, 1e-10, true);
            Point3d ptA1 = this.PointAt(paramA1);
            Point3d ptB1 = testLine.PointAt(paramB1);
            Point3d ptA2 = this.ClosestPoint(ptB1, true, out double paramA2);
            Point3d ptB2 = testLine.ClosestPoint(ptA1, true, out double paramB2);

            double dist_1 = ptA1.DistanceToSquared(ptB2);
            double dist_2 = ptA2.DistanceToSquared(ptB1);

            if (dist_1 < dist_2)
                paramA = paramA1;
                paramB = paramB2;
                paramA = paramA2;
                paramB = paramB1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static List <Curve> IsCurvesInsideMesh(this Mesh M, List <Curve> C, ref List <int> ID, double T = 0.01, bool center = true)
            List <Curve> cp    = new List <Curve>();
            List <int>   cpID  = new List <int>();
            double       tolSQ = T * T;

            Mesh mesh = M.DuplicateMesh();

            if (mesh.SolidOrientation() == -1)
                mesh.Flip(true, true, true);

            BoundingBox bbox = M.GetBoundingBox(false);

            bbox.Inflate(bbox.Diagonal.Length * 0.01);

            for (int i = 0; i < C.Count; i++)
                Polyline pline;
                bool     flag = C[i].TryGetPolyline(out pline);

                //if (flag) {

                List <Point3d> P = center ? new List <Point3d> {
                } : pline.ToList();

                for (int j = 0; j < P.Count; j++)
                    if (mesh.IsClosed)
                        if (mesh.IsPointInside(P[j], T, false))
                        Point3d p = mesh.ClosestPoint(P[j]);
                        if (p.DistanceToSquared(P[j]) < tolSQ)

                // }

            ID = cpID;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        void SampleCell(object argumentsObject)
            SampleCellArguments arguments = (SampleCellArguments)argumentsObject;
            Box cell  = arguments.cell;
            int depth = arguments.depth;

            Random random = new Random(seed + depth);

            Point3d sample = cell.PointAt(random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble());

            bool valid = true;

            if (sample.DistanceTo(boundary.ClosestPoint(sample)) < distance / 2)
                valid = false;
            if (valid)
                if (!boundary.IsPointInside(sample, RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance, true))
                    valid = false;
            if (valid)
                foreach (var point in samples)
                    if (sample.DistanceToSquared(point) < distanceSquared)
                        valid = false;
            if (valid)

            if (cell.X.Length < cellMinimum)

            List <Box> newCells = new List <Box>();

            for (double u = 0; u < 1; u += 0.5)
                for (double v = 0; v < 1; v += 0.5)
                    for (double w = 0; w < 1; w += 0.5)
                        Box newCell = new Box(cell.Plane, new Point3d[] { cell.PointAt(u, v, w), cell.PointAt(u + 0.5, v + 0.5, w + 0.5) });

            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(4);

            for (int i = newCells.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Box newCell = newCells[random.Next(i)];
                SampleCellArguments newArguments = new SampleCellArguments(newCell, depth + 1);

                if (this.random)
                    Task task = new Task(new Action <object>(SampleCell), newArguments);

            foreach (Task task in tasks)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public Polyline[][] GetSupportStructure(Mesh M, double W1, double W2, Plane[] facePlanes, Plane[] linePlanes, Plane[][] endPlanes, int[][] fe_, int[][] fe, Surface s, Dictionary <int, int> eDict, ref Plane[] ep0, ref Plane[] ep1, ref Plane[] lp2, ref Plane[] lp3)
            //double thickness = 1.2;
            //double heightScale = 2;

            double thickness   = W1;
            double heightScale = W2 * 2;

            double extend = 1;
            bool   flip   = true;

            Polyline[][] support = new Polyline[linePlanes.Length][];

            ep0 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //Neighbour planes0
            ep1 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //Neighbour planes01
            Plane[] lp0 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length]; //line planes0
            Plane[] lp1 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length]; //line planes1
            lp2 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //line planes2 rotated 90
            lp3 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //line planes3 rotated 90

            for (int i = 0; i < linePlanes.Length; i++)
                Line    projectionAxis = new Line(linePlanes[i].Origin, linePlanes[i].Origin + linePlanes[i].YAxis);
                Point3d projectedPt    = NGonsCore.MeshUtilSimple.SurfaceRay(s, projectionAxis);

                //Six sides of each beam
                lp0[i] = linePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness);
                lp1[i] = linePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(-thickness);
                lp2[i] = (new Plane(projectedPt, linePlanes[i].XAxis, linePlanes[i].ZAxis)).MovePlanebyAxis(heightScale);
                lp3[i] = (new Plane(projectedPt, linePlanes[i].XAxis, linePlanes[i].ZAxis)).MovePlanebyAxis(0);

                ep0[i] = endPlanes[i][0].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, flip);
                ep1[i] = endPlanes[i][1].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, flip);

                Plane endPlane0_Offset = endPlanes[i][0].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness * extend, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, !flip);
                Plane endPlane1_Offset = endPlanes[i][1].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness * extend, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, !flip);

                //Rectangle3d r0 = new Rectangle3d(lp2[i],10,10);

                //First outlines
                List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()
                    lp0[i], lp2[i], lp1[i], lp3[i]
                Polyline topOutline = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(ep0[i], sidePlanes);
                Polyline botOutline = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(ep1[i], sidePlanes);

                ep0[i] = new Plane(topOutline.CenterPoint(), topOutline.SegmentAt(0).Direction, topOutline.SegmentAt(1).Direction);
                ep1[i] = new Plane(botOutline.CenterPoint(), botOutline.SegmentAt(0).Direction, botOutline.SegmentAt(1).Direction);

                Point3d center = (ep0[i].Origin + ep1[i].Origin) * 0.5;

                if (center.DistanceToSquared(ep0[i].Origin + ep0[i].ZAxis) < center.DistanceToSquared(ep0[i].Origin))
                    ep0[i].Rotate(-Math.PI * 0.5, ep0[i].ZAxis);
                if (center.DistanceToSquared(ep1[i].Origin + ep1[i].ZAxis) < center.DistanceToSquared(ep1[i].Origin))
                    ep1[i].Rotate(-Math.PI * 0.5, ep1[i].ZAxis);


                ///if (i == 0)
                // Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(ep0[i],10,10));

                support[i] = new Polyline[] { topOutline, botOutline };

            //Loop each edge
            Tuple <int, int>[][] efe = M.GetEF_LocalID(M.GetAllNGonEdges(M.GetNGonsTopoBoundaries()));

            for (int i = 0; i < linePlanes.Length; i++)
                //int meshE = eDict[i];
                Tuple <int, int>[] edgeFaces = efe[i];

                //if edge has two faces go inside their local edges
                if (edgeFaces.Length == 2)
                    int e0 = fe_[edgeFaces[0].Item1].Next(edgeFaces[0].Item2);
                    int e1 = fe_[edgeFaces[0].Item1].Prev(edgeFaces[0].Item2);
                    int e2 = fe_[edgeFaces[1].Item1].Next(edgeFaces[1].Item2);
                    int e3 = fe_[edgeFaces[1].Item1].Prev(edgeFaces[1].Item2);

                    if (i == 11)
                        Line[]    lines = PolylineUtil.LoftLine(support[i][0], support[i][1]);
                        Point3d[] pInt  = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, linePlanes[e0]);

                        Rectangle3d rec  = new Rectangle3d(linePlanes[i], 20, 20);
                        Rectangle3d rec0 = new Rectangle3d(linePlanes[e0], 10, 10);
                        Rectangle3d rec1 = new Rectangle3d(linePlanes[e2], 10, 10);


                        //Current stick intersection
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e0]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e1]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e2]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e3]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e0]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e1]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e2]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e3]));

                        //Compare with neighbour stick intersection - the 4 points

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void CreateCut(int segmentID, Plane jointPlane0, Plane jointPlane1, double length_, ref Panel jointPanel, bool bake = false)  //, ref Panel neiPanel,) {
            double e = 0;

            Polyline cut = new Polyline();

            Line segment0 = contourNoJoints[0].SegmentAt(segmentID);
            Line segment1 = contourNoJoints[1].SegmentAt(segmentID);

            double dist   = this.plane.Origin.DistanceTo(segment0.PointAt(0.5));
            double length = length_;// * dist * 0.01;


            //Intersect plate edge line and joint plane offsets
            Point3d edgePoint00 = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(segment0, jointPlane0);
            Point3d edgePoint01 = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(segment0, jointPlane1);
            Point3d edgePoint10 = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(segment1, jointPlane0);
            Point3d edgePoint11 = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(segment1, jointPlane1);

            //Get direction of a cut
            Vector3d v00 = PlaneUtil.PlanePlaneVec(planeOffset0, jointPlane0);
            Vector3d v01 = PlaneUtil.PlanePlaneVec(planeOffset0, jointPlane1);
            Vector3d v10 = PlaneUtil.PlanePlaneVec(planeOffset1, jointPlane0);
            Vector3d v11 = PlaneUtil.PlanePlaneVec(planeOffset1, jointPlane1);

            //Really f****d up way of checking which direction plane must be offseted for correct cut direction
            Point3d p0 = mesh.ClosestPoint((segment0.PointAt(0.5) + v00 * 10));
            Point3d p1 = mesh.ClosestPoint((segment0.PointAt(0.5) - v00 * 10));
            //bool moveFlag = (segment0.PointAt(0.5) + v00*10).DistanceTo(planeOffset0.Origin) < (segment0.PointAt(0.5) - v00*10).DistanceTo(planeOffset0.Origin);
            bool moveFlag = p0.DistanceToSquared((segment0.PointAt(0.5) + v00 * 10)) < p1.DistanceToSquared((segment0.PointAt(0.5) - v00 * 10));

            if (bake)
                //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoint(segment0.PointAt(0.5) + v00*100);
                //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoint(segment0.PointAt(0.5) - v00*100);

            //Moved Points
            Point3d innerPoint00     = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint00 + (v00 * length) : edgePoint00 - (v00 * length);
            Point3d innerPoint01     = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint01 + (v01 * length) : edgePoint01 - (v01 * length);
            Point3d innerPoint10     = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint10 + (v10 * length) : edgePoint10 - (v10 * length);
            Point3d innerPoint11     = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint11 + (v11 * length) : edgePoint11 - (v11 * length);
            Point3d innerPointCenter = (innerPoint00 + innerPoint01 + innerPoint10 + innerPoint11) * 0.25;
            Plane   perpPlane        = new Plane(innerPointCenter, jointPlane0.Normal, Vector3d.CrossProduct(planeOffset0.Normal, v00));

            innerPoint00 = perpPlane.RayPlane(edgePoint00, v00);
            innerPoint01 = perpPlane.RayPlane(edgePoint01, v01);
            innerPoint10 = perpPlane.RayPlane(edgePoint10, v10);
            innerPoint11 = perpPlane.RayPlane(edgePoint11, v11);

            //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(perpPlane, 50, 50));
            //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(jointPlane0, 50, 50));

            //Middle points and projection to plane
            Point3d innerPointMid00 = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint00 + (v00 * length * 0.5) : edgePoint00 - (v00 * length * 0.5);
            Point3d innerPointMid01 = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint01 + (v01 * length * 0.5) : edgePoint01 - (v01 * length * 0.5);
            Point3d innerPointMid10 = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint10 + (v10 * length * 0.5) : edgePoint10 - (v10 * length * 0.5);
            Point3d innerPointMid11 = (moveFlag) ? edgePoint11 + (v11 * length * 0.5) : edgePoint11 - (v11 * length * 0.5);
            Point3d innerPointMid   = (innerPointMid00 + innerPointMid01 + innerPointMid10 + innerPointMid11) * 0.25;
            Plane   perpPlaneMid    = new Plane(innerPointMid, jointPlane0.Normal, perpPlane.YAxis);

            innerPointMid00 = perpPlaneMid.RayPlane(edgePoint00, v00);
            innerPointMid01 = perpPlaneMid.RayPlane(edgePoint01, v01);
            innerPointMid10 = perpPlaneMid.RayPlane(edgePoint10, v10);
            innerPointMid11 = perpPlaneMid.RayPlane(edgePoint11, v11);

            //It is not closest point because the connection is not perpendicular to two adjacent plates
            //It might be close to perpendicular but not possible

            Polyline cut0 = new Polyline(new Point3d[] { edgePoint00, innerPointMid00 + v00 * e, innerPointMid01 + v01 * e, edgePoint01 });//perpPlane.ClosestPoint
            Polyline cut1 = new Polyline(new Point3d[] { edgePoint10, innerPointMid10 + v10 * e, innerPointMid11 + v11 * e, edgePoint11 });


            Polyline cutNei0 = new Polyline(new Point3d[] { innerPoint00, innerPointMid00 + v00 * -e, innerPointMid10 + v01 * -e, innerPoint10 });//perpPlane.ClosestPoint
            Polyline cutNei1 = new Polyline(new Point3d[] { innerPoint01, innerPointMid01 + v10 * -e, innerPointMid11 + v11 * -e, innerPoint11 });




            if (bake)

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void ComputeDesiredNeighbours(List <AgentPlane> neighbours)
            // neighbours interaction
            if (neighbours.Count > 0)
                // ............................ alignment behavior

                // align direction with neighbours
                Vector3d align = Vector3d.Zero;

                foreach (AgentPlane neighbour in neighbours)
                    align += neighbour.X;

                align /= neighbours.Count;

                // updates desired direction
                // multiplies alignment vector by alignment intensity factor
                desiredDirection += agentSim.AlignmentStrength * align;

                // ............................ cohesion behavior
                Vector3d cohesion = Vector3d.Zero;
                foreach (AgentPlane neighbour in neighbours)
                    cohesion += (Vector3d)Point3d.Subtract(neighbour.O, O);

                cohesion /= neighbours.Count;

                // updates desired position
                // multiplies cohesion vector by cohesion intensity factor
                desiredPosition += agentSim.CohesionStrength * cohesion;

                // ............................ separation behavior
                Vector3d separation = Vector3d.Zero;
                int      sepCount   = 0;
                double   sepDistSq  = agentSim.PlaneRadius * agentSim.PlaneRadius;
                double   distSq;
                foreach (AgentPlane neighbour in neighbours)
                    distSq = O.DistanceToSquared(neighbour.O);
                    if (distSq < sepDistSq)
                        // separation vector is bigger when closer to another agent
                        separation += (Vector3d)Point3d.Subtract(O, neighbour.O) * (sepDistSq - distSq);

                if (sepCount > 0)
                    separation /= sepCount;

                // updates desired position
                // multiplies separation vector by separation intensity factor
                desiredPosition += agentSim.SeparationStrength * separation;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static Tuple <SortedDictionary <int, Polyline>, SortedDictionary <int, Polyline> > SplitCurvesByPlane(this Polyline pline, Plane plane)
            //Intersect each segment of curve to get cut parameters
            List <double> T = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pline.SegmentCount; i++)
                double t;
                bool   flag = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(pline.SegmentAt(i), plane, out t);
                if (flag)
                    T.Add(i + t);
                    //Print((i + t).ToString());

            var TArray = T.ToArray();


            //Split curve by parameters
            Curve c = pline.ToNurbsCurve();

            Curve[] splitCurves = c.Split(TArray);

            //Check if curve on which side
            SortedDictionary <int, Polyline> splitPlines0 = new SortedDictionary <int, Polyline>();
            SortedDictionary <int, Polyline> splitPlines1 = new SortedDictionary <int, Polyline>();

            Plane planeOffset = new Plane(plane);

            planeOffset.Translate(plane.ZAxis * 0.01);

            int key = 0;

            foreach (Curve sp in splitCurves)
                Point3d pt  = sp.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.5);
                Point3d cp0 = plane.ClosestPoint(pt);
                Point3d cp1 = planeOffset.ClosestPoint(pt);

                Polyline cutPline;

                if (sp.TryGetPolyline(out cutPline))
                    if (cp0.DistanceToSquared(pt) < cp1.DistanceToSquared(pt))
                        splitPlines0.Add(key, cutPline);
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPolyline( cutPline);
                        splitPlines1.Add(key, cutPline);


            return(new Tuple <SortedDictionary <int, Polyline>, SortedDictionary <int, Polyline> >(splitPlines0, splitPlines1));