Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void ReadAndDisplayCardInfoFromPn532()
            // Adjust the serial port or use I2C or SPI
            var _nfc = new Pn532("COM4");

            byte[] retData = null;
            while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
                // Polling only type B as Credit Cards are only this type
                retData = _nfc.AutoPoll(5, 500, new PollingType[] { PollingType.Passive106kbpsISO144443_4B });
                if (retData != null)
                    if (retData.Length > 1)
                // Give time to PN532 to process

            if (retData.Length < 3)
                throw new Exception($"No data available on the Credit Card, length of return buffer is less than 3");
            //Check how many tags and the type
            // Console.WriteLine($"Num tags: {retData[0]}, Type: {(PollingType)retData[1]}");
            var decrypted = _nfc.TryDecodeData106kbpsTypeB(retData.AsSpan().Slice(3));

            if (decrypted != null)
                var creditCard = new CreditCard(_nfc, decrypted.TargetNumber);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void ReadCreditCard(Pn532 pn532)
            byte[] retData = null;
            while ((!Console.KeyAvailable))
                retData = pn532.AutoPoll(5, 300, new PollingType[] { PollingType.Passive106kbpsISO144443_4B });
                if (retData != null)
                    if (retData.Length >= 3)

                // Give time to PN532 to process

            if (retData == null)

            // Check how many tags and the type
            Console.WriteLine($"Num tags: {retData[0]}, Type: {(PollingType)retData[1]}");
            var decrypted = pn532.TryDecodeData106kbpsTypeB(retData.AsSpan().Slice(3));

            if (decrypted != null)
                    $"{decrypted.TargetNumber}, Serial: {BitConverter.ToString(decrypted.NfcId)}, App Data: {BitConverter.ToString(decrypted.ApplicationData)}, " +
                    $"{decrypted.ApplicationType}, Bit Rates: {decrypted.BitRates}, CID {decrypted.CidSupported}, Command: {decrypted.Command}, FWT: {decrypted.FrameWaitingTime}, " +
                    $"ISO144443 compliance: {decrypted.ISO14443_4Compliance}, Max Frame size: {decrypted.MaxFrameSize}, NAD: {decrypted.NadSupported}");

                CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard(pn532, decrypted.TargetNumber);

                Console.WriteLine("All Tags for the Credit Card:");
                DisplayTags(creditCard.Tags, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Wait for the NFC reader to get the credit card data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult <JObject> GetNfcAuthentication(string id)
            byte[]     retData    = null;
            var        ccAuth     = new CreditCardAuthenticated();
            dynamic    resp       = new JObject();
            CreditCard creditCard = null;

                if (_nfcWrapper.HasNfc)
                    // This try/catch allow this method to work on any machine, even if come does not work.
                    // So if it does not work (i.e. error caught, then a dummy object is returned)
                    DateTimeOffset timeout = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMilliseconds(TimeOutNfcAuthenticationMillisecond);
                    while ((timeout > DateTimeOffset.Now))
                        // PollingType.InnovisionJewel, PollingType.DepActive106kbps, PollingType.DepPassive106kbps,PollingType.Passive106kbpsISO144443_4A, PollingType.Passive106kbpsISO144443_4A, PollingType.GenericPassive106kbps, PollingType.MifareCard, PollingType.Passive106kbps
                        retData = _nfc.AutoPoll(5, 300, new PollingType[] { PollingType.Passive106kbpsISO144443_4B });
                        if (retData != null)
                        // Give time to PN532 to process
                    if (retData == null)
                        resp.status = false;
                        resp.value  = "Could not read the card";
                    if (retData.Length < 3)
                        resp.status = false;
                        resp.value  = "Could not read the card";
                    //Check how many tags and the type
                    // Console.WriteLine($"Num tags: {retData[0]}, Type: {(PollingType)retData[1]}");
                    var decrypted = _nfc.TryDecodeData106kbpsTypeB(retData.AsSpan().Slice(3));
                    if (decrypted != null)
                        //Console.WriteLine($"{decrypted.TargetNumber}, Serial: {BitConverter.ToString(decrypted.NfcId)}, App Data: {BitConverter.ToString(decrypted.ApplicationData)}, " +
                        //    $"{decrypted.ApplicationType}, Bit Rates: {decrypted.BitRates}, CID {decrypted.CidSupported}, Command: {decrypted.Command}, FWT: {decrypted.FrameWaitingTime}, " +
                        //    $"ISO144443 compliance: {decrypted.ISO14443_4Compliance}, Max Frame size: {decrypted.MaxFrameSize}, NAD: {decrypted.NadSupported}");

                        creditCard = new CreditCard(_nfc, decrypted.TargetNumber);
                else if (_nfcWrapper.HasSmartCard)
                    DateTimeOffset timeout = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMilliseconds(TimeOutNfcAuthenticationMillisecond);

                    while ((timeout > DateTimeOffset.Now))
                        if (_nfcWrapper.SmartCard.IsCardPResent)
                            creditCard = new CreditCard(_nfcWrapper.SmartCard, 0, 2);

                if (creditCard != null)

                    // Console.WriteLine("All Tags for the Credit Card:");
                    // Find 0x5A = PAN = Credit Card number

                    var ccForAuth   = new CreditCardForAuthentication();
                    var searchedTag = Tag.SearchTag(creditCard.Tags, 0x5A);
                    if (searchedTag.Count > 0)
                        TagDetails tg = new TagDetails(searchedTag.FirstOrDefault());
                        ccForAuth.CardNumber = CleanText(tg.ToString());
                        // 0x59 expiration date
                        searchedTag = Tag.SearchTag(creditCard.Tags, 0x59);
                        if (searchedTag.Count == 0)
                            // 0x59 expiration date
                            searchedTag = Tag.SearchTag(creditCard.Tags, 0x5F24);
                        if (searchedTag.Count > 0)
                            tg = new TagDetails(searchedTag.FirstOrDefault());
                            ccForAuth.Expiration = new DateTimeOffset(2000 + BcdToInt(tg.Data[0]), BcdToInt(tg.Data[1]), BcdToInt(tg.Data[2]), 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ccForAuth.CardNumber))
                        // Find 0x57 Track2 if no 5A
                        searchedTag = Tag.SearchTag(creditCard.Tags, 0x57);
                        // The Date is encoded with a separated car like XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX DY YM MX
                        if (searchedTag.Count > 0)
                            var data = searchedTag.FirstOrDefault().Data;
                            ccForAuth.CardNumber = BitConverter.ToString(data, 0, 8);
                            ccForAuth.CardNumber = CleanText(ccForAuth.CardNumber);
                            // The Date is encoded with a separated car like XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX DY YM MX
                            var year  = 2000 + BcdToInt((byte)(data[8] << 8 + (data[9] >> 8)));
                            var month = BcdToInt((byte)(data[9] << 8 + (data[10] >> 8)));
                            ccForAuth.Expiration = new DateTimeOffset(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ccForAuth.CardNumber))
                        resp.status = false;
                        resp.value  = "No card number found";

                    // TODO: Call for the authentication
                    // http://bankioskapi.azurewebsites.net/api/customers/getbycard/5255591532318986

                    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri(_apiUrl);
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                    HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync($"customers/getbycard/{ccForAuth.CardNumber}").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        // Parse the response body.
                        var customer = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <Customer>().Result;  //Make sure to add a reference to System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Found customer {customer?.RowKey} {customer?.FirstName} {customer?.Surname}");
                        if (customer == null)
                            resp.status = false;
                            resp.value  = "No customer with this card found";
                        // Do we really have someone?
                        if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.FirstName)) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.FirstName)))
                            resp.status = false;
                            resp.value  = "No customer with this card found";
                        // Is it the same ID?
                        if (customer.RowKey.ToLower() != id.ToLower())
                            resp.status = false;
                            resp.value  = "Customer id mismatch";
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Error {response.StatusCode} ({response.ReasonPhrase})");
                        resp.status = false;
                        resp.value  = "Could not find a customer with this id - or the service failed";

                    // Let's assume we are authenticated
                    ccAuth.IsAuthenticated = true;
                    // Find all 0x9F36 tag Transaction count
                    searchedTag = Tag.SearchTag(creditCard.Tags, 0x9F36);
                    if (searchedTag.Count > 0)
                        ccAuth.NumberOperation = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < searchedTag.Count; i++)
                            ccAuth.NumberOperation = BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt16BigEndian(searchedTag[i].Data);
                    // Find 0x9F17 PinTry Counter
                    searchedTag = Tag.SearchTag(creditCard.Tags, 0x9F17);
                    if (searchedTag.Count > 0)
                        ccAuth.PinRetryLeft = searchedTag.FirstOrDefault().Data[0];
                    ccAuth.ExpirationDate = ccForAuth.Expiration;
                    resp.status           = true;
                    resp.value            = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ccAuth);
                    // No NFC => send dummy data
                    resp.status            = true;
                    ccAuth.ExpirationDate  = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddYears(2);
                    ccAuth.IsAuthenticated = true;
                    ccAuth.NumberOperation = 340;
                    ccAuth.PinRetryLeft    = 2;
                    resp.value             = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ccAuth);
            catch (Exception ex)
                resp.status = false;
                resp.value  = $"Exception: {ex.ToString()}";