Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// 注册路由
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="routes">路由集合</param>
		public static void RegisterCmsRoutes(RouteCollection routes, Type cmsHandleType)
			//string routePrefix = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? "" : prefix + "/")
			//    + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.SYS_VIRTHPATH) ? String.Empty:Settings.SYS_VIRTHPATH + "/");

			// string urlPrefix = "/" + routePrefix;
			string urlPrefix=String.Empty , routePrefix = String.Empty;

			//Cms 控制器名称
			string cmsControllerName = cmsHandleType == null ? "Cms_Core" : Regex.Replace(cmsHandleType.Name, "controller$", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

			IDictionary<UrlRulePageKeys, string[]> dict = new Dictionary<UrlRulePageKeys, string[]>();

			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Common, new string[] { "cms_common", routePrefix + "{0}", urlPrefix + "{0}" });

			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Search, new string[] { "cms_search", routePrefix + "search", urlPrefix + "search?w={0}&c={1}" });
			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.SearchPager, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "search?w={0}&c={1}&p={2}" });

			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Tag, new string[] { "cms_tag", routePrefix + "tag", urlPrefix + "tag?t={0}" });
			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.TagPager, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "tag?t={0}&p={1}" });

			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Category, new string[] { "cms_category", routePrefix + "{*allcate}", urlPrefix + "{0}/" });
			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.CategoryPager, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "{0}/p{1}.html" });

			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Archive, new string[] { "cms_archive", routePrefix + "{*allhtml}", urlPrefix + "{0}/{1}.html" });
			dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.SinglePage, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "{0}.html" });


			#region 设置路由


			string controllerArr="Cms_Core";
           string controllerArr="";
           Regex ctrReg=new Regex("(^\\||controller)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
           foreach(Type t in CmsMvc.GetAllControllers())
			#region 系统路由
			routes.IgnoreRoute("{staticdir}/{*pathInfo}", new { staticdir = "^(uploads|content|static|plugins|libs|scripts|images|style|themes)$" });

			routes.IgnoreRoute("templates/{*pathInfo}", new { pathInfo = "^(.+?)\\.(jpg|jpeg|css|js|json|xml|gif|png|bmp)$" });
			routes.MapRoute("tpl_catchall", "templates/{*catchall}", new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Disallow" });

			routes.Add("install_route",new Route("install/process",new CmsInstallRouteHandler()));
			routes.Add("administrator_route",new Route(Settings.SYS_ADMIN_TAG,new CmsManagerRouteHandler()));
            //routes.Add("webapi", new Route("webapi/{*path}", new WebApiRouteHandler()));
            routes.Add("webapi_router", new Route("webapi", new WebApiRouteHandler()));
            routes.Add("webapi_subsite_router", new Route("{site}/webapi", new WebApiRouteHandler()));

			IRouteHandler pluginHandler=new PluginExtendRouteHandler();
			//routes.Add("extend_do",new Route("{module}.do/{*path}",pluginHandler));
			routes.Add("extend_sh",new Route("{extend}.sh/{*path}",pluginHandler));
            routes.Add("extend_aspx", new Route("{extend}.sh.aspx/{*path}", pluginHandler));
			//routes.Add(new Route(routePrefix + "netpay", new CmsNetpayHandler()));
                routes.Add("mono_extend_sh", new Route("{extend}.sh", pluginHandler));
                routes.Add("mono_extend_aspx", new Route("{extend}.sh.aspx", pluginHandler));


				new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Search", p = 1 }

				dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Search][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Search][1],
				new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Search", p = 1 }

				dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Tag][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Tag][1],
				new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Tag", p = 1 }

			//if (Cms.MultSiteVersion)
			//    routes.MapRoute(
			//        "IndexPage",
			//        "{sitedir}",
			//        new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
			//    );

				dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Category][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Category][1],
				new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Category", page = 1 }, new { allcate = "^(?!"+controllerArr +")((.+?)/(p\\d+\\.html)?|([^/]+/)*[^\\.]+)$" }

			#region Route For Mono

			//if (isMono)

			/*************Category Only for mono *******************/

                if (routePrefix != "")
                    new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Index" }


				dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Archive][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Archive][1],
				new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Archive" }, new { allhtml = "^(.+?).html$" }

				"Default",                                                                                                       // Route name
				routePrefix + "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                                                         // URL with parameters
				new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }         // Parameter defaults

			routes.MapRoute("allpath", "{*path}", new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "NotFound" });


			#region 设置地址

			IDictionary<UrlRulePageKeys, string> urlDict = new Dictionary<UrlRulePageKeys, string>();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<UrlRulePageKeys, string[]> p in dict)
				urlDict.Add(p.Key, p.Value[2]);

			TemplateUrlRule.SetUrl(UrlRuleType.Mvc, urlDict);



Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 注册路由
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="routes">路由集合</param>
        public static void RegisterCmsRoutes(RouteCollection routes, Type cmsHandleType)
            //string routePrefix = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? "" : prefix + "/")
            //    + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.SYS_VIRTHPATH) ? String.Empty:Settings.SYS_VIRTHPATH + "/");

            // string urlPrefix = "/" + routePrefix;
            string urlPrefix = String.Empty, routePrefix = String.Empty;

            //Cms 控制器名称
            string cmsControllerName = cmsHandleType == null ? "Cms_Core" : Regex.Replace(cmsHandleType.Name, "controller$", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            IDictionary <UrlRulePageKeys, string[]> dict = new Dictionary <UrlRulePageKeys, string[]>();

            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Common, new string[] { "cms_common", routePrefix + "{0}", urlPrefix + "{0}" });

            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Search, new string[] { "cms_search", routePrefix + "search", urlPrefix + "search?w={0}&c={1}" });
            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.SearchPager, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "search?w={0}&c={1}&p={2}" });

            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Tag, new string[] { "cms_tag", routePrefix + "tag", urlPrefix + "tag?t={0}" });
            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.TagPager, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "tag?t={0}&p={1}" });

            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Category, new string[] { "cms_category", routePrefix + "{*allcate}", urlPrefix + "{0}/" });
            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.CategoryPager, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "{0}/p{1}.html" });

            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.Archive, new string[] { "cms_archive", routePrefix + "{*allhtml}", urlPrefix + "{0}/{1}.html" });
            dict.Add(UrlRulePageKeys.SinglePage, new string[] { null, null, urlPrefix + "{0}.html" });



            #region 设置路由


            string controllerArr = "Cms_Core";

             * string controllerArr="";
             * Regex ctrReg=new Regex("(^\\||controller)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
             * foreach(Type t in CmsMvc.GetAllControllers())
             * {
             * controllerArr+="|"+t.Name;
             * }
             * controllerArr=ctrReg.Replace(controllerArr,"");

            #region 系统路由

            routes.IgnoreRoute("{staticdir}/{*pathInfo}", new { staticdir = "^(uploads|content|static|plugins|libs|scripts|images|style|themes)$" });

            routes.IgnoreRoute("templates/{*pathInfo}", new { pathInfo = "^(.+?)\\.(jpg|jpeg|css|js|json|xml|gif|png|bmp)$" });
            routes.MapRoute("tpl_catchall", "templates/{*catchall}", new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Disallow" });

            routes.Add("install_route", new Route("install/process", new CmsInstallRouteHandler()));

            routes.Add("administrator_route", new Route(Settings.SYS_ADMIN_TAG, new CmsManagerRouteHandler()));

            //routes.Add("webapi", new Route("webapi/{*path}", new WebApiRouteHandler()));
            routes.Add("webapi_router", new Route("webapi", new WebApiRouteHandler()));
            routes.Add("webapi_subsite_router", new Route("{site}/webapi", new WebApiRouteHandler()));

            IRouteHandler pluginHandler = new PluginExtendRouteHandler();
            //routes.Add("extend_do",new Route("{module}.do/{*path}",pluginHandler));
            routes.Add("extend_sh", new Route("{extend}.sh/{*path}", pluginHandler));
            routes.Add("extend_aspx", new Route("{extend}.sh.aspx/{*path}", pluginHandler));

            //routes.Add(new Route(routePrefix + "netpay", new CmsNetpayHandler()));
            if (Cms.RunAtMono)
                routes.Add("mono_extend_sh", new Route("{extend}.sh", pluginHandler));
                routes.Add("mono_extend_aspx", new Route("{extend}.sh.aspx", pluginHandler));


                dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Search][0] + "_site", "{site}/" + dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Search][1],
                new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Search", p = 1 }

                dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Search][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Search][1],
                new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Search", p = 1 }

                dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Tag][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Tag][1],
                new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Tag", p = 1 }

            //if (Cms.MultSiteVersion)
            //    routes.MapRoute(
            //        "IndexPage",
            //        "{sitedir}",
            //        new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
            //    );

                dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Category][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Category][1],
                new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Category", page = 1 }, new { allcate = "^(?!" + controllerArr + ")((.+?)/(p\\d+\\.html)?|([^/]+/)*[^\\.]+)$" }

            #region Route For Mono

            //if (isMono)

            /*************Category Only for mono *******************/


             * if (routePrefix != "")
             * {
             * routes.MapRoute(
             * "cms_mono_index",
             * routePrefix,
             * new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Index" }
             * );
             * }*/


                dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Archive][0], dict[UrlRulePageKeys.Archive][1],
                new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Archive" }, new { allhtml = "^(.+?).html$" }

                "Default",                                                                                                   // Route name
                routePrefix + "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                                                                  // URL with parameters
                new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }                         // Parameter defaults

            routes.MapRoute("allpath", "{*path}", new { controller = cmsControllerName, action = "NotFound" });


            #region 设置地址

            IDictionary <UrlRulePageKeys, string> urlDict = new Dictionary <UrlRulePageKeys, string>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <UrlRulePageKeys, string[]> p in dict)
                urlDict.Add(p.Key, p.Value[2]);

            TemplateUrlRule.SetUrl(UrlRuleType.Mvc, urlDict);

