Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Awake()
        //Create scrripts
        playerFunctions    = new PlayerFunctionsScript(this);
        markerDistribution = new MarkerDistributionScript();
        playerTool         = new PlayerToolScript(Tool.NONE);

        //set TrackedTarget and Tracked Tool to unknown and -1
        trackedTarget     = Player_ID.UNKNOWN;
        trackedToolMarker = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //this method is called, whenever the interaction button is pressed
    public void interact()
        //only do something, if the player is not arrested
        if (!playerScript.playerArrested)
            int cast_trackedTarget = (int)playerScript.trackedTarget;

            //If tracked target is a valid player marker, which also belongs to a active player AND the current user has a tool equipped
            if (cast_trackedTarget != playerScript.getMarkerID() && (cast_trackedTarget != (int)Player_ID.UNKNOWN) && (playerScript.playerTool.getToolType() != Tool.NONE))
                int photonID = playerScript.markerDistribution.getMarkerToPhotonID(cast_trackedTarget);

                //Send an rpc call to that player, that he is about to get arrested
                playerScript.player.GetComponent <PhotonView>().RPC("rpc_continueArresting", PhotonPlayer.Find(photonID), (int)playerScript.playerID, playerScript.playerTool.getToolEffectiveness());

            //otherwise check if the current tracked marker is a tool marker and also check if it contains a tool and is not already empty
            else if (playerScript.trackedToolMarker != -1 && playerScript.markerDistribution.getMarkerToTool(playerScript.trackedToolMarker) != Tool.NONE)
                //send rpc call to all other players, that the tool on that marker was taken, and that the marker is now empty or contains the players previous tool
                playerScript.player.GetComponent <PhotonView>().RPC("rpc_changeToolMarker", PhotonTargets.Others, (int)playerScript.playerTool.getToolType(), playerScript.trackedToolMarker);

                //exchange the tool on the marker with the players current tool
                PlayerToolScript tmp = new PlayerToolScript(playerScript.markerDistribution.getMarkerToTool(playerScript.trackedToolMarker));
                changeToolMarker((int)playerScript.playerTool.getToolType(), playerScript.trackedToolMarker);
                playerScript.playerTool = tmp;
            else if (playerScript.playerTool.getToolType() == Tool.NONE)
                //Create info text at the top of the screen
                playerScript.infoTextHUD.text  = "You have no tool equipped!";
                playerScript.infoTextColor.a   = 1.0f;
                playerScript.infoTextHUD.color = playerScript.infoTextColor;