Ejemplo n.º 1
    public float AIClear(PlayerStatePattern pl, DecisionEntery de)
        //if desicion entery's special string isnt null then trigger the special.
        //the attack manager will then handle the rest.
        if (de.special != null)
            AttackManager.Instance.ExecuteAbility(de.special, pl.playerStats);

        //create the direction we want to kick the ball.
        Vector2 kickDirection = Vector2.zero;

        //check the goal zones.
        foreach (GoalZone gz in Field.Instance.gz)
            //if the goal zone is not our own then create a vector between it an the player.
            if (gz.team != pl.playerStats.team)
                kickDirection = (gz.transform.position - pl.transform.position);

        //normalize the kick direction and remove its Y component. we want to make it cross feild, not anything else.
        kickDirection = new Vector2(kickDirection.x * pl.playerStats.pass * pl.playerStats.attackStrengthMultiplier * 2, 0);

        //finally shoot the ball when we are ready!
        GameManager.Instance.GetComponent <BallKick>().KickBall(kickDirection);

        Debug.Log("clear triggered");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public IEnumerator CalculateAttack(PlayerStatePattern pl, DecisionEntery de, bool wait)
        if (wait)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(GameManager.Instance.universalAnimationDuration));

        //set up the direction of the attack.
        Vector2 kickDirection;

        //base it off of the position of both players then normalize to only get the direction.
        kickDirection = (de.target.transform.position - pl.transform.position);

        //take the direction and factor in player attack stats.
        kickDirection = new Vector2(kickDirection.x * pl.playerStats.attack * pl.playerStats.attackStrengthMultiplier * 4, kickDirection.y * pl.playerStats.attack * pl.playerStats.attackStrengthMultiplier);

        //calculate the damage the shot should do.
        float damage = pl.playerStats.attack;

        //FIRE IN THE HOLE!
        GameManager.Instance.GetComponent <BallKick>().KickBall(kickDirection);
        GameManager.Instance.ballReference.GetComponent <BallAttack>().DefaultAttack(damage, GameManager.Instance.defaultAttackDuration, pl.playerStats);

        Debug.Log("Attack Target is: " + de.target);
        Debug.Log("Attack triggered by " + pl.playerStats.playerName + " towards: " + kickDirection);

        yield return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public float AIPass(PlayerStatePattern pl, DecisionEntery de)
        //if desicion entery's special string isnt null then trigger the special.
        //the attack manager will then handle the rest.
        if (de.special != null)
            AttackManager.Instance.ExecuteAbility(de.special, pl.playerStats);

        Vector2 kickDirection;

        kickDirection = (de.target.transform.position - pl.transform.position);

        kickDirection = new Vector2(kickDirection.x * pl.playerStats.pass * pl.playerStats.attackStrengthMultiplier, kickDirection.y * pl.playerStats.pass * pl.playerStats.attackStrengthMultiplier);

        GameManager.Instance.GetComponent <BallKick>().KickBall(kickDirection);

        Debug.Log("pass triggered");