Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Main update running the game
    /// Manages all animations
    /// </summary>
    public void Update()
        //Quits Application
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        //If we have an animation in the list, call its update, if it returns true, it's finished and wants to be dequeued and remove from the currently updating list
        if (m_Animations.Count > 0)
            if (m_Animations.Peek().RunUpdate() == true)

                if (m_Animations.Count > 0)
                    //If there's another animation, prep it to run
        else         //If we dont have anymore animations, attempt to move to the next player
            //Keep a reference of the next player
            Player m_CurrentPlayer = m_Players[NextPlayer()];

            //If he doesn't have any jail-time, load up the dice roll animation for him
            if (m_CurrentPlayer.m_DaysLeftInJail <= 0)
                AddToAnimationQueue(new RollManager(m_CurrentPlayer));
            else             //If he does have jail time, post a message displaying the jail time and deincrement his jailtime by a day
                CustomAnimation m_TempCustomAnimation = new StatusScreen("Spent the Day in Jail - Wait " + m_CurrentPlayer.m_DaysLeftInJail + " Days For Release", 2.0f);

                WriteToLog("Player: " + m_CurrentPlayer.name + " Spent the day in Jail");

                //If the player has moved out of jail, move him to visiting
                if (m_CurrentPlayer.m_DaysLeftInJail <= 0)
                    m_TempCustomAnimation = new PlayerMovementToNode(m_CurrentPlayer, transform.FindChild("Just Visiting").GetComponent <Node>(), 1.0f);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the animation, the animation requires the Player it's going to move and how many steps to jump
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a_Player">The player to be moved</param>
    /// <param name="a_JumpGoal">The ammount of steps to jump</param>
    public PlayerMovement(Player a_Player, int a_JumpGoal)
        //Subscribe updates to the events on the animation
        OnStart  += OnStartFunction;
        OnUpdate += OnUpdateFunction;
        OnFinish += OnFinishFunction;

        //Keep reference of the inputed data
        m_JumpGoal = a_JumpGoal;
        m_Player   = a_Player;

        //Create a sub animation that attempts to move to the next node
        m_MovementToNode = new PlayerMovementToNode(m_Player, m_Player.m_CurrentNode.m_NextNode, c_ANIMATION_SPEED);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Update function used to check if the animation that's currently being run has finished, if it has, check if enough spots have moved, if so quit the animation.
    /// Otherwise, repeat
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Returns true if finished</returns>
    public bool OnUpdateFunction()
        //Checks the sub-animation thats moving to the next node has finished
        if (m_MovementToNode.RunUpdate() == true)
            //If it has finished, increase the jumps

            //Check if the jumps is greater then the goal, if it is, break out of the animation
            if (m_CurrentJumps >= m_JumpGoal)

            //If we didn't break previous that means we need to do another lap, recreate the subanimation
            m_MovementToNode = new PlayerMovementToNode(m_Player, m_Player.m_CurrentNode.m_NextNode, c_ANIMATION_SPEED);

        //Didn't finish, return false