Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// This function is used to increase the power level of a talent. This function also checks
    /// if the taletn can be bought or not.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="text"></param>
    public void IncreasePowerLevel(TextMeshProUGUI text)
        string name  = text.gameObject.transform.parent.name;
        int    coins = info.BuyLevel(name);

        if (coins > 0)
            if (info.GetMaxPowerLevel(name) == info.GetPowerLevel(name))
                text.text = "MAXED";
                text.text = info.GetPowerLevel(name) + "/" + info.GetMaxPowerLevel(name) + "\n" + info.GetBuyAmmount(name);
            tempCoins.text = info.GetCoinCount().ToString("00000000");
        else if (coins == 0)
            print("MAX LEVEL");
            text.text = "MAXED";
            print("NO ENOUGH COINS");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// This fucntion is used to update the coins and xp bars on the stats panel.
    /// </summary>
    public void UpdateUIStats()
        PlayerInfoScript play = PlayerInfoScript.instance;

        tempCoins.text = play.GetCoinCount().ToString("00000000");//change the innital coin display here
        tempLevel.transform.parent.transform.Find("Fill").GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().fillAmount = play.GetPercentageToNextLevel();
        tempLevel.text = "" + play.GetLevel();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private PlayerInfoScript info;                                      // A reference to the PlayerInfoScript singleton

    private void Start()
        //Get all of the references in the game
        _buttonPanel      = GameObject.Find("Buttons");
        _allPanels        = GameObject.Find("SugarPanels");
        _backButton       = GameObject.Find("BackButton");
        _selectionPanel   = GameObject.Find("Selection");
        _skillsPanel      = GameObject.Find("SkillsPanel");
        _mainMenuPanel    = GameObject.Find("MainMenu");
        _achievementPanel = GameObject.Find("AchievementsPanel");

        _xpSlider = tempLevel.transform.parent.transform.Find("Fill").GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>();


        info                 = PlayerInfoScript.instance;
        tempCoins.text       = info.GetCoinCount().ToString("00000000");
        _xpSlider.fillAmount = info.GetPercentageToNextLevel();
        tempLevel.text       = "" + info.GetLevel();

        _currentLevels = _mainMenuPanel;

        int size = _allPanels.transform.childCount;

        //Loop through the sugar groups panels
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            SugarButton group = new SugarButton();
            Transform   panel = _allPanels.transform.GetChild(i).GetChild(0);

            _allPanels.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <ScrollRect>().verticalNormalizedPosition = 1; //Automatically scroll to the top
            group.init(panel.gameObject, PlayerInfoScript.instance.GetLevelInSugarGroup(i));             //Init the sugar group


            //Update the titles
            Transform child = panel.parent.Find("Text");

            if (group._currentButton)
                group._currentButton.onClick.AddListener(() => PlayLevel(_currentSelection)); //Set the current button to be active
                group._currentButton.interactable = true;
                child.GetComponent <Text>().text  = buttonGroups[i]._name + " - " + (buttonGroups[i]._currentButtonIndex) + "/" + buttonGroups[i]._buttonCount;
                child.GetComponent <Text>().text = buttonGroups[i]._name + " - " + (buttonGroups[i]._buttonCount) + "/" + buttonGroups[i]._buttonCount;

            //Update the buttons to be at the location last saved (Future: From the save file)


        //Settings for the "map" selection animations
        _selectionOffset = -_selectionPanel.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x / buttonGroups.Count;
        _targetLocation  = -_selectionPanel.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.x;