// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        if (UponDeath == null)
            UponDeath = new UnityEvent();

        thing = this.gameObject;

        // Gets sound source
        GameObject source = GameObject.Find("Sound Source");

        sound = source.GetComponent <SoundPlayonEvent>();

        // Sets component of Player HB, and runs it for the first time
        GameObject play = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        player = play.GetComponent <PlayerHealthBar>();
        player.HealthChange(CurrentHealth, MaximumHealth);

        //unused bit for boss

         * Scene currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
         * // Gets script off of health bar object, and runs it once
         * if (currentScene.buildIndex == 6)
         * {
         *  GameObject enemy = GameObject.Find("Boss Health");
         *  boss = enemy.GetComponent<BossHealthBar>();
         *  boss.BarChange();
         * }
    public void ChangeHealth(int change)
        // adjusts health based on change
        CurrentHealth += change;

        // If overhealed, sets to max health
        if (CurrentHealth > MaximumHealth)
            CurrentHealth = MaximumHealth;

        // if less than 0, handle death
        if (CurrentHealth <= 0)
            CurrentHealth = 0;

            //destroy object
            if (DestroyAtZero)
                if (thing.tag == "Player")
                    Destroy(gameObject, 2);
            //or respawn object
            else if (gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                if (thing.tag == "Player")

                respawn = gameObject.GetComponent <Respawn>();
                CurrentHealth = MaximumHealth;

        // Detects if current objects tag is player or boss, and changes bar accordingly
        if (thing.tag == "Player")
            player.HealthChange(CurrentHealth, MaximumHealth);

         * else if (thing.tag == "Boss")
         *  boss.BarChange();