Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override int GetHashCode()
     unchecked {
         var hashCode = TrackId;
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Name != null ? Name.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Artist != null ? Artist.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (AlbumArtist != null ? AlbumArtist.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Composer != null ? Composer.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Album != null ? Album.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Genre != null ? Genre.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Kind != null ? Kind.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Size.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (PlayingTime != null ? PlayingTime.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ TrackNumber.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Year.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ DateModified.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ DateAdded.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ BitRate.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ SampleRate.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ PlayCount.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ PlayDate.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ PartOfCompilation.GetHashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult _Playcount(string ID)
            IndexViewModel invm = new IndexViewModel();
            PlayCount      pc   = new PlayCount();

            var id   = Convert.ToInt32(ID);
            var Song = db.TrackLists.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == id);

            if (db.PlayCounts.Any(x => x.TrackListID == id))
                PlayCount existingPlayCount = db.PlayCounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TrackListID == id);
                existingPlayCount.SongPlayCount = existingPlayCount.SongPlayCount + 1;
                pc.TrackListID   = id;
                pc.SongPlayCount = 1;

            // var song = db.
            return(Json(new { success = true }));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     使用一定的格式构造一个字符串
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        /// <param name="formatProvider"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
            var b = new StringBuilder(format);

            b.Replace("username", UserName);
            b.Replace("userid", UserId.ToString());
            b.Replace("mode", _mode.ToString());
            b.Replace("pp", Pp.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            b.Replace("globalrank", GlobalRank.ToString());
            b.Replace("countryrank", CountryRank.ToString());
            b.Replace("cssh", SshCount.ToString());
            b.Replace("csh", ShCount.ToString());
            b.Replace("css", SsCount.ToString());
            b.Replace("cs", SCount.ToString());
            b.Replace("ca", ACount.ToString());
            b.Replace("acc", $"{Accuracy:f2}%");
            b.Replace("rankedscore", RankedScore.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            b.Replace("totalscore", TotalScore.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            b.Replace("playcount", PlayCount.ToString());
            b.Replace("level", Level.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            b.Replace("countrycn", GetCountryInCn(Country));
            b.Replace("country", Country);
            b.Replace("joindate", JoinDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void switchScene()
    {     // キーボードでシーン切り替え
        PlayCount playCount = GameObject.Find("Screen/PlayCount").GetComponent <PlayCount>();

        GameObject.Find("SoundBox").GetComponent <SoundController>().SoundSE();
        GameObject.Find("FadeSystem").GetComponent <Fade>().LoadLevel(nextSceneName, 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void SceneTrans()     // シーン切り替え プレイ回数を1つ増やす
        PlayCount playCount = GameObject.Find("Screen/PlayCount").GetComponent <PlayCount>();

        sceneTransFlag = true;
        GameObject.Find("SoundBox").GetComponent <SoundController>().SoundSE();
        GameObject.Find("FadeSystem").GetComponent <Fade>().LoadLevel("Main", 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override int GetHashCode()
            var hash = Rater.GetHashCode();

            hash ^= RawRating.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= PlayCount.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= Dance?.Name.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void TimeSet()
        PlayCount playCount = new PlayCount();

        if (GameData.sTime == 0)
            GameData.sTime = int.Parse(playCount.FixTimeStr(System.DateTime.Now.Month) + playCount.FixTimeStr(System.DateTime.Now.Day)
                                       + playCount.FixTimeStr(System.DateTime.Now.Hour) + playCount.FixTimeStr(System.DateTime.Now.Minute) + playCount.FixTimeStr(System.DateTime.Now.Second));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a string field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of field</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string this[string name]
                switch (name.ToLower())
                case "title":

                case "artist":

                case "album":

                case "genre":

                case "rating":

                case "length":

                case "play count":

                case "date added":

                case "last played":

                case "track number":

                case "disc number":

Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<OBJECT ID='" +
                                                 this.ClientID + "' name='" + this.ClientID + "' " +
                                                 "CLASSID='CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6'" +
                                                 "VIEWASTEXT" +
                                                 "height=" + Height + " " + "width=" + Width +

            //Render properties as object parameters
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='URL' value='" +
                      FileName + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='mute' value='" +
                      Mute.ToString() + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='AutoStart' value='" +
                      Autostart.ToString() + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='balance' value='" +
                      Balance + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='enabled' value='" +
                      Enabled.ToString() + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='fullScreen' value='" +
                      Fullscreen.ToString() + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='playCount' value='" +
                      PlayCount.ToString() + "'>");
            if (Volume >= 0)
                sb.Append("<PARAM name='volume' value='" +
                          Volume + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='rate' value='" +
                      Rate + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='StretchToFit' value='" +
                      StretchToFit.ToString() + "'>");
            sb.Append("<PARAM name='enabledContextMenu' value='" +
                      EnableContextMenu.ToString() + "'>");

            //output ending object tag

            //flush everything to the output stream
        public string WriteMsg()
            UserData  = "";
            UserData += SerialNumber.ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0');
            UserData += SendTime.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss").PadLeft(12, '0');
            if (PlayCount < 1)
                PlayCount = 1;
            if (PlayCount > 255)
                PlayCount = 255;
            UserData += PlayCount.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0');
            if (PlayRole < 1)
                PlayRole = 1;
            if (PlayRole > 15)
                PlayRole = 15;
            if (PlaySpeed < 1)
                PlaySpeed = 1;
            if (PlaySpeed > 15)
                PlaySpeed = 15;
            UserData += PlaySpeed.ToString("X") + PlayRole.ToString("X");
            if (PlayContext.Length > 400)
                PlayContext = PlayContext.Substring(0, 400);
            UserData += HexStringUtility.StrToHexString(PlayContext.Trim());

            UserDataBytes = HexStringUtility.HexStringToByteArray(UserData);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FrameContainer"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        internal FrameContainer()
            _frameBinder   = new FrameBinder(this);
            _unknownFrames = new List <UnknownFrame>();

            _id3v24SingleOccurrenceFrames   = new Dictionary <string, IFrame>();
            _id3v24MultipleOccurrenceFrames = new Dictionary <string, IBindingList>();
            _id3v23SingleOccurrenceFrames   = new Dictionary <string, IFrame>();
            _id3v23MultipleOccurrenceFrames = new Dictionary <string, IBindingList>();
            _id3v22SingleOccurrenceFrames   = new Dictionary <string, IFrame>();
            _id3v22MultipleOccurrenceFrames = new Dictionary <string, IBindingList>();

            _id3v24FrameAliases = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            _id3v23FrameAliases = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Binding lists
            m_AttachedPictureList           = new AttachedPictureBindingList();
            m_UserDefinedUrlList            = new UserDefinedUrlBindingList();
            m_CommentsList                  = new CommentsBindingList();
            m_iTunesCommentsList            = new CommentsBindingList();
            m_CommercialInfoUrlList         = new UrlBindingList("WCOM", "WCOM", "WCM");
            m_ArtistUrlList                 = new UrlBindingList("WOAR", "WOAR", "WAR");
            m_UserDefinedTextList           = new UserDefinedTextBindingList();
            m_RelativeVolumeAdjustmentList  = new RelativeVolumeAdjustmentBindingList();
            m_UnsynchronizedLyricsList      = new UnsynchronizedLyricsBindingList();
            m_GeneralEncapsulatedObjectList = new GeneralEncapsulatedObjectBindingList();
            m_UniqueFileIdentifierList      = new UniqueFileIdentifierBindingList();
            m_PrivateFrameList              = new PrivateFrameBindingList();
            m_PopularimeterList             = new PopularimeterBindingList();
            m_TermsOfUseList                = new TermsOfUseBindingList();
            m_LinkedInformationList         = new LinkedInformationBindingList();
            m_CommercialInfoList            = new CommercialBindingList();
            m_EncryptionMethodList          = new EncryptionMethodBindingList();
            m_GroupIdentificationList       = new GroupIdentificationBindingList();
            m_SignatureList                 = new SignatureBindingList();
            m_AudioEncryptionList           = new AudioEncryptionBindingList();
            m_EncryptedMetaFrameList        = new EncryptedMetaFrameBindingList();
            m_SynchronizedLyricsList        = new SynchronizedTextBindingList();
            m_EqualizationList              = new EqualizationListBindingList();
            m_AudioTextList                 = new AudioTextBindingList();

            // Add binding lists to multiple occurence frames dictionary
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("APIC", "APIC", "PIC", m_AttachedPictureList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("WXXX", "WXXX", "WXX", m_UserDefinedUrlList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("COMM", "COMM", "COM", m_CommentsList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame(null, null, null, m_iTunesCommentsList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("WCOM", "WCOM", "WCM", m_CommercialInfoUrlList);
            //"CommercialInfoUrl", new MethodInvoker(ValidateCommercialInfoUrl)); // TODO
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("WOAR", "WOAR", "WAR", m_ArtistUrlList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("TXXX", "TXXX", "TXX", m_UserDefinedTextList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("RVA2", "RVAD", "RVA", m_RelativeVolumeAdjustmentList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("USLT", "USLT", "ULT", m_UnsynchronizedLyricsList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("GEOB", "GEOB", "GEO", m_GeneralEncapsulatedObjectList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("UFID", "UFID", "UFI", m_UniqueFileIdentifierList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("PRIV", "PRIV", null, m_PrivateFrameList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("POPM", "POPM", "POP", m_PopularimeterList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("USER", "USER", null, m_TermsOfUseList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("LINK", "LINK", "LNK", m_LinkedInformationList);
            //"ArtistUrl", new MethodInvoker(ValidateArtistUrl)); // TODO
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("AENC", "AENC", "CRA", m_AudioEncryptionList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame(null, null, "CRM", m_EncryptedMetaFrameList); // replaced in ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 with encryptable frames
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("SYLT", "SYLT", "SLT", m_SynchronizedLyricsList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("EQU2", "EQUA", "EQU", m_EqualizationList);   // todo: not a multi-occur frame in 2.2/2.3
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("COMR", "COMR", null, m_CommercialInfoList);  // todo: not a multi-occur in 2.3
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("ENCR", "ENCR", null, m_EncryptionMethodList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("GRID", "GRID", null, m_GroupIdentificationList);
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("SIGN", "SIGN", null, m_SignatureList); // todo: not in ID3v2.3
            AddMultipleOccurrenceFrame("ATXT", "ATXT", null, m_AudioTextList);

            // Text frames
            m_Title        = CreateTextFrame("TIT2", "TIT2", "TT2", "Title", null);
            m_Album        = CreateTextFrame("TALB", "TALB", "TAL", "Album", null);
            m_EncodedByWho = CreateTextFrame("TENC", "TENC", "TEN", "EncodedByWho", null);
            m_Artist       = CreateTextFrame("TPE1", "TPE1", "TP1", "Artist", null);
            m_AlbumArtist  = CreateTextFrame("TPE2", "TPE2", "TP2", "AlbumArtist", null);
            // Note: TYER is not a valid frame in ID3v2.4, but many ID3v2.4 tags contain this frame anyway.
            // It's here to allow reading, but should not be written back (use TDRL instead).
            m_Year = CreateTextFrame("TYER", "TYER", "TYE", "Year", ValidateYear);
            // Note: TDAT is not a valid frame in ID3v2.4, but many ID3v2.4 tags contain this frame anyway.
            // It's here to allow reading, but should not be written back (use TDRC instead).
            m_DateRecorded = CreateTextFrame("TDAT", "TDAT", "TDA", "DateRecorded", ValidateDateRecorded);
            // Note: TIME is not a valid frame in ID3v2.4, but many ID3v2.4 tags contain this frame anyway.
            // It's here to allow reading, but should not be written back (use TDRC instead).
            m_TimeRecorded              = CreateTextFrame("TIME", "TIME", "TIM", "TimeRecorded", ValidateTimeRecorded);
            m_Genre                     = CreateTextFrame("TCON", "TCON", "TCO", "Genre", null);
            m_Composer                  = CreateTextFrame("TCOM", "TCOM", "TCM", "Composer", null);
            m_OriginalArtist            = CreateTextFrame("TOPE", "TOPE", "TOA", "OriginalArtist", null);
            m_Copyright                 = CreateTextFrame("TCOP", "TCOP", "TCR", "Copyright", ValidateCopyright);
            m_RemixedBy                 = CreateTextFrame("TPE4", "TPE4", "TP4", "RemixedBy", null);
            m_Publisher                 = CreateTextFrame("TPUB", "TPUB", "TPB", "Publisher", null);
            m_InternetRadioStationName  = CreateTextFrame("TRSN", "TRSN", null, "InternetRadioStationName", null);
            m_InternetRadioStationOwner = CreateTextFrame("TRSO", "TRSO", null, "InternetRadioStationOwner", null);
            //m_Accompaniment = CreateTextFrame("TPE2", "TPE2", "TP2", "Accompaniment", null);
            m_Conductor        = CreateTextFrame("TPE3", "TPE3", "TP3", "Conductor", null);
            m_Lyricist         = CreateTextFrame("TEXT", "TEXT", "TXT", "Lyricist", null);
            m_OriginalLyricist = CreateTextFrame("TOLY", "TOLY", "TOL", "OriginalLyricist", null);
            m_TrackNumber      = CreateTextFrame("TRCK", "TRCK", "TRK", "TrackNumber", ValidateTrackNumber);
            m_BPM             = CreateTextFrame("TBPM", "TBPM", "TBP", "BPM", ValidateBPM);
            m_FileType        = CreateTextFrame("TFLT", "TFLT", "TFT", "FileType", null);
            m_DiscNumber      = CreateTextFrame("TPOS", "TPOS", "TPA", "DiscNumber", ValidateDiscNumber);
            m_EncoderSettings = CreateTextFrame("TSSE", "TSSE", "TSS", "EncoderSettings", null);
            m_ISRC            = CreateTextFrame("TSRC", "TSRC", "TRC", "ISRC", ValidateISRC);
            // Note: TCMP/TCP is an unofficial frame.  Used by iTunes and other taggers.
            m_IsPartOfCompilation = CreateTextFrame("TCMP", "TCMP", "TCP", "IsPartOfCompilation", null);
            // TDRL is not technically supported in ID3v2.3
            m_ReleaseTimestamp = CreateTextFrame("TDRL", "TDRL", null, "ReleaseTimestamp", ValidateReleaseTimestamp);
            // TDRC is not technically supported in ID3v2.3
            m_RecordingTimestamp = CreateTextFrame("TDRC", "TDRC", null, "RecordingTimestamp", ValidateRecordingTimestamp);
            // TDOR is not technically supported in ID3v2.3
            m_OriginalReleaseTimestamp  = CreateTextFrame("TDOR", "TDOR", null, "OriginalReleaseTimestamp", null /*todo:new MethodInvoker(ValidateOriginalReleaseTimestamp)*/);
            m_PlaylistDelayMilliseconds = CreateTextFrame("TDLY", "TDLY", "TDY", "PlaylistDelayMilliseconds", null);
            m_InitialKey = CreateTextFrame("TKEY", "TKEY", "TKE", "InitialKey", null /*TODO: new MethodInvoker(ValidateInitialKey)*/);
            // TDEN is not technically supported in ID3v2.3
            m_EncodingTimestamp = CreateTextFrame("TDEN", "TDEN", null, "EncodingTimestamp", null /*TODO*/);
            // TDTG is not technically supported in ID3v2.3
            m_TaggingTimestamp = CreateTextFrame("TDTG", "TDTG", null, "TaggingTimestamp", null /*TODO*/);
            m_ContentGroup     = CreateTextFrame("TIT1", "TIT1", "TT1", "ContentGroup", null);
            // TMOO is not technically supported in ID3v2.3
            m_Mood = CreateTextFrame("TMOO", "TMOO", null, "Mood", null);
            m_LengthMilliseconds = CreateTextFrame("TLEN", "TLEN", "TLE", "LengthMilliseconds", null);
            m_MediaType          = CreateTextFrame("TMED", "TMED", "TMT", "MediaType", null);
            // TODO: technically not supported in ID3v2.4, but probably written by some impl. anyway
            m_FileSizeExcludingTag = CreateTextFrame(null, "TSIZ", "TSI", "FileSizeExcludingTag", null);
            // Not technically in ID3v2.4
            m_OriginalReleaseYear = CreateTextFrame("TORY", "TORY", "TOR", "OriginalReleaseYear", null /*TODO*/);
            m_OriginalSourceTitle = CreateTextFrame("TOAL", "TOAL", "TOT", "OriginalSourceTitle", null);
            m_OriginalFileName    = CreateTextFrame("TOFN", "TOFN", "TOF", "OriginalFileName", null);
            m_FileOwnerName       = CreateTextFrame("TOWN", "TOWN", null, "FileOwnerName", null);
            // Not technically in ID3v2.4
            m_RecordingDates = CreateTextFrame("TRDA", "TRDA", "TRD", "RecordingDates", null /*TODO*/);
            m_Subtitle       = CreateTextFrame("TIT3", "TIT3", "TT3", "Subtitle", null);
            // Technically only supported in ID3v2.4, but some ID3v2.3 implementations use this frame
            m_AlbumSortOrder = CreateTextFrame("TSOA", "TSOA", null, "AlbumSortOrder", null);
            // Technically only supported in ID3v2.4, but some ID3v2.3 implementations use this frame
            m_ArtistSortOrder = CreateTextFrame("TSOP", "TSOP", null, "ArtistSortOrder", null);
            // Technically only supported in ID3v2.4, but some ID3v2.3 implementations use this frame
            m_TitleSortOrder = CreateTextFrame("TSOT", "TSOT", null, "TitleSortOrder", null);
            // Technically only supported in ID3v2.4, but some ID3v2.3 implementations use this frame
            m_ProducedNotice = CreateTextFrame("TPRO", "TPRO", null, "ProducedNotice", null /*todo - same as copyright validation*/);
            // Technically only supported in ID3v2.4, but some ID3v2.3 implementations use this frame
            m_SetSubtitle               = CreateTextFrame("TSST", "TSST", null, "SetSubtitle", null);
            m_PodcastSeriesCategory     = CreateTextFrame("TCAT", "TCAT", null, "SeriesCategory", null);
            m_PodcastEpisodeDescription = CreateTextFrame("TDES", "TDES", null, "EpisodeDescription", null);
            m_PodcastEpisodeUrl         = CreateTextFrame("TGID", "TGID", null, "EpisodeUrl", null);
            m_PodcastFeedUrl            = CreateTextFrame("WFED", "WFED", null, "PodcastFeedUrl", null);

            m_PositionSynchronization = CreatePositionSynchronizationFrame("POSS", "POSS", null, "PositionSynchronization", null);
            m_Ownership             = CreateOwnershipFrame("OWNE", "OWNE", null, "Ownership", null);
            m_RecommendedBufferSize = CreateRecommendedBufferSizeFrame("RBUF", "RBUF", "BUF", "RecommendedBufferSize", null /*todo*/);
            m_InvolvedPersonList    = CreateInvolvedPersonListFrame("TIPL", "IPLS", "IPL", "InvolvedPersonList", null /*TODO - needs validation?*/);
            m_Languages             = CreateLanguageFrame("TLAN", "TLAN", "TLA", "Languages", null);
            m_MusicCDIdentifier     = CreateMusicCDIdentifierFrame("MCDI", "MCDI", "MCI", "MusicCDIdentifier", null /*TODO?*/);
            m_EventTiming           = CreateEventTimingFrame("ETCO", "ETCO", "ETC", "EventTiming", null /*TODO - needs validation?*/);
            m_MpegLookupTable       = CreateMpegLookupTableFrame("MLLT", "MLLT", "MLL", "MpegLookupTable", null);
            m_Reverb = CreateReverbFrame("RVRB", "RVRB", "REV", "Reverb", null);
            m_SynchronizedTempoCodes = CreateSynchronizedTempoCodesFrame("SYTC", "SYTC", "STC", "SynchronizedTempoCodeList", null);
            m_SeekNextTag            = CreateSeekFrame("SEEK", "SEEK", null, "SeekNextTag", null);
            // Technically only supported in ID3v2.4, but some ID3v2.3 implementations use this frame
            m_MusicianCreditsList = CreateMusicianCreditsListFrame("TMCL", "TMCL", null, "MusicianCreditsList", null);
            m_AudioSeekPointIndex = CreateAudioSeekPointIndexFrame("ASPI", "ASPI", null, "AudioSeekPointIndex", null);
            m_PlayCount           = CreateFrame <PlayCount>("PCNT", "PCNT", "CNT", "PlayCount");
            m_IsPodcast           = CreateFrame <Podcast>("PCST", "PCST", "PCS", "Podcast");

            // TODO: TYER->TDRL, TDAT,TIME->TDRC (in setters, not here)

            // URL frames
            m_CopyrightUrl            = CreateUrlFrame("WCOP", "WCOP", "WCP", "CopyrightUrl", ValidateCopyrightUrl);
            m_AudioFileUrl            = CreateUrlFrame("WOAF", "WOAF", "WAF", "AudioFileUrl", ValidateAudioFileUrl);
            m_AudioSourceUrl          = CreateUrlFrame("WOAS", "WOAS", "WAS", "AudioSourceUrl", ValidateAudioSourceUrl);
            m_InternetRadioStationUrl = CreateUrlFrame("WORS", "WORS", null, "InternetRadioStationUrl", ValidateInternetRadioStationUrl);
            m_PaymentUrl   = CreateUrlFrame("WPAY", "WPAY", null, "PaymentUrl", ValidatePaymentUrl);
            m_PublisherUrl = CreateUrlFrame("WPUB", "WPUB", "WPB", "PublisherUrl", ValidatePublisherUrl);

            // Frame aliases - handles incorrectly named frames

            // ID3v2.4 (Bad frame, Good frame)
            _id3v24FrameAliases.Add("RVAD", "RVA2");
            _id3v24FrameAliases.Add("IPLS", "TIPL");
            _id3v24FrameAliases.Add("EQUA", "EQU2");
            // ID3v2.3 (Bad frame, Good frame)
            _id3v23FrameAliases.Add("RVA2", "RVAD");
            _id3v23FrameAliases.Add("TIPL", "IPLS");
            _id3v23FrameAliases.Add("EQU2", "EQUA");