Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void InstantiatePlayCells()
        // Instantiate play cells (7)
        for (int iPlayCell = 0; iPlayCell < 7; iPlayCell++)
            Vector3    newPositionForPlayCell = new Vector3(playCellPrefab.transform.position.x + iPlayCell * playCellXOffset, playCellPrefab.transform.position.y, playCellPrefab.transform.position.z);
            GameObject playCellGO             = Instantiate(playCellPrefab, newPositionForPlayCell, Quaternion.identity);
            playCells[iPlayCell] = playCellGO;

            // Filling play cells with cards
            for (int iPlayCellCards = 0; iPlayCellCards < iPlayCell + 1; iPlayCellCards++)
                // Move the card from the deck to the play cell
                Card m_card = m_deckClosedCards.allCardsInDeck[allCardsIndex].GetComponent <Card>();

                PlayCells m_playCells = playCellGO.GetComponent <PlayCells>();

                // Place the card on top of another one
                m_card.frontSR.sortingOrder       = m_playCells.cardCount;
                m_card.backSR.sortingOrder        = m_playCells.cardCount;
                m_card.suitRenderer.sortingOrder  = m_playCells.cardCount;
                m_card.valueRenderer.sortingOrder = m_playCells.cardCount;
                m_card.inPlayCell = true;

                // Our card is no longer in deck
                m_card.inDeck = false;

                // Expand map
                Vector3 newPositionForCard;
                if (iPlayCellCards == iPlayCell)
                    m_card.isOpen  = true;
                    m_card.isFirst = true;

                    newPositionForCard = new Vector3(m_playCells.transform.position.x, m_playCells.transform.position.y - iPlayCellCards * playCellYOffsetForClosedCards, -m_playCells.cardCount);
                    newPositionForCard = new Vector3(m_playCells.transform.position.x, m_playCells.transform.position.y - iPlayCellCards * playCellYOffsetForClosedCards, -m_playCells.cardCount);

                m_card.transform.position = newPositionForCard;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the game and creates a new deal based on the given seed.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerator NewGame(int seed)
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // to give itween a chance to avoid it's initalization bug.

            GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
            HasWon = false;

            foreach (var card in FindObjectsOfType <Card>())

            foreach (var deck in FindObjectsOfType <Deck>())
                if (deck != Dealer)


            Moves     = new Stack <Move>();
            redoMoves = new Stack <Move>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Cells; i++)

            var startPositionX = 0.625f + 0.05f;
            var xSpacing       = Suits <= 6 ? 1.24f : 6.2f / (Suits - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < Suits; i++)
                var deck = (Instantiate(GameBehavior.Instance.DeckPrefab) as GameObject).GetComponent <Deck>();
                deck.CardSpacerY        = 0.001f;
                deck.MaxCardsSpace      = 15;
                deck.transform.position = new Vector3(startPositionX + (i * xSpacing), 3.3f, 0);
                deck.transform.parent   = transform;

                deck.Type  = DeckType.Goal;
                deck.Index = i;


            startPositionX = ((Stacks - 1) / 2f) * -1.24f;
            for (int i = 0; i < Stacks; i++)
                var deck = (Instantiate(GameBehavior.Instance.DeckPrefab) as GameObject).GetComponent <Deck>();
                deck.enabled            = true;
                deck.CardSpacerY        = PlayStackVerticalSpace;
                deck.MaxCardsSpace      = 13;
                deck.transform.position = new Vector3(startPositionX + (i * 1.24f), 1.6f, 0);
                deck.transform.parent   = transform;

                deck.Type = DeckType.Play;



            var random = new System.Random(seed);

            Dealer.Shuffle(3, random);

            Dealer.CardSpacerX   = 0;
            Dealer.MaxCardsSpace = 20;

            foreach (var card in Dealer.Cards)
                card.Visible = true;

            var count = 0;

            while (Dealer.Cards.Count > 0)
                Dealer.Draw(PlayCells[count % PlayCells.Count], 1);

            if (Difficulty < 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < -Difficulty * Suits; i++)
                    // find all aces thru threes that aren't on top of deck already
                    var potentialCards = (from c in GameBehavior.Cards where c.Number <= 3 && c.Deck.TopCard != c select c).ToArray();

                    if (potentialCards.Length > 0)
                        var card = potentialCards[random.Next(0, potentialCards.Length)];
                        //print("Pushing up " + card.ToString());
                        card.SetDeck(card.Deck.Cards.IndexOf(card) + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < Difficulty * Suits; i++)
                    // find all aces thru threes that aren't on bottom of deck already
                    var potentialCards = (from c in GameBehavior.Cards where c.Number <= 3 && c.Deck.BottomCard != c select c).ToArray();

                    if (potentialCards.Length > 0)
                        var card = potentialCards[random.Next(0, potentialCards.Length)];
                        //print("Pushing down " + card.ToString());
                        card.SetDeck(card.Deck.Cards.IndexOf(card) - 1);


            StartTime = Time.time;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void OnMouseUp()
        // Not dragging anymore
        mouseDragging = false;

        if (isOpen && !inDeck)
            // Disable box collider
            BoxCollider2D boxCollider2D = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
            boxCollider2D.enabled = false;

            RaycastHit2D hit;
            hit = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position + (-oldCardPosition), Vector3.forward);

            // Check if can be moved
            Card            otherCard   = null;
            PlayCells       m_playCells = null;
            CollectionCells m_collCells = null;

            if (hit.collider != null)
                otherCard   = hit.collider.GetComponent <Card>();
                m_playCells = hit.collider.GetComponent <PlayCells>();
                m_collCells = hit.collider.GetComponent <CollectionCells>();

            if (m_playCells != null &&  // Is there a playCell
                m_playCells.isFirst &&     // There are no other cards above the cell
                value == 13        // Only the king can land in an empty playCell
                // Attach the card to this cell
                transform.position = new Vector3(hit.collider.transform.position.x, hit.collider.transform.position.y, hit.collider.transform.position.z + 10);

                SpriteRenderer playCellSR = m_playCells.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                frontSR.sortingOrder       = playCellSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                backSR.sortingOrder        = playCellSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                suitRenderer.sortingOrder  = frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                valueRenderer.sortingOrder = frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                m_playCells.isFirst        = false;
                isFirst = true;

                inCollCell   = false;
                inDeckHelper = false;
                inPlayCell   = true;
            // collCell + Ace check
            if (m_collCells != null &&  // Is there a collCell
                m_collCells.isFirst &&     // There are no other cards above the cell
                value == 1        // Only an ace can land in an empty collCell
                // Attach the card to this cell
                transform.position = new Vector3(hit.collider.transform.position.x, hit.collider.transform.position.y, hit.collider.transform.position.z - 1);

                SpriteRenderer collCellSR = m_collCells.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                frontSR.sortingOrder       = collCellSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                backSR.sortingOrder        = collCellSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                suitRenderer.sortingOrder  = frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                valueRenderer.sortingOrder = frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;

                m_collCells.isFirst = false;
                isFirst             = true;

                inPlayCell   = false;
                inDeckHelper = false;
                inCollCell   = true;
            // On an open card in cell inCell7
            if (otherCard != null &&  // Is there another card
                otherCard.inPlayCell &&     // The other card must be in one of 7 cells
                otherCard.isFirst &&
                otherCard.isOpen &&     // Is another card open?
                otherCard.isCardColorRed != isCardColorRed &&     // Is the color of the other card
                otherCard.value == value + 1        // The value of the other card should be greater by one
                // Attach a map to this map
                transform.position = new Vector3(hit.collider.transform.position.x, hit.collider.transform.position.y - gameManager.playCellYOffsetForOpenCards, hit.collider.transform.position.z - 1);

                frontSR.sortingOrder       = otherCard.frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                backSR.sortingOrder        = otherCard.backSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                suitRenderer.sortingOrder  = otherCard.suitRenderer.sortingOrder + 1;
                valueRenderer.sortingOrder = otherCard.valueRenderer.sortingOrder + 1;

                otherCard.isFirst = false;
                if (transform.childCount < 3)
                    isFirst = true;

                inCollCell   = false;
                inDeckHelper = false;
                inPlayCell   = true;
            // To an open card in cell inCell4
            if (otherCard != null &&  // Is there another card
                isFirst &&
                otherCard.inCollCell &&     // The other card must be in one of the 4 cells
                otherCard.isFirst &&
                otherCard.isOpen &&     // Is another card open?
                otherCard.suit == suit &&     // The colors must match
                otherCard.value == value - 1        // The value of the other card should be less by one
                // Attach a map to this map
                transform.position = new Vector3(hit.collider.transform.position.x, hit.collider.transform.position.y, hit.collider.transform.position.z - 1);

                frontSR.sortingOrder       = otherCard.frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                backSR.sortingOrder        = otherCard.backSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                suitRenderer.sortingOrder  = frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;
                valueRenderer.sortingOrder = frontSR.sortingOrder + 1;

                otherCard.isFirst = false;
                isFirst           = true;

                inPlayCell   = false;
                inDeckHelper = false;
                inCollCell   = true;
            // Return the card to its original location
            else if (!inDeck)
                transform.position = oldPositionInCell;

                frontSR.sortingOrder       = backgroundSRSortingOrder;
                backSR.sortingOrder        = backgroundSRSortingOrder;
                suitRenderer.sortingOrder  = suitSRSortingOrder;
                valueRenderer.sortingOrder = valueSRSortingOrder;

                // Reset the hit beam
                hit = new RaycastHit2D();

            // Automatically open the map under the old place of this map
            if (hit.collider != null && (m_playCells != null || m_collCells != null || otherCard != null))
                RaycastHit2D hitDownCard;
                hitDownCard = Physics2D.Raycast(oldPositionInCell, Vector3.forward);
                Card            oldDownCard = null;
                PlayCells       cell7Down   = null;
                CollectionCells cell4Down   = null;

                if (hitDownCard.collider != null)
                    oldDownCard = hitDownCard.collider.GetComponent <Card>();
                    cell7Down   = hitDownCard.collider.GetComponent <PlayCells>();
                    cell4Down   = hitDownCard.collider.GetComponent <CollectionCells>();

                if (oldDownCard != null)
                    oldDownCard.isFirst = true;
                    oldDownCard.isOpen  = true;
                if (cell7Down != null)
                    cell7Down.isFirst = true;
                if (cell4Down != null)
                    cell4Down.isFirst = true;

            // Enable box collider
            boxCollider2D.enabled = true;

        if (inDeck)
            // No longer in the deck
            inDeck       = false;
            inDeckHelper = true;