Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Deserialize(BinaryReader buffer)
     Name          = buffer.ReadString();
     Username      = buffer.ReadString();
     Password      = buffer.ReadString();
     BattlenetHost = buffer.ReadString();
     BattlenetPort = buffer.ReadUInt16();
     BNLSHost      = buffer.ReadString();
     BNLSPort      = buffer.ReadUInt16();
     Platform      = (Platform.PlatformCode)buffer.ReadUInt32();
     Product       = (Product.ProductCode)buffer.ReadUInt32();
     VersionByte   = buffer.ReadUInt32();
     GameKey1      = buffer.ReadString();
     GameKey2      = buffer.ReadString();
     GameKeyOwner  = buffer.ReadString();
     EmailAddress  = buffer.ReadString();
     HomeChannel   = buffer.ReadString();
     ProxyType     = (Battlenet.Sockets.Proxy.ProxyType)buffer.ReadByte();
     ProxyHost     = buffer.ReadString();
     ProxyPort     = buffer.ReadUInt16();
     ProxyUsername = buffer.ReadString();
     ProxyPassword = buffer.ReadString();
     AutoReconnect = buffer.ReadBoolean();
     PingSpoof     = buffer.ReadBoolean();
     PingUDP       = buffer.ReadBoolean();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Prompt()
            int i;

            Console.Write("[Instance] Instance Name: ");
            Name = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("[Instance] Username: "******"[Instance] Password: "******"[Instance] Battle.net Host: ");
            BattlenetHost = Console.ReadLine();

            i = BattlenetHost.IndexOf(":");
            if (i > 0)
                UInt16.TryParse(BattlenetHost.Substring(i + 1, BattlenetHost.Length - i - 1), out BattlenetPort);
                BattlenetHost = BattlenetHost.Substring(0, i);

            if (BattlenetPort == 0)
                Console.Write("[Instance] Battle.net Port (default 6112): ");
                UInt16.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out BattlenetPort);

            if (BattlenetPort == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[Instance] Defaulting Battle.net port number to 6112.");
                BattlenetPort = 6112;

            Console.Write("[Instance] BNLS Host: ");
            BNLSHost = Console.ReadLine();

            i = BNLSHost.IndexOf(":");
            if (i > 0)
                UInt16.TryParse(BNLSHost.Substring(i + 1, BNLSHost.Length - i - 1), out BNLSPort);
                BNLSHost = BNLSHost.Substring(0, i);

            if (BNLSPort == 0)
                Console.Write("[Instance] BNLS Port (default 9367): ");
                UInt16.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out BNLSPort);

            if (BNLSPort == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[Instance] Defaulting BNLS port number to 9367.");
                BNLSPort = 9367;

            Platform = Battlenet.Platform.PlatformCode.Windows;

            Console.WriteLine("[Instance] Choose the number for the product:");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    1 - Chat");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    2 - Diablo");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    3 - Diablo Shareware");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    4 - Diablo II");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    5 - Diablo II Lord of Destruction");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    6 - Starcraft Original");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    7 - Starcraft Broodwar");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    8 - Starcraft Japanese");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    9 - Starcraft Shareware");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]   10 - Warcraft II");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]   11 - Warcraft III Demo");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]   12 - Warcraft III Reign of Chaos");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]   13 - Warcraft III The Frozen Throne");
            i = 0;
            while (i < 1 || i > 13)
                Console.Write("[Instance]   Choice: ");
                int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out i);
            switch (i)
            case  1: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.Chat; break;

            case  2: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.DiabloRetail; break;

            case  3: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.DiabloShareware; break;

            case  4: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.DiabloII; break;

            case  5: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.DiabloIILordOfDestruction; break;

            case  6: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.StarcraftOriginal; break;

            case  7: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.StarcraftBroodwar; break;

            case  8: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.StarcraftJapanese; break;

            case  9: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.StarcraftShareware; break;

            case 10: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.WarcraftII; break;

            case 11: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.WarcraftIIIDemo; break;

            case 12: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.WarcraftIIIReignOfChaos; break;

            case 13: Product = Battlenet.Product.ProductCode.WarcraftIIIFrozenThrone; break;

            Console.Write("[Instance] Version Byte: ");
            UInt32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out VersionByte);

            Console.Write("[Instance] Game Key 1: ");
            GameKey1 = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("[Instance] Game Key 2: ");
            GameKey2 = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("[Instance] Game Key Owner: ");
            GameKeyOwner = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("[Instance] Email Address: ");
            EmailAddress = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("[Instance] Home Channel: ");
            HomeChannel = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("[Instance] Choose the number for the proxy type:");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    0 - Disabled");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    1 - Socks 4");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    2 - Socks 5");
            Console.WriteLine("[Instance]    3 - HTTP");
            i = 0;
            while (i < 0 || i > 3)
                Console.Write("[Instance]   Choice: ");
                int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out i);
            switch (i)
            case 0: ProxyType = Battlenet.Sockets.Proxy.ProxyType.Disabled; break;

            case 1: ProxyType = Battlenet.Sockets.Proxy.ProxyType.Socks4; break;

            case 2: ProxyType = Battlenet.Sockets.Proxy.ProxyType.Socks5; break;

            case 3: ProxyType = Battlenet.Sockets.Proxy.ProxyType.HTTP; break;

            if (ProxyType != Battlenet.Sockets.Proxy.ProxyType.Disabled)
                Console.Write("Proxy Host: ");
                ProxyHost = Console.ReadLine();

                i = ProxyHost.IndexOf(":");
                if (i > 0)
                    UInt16.TryParse(ProxyHost.Substring(i + 1, ProxyHost.Length - i - 1), out ProxyPort);
                    ProxyHost = ProxyHost.Substring(0, i);

                if (ProxyPort == 0)
                    Console.Write("[Instance] Proxy Port (default 1080): ");
                    UInt16.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out ProxyPort);

                if (ProxyPort == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("[Instance] Defaulting proxy port number to 1080.");
                    ProxyPort = 1080;

                Console.Write("[Instance] Proxy Username: "******"[Instance] Proxy Password: ");
                ProxyPassword = Console.ReadLine();

            AutoReconnect = true;
            PingSpoof     = false;
            PingUDP       = true;