Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string BuildTodayMessage(PlanningResult result, DateTimeOffset date)
            var day = date.DayOfWeek;
            var sb  = new StringBuilder($"These are the results for today, {DayReactions[day].MessageFormat}:\n");

            sb.AppendLine("Available today:");
            foreach (var userName in result.DayUserNames[day])
                sb.AppendLine($"- {userName}");

            sb.AppendLine("Most voted items:");
            foreach (var item in result.Items.Where(i => i.YesUserNames.Count > 0).OrderByDescending(i => i.YesUserNames.Intersect(result.DayUserNames[day]).Count() + (i.MaybeUserNames.Intersect(result.DayUserNames[day]).Count() * 0.5)).Take(3))
                var userString = $"({string.Join(", ", item.YesUserNames)})";
                if (item.MaybeUserNames.Any())
                    userString += $" ~ *({string.Join(", ", item.MaybeUserNames)})*";
                sb.AppendLine($"**{item.Message.Content}** {userString}");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <PlanningResult> GetPlanningResult()
            var messages = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(250);

            var ownMessages  = messages.Where(m => m.Author.Id == Context.Bot.CurrentUser.Id).ToList();
            var planMessages = ownMessages.TakeUntilIncluding(m => !m.Content.StartsWith(planMessagePrefix));

            var result = new PlanningResult
                Message = planMessages.Single(m => m.Content.StartsWith(planMessagePrefix))

            foreach (var dayReaction in result.Message.Reactions.Keys.Where(r => DayReactions.ContainsValue(r)))
                var dictEntry    = DayReactions.Single(e => e.Value.Equals(dayReaction));
                var dayReactions = await result.Message.GetReactionsAsync(dayReaction);

                result.DayUserNames.Add(dictEntry.Key, SelectUserName(dayReactions));

            foreach (var message in planMessages.Where(m => m.Reactions.Keys.Contains(YesReaction)).Reverse())
                var messageResult = await GetPlanningResult(message);


Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ArcVoteZone(Coordinates goalPoint, List <Obstacle> perimeterObstacles)
            List <Polygon> perimeterPolys = new List <Polygon>();

            foreach (Obstacle obs in perimeterObstacles)

            PlanningResult            result;
            ISteeringCommandGenerator steeringCommand = ZoneArcVoting.SparcVote(ref prevCurvature, goalPoint, perimeterPolys);

            if (steeringCommand == null)
                result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null);
                result = new PlanningResult();
                result.commandLabel             = command_label;
                result.steeringCommandGenerator = steeringCommand;
            settings.maxSpeed = recommendedSpeed.Speed;
            Track(result, command_label);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private IEnumerable <string> BuildResultMessage(PlanningResult result)
            var resultMessages = new List <string>();
            var sb             = new StringBuilder("These are the results of the last planning:\n");

            foreach (var resultItem in result.Items.Where(r => r.YesUserNames.Any() || r.MaybeUserNames.Any()).OrderByDescending(r => r.YesUserNames.Count))
                var itemStringBuilder = new StringBuilder($"**{resultItem.Message.Content}**\n");
                if (resultItem.YesUserNames.Any())
                    itemStringBuilder.AppendLine($"    {YesReaction.MessageFormat} {string.Join(", ", resultItem.YesUserNames)}");
                if (resultItem.MaybeUserNames.Any())
                    itemStringBuilder.AppendLine($"    {MaybeReaction.MessageFormat} {string.Join(", ", resultItem.MaybeUserNames)}");

                /*if (resultItem.NoUserNames.Any())
                 *  itemStringBuilder.AppendLine($"    {NoReaction.MessageFormat} {string.Join(", ", resultItem.NoUserNames)}");*/

                if (sb.Length + itemStringBuilder.Length > 2000)
                    resultMessages.Add(" \n" + sb);
                    sb = itemStringBuilder;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override void OnSmoothSuccess(ref PlanningResult result)
            if (!(result.pathBlocked || result.dynamicallyInfeasible))
                // check the path, see if the first segment goes 180 off
                if (result.smoothedPath != null && result.smoothedPath.Count >= 2 && Math.Abs(result.smoothedPath.GetSegment(0).UnitVector.ArcTan) > 90 * Math.PI / 180)
                    result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null, true);
                    Console.WriteLine("turn is 180 deg off, returning infeasible");

            base.OnSmoothSuccess(ref result);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected override void OnSmoothSuccess(ref PlanningResult result)
            if (sparse)
                if (Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing < 1)
                    Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing = Math.Min(1, Services.ObstaclePipeline.ExtraSpacing + 0.02);

                if (smootherSpacingAdjust < 0)
                    smootherSpacingAdjust = Math.Min(0, smootherSpacingAdjust + 0.01);

            base.OnSmoothSuccess(ref result);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ExecutePlanning(int timeAvailable, IplannerFactory plannerFac)
            PlanningData   data   = ReadPlanningDataFromDB();
            PlanningResult result = plannerFac.create(timeAvailable).CreatePlan(data);

            //if (timeAvailable < 3)
            //    ReallyFastPlannerAdapter rfpAdap = new ReallyFastPlannerAdapter();
            //    result = rfpAdap.CreatePlan(data);
            //else if (timeAvailable < 12)
            //    PrettyFastPlannerV24 pfp24 = new PrettyFastPlannerV24();
            //    result = pfp24.CreatePlan(data);
            //    ExactPlannerV37 ep37 = new ExactPlannerV37();
            //    result = ep37.CreatePlan(data);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void ExecutePlanning(int timeAvailable)
            PlanningData   data   = ReadPlanningDataFromDB();
            PlanningResult result = null;

            if (timeAvailable < 3)
                ReallyFastPlannerV16 rfp16 = new ReallyFastPlannerV16();
                result = rfp16.CreatePlanFast(data);
            else if (timeAvailable < 12)
                PrettyFastPlannerV24 pfp24 = new PrettyFastPlannerV24();
                result = pfp24.CalculatePlan(data);
                ExactPlannerV37 ep37 = new ExactPlannerV37();
                result = ep37.FindExactSolution(data);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ExecutePlanning(int timeAvailable, IPlannerFactory plannerFactory)
            PlanningData data = ReadPlanningDataFromDB();

            PlanningResult result = plannerFactory.Create(timeAvailable).CreatePlan(data);

            //if (timeAvailable < 3)
            //    ReallyFastPlannerV16 rfp16 = new ReallyFastPlannerV16();
            //    result = rfp16.CreatePlanFast(data);
            //else if (timeAvailable < 12)
            //    PrettyFastPlannerV24 pfp24 = new PrettyFastPlannerV24();
            //    result = pfp24.CalculatePlan(data);
            //    ExactPlannerV37 ep37 = new ExactPlannerV37();
            //    result = ep37.FindExactSolution(data);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        async Task PreparePlanning()
            // Display waiter
            lbProgress.Text = AppResources.lblProgressPlanning;

            // Set db again else db is cleared after power down/up, resulting in program crash
            try {
                db = App.dbHandler.db;
                MobRegService service = new MobRegService(ProgramVars.URL);

                // 1. Delete all 'planned' plannings and associated data from local database
                // 2. Validate rest of local stored planning data against server stored data
                var plannings = db.Table <Planning> ().ToList <Planning> ().Where(p => p.UserIDguid == App.appSettings.loginVars.userID);
                ValidatePlanningInput input = new ValidatePlanningInput()
                    installationID = App.appSettings.installationID,
                    userIDin       = App.appSettings.loginVars.userID.ToString()
                input.plannings = new List <rsPlanningValidation> (plannings.Count() + 1);
                foreach (Planning p in plannings)
                    input.plannings.Add(new rsPlanningValidation()
                        PlanningID = p.IDguid, StatusID = p.StatusID

                ValidatePlanningResult valResult = await service.ValidatePlanningAsync(input);

                if (valResult.statusCode != 0)
                    throw new Exception(valResult.status);

                if (valResult.PlanningResults != null)
                    foreach (rsPlanningValidation plan in valResult.PlanningResults)
                        if (plan.StatusCode != 0)

                // 3. Get new planning from server
                PlanningResult result = await service.GetPlanningAsync(new RegServices.Data.GetPlanningInput()
                    userID         = App.appSettings.loginVars.userID.ToString(),
                    installationID = App.appSettings.installationID,
                    carID          = App.appSettings.loginVars.carID

                if (result.statusCode != 0)
                    throw new Exception(result.status);
                foreach (rsPlanning p in result.Plannings)
                    Planning planning = new Planning()
                        ID                = p.ID.ToString(),
                        OrderID           = p.OrderID.ToString(),
                        StatusID          = p.StatusID,
                        CarID             = p.CarID,
                        StartTime         = p.StartDateTime,
                        EndTime           = p.EndDateTime,
                        Project           = p.Project,
                        Alias             = p.Alias,
                        OrderType         = p.OrderType,
                        Description       = p.Description,
                        Comment           = p.Comment,
                        Reference         = p.Reference,
                        Customer          = p.Customer,
                        ContactName       = p.ContactName,
                        Phone             = p.Phone,
                        Street            = p.Street,
                        HouseNr           = p.HouseNr,
                        Zip               = p.Zip,
                        City              = p.City,
                        Country           = p.Country,
                        UserID            = p.UserID.ToString(),
                        PauzeTime         = p.PauzeTime,
                        ExecStartDateTime = p.ExecStartDateTime,
                        ExecEndDateTime   = p.ExecEndDateTime,
                        Email             = p.Email,
                        SignatureName     = p.SignatureName
                    Common.ChangeStatus(planning, planning.StatusID);
                    PlanningHistory his = new PlanningHistory()
                        PlanningID = planning.ID,
                        StatusID   = planning.StatusID,
                        StartTime  = DateTime.Now,
                        EndTime    = DateTime.Now
                    foreach (rsResource r in p.Resources)
                        Resource res = new Resource()
                            PlanningID    = planning.ID.ToString(),
                            UserID        = r.UserID.ToString(),
                            FriendlyName  = r.FriendlyName,
                            OwnPlanningID = r.OwnPlanningID.ToString(),
                            IsDriver      = r.IsDriver,
                            IsSeparate    = r.IsSeparate,
                            IsPresent     = r.IsPresent,
                            StartDate     = r.StartDate,
                            EndDate       = r.EndDate
                        res.ID = res.PlanningID + res.UserID;
                        //fake clustered PK, need this for deleting records
                }                //end foreach
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                await DisplayAlert(AppResources.Error, ex.Message, AppResources.Cancel);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void WritePlanningResultToDB(PlanningResult result)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void PlanningShouldFindWayToReachTargetValue()
            var actionList = new List <IDomainAction>
                new BuyAction("Axe"),
                new SellAction("Wood"),
                new EatPieAction(),
                new BuyAction("Pie"),
                new ChopWoodAction(),
                new TakeANapAction(),
                new GoToAction("Shop"),
                new GoToAction("Tree"),
                new GoToAction("Home"),
                new BuyAction("Alcohol"),
                new DrinkAlcoholAction()

            var actions = new ActionSet(actionList);

            var start = DomainState.Empty
                        .Set("isHungry", true)
                        .Set("isSober", true)
                        .Set("hasAxe", true);

            var goal = DomainState.Empty
                       .Set("isHungry", false)
                       .Set("isDrunk", true);

            var planner = PlannerFactory.CreatePlanner(
                new PlannerSettings
                EarlyExit        = false,
                CreateDebugGraph = true,
                PlannerType      = PlannerType.Regressive

            // WarmUp
//            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
//            {
//                var _ = planner.GetPlan(start, goal, actions);
//            }

            PlanningResult result = null;
            var            sw     = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (var i = 0; i < BenchmarkIterations; i++)
                result = planner.GetPlan(start, goal, actions);





            //WritePlanToFile(plan, sw);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void DoInitialPlan()

            curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;

            vs = Services.StateProvider.GetVehicleState();

            LinePath curTargetPath = targetPath.Clone();
            LinePath curLeftBound  = null;

            if (leftBound != null)
                curLeftBound = leftBound.Clone();
            LinePath curRightBound = null;

            if (rightBound != null)
                curRightBound = rightBound.Clone();

            // get the distance between our current location and the start point
            double distToStart = Coordinates.Zero.DistanceTo(curTargetPath[0]);

            // extract off the first 5 m of the target path
            LinePath.PointOnPath endTarget = curTargetPath.AdvancePoint(curTargetPath.StartPoint, 12);
            curTargetPath = curTargetPath.SubPath(curTargetPath.StartPoint, endTarget);

            AddTargetPath(curTargetPath.Clone(), 0.005);

            // adjust the left bound and right bounds starting distance
            if (curLeftBound != null)
                LinePath.PointOnPath leftBoundStart = curLeftBound.AdvancePoint(curLeftBound.StartPoint, 2);
                curLeftBound = curLeftBound.SubPath(leftBoundStart, curLeftBound.EndPoint);
                AddLeftBound(curLeftBound, false);
            if (curRightBound != null)
                LinePath.PointOnPath rightBoundStart = curRightBound.AdvancePoint(curRightBound.StartPoint, 2);
                curRightBound = curRightBound.SubPath(rightBoundStart, curRightBound.EndPoint);
                AddRightBound(curRightBound, false);

            // add the intersection pull path
            LinePath            intersectionPullPath = new LinePath();
            double              pullWeight           = 0;
            AbsoluteTransformer trans = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsoluteTransformer(curTimestamp);

            GetIntersectionPullPath(pseudoStartLane.Transform(trans), curTargetPath, intersectionPolygon, true, true, intersectionPullPath, ref pullWeight);

            if (intersectionPullPath.Count > 0)
                AddTargetPath(intersectionPullPath, pullWeight);

            // set up planning details
            // add our position to the current target path
            curTargetPath.Insert(0, new Coordinates(0, 0));
            smootherBasePath = curTargetPath;
            // add the bounds

            // calculate max speed
            settings.maxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(null, LinePath.PointOnPath.Invalid);

            // fill in auxiliary settings
            if (curLeftBound != null || curRightBound != null)
                settings.endingHeading = curTargetPath.EndSegment.UnitVector.ArcTan;
            disablePathAngleCheck = true;

            settings.Options.w_diff = 4;

            // do the planning
            PlanningResult planningResult = Smooth(false);

            // if the planning was a success, store the result
            if (!planningResult.dynamicallyInfeasible)
                // transform to absolute coordinates
                AbsoluteTransformer absTransform = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsoluteTransformer(curTimestamp);
                turnBasePath = planningResult.smoothedPath.Transform(absTransform.Invert());
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override void Process(object param)
            // inform the base that we're beginning processing
            if (!BeginProcess())

            // check if we were given a parameter
            if (param != null && param is StayInLaneBehavior)

            if (reverseGear)

            // figure out the planning distance
            double planningDistance = GetPlanningDistance();

            if (sparse && planningDistance > 10)
                planningDistance = 10;

            double?boundStartDistMin = null;
            double?boundEndDistMax   = null;

            if (laneID != null && Services.RoadNetwork != null)
                ArbiterLane          lane          = Services.RoadNetwork.ArbiterSegments[laneID.SegmentId].Lanes[laneID];
                AbsolutePose         pose          = Services.StateProvider.GetAbsolutePose();
                ArbiterLanePartition partition     = lane.GetClosestPartition(pose.xy);
                LinePath             partitionPath = partition.UserPartitionPath;
                LinePath.PointOnPath closestPoint  = partitionPath.GetClosestPoint(pose.xy);
                double remainingDist = planningDistance;
                double totalDist     = partitionPath.DistanceBetween(closestPoint, partitionPath.EndPoint);
                remainingDist -= totalDist;

                if (sparse)
                    // walk ahead and determine where sparsity ends
                    bool nonSparseFound = false;

                    while (remainingDist > 0)
                        // get the next partition
                        partition = partition.Final.NextPartition;
                        if (partition == null)

                        if (partition.Type != PartitionType.Sparse)
                            nonSparseFound = true;
                            double dist = partition.UserPartitionPath.PathLength;
                            totalDist     += dist;
                            remainingDist -= dist;

                    if (nonSparseFound)
                        boundStartDistMin = totalDist;
                    // determine if there is a sparse segment upcoming
                    bool sparseFound = false;
                    while (remainingDist > 0)
                        partition = partition.Final.NextPartition;

                        if (partition == null)

                        if (partition.Type == PartitionType.Sparse)
                            sparseFound = true;
                            double dist = partition.Length;
                            totalDist     += dist;
                            remainingDist -= dist;

                    if (sparseFound)
                        boundEndDistMax = totalDist;
                        sparse          = true;

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "in stay in lane, planning distance {0}", planningDistance);

            // update the rndf path
            RelativeTransform relTransfrom    = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(behaviorTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LinePath          curRndfPath     = rndfPath.Transform(relTransfrom);
            ILaneModel        centerLaneModel = Services.RoadModelProvider.GetLaneModel(curRndfPath, rndfPathWidth + extraWidth, curTimestamp, numLanesLeft, numLanesRight);

            double avoidanceExtra = sparse ? 5 : 7.5;

            LinePath centerLine, leftBound, rightBound;

            if (boundEndDistMax != null || boundStartDistMin != null)
                LinearizeStayInLane(centerLaneModel, planningDistance + avoidanceExtra, null, boundEndDistMax, boundStartDistMin, null, curTimestamp, out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);
                LinearizeStayInLane(centerLaneModel, planningDistance + avoidanceExtra, curTimestamp, out centerLine, out leftBound, out rightBound);
            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "in stay in lane, center line count: {0}, left bound count: {1}, right bound count: {2}", centerLine.Count, leftBound.Count, rightBound.Count);

            // calculate time to collision of opposing obstacle if it exists
            LinePath targetLine   = centerLine;
            double   targetWeight = default_lane_alpha_w;

            if (sparse)
                targetWeight = 0.00000025;
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists)
                double shiftDist = -(TahoeParams.T + 1);
                targetLine   = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);
                targetWeight = 0.01;
            else if (opposingLaneVehicleExists)
                double timeToCollision = opposingLaneVehicleDist / (Math.Abs(vs.speed) + Math.Abs(opposingLaneVehicleSpeed));
                Services.Dataset.ItemAs <double>("time to collision").Add(timeToCollision, curTimestamp);
                if (timeToCollision < 5)
                    // shift to the right
                    double shiftDist = -TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                    targetLine = centerLine.ShiftLateral(shiftDist);

            // set up the planning
            AddTargetPath(targetLine, targetWeight);
            if (!sparse || boundStartDistMin != null || boundEndDistMax != null)
                AddLeftBound(leftBound, true);
                if (!oncomingVehicleExists)
                    AddRightBound(rightBound, false);

            double targetDist = Math.Max(centerLine.PathLength - avoidanceExtra, planningDistance);

            smootherBasePath = centerLine.SubPath(centerLine.StartPoint, targetDist);
            maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint = smootherBasePath.EndPoint;

            double extraDist = (planningDistance + avoidanceExtra) - centerLine.PathLength;

            extraDist = Math.Min(extraDist, 5);

            if (extraDist > 0)
                centerLine.Add(centerLine[centerLine.Count - 1] + centerLine.EndSegment.Vector.Normalize(extraDist));
            avoidanceBasePath = centerLine;

            Services.UIService.PushLineList(centerLine, curTimestamp, "subpath", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(leftBound, curTimestamp, "left bound", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(rightBound, curTimestamp, "right bound", true);

            // get the overall max speed looking forward from our current point
            settings.maxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(curRndfPath, curRndfPath.AdvancePoint(curRndfPath.ZeroPoint, vs.speed * TahoeParams.actuation_delay));
            // get the max speed at the end point
            settings.maxEndingSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(curRndfPath, curRndfPath.AdvancePoint(curRndfPath.ZeroPoint, planningDistance));
            useAvoidancePath        = false;
            if (sparse)
                // limit to 5 mph
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 20;
                pathAngleCheckMax  = 50;
                pathAngleMax       = 5 * Math.PI / 180.0;
                settings.maxSpeed  = Math.Min(settings.maxSpeed, 2.2352);
                maxAvoidanceBasePathAdvancePoint = avoidanceBasePath.AdvancePoint(avoidanceBasePath.EndPoint, -2);
                //maxSmootherBasePathAdvancePoint = smootherBasePath.AdvancePoint(smootherBasePath.EndPoint, -2);

                LinePath leftEdge  = RoadEdge.GetLeftEdgeLine();
                LinePath rightEdge = RoadEdge.GetRightEdgeLine();
                if (leftEdge != null)
                    leftLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(leftEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));
                if (rightEdge != null)
                    rightLaneBounds.Add(new Boundary(rightEdge, 0.1, 1, 100, false));

                PlanningResult            result           = new PlanningResult();
                ISteeringCommandGenerator commandGenerator = SparseArcVoting.SparcVote(ref prevCurvature, goalPoint);
                if (commandGenerator == null)
                    // we have a block, report dynamically infeasible
                    result = OnDynamicallyInfeasible(null, null);
                    result.steeringCommandGenerator = commandGenerator;
                    result.commandLabel             = commandLabel;
                Track(result, commandLabel);
            else if (oncomingVehicleExists)
                laneWidthAtPathEnd = 10;

            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "max speed set to {0}", settings.maxSpeed);

            disablePathAngleCheck = false;

            SmoothAndTrack(commandLabel, true);