Ejemplo n.º 1
    public virtual void SomethingPutAbove()
        foreach (Transform obj in transform.Find("Inventory"))
            obj.GetComponent <ObjectOnBloc>().SomethingPutAbove();
        if (isSpawnPoint)
            Placeable above = Grid.instance.GetPlaceableFromVector(GetPosition() + new Vector3Int(0, 1, 0));
            if (above != null && !above.IsLiving())

                Grid.instance.ConnexeFall(above.GetPosition().x, above.GetPosition().y, above.GetPosition().z);
                //                GameManager.instance.ResetAllBatches();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void Use()
        if (isDirectionFromPosition)
            if (Launcher == Target)
                Debug.Log("The hell, push caster is push target");


            if (doesHeightCount)
                direction.z = 0;
        //float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x); // we didive by the length of interval and round up
        //‎int hexakaidecan = (int) (angle / (22.5 * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
        Vector2Int delta    = CalculateDelta();
        int        distance = (int)nbCases;

        if (delta.x * delta.y != 0)                   // si les deux sont à 1
            distance = (int)(nbCases / 1.4142 + 0.5); //Round up the euclidian distance
        Placeable        directCollision    = null;
        List <Placeable> diagonalCollisions = new List <Placeable>();
        List <Vector3>   path = CheckPath(distance, delta, out directCollision, out diagonalCollisions);

        //Make damage and chek dodge conditions, destructions.... to modify according gameplay decided
        if (directCollision != null && directCollision.IsLiving())
            EffectManager.instance.DirectAttack(new Damage((LivingPlaceable)directCollision, Launcher, damage));
        foreach (Placeable diagcoll in diagonalCollisions)
            if (diagcoll != null && diagcoll.IsLiving())
                EffectManager.instance.DirectAttack(new Damage((LivingPlaceable)diagcoll, Launcher, damage));
        if (path.Count > 0)
            Grid.instance.MoveBlock(Target, new Vector3Int((int)path[path.Count - 1].x, (int)path[path.Count - 1].y, (int)path[path.Count - 1].z), GameManager.instance.isServer);
            if (GameManager.instance.isClient)
                //Could be either player, really...
                path.Insert(0, Target.GetPosition());
                // trigger visual effect and physics consequences
                Vector3 pos = Target.transform.position;
                GameManager.instance.playingPlaceable.Player.StartMoveAlongBezier(path, Target, pushSpeed, false);
                Grid.instance.ConnexeFall((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z);
