public IActionResult OrderHistory(OrderViewModel model) {
      List<OrderModel> orders;
      try {
        _ = userLoggedIn; // exception not caught if you just use uLI
        orders = _repo.GetOrdersForUser(userLoggedIn);
      } catch (NullReferenceException) {
        model.ReasonForError = "You are not logged in. Please return to the main page to login and try again.";
        return View("Error", model);

      List<OrderViewClass> orderHistory = new List<OrderViewClass>();
      foreach (OrderModel order in orders) {
        StringBuilder toppings = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (string topping in order.Toppings.Split(',')) {
          int toppingID;
          if (!int.TryParse(topping, out toppingID)) {
            Console.WriteLine($"Database error: Expected integer for pizza ID, received {topping}");
            toppings.Append("Error, ");
          ToppingModel top = _repo.GetTopping(toppingID);
          toppings.Append($"{top.Name}, ");
        toppings.Remove(toppings.Length - 2, 2);
        OrderViewClass orderView = new OrderViewClass{
          OrderID = order.OrderID,
          Created = order.Created,
          Size = order.Size,
          Crust = _repo.GetCrust(order.CrustID).Name,
          Toppings = toppings.ToString(),
          Quantity = order.Quantity,
          Cost = order.TotalCost,
          StoreName = _repo.GetStore(order.StoreID).Name
        if (order.PizzaID == 0) {
          orderView.Pizza = "Custom";
        } else {
          try {
            orderView.Pizza = _repo.GetPizza(order.PizzaID).Name;
          } catch (NullReferenceException) {
            Console.WriteLine($"Database error: Could not find a pizza with ID {order.PizzaID} in the Pizza table");
            orderView.Pizza = "Error";
      model.OrderHistory = orderHistory;
      return View(model);