Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void PivotData_3D()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new string[] { "a", "year", "month" },
                                        new CountAggregatorFactory());

            pvtData.ProcessData(SampleGenerator(100000), GetRecordValue);

            Assert.Equal(50000, Convert.ToInt32(
                             pvtData[pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[0][0], Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value));

            Assert.Equal(100000, Convert.ToInt32(
                             pvtData[Key.Empty, pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[1][0], Key.Empty].Value));

            Assert.Equal(30240, Convert.ToInt32(
                             pvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[2][0]].Value));

            Assert.Equal(100000, Convert.ToInt32(
                             pvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value));

            // incremental processing
            pvtData.ProcessData(SampleGenerator(10000), GetRecordValue);
            Assert.Equal(55000, Convert.ToInt32(
                             pvtData[pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[0][0], Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value));
            Assert.Equal(40240, Convert.ToInt32(
                             pvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[2][0]].Value));

            Assert.Equal(110000, Convert.ToInt32(
                             pvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void QueryTest()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "a", "b", "d" },
                                        new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                            new CountAggregatorFactory(),
                                            new SumAggregatorFactory("d")

            pvtData.ProcessData(DataUtils.getSampleData(10000), DataUtils.getProp);

            var q           = new SliceQuery(pvtData).Dimension("a").Where("a", "val1", "val2").Measure(0);
            var pvtDataRes1 = q.Execute(false);

            Assert.True(pvtDataRes1.AggregatorFactory is CountAggregatorFactory);
            Assert.Equal(1, pvtDataRes1.Dimensions.Length);
            Assert.Equal(2, pvtDataRes1.GetDimensionKeys()[0].Length);
            Assert.Equal(((object[])pvtData["val1", Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value)[0], pvtDataRes1["val1"].Value);

            var grandTotalCount = Convert.ToInt32(((object[])pvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value)[0]);
            var q2 = new SliceQuery(pvtData)
                new SumAggregatorFactory("i"),                         // since this is derived measure field name actually may not match source data fields
                (sourceAggr) => {
                var cntAggr = sourceAggr.AsComposite().Aggregators[0];
                return(new SumAggregator("i", new object[] { cntAggr.Count, Convert.ToDecimal(cntAggr.Value) / grandTotalCount * 100 }));
            var pvtDataRes2 = q2.Execute(true);

            Assert.Equal(100M, pvtDataRes2[ValueKey.Empty1D].Value);
            Assert.Equal(1M, pvtDataRes2[0].Value);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void PivotTable_ES()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "District", "SubCounty", "wrd_name", "Sex", "Quarter", "HES" }, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            pvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(ReturnEconomic_strengthening()));
            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "Quarter", "District", "SubCounty" }, //rows
                new[] { "HES" },                              //columns

            var outputWr  = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(outputWr);

            pvtHtmlWr.SubtotalRows           = true;
            pvtHtmlWr.AllowHtml              = true;
            pvtHtmlWr.TotalsRowHeaderText    = "Grand Total";
            pvtHtmlWr.TotalsColumnHeaderText = "Sub County Totals";
            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass             = "table border = '1' table - bordered table-hover";


            var pvtTblHtml = outputWr.ToString();

            LitPivot.Text = pvtTblHtml;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void PivotData_Merge()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new string[] { "a", "year", "month" },
                                        new AverageAggregatorFactory("i"));

            var pvtData1 = new PivotData(new string[] { "a", "year", "month" },
                                         new AverageAggregatorFactory("i"));
            var pvtData2 = new PivotData(new string[] { "a", "year", "month" },
                                         new AverageAggregatorFactory("i"));
            var pvtData3 = new PivotData(new string[] { "a", "b" }, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => {

            pvtData.ProcessData(SampleGenerator(20000), GetRecordValue);
            pvtData1.ProcessData(SampleGenerator(10000), GetRecordValue);
            pvtData2.ProcessData(SampleGenerator(10000, 10000), GetRecordValue);


            foreach (var v in pvtData.AllValues)
                var aggr       = pvtData[v.Key];
                var aggrMerged = pvtData1[v.Key];
                Assert.Equal(aggr.Count, aggrMerged.Count);
                Assert.Equal(aggr.Value, aggrMerged.Value);
            Assert.Equal(pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[0].Length, pvtData1.GetDimensionKeys()[0].Length);
            Assert.Equal(pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[1].Length, pvtData1.GetDimensionKeys()[1].Length);
            Assert.Equal(pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[2].Length, pvtData1.GetDimensionKeys()[2].Length);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void PivotData_LazyTotals()
            var nameToIdx = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "A", 0 },
                { "B", 1 },
                { "C", 2 },
                { "D", 3 }
            var data = new int[][] {
                new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                new int[] { 1, 2, 4, 8 },
                new int[] { 2, 2, 4, 4 },
                new int[] { 3, 3, 4, 16 }
            var pvt = new PivotData(
                new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D" }, new CountAggregatorFactory(), true);

            pvt.ProcessData(data, (r, f) => {
            Assert.Equal(3, Convert.ToInt32(pvt[Key.Empty, 2, Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value));
            Assert.Equal(2, Convert.ToInt32(pvt[Key.Empty, 2, 4, Key.Empty].Value));
            Assert.Equal(1, Convert.ToInt32(pvt[1, Key.Empty, 4, Key.Empty].Value));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // sample dataset
            var ordersTable = GetOrdersTable();

            // build data cube by DataTable
            var ordersPvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "product", "year" },
                                              new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                                  new SumAggregatorFactory("quantity"),
                                                  new SumAggregatorFactory("total"),
                                                  new AverageAggregatorFactory("total")

            ordersPvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(ordersTable));

            // lets calculate simple expression-based formula measure
            var dynFormula = new DynamicFormulaMeasure("sumoftotal / sumofquantity", ordersPvtData);
            var resPvtData = new SliceQuery(ordersPvtData)
                             .Measure("Weighted Total", dynFormula.GetFormulaValue, dynFormula.GetParentMeasureIndexes())

            // now resPvtData has only one measure calculated by the formula

            foreach (var k in resPvtData.GetDimensionKeys(new[] { "year" })[0])
                Console.WriteLine("Weighted total for [{0}]: {1:0.##}", k, resPvtData[Key.Empty, k].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Weighted Grand Total: {0:0.##}", resPvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue...");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void GroupByMultipleWithCustomAccessor(IList <Customer> list, string[] groupByColumns)
            Console.WriteLine("Aggregating by {0} with custom fields accessor...", String.Join(", ", groupByColumns));

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            // configure pivot data
            var pvtData = new PivotData(groupByColumns, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            // process the list
            pvtData.ProcessData(list, (o, colName) => {
                // returned values are totally controlled by accessor delegates
                // this is fastest way but it is applicable only for typed collections
                var customer = (Customer)o;
                switch (colName)
                case "Category": return(customer.Category);

                case "Status": return(customer.Status);

            Console.WriteLine("Results: unique groups = {0}, processing time = {1} sec", pvtData.Count, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    protected Literal PlotStackedCol_TOTAL_byBudgetNbr(DataTable dt)
        List <string> rows = new List <string> {
            "ObjDesc", "caldate"
        //List<string> cols = new List<string> { "budgetNbr", "budgetName", "BegDate", "EndDate", "PastProj" };
        List <string> cols = new List <string> {

        List <string> stats = new List <string> {

        List <string> keepCols = new List <string>();


        SumAggregatorFactory sumAggr = new SumAggregatorFactory("amt");

        var cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), sumAggr);

        cube.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dt));

        PivotTable pivotTable         = new PivotTable(rows.ToArray(), cols.ToArray(), cube);
        PivotTableDataTableWriter foo = new PivotTableDataTableWriter("foo");
        DataTable dt_totals           = foo.Write(pivotTable);

        string[] series_vals = new string[1] {
        PivotTable pivotTable_series   = new PivotTable(series_vals, null, cube);
        PivotTableDataTableWriter foo2 = new PivotTableDataTableWriter("foo2");
        DataTable dt_series            = foo2.Write(pivotTable_series);

        //DataView dv =

        //DataTable dt_series2 = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring("select Name from fin.vwFTE_Previous_and_Projections where budgetNbr = '" + budgetNbr + "' group by Name");
        //DataTable dtraw2 = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring("select * from fin.vwFTE_Previous_and_Projections where budgetNbr = '" + budgetNbr + "' and calcFTE>0 order by Name");

        //string x1 = utilCharts.Highcharts_StackedColumn()

        Literal lit2 = new Literal();
        string  x2   = utilCharts.Highcharts_StackedColumn(dt_series, dt_totals, "caldate", "1[trial]", "ObjDesc", "ObjDesc", "chart1", "charttitle",
                                                           "Month", "Totals", -999, -999, -999, -999, 700, 400);

        lit2.Text += x2;



Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void PivotData_1D()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new string[] { "a" }, new SumAggregatorFactory("z"), true);
            Func <object, string, object> getVal = (o, f) => f == "a" ? ((int)o % 2) == 0 ? "A" : "B" : o;

            pvtData.ProcessData(new[] { 1 }, getVal);
            pvtData.ProcessData(new[] { 2, 3 }, getVal);

            Assert.Equal(6M, pvtData[ValueKey.Empty1D].Value);
            Assert.Equal(4M, pvtData["B"].Value);

            // test lazy-totals = false for 1D
            var pvtData2 = new PivotData(new string[] { "a" }, new SumAggregatorFactory("z"), false);

            pvtData2.ProcessData(new[] { 1, 2 }, getVal);
            pvtData2.ProcessData(new[] { 3 }, getVal);
            Assert.Equal(6M, pvtData2[ValueKey.Empty1D].Value);
            Assert.Equal(4M, pvtData2["B"].Value);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void PivotData_2D()
            var testData = generateData();

            var pvtData1 = new PivotData(new string[] { "name", "qty" }, new CountAggregatorFactory(), testData);

            Assert.Equal(2, pvtData1.GetDimensionKeys()[0].Length);
            Assert.Equal(10, pvtData1.GetDimensionKeys()[1].Length);
            foreach (var cKey in pvtData1.GetDimensionKeys()[0])
                foreach (var rKey in pvtData1.GetDimensionKeys()[1])
                    var v = pvtData1[cKey, rKey];
                    if (v.Count > 0)
                        Assert.Equal(100, Convert.ToInt32(v.Value));

            var pvtData = new PivotData(new string[] { "name", "date" }, new SumAggregatorFactory("i"), testData);

            Assert.Equal(2, pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[0].Length);
            Assert.Equal(42, pvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[1].Length);

            var rowTest0Totals = new ValueKey("Test0", Key.Empty);

            Assert.Equal(1000M, pvtData[rowTest0Totals].Value);

            // calc test
            var calcData = new object[5][] {
                new object[] { "A", 10, 50 },
                new object[] { "A", 15, 40 },
                new object[] { "B", 20, 50 },
                new object[] { "B", 25, 60 },
                new object[] { "C", 10, 0 }
            Func <object, string, object> getVal = (r, f) => {
            var countPvtData = new PivotData(new string[] { "0", "1" }, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            countPvtData.ProcessData(calcData, getVal);
            Assert.Equal(2, Convert.ToInt32(countPvtData["A", Key.Empty].Value));
            Assert.Equal(1, Convert.ToInt32(countPvtData["C", Key.Empty].Value));

            var avgPvtData = new PivotData(new string[] { "0", "1" }, new AverageAggregatorFactory("2"));

            avgPvtData.ProcessData(calcData, getVal);
            Assert.Equal(45M, avgPvtData["A", Key.Empty].Value);
            Assert.Equal(0M, avgPvtData["C", Key.Empty].Value);
            Assert.Equal(25M, avgPvtData[Key.Empty, 10].Value);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void PivotTable_LargeWithTotals()
            // test for UlongCache impl
            var pvtData = new PivotData(Repeat(63, i => "a" + i.ToString()), new CountAggregatorFactory());

            pvtData.ProcessData(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, }, (row, field) => {
                var fldIdx = Int32.Parse(field.Substring(1));
                var rowIdx = (int)row;
                if (fldIdx < rowIdx)
            Check(new PivotTable(pvtData.Dimensions, null, pvtData));
            Check(new PivotTable(Repeat(62, i => "a" + i.ToString()), new string[] { "a62" }, pvtData));

            // test for BitArrayCache impl
            var pvtData2 = new PivotData(Repeat(128, i => "a" + i.ToString()), new CountAggregatorFactory());

            pvtData2.ProcessData(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, }, (row, field) => {
                var fldIdx = Int32.Parse(field.Substring(1));
                var rowIdx = (int)row;
                if (fldIdx < rowIdx)
            Check(new PivotTable(pvtData2.Dimensions, null, pvtData2));
            Check(new PivotTable(Repeat(126, i => "a" + i.ToString()), new string[] { "a126", "a127" }, pvtData2));

            void Check(IPivotTable pvtTbl)
                                                 new ValueKey(Repeat <object>(pvtTbl.Rows.Length, i => Key.Empty, new object[] { 0, 0, 0 })),
                                                 new ValueKey(Repeat <object>(pvtTbl.Columns.Length, i => Key.Empty))
                                                 new ValueKey(Repeat <object>(pvtTbl.Rows.Length, i => Key.Empty, new object[] { 0, 0 })),
                                                 new ValueKey(Repeat <object>(pvtTbl.Columns.Length, i => Key.Empty))
                                                 new ValueKey(Repeat <object>(pvtTbl.Rows.Length, i => Key.Empty)),
                                                 new ValueKey(Repeat <object>(pvtTbl.Columns.Length, i => Key.Empty))

            T[] Repeat <T>(int n, Func <int, T> getVal, params T[] explicitVals)
        public void PivotDataState_SerializationPerf()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(
                new string[] { "year", "month", "a", "i" },
                new CountAggregatorFactory(), true);

                PivotDataTests.SampleGenerator(1000000),                 // 1 mln of unique aggregates

            /*var js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
             * js.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
             * CheckSerializerPerf(pvtData, "JSON",
             *      (state) => {
             *              var jsonStr = js.Serialize(state);
             *              Console.WriteLine("JSON length: {0}", jsonStr.Length);
             *              return jsonStr;
             *      },
             *      (state) => {
             *              return js.Deserialize<PivotDataState>( (string)state);
             *      });*/

            var binFmt = new BinaryFormatter();

            /*CheckSerializerPerf(pvtData, "BinaryFormatter",
             *      (state) => {
             *              var memStream = new MemoryStream();
             *              binFmt.Serialize(memStream, state);
             *              Console.WriteLine("Serialized bytes: {0}",memStream.Length);
             *              memStream.Position = 0;
             *              return memStream;
             *      },
             *      (state) => {
             *              return (PivotDataState)binFmt.Deserialize( (Stream)state );
             *      });*/

            CheckSerializerPerf(pvtData, "PivotDataState",
                                (state) => {
                var memStream = new MemoryStream();
                var bytes = memStream.ToArray();
                Console.WriteLine("Serialized bytes: {0}", bytes.Length);
                                (state) => {
                return(PivotDataState.Deserialize(new MemoryStream((byte[])state)));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void FormulaTest()
            // simple test for 1-measure
            var pvtData1 = new PivotData(new[] { "a", "d" },
                                         new SumAggregatorFactory("b"),

            pvtData1.ProcessData(DataUtils.getSampleData(1000), DataUtils.getProp);
            var q1 = new SliceQuery(pvtData1).Dimension("a").Measure("a*2", (paramAggrs) => {
                return(Convert.ToDecimal(paramAggrs[0].Value) * 2);
            }, new[] { 0 });
            var pvt1Res = q1.Execute();

                ((decimal)pvtData1["val1", Key.Empty].Value) * 2,

            // test for composite aggregator
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "a", "d" },
                                        new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                            new CountAggregatorFactory(),
                                            new SumAggregatorFactory("b")

            pvtData.ProcessData(DataUtils.getSampleData(1000), DataUtils.getProp);

            var q = new SliceQuery(pvtData);

            q.Measure("a*2", (paramAggrs) => {
                return(Convert.ToDecimal(paramAggrs[0].Value) * 2);
            }, new[] { 1 });

            var pvtRes = q.Execute();

                ((decimal)pvtData["val1", Key.Empty].AsComposite().Aggregators[1].Value) * 2,

            // check that calculated measures are merged correctly
            pvtRes.ProcessData(DataUtils.getSampleData(10), DataUtils.getProp);

                ((decimal)pvtRes["val1"].AsComposite().Aggregators[0].Value) * 2,
Ejemplo n.º 14
        static void GroupByMultipleWithObjectMember(IList <Customer> list, string[] groupByColumns)
            Console.WriteLine("Aggregating by {0} with help of ObjectMember...", String.Join(", ", groupByColumns));

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            // configure pivot data
            var pvtData = new PivotData(groupByColumns, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            // process the list
            pvtData.ProcessData(list, new ObjectMember().GetValue);

            Console.WriteLine("Results: unique groups = {0}, processing time = {1} sec", pvtData.Count, sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void WhereTest()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "a", "d" }, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            pvtData.ProcessData(DataUtils.getSampleData(10000), DataUtils.getProp);

            // empty filter = nothing is changed
            Assert.Equal(pvtData.Count, new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("a").Execute().Count);

            // 1/3 of 10k
            Assert.Equal(3334, Convert.ToInt32(
                             new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("a", "val1").Dimension("a").Execute()[Key.Empty].Value));

            // 2/3 of 10k
            Assert.Equal(6667, Convert.ToInt32(
                             new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("a", "val1", "val2").Dimension("a").Execute()[Key.Empty].Value));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void PivotTable_SortPerformance()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "a", "b" },
                                        new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                            new CountAggregatorFactory(),
                                            new SumAggregatorFactory("d")

            pvtData.ProcessData(DataUtils.getSampleData(50000), DataUtils.getProp);

            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(new[] { "b" }, new [] { "a" }, pvtData);

            pvtTbl.SortRowKeys(0, ListSortDirection.Descending);

            pvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null, ListSortDirection.Descending);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public PivotData GetDataCube()
            if (cachedCube != null)

            // SQLite database file
            var sqliteDbFile = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/"), "../db/northwind.db");

            var sqliteConn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + sqliteDbFile);
            var selectCmd  = sqliteConn.CreateCommand();

            selectCmd.CommandText = @"
				select o.OrderID, c.CompanyName, c.ContactName, o.OrderDate, p.ProductName, od.UnitPrice, od.Quantity, c.Country
				from [Order Details] od
				LEFT JOIN [Orders] o ON (od.OrderId=o.OrderId)
				LEFT JOIN [Products] p ON (od.ProductId=p.ProductId)
				LEFT JOIN [Customers] c ON (c.CustomerID=o.CustomerID)
			"            ;

            // this example uses data reader as input and aggregates data with .NET
            // it is possible to aggregate data on database level with GROUP BY
            // (see "ToolkitDbSource" example from PivotData Toolkit Trial package ( https://www.nrecosite.com/pivot_data_library_net.aspx )
            var dbCmdSource = new DbCommandSource(selectCmd);

            // lets define derived fields for 'OrderDate' to get separate 'Year' and 'Month'
            var derivedValSource = new DerivedValueSource(dbCmdSource);

            derivedValSource.Register("Order Year", new DatePartValue("OrderDate").YearHandler);
            derivedValSource.Register("Order Month", new DatePartValue("OrderDate").MonthNumberHandler);

            // configuration of the serialized cube
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "Country", "Order Year", "Order Month" },
                                        // lets define 2 measures: count and sum of UnitPrice
                                        new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                            new CountAggregatorFactory(),
                                            new SumAggregatorFactory("UnitPrice")

            cachedCube = pvtData;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var fieldToIdx = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "name", 0 },
                { "age", 1 },
                { "company", 2 },
                { "date", 3 },
                { "hours", 4 },
            Func <object, string, object> getValue = (r, f) => {

            var dataChunks = GetDataChunks();

            Console.WriteLine("Generating 50 data chunks (each 100,000 records) on the fly = 5 mln in total");

            var dimensions = new string[] {
                "company", "name", "age", "date"
            var aggrFactory = new SumAggregatorFactory("hours");
            var allPvtData  = new PivotData(dimensions, aggrFactory, true);

            Parallel.ForEach(dataChunks, (t) => {
                var chunkPvtData = new PivotData(dimensions, aggrFactory, true);
                chunkPvtData.ProcessData(t, getValue);

                Console.WriteLine("Calculated pivot data chunk, aggregated values: {0}", chunkPvtData.Count);
                lock (allPvtData) {

            Console.WriteLine("Parallel calculation of cube finished.\nTotal dimensions: {0}\nTotal aggregated values: {1}\nTotal hours: {2}",
                              dimensions.Length, allPvtData.Count,
                              allPvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Export_OVCSERV()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "District", "SubCounty", "wrd_name", "Sex", "Age", "Quarter" }, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            pvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(ReturnMembersServed()));
            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "Quarter", "District", "SubCounty" }, //rows
                new[] { "Age", "Sex" },                       //columns

            var outputWr  = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(outputWr);

            pvtHtmlWr.SubtotalRows        = true;
            pvtHtmlWr.AllowHtml           = true;
            pvtHtmlWr.TotalsRowHeaderText = "Grand Total";
            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass          = "table border = '1' table - bordered table-hover";

            var pvtCsvWr = new PivotTableCsvWriter(outputWr);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void PivotData_ByAnotherPivotData()
            var testData      = generateData();
            var sourcePvtData = new PivotData(new string[] { "name", "qty", "i" },
                                              new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                                  new AverageAggregatorFactory("total"),
                                                  new CountAggregatorFactory()

            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "name", "qty" }, new AverageAggregatorFactory("value"));

            pvtData.ProcessData(sourcePvtData, "value");

            Assert.Equal(225M, pvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value);
            Assert.Equal(50M, pvtData["Test1", 1].Value);

            // lets check also single-aggregator pivotdata source
            var pvtData2 = new PivotData(new[] { "name" }, new AverageAggregatorFactory("value"));

            pvtData2.ProcessData(pvtData, "value");
            Assert.Equal(225M, pvtData2[Key.Empty].Value);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // sample dataset
            var ordersTable = GetOrdersTable();

            // build data cube by large DataTable (you may use database data reader directly)
            var ordersPvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "product", "country", "year", "month", "day" },
                                              new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                                  new SumAggregatorFactory("quantity"),
                                                  new SumAggregatorFactory("total"),
                                                  new AverageAggregatorFactory("total")

            ordersPvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(ordersTable));

            var pkg = new ExcelPackage();

            pkg.Compression = CompressionLevel.Default;
            var wsPvt  = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Pivot Table");
            var wsData = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Source Data");

            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "country" },                     //rows
                new[] { "year" },                        // columns
            var excelPvtTblWr = new ExcelPivotTableWriter(wsPvt, wsData);



            using (var excelFs = new FileStream("result.xlsx", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
            Console.WriteLine("Generated Excel file with PivotTable: result.xlsx");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // sample dataset
            var ordersTable = GetOrdersTable();

            // build data cube by DataTable
            var ordersPvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "product", "country", "year", "month", "day" },
                                              new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                                  new SumAggregatorFactory("quantity"),
                                                  new SumAggregatorFactory("total"),
                                                  new AverageAggregatorFactory("total")

            ordersPvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(ordersTable));

            // query 1: select products from USA and Canada greater than $50
            var northAmericaBigOrdersQuery = new SliceQuery(ordersPvtData)
                                             .Where("country", "USA", "Canada")
                                             .Where((dp) => {
                // filter by measure value (index #1 => sum of total)
                return(ConvertHelper.ConvertToDecimal(dp.Value.AsComposite().Aggregators[1].Value, 0M) > 50);
                                             .Measure(1); // include only "sum of total" measure

            var northAmericaPvtData = northAmericaBigOrdersQuery.Execute();

            // resulting data cube:
            // dimensions = {"product", "country"}, country dimension keys = {"USA", "Canada"}
            // aggregator = sum of total

            Console.WriteLine("North america big orders grand total: ${0:0.00}", northAmericaPvtData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("\tUSA grand total: ${0:0.00}", northAmericaPvtData[Key.Empty, "USA"].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("\tCanada grand total: ${0:0.00}", northAmericaPvtData[Key.Empty, "Canada"].Value);

            // query 2: calculated (formula) measure
            // average item price = sum of total / sum of quantity
            var avgItemPriceByYearQuery = new SliceQuery(ordersPvtData)
                                          .Measure("Avg item price",
                                                   (aggrArgs) => {
                var sumOfTotal    = ConvertHelper.ConvertToDecimal(aggrArgs[0].Value, 0M);                                // value of first argument (from measure #1)
                var sumOfQuantity = ConvertHelper.ConvertToDecimal(aggrArgs[1].Value, 0M);                                // value of second argument (from measure #0)
                if (sumOfQuantity == 0)
                    return(0M);                                    // prevent div by zero
                return(sumOfTotal / sumOfQuantity);
                                                   new int[] { 1, 0 } // indexes of measures for formula arguments
            var avgItemPriceByYearPvtData = avgItemPriceByYearQuery.Execute();

            Console.WriteLine("Average item price by years:");
            foreach (var year in avgItemPriceByYearPvtData.GetDimensionKeys()[0])
                Console.WriteLine("\t {0}: ${1:0.00}", year, avgItemPriceByYearPvtData[year].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("\tTotal: ${0:0.00}", avgItemPriceByYearPvtData[Key.Empty].Value);

            // query 3: calculated dimension
            // lets introduce 'region' (calculated by 'country') with 2 possible values: North America, Europe
            var regionQuery = new SliceQuery(ordersPvtData)
                                         (dimKeys) => {
                var country = dimKeys[1];                                          // depends on ordersPvtData configuration: index #1 is 'country'
                if (country.Equals("USA") || country.Equals("Canada"))
                    return("North America");
                                         ); // note that if measure selectors are not defined, measures remains unchanged
            var regionPvtData = regionQuery.Execute();
            var regionPvtTbl  = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "year" },                      // row dimension
                new[] { "region" },                    // column dimension

            Console.WriteLine("\nTotals by region:");
            foreach (var colKey in regionPvtTbl.ColumnKeys)
                Console.Write("{0}\t", colKey);
            for (int r = 0; r < regionPvtTbl.RowKeys.Length; r++)
                Console.Write("\t{0}:", regionPvtTbl.RowKeys[r]);
                for (int c = 0; c < regionPvtTbl.ColumnKeys.Length; c++)
                    Console.Write("\t${0:######.00}", regionPvtTbl[r, c].AsComposite().Aggregators[1].Value);

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue...");
Ejemplo n.º 23
    private void ExportReporttoPDF()
        if (DateTime.TryParse(txtFrom.Text, out temp))
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "from date", "alert('Please select valid from date')", true);

        if (DateTime.TryParse(txtTo.Text, out temp))
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "to date", "alert('Please select valid to date')", true);

        if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtFrom.Text) > Convert.ToDateTime(txtTo.Text))
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "to date", "alert('To date should be greated than from date')", true);

        int    weeks = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDateTime(txtTo.Text) - Convert.ToDateTime(txtFrom.Text)).TotalDays / 7);
        string from  = Convert.ToDateTime(txtFrom.Text).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

        for (int i = 0; i <= weeks - 1; i++)
            string to = Convert.ToDateTime(from).AddDays(6).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

            if (Convert.ToDateTime(to) > Convert.ToDateTime(txtTo.Text))
            lstDate.Add(from + "-" + to);
            from = Convert.ToDateTime(to).AddDays(1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

        DataRow dr;


        //double count = 0;
        double average = 0;

        //dtTeam = objADM.LoadTeams(ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text);
        //if (dtTeam.Rows.Count > 0)
        //    foreach (DataRow drTeam in dtTeam.Rows)
        //    {
        //        dt = objADM.GetUserCount(drTeam["T_ID"].ToString());
        //        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
        //        {
        //            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["Count"].ToString()))
        //            {
        //                count = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["Count"]);
        //            }
        //        }

        //        foreach (var item in lstDate.Chunks)
        //        {
        //            dr = dtResult.NewRow();
        //            dr["Team"] = drTeam["T_TeamName"];
        //            dr["Date"] = item.ToString().Split('-')[0];

        //            dt = objADM.GetTotalWorkHours("team", item.ToString().Split('-')[0], item.ToString().Split('-')[1], drTeam["T_ID"].ToString());

        //            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
        //            {
        //                if (dt.Rows[0]["Total"].ToString() == "0")
        //                {
        //                    continue;
        //                }
        //                if (count > 0)
        //                {
        //                    average = (Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["Total"])) / count;
        //                }
        //            }

        //            dr["Avg"] = Math.Round(average, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
        //            if (average > 0)
        //            {
        //                dtResult.Rows.Add(dr);
        //            }

        //            average = 0;
        //        }

        //        count = 0;

        //    }

        foreach (var item in lstDate.Chunks)
            dt = objADM.GetTeamTotal(item.ToString().Split('-')[0], item.ToString().Split('-')[1], ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow drRow in dt.Rows)
                    dr = dtResult.NewRow();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(drRow["Team1"].ToString()))
                        dr["Team"] = drRow["Team2"];
                        dr["Team"] = drRow["Team1"];
                    dr["Date"] = item.ToString().Split('-')[0];

                    dtUsers = objADM.GetUserCount(dr["Team"].ToString());
                    if (dtUsers.Rows.Count > 0)
                        average   = Convert.ToDouble(drRow["Total"]) / Convert.ToDouble(dtUsers.Rows[0]["Count"].ToString());
                        dr["Avg"] = Math.Round(average, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    average = 0;

        //if (dtResult.Rows.Count > 0)
        //    DataView dv = dtResult.DefaultView;
        //    dv.Sort = "[Date] asc, [Team] asc";
        //    dtResult = dv.ToTable();


        var ordersPvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "Team", "Date" },
                                          new SumAggregatorFactory("Avg"));

        ordersPvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dtResult));

        var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
            new[] { "Team" },         //rows
            new[] { "Date" },         // columns

            new CustomSortKeyComparer(new[] { NaturalSortKeyComparer.Instance }),
            new CustomSortKeyComparer(new[] { NaturalSortKeyComparer.Instance })

        var       pvtDataTableWr = new PivotTableDataTableWriter("PivotTable");
        DataTable res            = pvtDataTableWr.Write(pvtTbl);

        res.Columns[0].ColumnName = "Team";

    private void ExportReport()
        DateTime start     = Convert.ToDateTime(txtFrom.Text);
        var      startDate = new DateTime(start.Year, start.Month, 1);
        DateTime end       = Convert.ToDateTime(txtTo.Text);
        var      endDate   = end.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
        //string customerIds = Request.Form[hfCustomerId.UniqueID];
        string customerIds = txtSearch.Text;

        customerIds = customerIds.Trim();
        customerIds = customerIds.Remove(customerIds.Length - 1);
        //dt = objAdm.ContentMgmntReport("400541,400479", startDate.ToShortDateString(), endDate.ToShortDateString());

        dt = objAdm.ContentMgmntReport(customerIds, startDate.ToShortDateString(), endDate.ToShortDateString());

        hfCustomerId.Value = string.Empty;
        txtSearch.Text     = string.Empty;

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            var pkg = new ExcelPackage();
            pkg.Compression = CompressionLevel.Default;
            var wsPvt   = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Pivot Table");
            var wsData  = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Source Data");
            var PvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "Service Code", "User Name", "Month", "Reporting Manager" },
                                        new SumAggregatorFactory("Total Hours"));

            PvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dt));

            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "Service Code", "User Name" }, //rows
                new[] { "Month" },                     // columns
                new CustomSortKeyComparer(new[] { NaturalSortKeyComparer.Instance }),
                new CustomSortKeyComparer(new[] { NaturalSortKeyComparer.Instance })

            //var pvtDataTableWr = new PivotTableDataTableWriter("PivotTable");
            var excelPvtTblWr = new ExcelPivotTableWriter(wsPvt, wsData);

            string path = @"~/Files/result.xlsx";
            if (File.Exists(path))
            using (var excelFs = new FileStream(Server.MapPath(path), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

            WebClient    req      = new WebClient();
            HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
            string       filePath = path;
            response.Buffer = true;
            response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=result.xlsx");
            byte[] data = req.DownloadData(Server.MapPath(filePath));
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "No Data", "alert('No data found')", true);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("CsvDemo: illustrates how to use CSV file as input for PivotData and use several aggregators at once\nInput data: TechCrunch funds raised facts\n\n");

            var csvConfig = new CsvConfiguration()
                Delimiter       = ",",
                HasHeaderRecord = true
            var file = "TechCrunchcontinentalUSA.csv";

            using (var fileReader = new StreamReader(file)) {
                var csvReader = new CsvReader(fileReader, csvConfig);

                var fldToIdx = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                // accessor for field values
                Func <object, string, object> getValue = (r, f) => {
                    if (f == "fundedDate-year")
                        var      foundedDate = ((string[])r)[fldToIdx["fundedDate"]];
                        DateTime dt;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(foundedDate, out dt))
                    var csvColVal = ((string[])r)[fldToIdx[f]];
                    if (f == "raisedAmt")
                    return(csvColVal);                    // just return csv value

                var pivotData = new PivotData(new [] { "category", "fundedDate-year", "round" },
                                              new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                                  new IAggregatorFactory[] {
                    new SumAggregatorFactory("raisedAmt"),
                    new AverageAggregatorFactory("raisedAmt"),
                    new MaxAggregatorFactory("raisedAmt")
                                              true    // lazy totals
                // calculate in-memory cube
                pivotData.ProcessData(readCsvRows(csvReader, fldToIdx), getValue);

                // lets show total raised by round
                Console.WriteLine("Total raised $$ by round:");
                var byRoundPivotData = new SliceQuery(pivotData).Dimension("round").Execute();                 // slice by specific dimension
                foreach (var round in byRoundPivotData.GetDimensionKeys()[0])
                    Console.WriteLine("Round '{0}': ${1:0.#}M", round,
                                      GetMln(((object[])byRoundPivotData[round].Value)[0] /* 1st aggregator */));

                Console.WriteLine("\nMax/Avg raised by year:");
                var byYearPivotData = new SliceQuery(pivotData).Dimension("fundedDate-year").Execute();
                foreach (var year in byYearPivotData.GetDimensionKeys()[0])
                    Console.WriteLine("Year {0}: max=${1:0.#}M   avg=${2:0.#}M", year,
                                      GetMln(((object[])byYearPivotData[year].Value)[2] /* 3rd aggregator */),
                                      GetMln(((object[])byYearPivotData[year].Value)[1] /* 2nd aggregator */)

                Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress any key to exit...");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        //This takes a DataTable and returns a PivotTable on a given field (var_to_process) by a list of Rows and Cols
        public static PivotTable DataTable_to_PivotTable(DataTable dtStacked, List <string> pivotRows, List <string> pivotCols, string fldname, List <AggrFx> requested_stats)
            if (dtStacked.Rows.Count > 0)
                List <string> keepCols = new List <string>();


                IAggregatorFactory[] aggs = new IAggregatorFactory[requested_stats.Count];

                CountAggregatorFactory       aggrN       = new CountAggregatorFactory();
                AverageAggregatorFactory     aggrM       = new AverageAggregatorFactory(fldname);
                VarianceAggregatorFactory    aggrSD      = new VarianceAggregatorFactory(fldname, VarianceAggregatorValueType.StandardDeviation);
                MinAggregatorFactory         aggrMin     = new MinAggregatorFactory(fldname);
                MaxAggregatorFactory         aggrMax     = new MaxAggregatorFactory(fldname);
                SumAggregatorFactory         aggrSum     = new SumAggregatorFactory(fldname);
                ConcatAggregatorFactory      aggrConcat  = new ConcatAggregatorFactory(fldname);
                CountUniqueAggregatorFactory aggrNunq    = new CountUniqueAggregatorFactory(fldname);
                Concat2AggregatorFactory     aggrConcat2 = new Concat2AggregatorFactory(fldname);

                int counter = 0;
                foreach (AggrFx s in requested_stats)
                    if (s == AggrFx.M)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrM;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.SD)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrSD;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.N)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrN;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.Nunq)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrNunq;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.Min)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrMin;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.Max)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrMax;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.Sum)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrSum;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.Concat)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrConcat;
                    else if (s == AggrFx.Concat2)
                        aggs[counter] = aggrConcat2;

                if (aggs.Length > 1)
                    CompositeAggregatorFactory compositeFactory = new CompositeAggregatorFactory(aggs);

                    var cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), compositeFactory);
                    cube.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dtStacked));

                    var allKeys = cube.GetDimensionKeys(); // returns array of keys for each dimension

                    var pivotTable = new PivotTable(
                        pivotRows.ToArray(), // row dimension(s)
                        pivotCols.ToArray(), // column dimension(s)
                    var cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), aggs[0]);
                    cube.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dtStacked));

                    var allKeys = cube.GetDimensionKeys(); // returns array of keys for each dimension

                    var pivotTable = new PivotTable(
                        pivotRows.ToArray(), // row dimension(s)
                        pivotCols.ToArray(), // column dimension(s)
Ejemplo n.º 27
//        string GetData(IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>> inputData) {
//            var pvtData = new PivotData(
//                new [] {"Tournament","Category", "Gender","Player"}, // list of all dimensions used in pivot table
//                new SumAggregatorFactory("Count"),
//                true);
//            pvtData.ProcessData( inputData );  // use appropriate overload for different data sources

//            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
//                new[] {"Tournament","Category"}, // rows
//                new[] {"Gender", "Player"},
//                pvtData
//            );
//            var strWr = new StringWriter();
//            var htmlPvtTblWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strWr);
//            htmlPvtTblWr.Write(pvtTbl);
//            return strWr.ToString();
//      }
        public override IDisplayResult Display(CrosstabVisualProfile profile, IUpdateModel updater)
            var context = new PivotContext();
            //  var json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
            //  var inputData = json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            // var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(profile.QueryResult.ToString());//json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            //var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(profile.QueryResult.ToString());//json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            // var pvtData = GetData(inputData);
            var converted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(profile.QueryResult.ToString());
            var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > >(converted);
            // in this example filter is applied to in-memory data cube
            // for large datasets it may be applied on database level (with SQL WHERE expression)
            //  var filteredPvtData = new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("Order Year", year).Execute();

            var pvtData = new PivotData(
                new [] { "Tournament", "Category", "Gender", "Player" }, // list of all dimensions used in pivot table
                new SumAggregatorFactory("Count"),

            pvtData.ProcessData(inputData);    // use appropriate overload for different data sources

            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "Tournament", "Category" }, // rows
                new[] { "Gender", "Player" },
            // render pivot table HTML
//            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
//                new[] {"Country"},  // rows
//                new[] {"Order Year", "Order Month"} ,  // cols
//                pvtData//  filteredPvtData
//            );
            // sort by row total
//            pvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null,
//                1, // lets order by measure #1 (sum of unit price)
//                System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);

            var strHtmlWr = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strHtmlWr);

            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass = "table table-bordered table-condensed pvtTable";
            context.PivotTableHtml = strHtmlWr.ToString();

            // prepare data for pie chart (total sum by country)
//            var pvtDataForChart = new SliceQuery(filteredPvtData).Dimension("Country").Measure(1).Execute();
//            var chartPvtTbl = new PivotTable(new[]{"Country"},null,pvtDataForChart);
//            // sort by row total
//            chartPvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);
//            var strJsonWr = new StringWriter();
//            var jsonWr = new PivotTableJsonWriter(strJsonWr);
//            jsonWr.Write(chartPvtTbl);
//            context.PivotTableJson = strJsonWr.ToString();

            //var pager = await GetPagerAsync(context.Updater, listPart);
            //var settings = GetSettings(listPart);
            //model.EnablePositioning = settings.EnablePositioning;
            //model.AdminListViewName = settings.AdminListViewName;
            //model.ListViewProviders = _listViewService.Providers.ToList();
            //model.ListViewProvider = GetListViewProvider(model);// _listViewService.GetDefaultProvider();
            //model.ItemsPerPage = listPart.ItemsPerPage;
            //model.Skip = listPart.Skip;
            //model.PagerSuffix = listPart.PagerSuffix;
            //model.MaxItems = listPart.MaxItems;
            //model.DisplayPager = listPart.DisplayPager;

            //   model.ProjectionPart = listPart;
            // model.ContentItems = (await QueryListItemsAsync(listPart, pager, true)).ToArray();
            //model.PageOfContentItems = (await QueryListItemsAsync(listPart, pager, true)).ToArray();
            //model.ContainedContentTypeDefinitions = GetContainedContentTypes(listPart);
            //model.Context = context;
            //model.Pager = await context.New.PagerSlim(pager);

            //model.ListViewShape = model.ListViewProvider.BuildDisplay(context, model);// context.AdminListView.BuildDisplay(context);

                       Initialize <CrosstabVisualProfileViewModel>("CrosstabVisualProfile", model =>
                model.PivotContext = context;
                model.QueryResult = profile.QueryResult;
                model.AutoStart = profile.AutoStart;
                model.Controls = profile.Controls;
                model.Indicators = profile.Indicators;
                model.Interval = profile.Interval;
                model.Keyboard = profile.Keyboard;
                model.Pause = profile.Pause;
                model.Wrap = profile.Wrap;
                       .Location("Detail", "Content:1")//,
                       //Shape<TableLayoutProfileViewModel>("TableLayoutProfile_Summary",   model =>
                       //    {
                       //        model.AutoStart = profile.AutoStart;
                       //        model.Controls = profile.Controls;
                       //        model.Indicators = profile.Indicators;
                       //        model.Interval = profile.Interval;
                       //        model.Keyboard = profile.Keyboard;
                       //        model.Pause = profile.Pause;
                       //        model.Wrap = profile.Wrap;
                       //    })
                       //    .Location("Summary", "Meta:5")

            //return Combine(
            //    Shape("TableLayoutProfile_SummaryAdmin", model =>
            //    {
            //        model.Profile = profile;
            //    }).Location("Content:5")
            //    //Shape("BootStrapProfile_Buttons_SummaryAdmin", model =>
            //    //{
            //    //    model.Profile = profile;
            //    //}).Location("Actions:2")
Ejemplo n.º 28
//        string GetData(IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>> inputData) {
//            var pvtData = new PivotData(
//                new [] {"Tournament","Category", "Gender","Player"}, // list of all dimensions used in pivot table
//                new SumAggregatorFactory("Count"),
//                true);
//            pvtData.ProcessData( inputData );  // use appropriate overload for different data sources

//            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
//                new[] {"Tournament","Category"}, // rows
//                new[] {"Gender", "Player"},
//                pvtData
//            );
//            var strWr = new StringWriter();
//            var htmlPvtTblWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strWr);
//            htmlPvtTblWr.Write(pvtTbl);
//            return strWr.ToString();
//      }
        public override IDisplayResult Display(ChartVisualProfile profile, IUpdateModel updater)
            var context = new PivotContext();
            //  var json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
            //  var inputData = json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            //var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(profile.QueryResult.ToString());//json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            var converted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(profile.QueryResult.ToString());
            var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > >(converted);

            // in this example filter is applied to in-memory data cube
            // for large datasets it may be applied on database level (with SQL WHERE expression)
            //  var filteredPvtData = new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("Order Year", year).Execute();

//            var pvtData = new PivotData(
//                new [] {"Tournament","Category", "Gender","Player"}, // list of all dimensions used in pivot table
//                new SumAggregatorFactory("Count"),
//                true);

                // lets define derived fields for 'OrderDate' to get separate 'Year' and 'Month'
                //  var derivedValSource = new DerivedValueSource(inputData);
                //  derivedValSource.Register("Order Year", new DatePartValue("OrderDate").YearHandler );
                // derivedValSource.Register("Order Month", new DatePartValue("OrderDate").MonthNumberHandler );
                // configuration of the serialized cube
                var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "Country", "Order Year", "Order Month" },
                                            // lets define 2 measures: count and sum of UnitPrice
                                            new CompositeAggregatorFactory(
                                                new CountAggregatorFactory(),
                                                new SumAggregatorFactory("UnitPrice")

                pvtData.ProcessData(inputData);    // use appropriate overload for different data sources

                var filteredPvtData = pvtData;// new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("Order Year",1996  ).Execute();

                // prepare data for pie chart (total sum by country)
                var pvtDataForChart = new SliceQuery(filteredPvtData).Dimension("Country").Measure(1).Execute();
                var chartPvtTbl     = new PivotTable(new[] { "Country" }, null, pvtDataForChart);
                // sort by row total
                chartPvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);
                var strJsonWr = new StringWriter();
                var jsonWr    = new PivotTableJsonWriter(strJsonWr);
                context.PivotTableJson = strJsonWr.ToString();
            catch (Exception e)

//            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
//                new[] {"Country"},  // rows
//                new[] {"Order Year", "Order Month"},  // cols
//                filteredPvtData
//            );
            // render pivot table HTML
//            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
//                new[] {"Country"},  // rows
//                new[] {"Order Year", "Order Month"} ,  // cols
//                pvtData//  filteredPvtData
//            );
            // sort by row total
//            pvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null,
//                1, // lets order by measure #1 (sum of unit price)
//                System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);

//            var strHtmlWr = new StringWriter();
//            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strHtmlWr);
//            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass = "table table-bordered table-condensed pvtTable";
//            pvtHtmlWr.Write(pvtTbl);
//            context.PivotTableHtml = strHtmlWr.ToString();

                       Initialize <ChartVisualProfileViewModel>("ChartVisualProfile", model =>
                model.PivotContext = context;
                model.QueryResult = profile.QueryResult;
                model.AutoStart = profile.AutoStart;
                model.Controls = profile.Controls;
                model.Indicators = profile.Indicators;
                model.Interval = profile.Interval;
                model.Keyboard = profile.Keyboard;
                model.Pause = profile.Pause;
                model.Wrap = profile.Wrap;
                       .Location("Detail", "Content:1")//,
                       //Shape<TableLayoutProfileViewModel>("TableLayoutProfile_Summary",   model =>
                       //    {
                       //        model.AutoStart = profile.AutoStart;
                       //        model.Controls = profile.Controls;
                       //        model.Indicators = profile.Indicators;
                       //        model.Interval = profile.Interval;
                       //        model.Keyboard = profile.Keyboard;
                       //        model.Pause = profile.Pause;
                       //        model.Wrap = profile.Wrap;
                       //    })
                       //    .Location("Summary", "Meta:5")

            //return Combine(
            //    Shape("TableLayoutProfile_SummaryAdmin", model =>
            //    {
            //        model.Profile = profile;
            //    }).Location("Content:5")
            //    //Shape("BootStrapProfile_Buttons_SummaryAdmin", model =>
            //    //{
            //    //    model.Profile = profile;
            //    //}).Location("Actions:2")
Ejemplo n.º 29
    //protected void LoadYr2(Panel p, List<string> rows, List<string> cols, List<string> functions, string title, bool useGTE0, bool useFromTo)
    //	DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    //	if (useFromTo)
    //	{
    //		dt = GetValantData_From_To2(rows, cols, functions, useGTE0);
    //	}
    //	else
    //	{
    //		//this branch no longer used
    //		//dt = GetValantData(rows, cols, functions, useGTE0);
    //	}

    //	LoadYr2(dt, p, rows, cols, functions, title, useGTE0, useFromTo);


    protected void LoadYr2(DataTable dt, Panel p, List <string> rows, List <string> cols, List <string> functions, string title, bool useGTE0, bool useFromTo)
        //DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        //if (useFromTo)
        //	dt = GetValantData_From_To2(rows, cols, functions, useGTE0);
        //	//this branch no longer used
        //	//dt = GetValantData(rows, cols, functions, useGTE0);

        List <string> keepCols = new List <string>();


        PivotData  cube;
        PivotTable pivotTable;

        string[] aggr_labels = new string[functions.Count];

        if (functions.Count > 1)
            IAggregatorFactory[] aggs = new IAggregatorFactory[functions.Count];

            for (int f = 0; f < functions.Count; f++)
                if (functions[f] == "Sum")
                    aggs[f]        = new SumAggregatorFactory("n");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "sum n";
                else if (functions[f] == "Monthly Avg")
                    aggs[f]        = new AverageAggregatorFactory("amt");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "Monthly Avg";
                else if (functions[f] == "N Patients")
                    aggs[f]        = new CountUniqueAggregatorFactory("patientID");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "N Patients";
                else if (functions[f] == "N Patients Dx")
                    aggs[f]        = new CountUniqueAggregatorFactory("patientID_DX");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "N Patients Dx";
                else if (functions[f] == "N Patients Tx")
                    aggs[f]        = new CountUniqueAggregatorFactory("patientID_TX");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "N Patients Tx";
                else if (functions[f] == "N Visits")
                    aggs[f]        = new SumAggregatorFactory("n_appt");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "N Visits";
                else if (functions[f] == "N Visits Dx")
                    aggs[f]        = new SumAggregatorFactory("n_appt_dx");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "N Visits Dx";
                else if (functions[f] == "N Visits Tx")
                    aggs[f]        = new SumAggregatorFactory("n_appt_Tx");
                    aggr_labels[f] = "N Visits Tx";

            CompositeAggregatorFactory compositeFactory = new CompositeAggregatorFactory(aggs);

            cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), compositeFactory);
            cube.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dt));
            pivotTable = new PivotTable(rows.ToArray(), cols.ToArray(), cube);
            switch (functions[0])
            case "Sum":
                cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), new SumAggregatorFactory("n"));

            case "Monthly Avg":
                cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), new AverageAggregatorFactory("amt"));

            case "N Patients":
                cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), new CountUniqueAggregatorFactory("patientID"));

                cube = new PivotData(keepCols.ToArray(), new CountAggregatorFactory());

            cube.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dt));
            pivotTable = new PivotTable(rows.ToArray(), cols.ToArray(), cube);

        var htmlResult = new StringWriter();

        var pvtHtmlWr = new MyHtmlWriter2(htmlResult);

        if (functions.Count >= 1)
            pvtHtmlWr.FormatValue = (aggr, idx) =>
                string newval = (Convert.ToDouble(aggr.Value.ToString()) >= 0) ? String.Format("{0:n0}", aggr.Value) : "<div class=\"negcell\">" + String.Format("{0:n0}", aggr.Value) + "</div>";

            //pvtHtmlWr.FormatValue = (aggr, idx) => { return String.Format("{0:0}", aggr.Value); };
            pvtHtmlWr.FormatMeasureHeader = (aggr, idx) => { return(aggr_labels[idx]); };
            //pvtHtmlWr.FormatValue(aggr, idx) =>

            //    string newval = (Convert.ToDouble(aggr.Value.ToString()) >= 0) ? String.Format("{0:n0}", aggr.Value) : "<div class=\"negcell\">" + String.Format("{0:n0}", aggr.Value) + "</div>";
            //    return newval;

        pvtHtmlWr.RowHeaderClass     = "row1";
        pvtHtmlWr.ColumnHeaderClass  = "col1";
        pvtHtmlWr.MeasureHeaderClass = "meashead";

        pvtHtmlWr.SubtotalDimensions = new string[] { "Direct" };
        pvtHtmlWr.SubtotalRows       = true;

        pvtHtmlWr.AllowHtml    = true;
        pvtHtmlWr.TotalsColumn = false;
        pvtHtmlWr.TotalsRow    = true;
        pvtHtmlWr.GrandTotal   = false;


        Label header = new Label();

        header.Text      = "<br/>" + title;
        header.Font.Size = 12;
        header.Font.Bold = true;

        Literal lit = new Literal();

        lit.Text = htmlResult.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void Export3ItemGroupsToExcel(Stream stream, int year)
            using (var package = new ExcelPackage(stream))
                var query = from item in _dataContext.ReportDatas
                            where item.ChannelName.ToLower() == "direct"
                            && (item.ItemGroupName.ToLower() == "prepenem" || item.ItemGroupName.ToLower() == "maxpenepm" || item.ItemGroupName.ToLower() == "combilipid")
                            && (item.Year == year || item.Year == year - 1)
                            select item;

                DataTable table = LinqExtension.LinqResultToDataTable(query);

                var pivotData = new PivotData(new[] { "ChannelName", "ItemGroupName", "ClientName", "Year", "Month" },
                        new SumAggregatorFactory("CifAmount")

                pivotData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(table));

                package.Compression = CompressionLevel.Default;
                var pivot = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("PivotTable");
                var data = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Data");

                var pivotTable = new PivotTable(
                        new[] { "ItemGroupName", "ClientName" }, //rows
                        new[] { "Year", "Month" }, // columns

                var excelPivotTableWriter = new ExcelPivotTableWriter(pivot, data);



Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void ExportSalesTeamMrReportToExcel(Stream stream, int year)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

            using (var xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(stream))
                // get handle to the existing worksheet
                var worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");

                //Format Header 1
                int header1 = 2;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "Total";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "January";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "February";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "March";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "April";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "May";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "June";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "July";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "August";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "September";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "October";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "November";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "December";
                header1 = header1 + 6;

                //Format Header 2
                for (int month = 0; month <= 12; month++)
                    int i = month * 6;

                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 2].Value = "Last actual amt";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 3].Value = "Target amt";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 4].Value = "Actual amt";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 5].Value = "Achievement";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 6].Value = "Growth";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 7].Value = "Quantity";

                int row = 3;

                var thisYearTargetSales = from item in _dataContext.TargetSetups
                                          where item.Year == year
                                          && item.IsTeamTarget == false
                                          && item.Item.Sku.ToLower() != "na"
                                          select item;

                var actualSalesQuery = from item in _dataContext.ReportDatas
                                       where (item.Year == year || item.Year == year - 1)
                                       select item;

                if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsInCustomerRole("Administrators") || _workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsInCustomerRole("Management"))
                    //sales = query;
                    if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsInCustomerRole("MrManagers"))
                        actualSalesQuery = from item in actualSalesQuery
                                           where item.SalesTeamCode.ToLower() == _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Username.ToLower()
                                           select item;
                        actualSalesQuery = from item in actualSalesQuery
                                           where item.MrCode.ToLower() == _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Username.ToLower()
                                           select item;

                        thisYearTargetSales = from item in _dataContext.TargetSetups
                                              where item.Year == year
                                              && item.IsTeamTarget == true
                                              && item.Mr.MrCode.ToLower() == _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Username.ToLower()
                                              select item;


                DataTable table = LinqExtension.LinqResultToDataTable(actualSalesQuery);

                var quantityPivotData = new PivotData(new[] { "ChannelName", "SalesTeamCode", "MrCode", "Year", "Month" },
                                new SumAggregatorFactory("Quantity")
                quantityPivotData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(table));

                var amountPivotData = new PivotData(new[] { "ChannelName", "SalesTeamCode", "MrCode", "Year", "Month" },
                                new SumAggregatorFactory("TotalAmount")
                amountPivotData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(table));

                foreach (var channel in _dataContext.Channels)
                    #region Channel line
                    CommonTargetActualSales channelLine = new CommonTargetActualSales();
                    channelLine.Code = channel.ChannelId.ToString();
                    channelLine.Name = channel.ChannelName;

                    var thisYearTargetSalesChannel = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId);

                    channelLine.ActualQty01 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty02 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty03 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty04 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty05 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty06 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty07 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty08 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty09 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty10 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty11 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty12 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value);

                    channelLine.ActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value);

                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 1].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 2].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 3].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 4].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 5].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 6].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 7].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 8].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 9].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 10].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 11].Value);
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 12].Value);

                    channelLine.TargetAmt01 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 1);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt02 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 2);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt03 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 3);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt04 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 4);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt05 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 5);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt06 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 6);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt07 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 7);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt08 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 8);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt09 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 9);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt10 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 10);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt11 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 11);
                    channelLine.TargetAmt12 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSalesChannel, year, 12);

                    if (channelLine.TargetAmt == 0 && channelLine.LastYearActualAmt == 0 && channelLine.ActualAmt == 0)
                        //do nothing
                        ExportSalesTeamMrReportToExcelRow(worksheet, row, Color.LightBlue, channelLine);

                    foreach (var team in channel.SalesTeams)
                        #region team line

                        CommonTargetActualSales teamLine = new CommonTargetActualSales();
                        teamLine.Code = team.SalesTeamCode;
                        teamLine.Name = team.SalesTeamName;

                        var thisYearTargetItemGroup = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.SalesTeamCode.ToLower() == team.SalesTeamCode.ToLower());

                        teamLine.ActualQty01 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty02 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty03 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty04 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty05 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty06 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty07 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty08 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty09 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty10 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty11 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualQty12 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value);

                        teamLine.ActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value);
                        teamLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value);

                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 1].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 2].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 3].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 4].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 5].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 6].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 7].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 8].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 9].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 10].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 11].Value);
                        teamLine.LastYearActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, Key.Empty, year - 1, 12].Value);

                        teamLine.TargetAmt01 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 1);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt02 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 2);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt03 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 3);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt04 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 4);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt05 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 5);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt06 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 6);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt07 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 7);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt08 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 8);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt09 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 9);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt10 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 10);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt11 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 11);
                        teamLine.TargetAmt12 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItemGroup, year, 12);

                        if (teamLine.TargetAmt == 0 && teamLine.LastYearActualAmt == 0 && teamLine.ActualAmt == 0)
                            //do nothing
                            ExportSalesTeamMrReportToExcelRow(worksheet, row, Color.LightBlue, teamLine, 1);



                        foreach (var item in team.Mrs.Where(a=>a.MrCode.ToLower()!=team.SalesTeamCode.ToLower()))
                            #region item line

                            CommonTargetActualSales mrLine = new CommonTargetActualSales();
                            mrLine.Code = item.MrCode;
                            mrLine.Name = item.MrName;

                            var thisYearTargetItem = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.MrCode.ToLower() == item.MrCode.ToLower());

                            mrLine.ActualQty01 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 1].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty02 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 2].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty03 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 3].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty04 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 4].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty05 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 5].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty06 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 6].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty07 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 7].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty08 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 8].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty09 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 9].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty10 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 10].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty11 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 11].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualQty12 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 12].Value);

                            mrLine.ActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 1].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 2].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 3].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 4].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 5].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 6].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 7].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 8].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 9].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 10].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 11].Value);
                            mrLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year, 12].Value);

                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 1].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 2].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 3].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 4].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 5].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 6].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 7].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 8].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 9].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 10].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 11].Value);
                            mrLine.LastYearActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, team.SalesTeamCode, item.MrCode, year - 1, 12].Value);

                            mrLine.TargetAmt01 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 1);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt02 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 2);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt03 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 3);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt04 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 4);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt05 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 5);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt06 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 6);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt07 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 7);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt08 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 8);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt09 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 9);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt10 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 10);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt11 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 11);
                            mrLine.TargetAmt12 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetItem, year, 12);

                            if (mrLine.TargetAmt == 0 && mrLine.LastYearActualAmt == 0 && mrLine.ActualAmt == 0)
                                //do nothing
                                ExportSalesTeamMrReportToExcelRow(worksheet, row, Color.LightBlue, mrLine, 2);


                #region Total line
                CommonTargetActualSales totalLine = new CommonTargetActualSales();
                totalLine.Code = "Total";
                totalLine.Name = "Total";

                totalLine.ActualQty01 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty02 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty03 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty04 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty05 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty06 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty07 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty08 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty09 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty10 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty11 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value);
                totalLine.ActualQty12 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value);

                totalLine.ActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value);
                totalLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value);

                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 1].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 2].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 3].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 4].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 5].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 6].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 7].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 8].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 9].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 10].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 11].Value);
                totalLine.LastYearActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[Key.Empty, Key.Empty, Key.Empty, year - 1, 12].Value);

                totalLine.TargetAmt01 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 1);
                totalLine.TargetAmt02 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 2);
                totalLine.TargetAmt03 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 3);
                totalLine.TargetAmt04 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 4);
                totalLine.TargetAmt05 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 5);
                totalLine.TargetAmt06 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 6);
                totalLine.TargetAmt07 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 7);
                totalLine.TargetAmt08 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 8);
                totalLine.TargetAmt09 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 9);
                totalLine.TargetAmt10 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 10);
                totalLine.TargetAmt11 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 11);
                totalLine.TargetAmt12 = GetMonthTargetAmount(thisYearTargetSales, year, 12);

                ExportItemGroupItemReportToExcelRow(worksheet, row, Color.LightBlue, totalLine);


                //Report name
                worksheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = "Report by Channel - Sales team - Mr in " + year.ToString();
                worksheet.Cells[2, 1].AutoFitColumns();

                //Rows & columns count
                int cols = 12 * 6 + 6 + 1;
                int rows = row;

                //Format header
                var header = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 2, cols];
                header.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                header.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                //Format total
                var total = worksheet.Cells[rows, 1, row, cols];
                total.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                total.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                //Format row
                var text = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, row, 1];
                text.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                text.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                // save the new spreadsheet
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void ExportChannelReportToExcelUSD(Stream stream, int year)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

            using (var xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(stream))
                // get handle to the existing worksheet
                var worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");

                //Format Header 1
                int header1 = 2;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "Total";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "January";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "February";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "March";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "April";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "May";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "June";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "July";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "August";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "September";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "October";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "November";
                header1 = header1 + 6;
                worksheet.Cells[1, header1].Value = "December";
                header1 = header1 + 6;

                //Format Header 2
                for (int month = 0; month <= 12; month++)
                    int i = month * 6;

                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 2].Value = "Last actual amt";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 3].Value = "Target amt";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 4].Value = "Actual amt";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 5].Value = "Achievement";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 6].Value = "Growth";
                    worksheet.Cells[2, i + 7].Value = "Quantity";

                double exchangeRate = 22500;

                int row = 3;

                var thisYearTargetSales = from item in _dataContext.TargetSetups
                                          where item.Year == year
                                          && item.IsTeamTarget == true
                                          //&& (item.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == (int)ChannelEnum.Direct || item.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == (int)ChannelEnum.Indirect)
                                          select item;

                var actualSalesQuery = from item in _dataContext.ReportDatas
                                       where (item.Year == year || item.Year == year - 1)
                                       select item;

                if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsInCustomerRole("Administrators") || _workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsInCustomerRole("Management"))
                    //sales = query;
                    if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsInCustomerRole("MrManagers"))
                        actualSalesQuery = from item in actualSalesQuery
                                           where item.SalesTeamCode.ToLower() == _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Username.ToLower()
                                           select item;
                        actualSalesQuery = from item in actualSalesQuery
                                           where item.MrCode.ToLower() == _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Username.ToLower()
                                           select item;

                        thisYearTargetSales = from item in _dataContext.TargetSetups
                                              where item.Year == year
                                              && item.IsTeamTarget == false
                                              && item.Mr.MrCode.ToLower() == _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Username.ToLower()
                                              select item;


                DataTable table = LinqExtension.LinqResultToDataTable(actualSalesQuery);

                var quantityPivotData = new PivotData(new[] { "ChannelName", "Sku", "Year", "Month" },
                                new SumAggregatorFactory("Quantity")
                quantityPivotData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(table));

                var amountPivotData = new PivotData(new[] { "ChannelName", "Sku", "Year", "Month" },
                                new SumAggregatorFactory("CifAmount")
                amountPivotData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(table));

                foreach (var channel in _dataContext.Channels.Where(a => a.ChannelName.ToLower() != "na"))
                    CommonTargetActualSales channelLine = new CommonTargetActualSales();
                    channelLine.Code = channel.ChannelName;
                    channelLine.Name = channel.ChannelName;

                    channelLine.ActualQty01 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty02 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty03 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty04 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty05 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty06 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty07 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty08 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty09 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty10 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty11 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value);
                    channelLine.ActualQty12 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value);

                    channelLine.ActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 1].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 2].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 3].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 4].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 5].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 6].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 7].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 8].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 9].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 10].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 11].Value) ;
                    channelLine.ActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year, 12].Value) ;

                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 1].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 2].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 3].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 4].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 5].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 6].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 7].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 8].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 9].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 10].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 11].Value) ;
                    channelLine.LastYearActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, Key.Empty, year - 1, 12].Value) ;

                    if (thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Count() > 0)
                        channelLine.TargetAmt01 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount01) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt02 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount02) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt03 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount03) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt04 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount04) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt05 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount05) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt06 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount06) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt07 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount07) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt08 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount08) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt09 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount09) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt10 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount10) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt11 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount11) / exchangeRate;
                        channelLine.TargetAmt12 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount12) / exchangeRate;

                    if (channelLine.TargetAmt == 0 && channelLine.LastYearActualAmt == 0 && channelLine.ActualAmt == 0)
                        //do nothing
                        ExportChannelReportToExcelRow(worksheet, row, Color.LightBlue, channelLine);

                    foreach (var item in _dataContext.Items.OrderBy(a=>a.ItemName))
                        CommonTargetActualSales itemLine = new CommonTargetActualSales();
                        itemLine.Code = item.Sku;
                        itemLine.Name = item.ItemName;

                        itemLine.ActualQty01 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 1].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty02 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 2].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty03 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 3].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty04 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 4].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty05 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 5].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty06 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 6].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty07 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 7].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty08 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 8].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty09 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 9].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty10 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 10].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty11 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 11].Value);
                        itemLine.ActualQty12 = Convert.ToDouble(quantityPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 12].Value);

                        itemLine.ActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 1].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 2].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 3].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 4].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 5].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 6].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 7].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 8].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 9].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 10].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 11].Value) ;
                        itemLine.ActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year, 12].Value) ;

                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt01 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 1].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt02 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 2].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt03 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 3].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt04 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 4].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt05 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 5].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt06 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 6].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt07 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 7].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt08 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 8].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt09 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 9].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt10 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 10].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt11 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 11].Value) ;
                        itemLine.LastYearActualAmt12 = Convert.ToDouble(amountPivotData[channel.ChannelName, item.Sku, year - 1, 12].Value) ;

                        if (thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Count() > 0)
                            itemLine.TargetAmt01 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount01) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt02 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount02) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt03 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount03) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt04 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount04) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt05 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount05) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt06 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount06) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt07 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount07) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt08 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount08) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt09 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount09) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt10 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount10) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt11 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount11) / exchangeRate;
                            itemLine.TargetAmt12 = thisYearTargetSales.Where(a => a.ItemId == item.ItemId && a.Mr.SalesTeam.ChannelId == channel.ChannelId).Sum(a => a.Amount12) / exchangeRate;

                        if (itemLine.TargetAmt == 0 && itemLine.LastYearActualAmt == 0 && itemLine.ActualAmt == 0)
                            //do nothing
                            ExportChannelReportToExcelRow(worksheet, row, Color.LightBlue, itemLine, 1);


                //Report name
                worksheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = "Report by Channel - product in " + year.ToString();
                worksheet.Cells[2, 1].AutoFitColumns();

                //Rows & columns count
                int cols = 12 * 6 + 6 + 1;
                int rows = row;

                //Format header
                var header = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 2, cols];
                header.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                header.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                //Format total
                var total = worksheet.Cells[rows, 1, row, cols];
                total.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                total.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                //Format row
                var text = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, row, 1];
                text.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                text.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                // save the new spreadsheet
Ejemplo n.º 33
    private DataTable GetWeeklyHoursByEmployee()
        DataRow dr;


        //dtTeam = objADM.LoadUsers(ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text);
        //if (dtTeam.Rows.Count > 0)
        //    foreach (DataRow drTeam in dtTeam.Rows)
        //    {
        //        foreach (var item in lstDate.Chunks)
        //        {
        //            dr = dtResult.NewRow();
        //            dr["Team"] = drTeam["T_TeamName"];
        //            dr["User"] = drTeam["UL_User_Name"].ToString().Trim();
        //            dr["Date"] = item.ToString().Split('-')[0];

        //            dt = objADM.GetTotalWorkHours("user", item.ToString().Split('-')[0], item.ToString().Split('-')[1], drTeam["UL_User_Name"].ToString());

        //            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
        //            {
        //                if (dt.Rows[0]["Total"].ToString() == "0")
        //                {
        //                    continue;
        //                }

        //                dr["Avg"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["Total"].ToString()), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
        //            }

        //            dtResult.Rows.Add(dr);

        //        }

        //    }

        foreach (var item in lstDate.Chunks)
            dt = objADM.GetUserTotal(item.ToString().Split('-')[0], item.ToString().Split('-')[1], ddlLocation.SelectedItem.Text);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow drRow in dt.Rows)
                    dr = dtResult.NewRow();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(drRow["Team1"].ToString()))
                        dr["Team"] = drRow["Team2"];
                        dr["Team"] = drRow["Team1"];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(drRow["user1"].ToString()))
                        dr["User"] = drRow["user2"].ToString().Trim();
                        dr["User"] = drRow["user1"].ToString().Trim();

                    dr["Date"] = item.ToString().Split('-')[0];
                    dr["Avg"]  = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(drRow["Total"]), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);


        //if (dtResult.Rows.Count > 0)
        //    DataView dv = dtResult.DefaultView;
        //    dv.Sort = "[Date] asc, [Team] asc";
        //    dtResult = dv.ToTable();


        var ordersPvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "Team", "User", "Date" },
                                          new SumAggregatorFactory("Avg"));

        ordersPvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(dtResult));

        var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
            new[] { "Team", "User" }, //rows
            new[] { "Date" },         // columns
            new CustomSortKeyComparer(new[] { NaturalSortKeyComparer.Instance }),
            new CustomSortKeyComparer(new[] { NaturalSortKeyComparer.Instance })

        var       pvtDataTableWr = new PivotTableDataTableWriter("PivotTable");
        DataTable res            = pvtDataTableWr.Write(pvtTbl);

        res.Columns[0].ColumnName = "Team";
        res.Columns[1].ColumnName = "User";
