Ejemplo n.º 1
    void ResolveCollisionWith(PE_Obj that)
        // Assumes that "that" is still
        //		Vector3 posFinal;
        posFinal = pos1;         // Sets a defaut value for posFinal

        switch (this.coll)
        case PE_Collider.sphere:

            switch (that.coll)
            case PE_Collider.sphere:
                // Sphere / Sphere collision
                float thisR, thatR, rad;
                // Note, this doesn't work with non-uniform or negative scales!
                thisR = Mathf.Max(this.transform.lossyScale.x, this.transform.lossyScale.y, this.transform.lossyScale.z) / 2;
                thatR = Mathf.Max(that.transform.lossyScale.x, that.transform.lossyScale.y, that.transform.lossyScale.z) / 2;
                rad   = thisR + thatR;

                Vector3 delta = pos1 - that.transform.position;
                delta *= rad;

                posFinal = that.transform.position + delta;


        case PE_Collider.aabb:

            switch (that.coll)
            case PE_Collider.aabb:
                // AABB / AABB collision
                // Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
                // With AABB collisions, we're usually concerned with corners and deciding which corner to consider when making comparisons.
                // I believe that this corner should be determined by looking at the velocity of the moving body (this one)

                // Vector3 a0, a1, b, delta, pU;
                // a0-moving corner last frame, a1-moving corner now, b-comparison corner on other object
                a0    = a1 = b = Vector3.zero;                   // Sets a default value to keep the compiler from complaining
                delta = pos1 - pos0;

                if (dir == PE_Dir.down)
                    // If a0 was above b and a1 is below b resolve to be on top
                    a1    = pos1;
                    a1.y -= transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    a0    = a1 - delta;
                    b     = that.pos1;
                    b.y  += that.transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    if (PhysEngine.GEQ(a0.y, b.y) && b.y > a1.y)
                        posFinal.y += Mathf.Abs(a1.y - b.y);
                        // Handle vel
                        vel.y = 0;

                        if (ground == null)
                            ground = that;
                    break;                     // Exit this switch statement: switch (that.coll)

                if (dir == PE_Dir.up)
                    // If a0 was below b and a1 is above b resolve to be below
                    a1    = pos1;
                    a1.y += transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    a0    = a1 - delta;
                    b     = that.pos1;
                    b.y  -= that.transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    if (PhysEngine.LEQ(a0.y, b.y) && b.y < a1.y)
                        posFinal.y -= Mathf.Abs(a1.y - b.y);
                        // Handle vel
                        vel.y = 0;

                        break;                         // Exit this switch statement: switch (that.coll)

                if (dir == PE_Dir.upRight)                   // Bottom, Left is the comparison corner
                    a1    = pos1;
                    a1.x += transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    a1.y += transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    a0    = a1 - delta;
                    b     = that.pos1;
                    b.x  -= that.transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    b.y  -= that.transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;

                if (dir == PE_Dir.upLeft)                   // Bottom, Right is the comparison corner
                    a1    = pos1;
                    a1.x -= transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    a1.y += transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    a0    = a1 - delta;
                    b     = that.pos1;
                    b.x  += that.transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    b.y  -= that.transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;

                if (dir == PE_Dir.downLeft)                   // Top, Right is the comparison corner
                    a1    = pos1;
                    a1.x -= transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    a1.y -= transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    a0    = a1 - delta;
                    b     = that.pos1;
                    b.x  += that.transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    b.y  += that.transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;

                if (dir == PE_Dir.downRight)                   // Top, Left is the comparison corner
                    a1    = pos1;
                    a1.x += transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    a1.y -= transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;
                    a0    = a1 - delta;
                    b     = that.pos1;
                    b.x  -= that.transform.collider.bounds.size.x / 2f;
                    b.y  += that.transform.collider.bounds.size.y / 2f;

                // In the x dimension, find how far along the line segment between a0 and a1 we need to go to encounter b
                float u = (b.x - a0.x) / (a1.x - a0.x);

                // Determine this point using linear interpolation (see the appendix of the book)
                pU = (1 - u) * a0 + u * a1;

                // Find distance we would have to offset in x or y
                float offsetX = Mathf.Abs(a1.x - b.x);
                float offsetY = Mathf.Abs(a1.y - b.y);

                // Use pU.y vs. b.y to tell which side of PE_Obj "that" PE_Obj "this" should be on
                switch (dir)
                case PE_Dir.upRight:
                    if (pU.y > b.y || PhysEngine.EQ(u, 0))                       // hit the left side
                        posFinal.x -= offsetX;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.x = 0;
                    else                         // hit the bottom
                        posFinal.y -= offsetY;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.y = 0;

                case PE_Dir.downRight:
                    if (pU.y < b.y || PhysEngine.EQ(u, 0))                       // hit the left side
                        posFinal.x -= offsetX;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.x = 0;
                    else                         // hit the top
                        posFinal.y += offsetY;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.y = 0;

                        if (ground == null)
                            ground = that;

                case PE_Dir.upLeft:
                    if (pU.y > b.y || PhysEngine.EQ(u, 0))                       // hit the right side
                        posFinal.x += offsetX;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.x = 0;
                    else                         // hit the bottom
                        posFinal.y -= offsetY;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.y = 0;

                case PE_Dir.downLeft:
                    if (pU.y < b.y || PhysEngine.EQ(u, 0))                       // hit the right side
                        posFinal.x += offsetX;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.x = 0;
                    else                         // hit the top
                        posFinal.y += offsetY;

                        // Handle vel
                        vel.y = 0;

                        if (ground == null)
                            ground = that;



        transform.position = pos1 = posFinal;