Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void SetFromString(string val)
        T oldValue = Value;

        Value = PhxPropertyDB.FromString <T>(val);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void InitClass(EntityClass ec)
        Name      = ec.Name;
        ClassType = ec.ClassType;

        if (ClassType == EEntityClassType.WeaponClass)
            string locPath  = "weapons.";
            int    splitIdx = Name.IndexOf('_');
            locPath      += Name.Substring(0, splitIdx) + ".weap." + Name.Substring(splitIdx + 1).Replace("weap_", "");
            LocalizedName = ENV?.GetLocalized(locPath);
            string locPath  = "entity.";
            int    splitIdx = Name.IndexOf('_');
            locPath      += Name.Substring(0, splitIdx) + '.' + Name.Substring(splitIdx + 1);
            LocalizedName = ENV?.GetLocalized(locPath);

        Type type = GetType();

        MemberInfo[] members = type.GetMembers();
        foreach (MemberInfo member in members)
            if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
                if (typeof(IPhxPropRef).IsAssignableFrom(type.GetField(member.Name).FieldType))
                    IPhxPropRef refValue = type.GetField(member.Name).GetValue(this) as IPhxPropRef;
                    P.Register(member.Name, refValue);
                    PhxPropertyDB.AssignProp(ec, member.Name, refValue);
                else if (typeof(PhxPropertySection).IsAssignableFrom(type.GetField(member.Name).FieldType))
                    PhxPropertySection section = type.GetField(member.Name).GetValue(this) as PhxPropertySection;

                    // Read properties from top to bottom to fill property sections
                    ec.GetAllProperties(out uint[] propHashes, out string[] propValues);
                    Debug.Assert(propHashes.Length == propValues.Length);

                    var foundSections = new List <Dictionary <string, IPhxPropRef> >();
                    Dictionary <string, IPhxPropRef> currSection = null;

                    for (int i = 0; i < propHashes.Length; ++i)
                        // Every time we encounter the section header, start a new section
                        if (propHashes[i] == section.NameHash)
                            foundSections.Add(new Dictionary <string, IPhxPropRef>());
                            currSection = foundSections[foundSections.Count - 1];

                        if (currSection != null)
                            for (int j = 0; j < section.Properties.Length; ++j)
                                string propName     = section.Properties[j].Item1;
                                uint   propNameHash = HashUtils.GetFNV(propName);

                                // if we encounter a matching property, grab it
                                if (propHashes[i] == propNameHash)
                                    IPhxPropRef prop = section.Properties[j].Item2.ShallowCopy();
                                    currSection.Add(propName, prop);


        EntityClass = ec;