Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static PhpArray GetClassMethods(DTypeDesc caller, object classNameOrObject)
            ScriptContext context = ScriptContext.CurrentContext;
            DTypeDesc     type    = ClassNameOrObjectToType(context, null, caller, classNameOrObject, true);

            if (type == null)

            // determine the calling type
            //DTypeDesc caller = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();
            if (caller != null && caller.IsUnknown)
                caller = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();

            PhpArray result = new PhpArray();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Name, DRoutineDesc> pair in type.EnumerateMethods(caller))

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static bool PropertyExists(DTypeDesc caller, object classNameOrObject, string propertyName)
            ScriptContext context = ScriptContext.CurrentContext;
            DTypeDesc     type    = ClassNameOrObjectToType(context, null, caller, classNameOrObject, true);

            if (type == null)

            // determine the calling class context
            //DTypeDesc caller = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();
            if (caller != null && caller.IsUnknown)
                caller = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();

            DPropertyDesc property;

            if (type.GetProperty(new VariableName(propertyName), caller, out property) == GetMemberResult.OK)
                // CT property was found
                // search RT fields, if possible
                DObject obj = classNameOrObject as DObject;
                return(obj != null && obj.RuntimeFields != null && obj.RuntimeFields.ContainsKey(propertyName));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the method referred by <paramref name="methodName"/> from the user defined
        /// object <paramref name="classNameOrObject"/> with parameters <paramref name="args"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caller">DTypeDesc of the caller's class context. Can be UnknownTypeDesc.</param>
        /// <param name="methodName">The name of the method.</param>
        /// <param name="classNameOrObject">An instance to invoke the method on or a class name.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Parameters to invoke the method with.</param>
        /// <returns>The method's return value (always dereferenced).</returns>
        internal static object CallUserMethodInternal(DTypeDesc caller, string methodName, object classNameOrObject, ICollection args)
            PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Notice, LibResources.GetString("call_user_method_deprecated"));

            object  ret_val = false;
            DObject obj;
            string  class_name;

            ScriptContext context = ScriptContext.CurrentContext;

            //DTypeDesc classContext = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();  // TODO: GetClassContext only if needed by context.ResolveType
            if (caller != null && caller.IsUnknown)
                caller = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();

            if ((obj = classNameOrObject as DObject) != null)
                // push arguments on stack
                ret_val = obj.InvokeMethod(methodName, caller, context);
            else if ((class_name = PhpVariable.AsString(classNameOrObject)) != null)
                // push arguments on stack

                ResolveTypeFlags flags = ResolveTypeFlags.UseAutoload | ResolveTypeFlags.ThrowErrors;
                DTypeDesc        type  = PHP.Core.Convert.ObjectToTypeDesc(class_name, flags, caller, context, null, null);

                ret_val = Operators.InvokeStaticMethod(type, methodName, null, caller, context);
                PhpException.InvalidArgument("classNameOrObject", LibResources.GetString("arg:not_object_or_class_name"));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //[return: PhpDeepCopy] // already deep copied
        public static PhpArray GetObjectVars(DTypeDesc caller, DObject obj, bool IgnoreReferences)
            if (obj == null)

            Converter <object, object> copy = null;

            // This is hot fix for a reference counting problem when reference aren't released in same way as in PHP.
            // Hence, we need to perform deep copy ignoring references
            if (IgnoreReferences)
                copy = (value) =>
                    PhpReference refValue = value as PhpReference;
                    if (refValue != null)

                    PhpArray array = value as PhpArray;
                    if (array != null)
                        PhpArray dst = new PhpArray(array.IntegerCount, array.StringCount);

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <IntStringKey, object> entry in array)
                            // checks whether a value is a reference pointing to the instance itself:
                            refValue = entry.Value as PhpReference;
                            if (refValue != null && refValue.Value == array)
                                // copies the value so that it will self-reference the new instance (not the old one):
                                dst.Add(entry.Key, new PhpReference(dst));
                                dst.Add(entry.Key, copy(entry.Value));

                copy = (value) => { return(PhpVariable.DeepCopy(value)); }
            };                                                              // perform InplaceDeepCopy() here to save one more iteration through the array

            PhpArray result            = new PhpArray(0, obj.Count);
            var      foreachEnumerator = obj.GetEnumerator((caller != null && caller.IsUnknown) ? PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext() : caller);

            while (foreachEnumerator.MoveNext())
            //foreach (DictionaryEntry pair in obj)
                DictionaryEntry pair = (DictionaryEntry)foreachEnumerator.Current;
                result.Add((string)pair.Key, copy(pair.Value));

            //result.InplaceCopyOnReturn = true;    // already deep copied

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static PhpArray GetClassVars(DTypeDesc caller, string className, bool parentsFirst, bool includeStatic)
            ScriptContext script_context = ScriptContext.CurrentContext;

            DTypeDesc type = script_context.ResolveType(className);

            if (type == null)

            // determine the calling type
            //DTypeDesc caller = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();
            if (caller != null && caller.IsUnknown)
                caller = PhpStackTrace.GetClassContext();
            PhpArray result = new PhpArray();

            // add instance properties
            bool have_instance_props = false;

            if (!type.IsAbstract)
                // the class has to be instantiated in order to discover default instance property values
                // (the constructor will initialize default properties, user defined constructor will not be called)
                DObject obj = type.New(script_context) as DObject;
                if (obj == null)

                // populate the resulting array taking into account current caller
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = obj.GetEnumerator(caller);
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    result.Add(enumerator.Key, enumerator.Value);

                have_instance_props = true;

            // add static fields (static and instance fields if the type is abstract)
            if (includeStatic)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <VariableName, DPropertyDesc> pair in type.EnumerateProperties(caller))
                    if (pair.Value.IsStatic)
                        result.Add(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.Get(null));
                    else if (!have_instance_props)
                        result.Add(pair.Key.ToString(), null);

            result.InplaceCopyOnReturn = true;