public void ChangingASerializableItemShouldChangeTheContentHash(string[] items, int toChange, string newValue)
            PexAssume.TrueForAll(items, x => x != null);
            PexAssume.IsTrue(toChange >= 0 && toChange < items.Length);

            (new TestScheduler()).With(sched => {
                var fixture = new SerializedCollection <ModelTestFixture>(
                    items.Select(x => new ModelTestFixture()
                    TestString = x
                bool shouldDie = true;
                var hashBefore = fixture.ContentHash;
                PexAssume.AreNotEqual(newValue, fixture[toChange].TestString);

                fixture.Changed.Subscribe(_ => shouldDie = false);
                Observable.Return(newValue, sched).Subscribe(x => fixture[toChange].TestString = x);


                PexAssert.AreNotEqual(hashBefore, fixture.ContentHash);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Check([PexAssumeUnderTest] MetaProgram.List l, [PexAssumeUnderTest] MetaProgram.List l4,
                                 [PexAssumeUnderTest] MetaProgram.List l6, [PexAssumeUnderTest] MetaProgram.List l9,
                                 [PexAssumeUnderTest] MetaProgram.List l10, [PexAssumeUnderTest] MetaProgram.List lSoln, int x)
            /*PexAssume.IsTrue(MetaProgram.List.Equals(l, l4));
             * PexAssume.IsTrue(MetaProgram.List.Equals(l4, l6));
             * PexAssume.IsTrue(MetaProgram.List.Equals(l6, l9));
             * PexAssume.IsTrue(MetaProgram.List.Equals(l9, l10));
             * PexAssume.IsTrue(MetaProgram.List.Equals(l10, lSoln));*/

            //PexAssume.AreDistinctReferences(new Object[] { l, l4, l6, l9, l10, lSoln });

            PexAssume.IsTrue(MetaProgram.List.Equals(l9, lSoln));
            PexAssume.AreDistinctReferences(new Object[] { l9, lSoln });

            bool firstNull = false;
            bool fourNull  = false;
            bool sixNull   = false;
            bool nineNull  = false;
            bool tenNull   = false;
            bool solnNull  = false;

            int count = 0;

             * try
             * {
             *   l.addToEnd(x);
             * }
             * catch (NullReferenceException)
             * {
             *   firstNull = true;
             * }
             * try
             * {
             *   l4.addToEnd4(x);
             * }
             * catch (NullReferenceException)
             * {
             *   fourNull = true;
             * }
             * try
             * {
             *   l6.addToEnd6(x);
             * }
             * catch (NullReferenceException)
             * {
             *   sixNull = true;
             * }

            catch (NullReferenceException)
                nineNull = true;

             * try
             * {
             *   l10.addToEnd10(x);
             * }
             * catch (NullReferenceException)
             * {
             *   tenNull = true;
             * }
             * */

            catch (NullReferenceException)
                solnNull = true;

             * bool passingCondition1 = ((firstNull == solnNull && firstNull == true) || (firstNull == solnNull && firstNull == false && MetaProgram.List.Equals(l, lSoln)));
             * bool failingCondition1 = !passingCondition1;
             * if (failingCondition1)
             * {
             *   count++;
             *   Console.WriteLine("sub1 not equal to instructor soln");
             * }
             * bool passingCondition4 = ((fourNull == solnNull && fourNull == true) || (fourNull == solnNull && fourNull == false && MetaProgram.List.Equals(l4, lSoln)));
             * bool failingCondition4 = !passingCondition4;
             * if (failingCondition4)
             * {
             *   count++;
             *   Console.WriteLine("sub4 not equal to instructor soln");
             * }
             * bool passingCondition6 = ((sixNull == solnNull && sixNull == true) || (sixNull == solnNull && sixNull == false && MetaProgram.List.Equals(l6, lSoln)));
             * bool failingCondition6 = !passingCondition6;
             * if (failingCondition6)
             * {
             *   count++;
             *   Console.WriteLine("sub6 not equal to instructor soln");
             * }
            bool passingCondition9 = ((nineNull == solnNull && nineNull == true) || (nineNull == solnNull && nineNull == false && MetaProgram.List.Equals(l9, lSoln)));
            bool failingCondition9 = !passingCondition9;

            if (failingCondition9)
                Console.WriteLine("sub9 not equal to instructor soln");

             * bool passingCondition10 = ((tenNull == solnNull && tenNull == true) || (tenNull == solnNull && tenNull == false && MetaProgram.List.Equals(l10, lSoln)));
             * bool failingCondition10 = !passingCondition10;
             * if (failingCondition10)
             * {
             *   count++;
             *   Debug.WriteLine("sub10 not equal to instructor soln");
             * }

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("count", count);

            PexAssert.IsTrue(count == 1); //<------ SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!!
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Check([PexAssumeNotNull] int[] arr1, [PexAssumeNotNull] int[] arr2,
                                 [PexAssumeNotNull] int[] arr3, [PexAssumeNotNull] int[] solnArr)
            PexAssume.AreDistinctReferences(new Object[] { arr1, arr2, arr3, solnArr }); //Don't refer to same mem locations
            PexAssume.IsTrue(isEquals(arr1, arr2));                                      //Deep check
            PexAssume.IsTrue(isEquals(arr2, arr3));
            PexAssume.IsTrue(isEquals(arr3, solnArr));

            bool ans1Except = false, ans2Except = false, ans3Except = false, solnExcept = false;
            int  ans1 = -100, ans2 = -100, ans3 = -100, solnAns = -100, count = 0;

                ans1 = Partitioner.partition(arr1);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                ans1Except = true;

             * try
             * {
             *  ans2 = PartitionerSub2.partition(arr2);
             * }
             * catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
             * {
             *  ans2Except = true;
             * }
             * try
             * {
             *  ans3 = PartitionerSub3.partition(arr3);
             * }
             * catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
             * {
             *  ans3Except = true;
             * }
             * */

                solnAns = PartitionerSolutionForReal.partition(solnArr);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                solnExcept = true;

            bool passingCondition = ((ans1Except == solnExcept && ans1Except == true) || (ans1Except == solnExcept && ans1Except == false && ans1 == solnAns));
            bool failingCondition = !passingCondition;

            if (failingCondition)
                Debug.WriteLine("sub1 not equal to instructor soln");

             * bool passingCondition2 = ((ans2Except == solnExcept && ans2Except == true) || (ans2Except == solnExcept && ans2Except == false && ans2 == solnAns));
             * bool failingCondition2 = !passingCondition2;
             * if (failingCondition2)
             * {
             *  count++;
             *  Debug.WriteLine("sub2 not equal to instructor soln");
             * }
             * bool passingCondition3 = ((ans3Except == solnExcept && ans3Except == true) || (ans3Except == solnExcept && ans3Except == false && ans3 == solnAns));
             * bool failingCondition3 = !passingCondition3;
             * if (failingCondition3)
             * {
             *  count++;
             *  Debug.WriteLine("sub3 not equal to instructor soln");
             * }
             * */

            PexObserve.ValueForViewing("count", count);
            PexAssert.IsTrue(count <= 3);