Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     if (m_manifoldPtr != null && m_ownManifold)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public SimulationIslandManager()
     m_splitIslands   = true;
     m_unionFind      = new UnionFind();
     m_islandmanifold = new PersistentManifoldArray();
     m_islandBodies   = new ObjectArray <CollisionObject>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     if (m_convexTriangleCallback.m_manifoldPtr != null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     ///should we use m_ownManifold to avoid adding duplicates?
     if (m_manifoldPtr != null && m_ownManifold)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_childCollisionAlgorithms.Count; i++)
         if (m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i] != null)
             if (m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i] == this)
                 int ibreak = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public InplaceSolverIslandCallback(
     ContactSolverInfo solverInfo,
     IConstraintSolver solver,
     ObjectArray <TypedConstraint> sortedConstraints,
     int numConstraints,
     IDebugDraw debugDrawer,
     IDispatcher dispatcher)
     m_solverInfo        = solverInfo;
     m_solver            = solver;
     m_sortedConstraints = sortedConstraints;
     m_numConstraints    = numConstraints;
     m_debugDrawer       = debugDrawer;
     m_dispatcher        = dispatcher;
     m_bodies            = new ObjectArray <CollisionObject>();
     m_manifolds         = new PersistentManifoldArray();
     m_constraints       = new ObjectArray <TypedConstraint>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override bool NeedsCollision(BroadphaseProxy proxy0)
            //don't collide with itself
            if (proxy0.m_clientObject == m_me)

            ///don't do CCD when the collision filters are not matching
            if (!base.NeedsCollision(proxy0))

            CollisionObject otherObj = proxy0.m_clientObject as CollisionObject;

            //call needsResponse, see http://code.google.com/p/bullet/issues/detail?id=179
            if (m_dispatcher.NeedsResponse(m_me, otherObj))
#if false
                ///don't do CCD when there are already contact points (touching contact/penetration)
                PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray = new PersistentManifoldArray();
                BroadphasePair          collisionPair = m_pairCache.FindPair(m_me.GetBroadphaseHandle(), proxy0);
                if (collisionPair != null)
                    if (collisionPair.m_algorithm != null)
                        int length = manifoldArray.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                            if (manifoldArray[i].GetNumContacts() > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        ///maxSubSteps/fixedTimeStep for interpolation is currently ignored for btSimpleDynamicsWorld, use btDiscreteDynamicsWorld instead
        public override int StepSimulation(float timeStep, int maxSubSteps, float fixedTimeStep)
            ///apply gravity, predict motion

            DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo = GetDispatchInfo();


            ///perform collision detection

            ///solve contact constraints
            int numManifolds = m_dispatcher1.GetNumManifolds();

            if (numManifolds != 0)
                PersistentManifoldArray manifoldPtr = (m_dispatcher1 as CollisionDispatcher).GetInternalManifoldPointer();

                ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal = new ContactSolverInfo();
                infoGlobal.m_timeStep = timeStep;
                m_constraintSolver.PrepareSolve(0, numManifolds);
                m_constraintSolver.SolveGroup(null, 0, manifoldPtr, 0, numManifolds, null, 0, 0, infoGlobal, m_debugDrawer, m_dispatcher1);
                m_constraintSolver.AllSolved(infoGlobal, m_debugDrawer);

            ///integrate transforms




Ejemplo n.º 9
 public abstract void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void BuildAndProcessIslands(IDispatcher dispatcher, CollisionWorld collisionWorld, IIslandCallback callback)
            ObjectArray <CollisionObject> collisionObjects = collisionWorld.GetCollisionObjectArray();

            BuildIslands(dispatcher, collisionWorld);

            int endIslandIndex = 1;
            int startIslandIndex;
            int numElem = GetUnionFind().GetNumElements();


            if (!m_splitIslands)
                PersistentManifoldArray manifolds = dispatcher.GetInternalManifoldPointer();
                int maxNumManifolds = dispatcher.GetNumManifolds();
                callback.ProcessIsland(collisionObjects, collisionObjects.Count, manifolds, 0, maxNumManifolds, -1);
                // Sort manifolds, based on islands
                // Sort the vector using predicate and std::sort
                //std::sort(islandmanifold.begin(), islandmanifold.end(), btPersistentManifoldSortPredicate);

                int numManifolds = m_islandmanifold.Count;

                //we should do radix sort, it it much faster (O(n) instead of O (n log2(n))


                //now process all active islands (sets of manifolds for now)

                int startManifoldIndex = 0;
                int endManifoldIndex   = 1;
                //traverse the simulation islands, and call the solver, unless all objects are sleeping/deactivated
                for (startIslandIndex = 0; startIslandIndex < numElem; startIslandIndex = endIslandIndex)
                    int islandId = GetUnionFind().GetElement(startIslandIndex).m_id;

                    if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugIslands)
                        BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("buildAndProcessIslands start[{0}] end[{1}] id[{2}]", startIslandIndex, endIslandIndex, islandId));

                    bool islandSleeping = true;

                    for (endIslandIndex = startIslandIndex; (endIslandIndex < numElem) && (GetUnionFind().GetElement(endIslandIndex).m_id == islandId); endIslandIndex++)
                        int             i       = GetUnionFind().GetElement(endIslandIndex).m_sz;
                        CollisionObject colObj0 = collisionObjects[i];
                        if (colObj0.IsActive())
                            islandSleeping = false;

                    //find the accompanying contact manifold for this islandId
                    int numIslandManifolds           = 0;
                    PersistentManifold startManifold = null;

                    if (startManifoldIndex < numManifolds)
                        int curIslandId = GetIslandId(m_islandmanifold[startManifoldIndex]);

                        if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugIslands)
                            BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("curIsland[{0}] startManifold[{1}].", curIslandId, startManifoldIndex);

                        if (curIslandId == islandId)
                            startManifold = m_islandmanifold[startManifoldIndex];

                            for (endManifoldIndex = startManifoldIndex + 1; (endManifoldIndex < numManifolds) && (islandId == GetIslandId(m_islandmanifold[endManifoldIndex])); endManifoldIndex++)
                                if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugIslands)
                                    BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("endManifoldIndex[{0}] islandId[{1}] getIsland[{2}].", endManifoldIndex, startManifoldIndex, GetIslandId(m_islandmanifold[endManifoldIndex]));
                            /// Process the actual simulation, only if not sleeping/deactivated
                            numIslandManifolds = endManifoldIndex - startManifoldIndex;

                    if (!islandSleeping)
                        callback.ProcessIsland(m_islandBodies, m_islandBodies.Count, m_islandmanifold, startManifoldIndex, numIslandManifolds, islandId);
                        //			printf("Island callback of size:%d bodies, %d manifolds\n",islandBodies.size(),numIslandManifolds);
                        if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugIslands)

                    if (numIslandManifolds != 0)
                        startManifoldIndex = endManifoldIndex;

            } // else if(!splitIslands)
        protected virtual float SolveGroupCacheFriendlySetup(ObjectArray<CollisionObject> bodies, int numBodies, PersistentManifoldArray manifold, int startManifold, int numManifolds, ObjectArray<TypedConstraint> constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, IDebugDraw debugDrawer, IDispatcher dispatcher)

            m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations = 0;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("SolveGroupCacheFriendlySetup start [{0}].", m_counter);

			if ((numConstraints + numManifolds) == 0)
				//		printf("empty\n");
                return 0f;

			IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;

			if (infoGlobal.m_splitImpulse)
				for (int i = 0; i < numBodies; i++)
                    //RigidBody body = RigidBody.Upcast(bodies[i]);
                    RigidBody body = bodies[i] as RigidBody;
					if (body != null)
						body.InternalSetDeltaLinearVelocity(ref zero);
						body.InternalSetDeltaAngularVelocity(ref zero);
						body.InternalSetPushVelocity(ref zero);
						body.InternalSetTurnVelocity(ref zero);
				for (int i = 0; i < numBodies; i++)
                    RigidBody body = bodies[i] as RigidBody;
                    if (body != null)
						body.InternalSetDeltaLinearVelocity(ref zero);
						body.InternalSetDeltaAngularVelocity(ref zero);

            if (true)
                int j;
                int lastConstraint = startConstraint + numConstraints;
                for (j = startConstraint; j < lastConstraint; j++)
                    TypedConstraint constraint = constraints[j];

			//if (1)

					int totalNumRows = 0;
					//calculate the total number of contraint rows
                    for (int i = 0; i < numConstraints; i++)
                        ConstraintInfo1 info1 = m_tmpConstraintSizesPool[i];
						if (constraints[startConstraint + i].IsEnabled())
							constraints[startConstraint + i].GetInfo1(info1);
							info1.m_numConstraintRows = 0;
							info1.nub = 0;

						totalNumRows += info1.m_numConstraintRows;


					///setup the btSolverConstraints
					int currentRow = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < numConstraints; i++)
						ConstraintInfo1 info1a = m_tmpConstraintSizesPool[i];

						if (info1a.m_numConstraintRows != 0)
                            Debug.Assert(currentRow < totalNumRows);

                            TypedConstraint constraint = constraints[startConstraint + i];

                            RigidBody rbA = constraint.GetRigidBodyA();
                            RigidBody rbB = constraint.GetRigidBodyB();

                            int overrideNumSolverIterations = constraint.GetOverrideNumSolverIterations() > 0 ? constraint.GetOverrideNumSolverIterations() : infoGlobal.m_numIterations;

                                if (overrideNumSolverIterations > m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations)
                                    m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations = overrideNumSolverIterations;

                            for (int j = 0; j < info1a.m_numConstraintRows; j++)
                                int index = currentRow + j;
                                SolverConstraint solverConstraint = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[index];
                                solverConstraint.m_lowerLimit = -MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                                solverConstraint.m_upperLimit = MathUtil.SIMD_INFINITY;
                                solverConstraint.m_appliedImpulse = 0f;
                                solverConstraint.m_appliedPushImpulse = 0f;
                                solverConstraint.m_solverBodyA = rbA;
                                solverConstraint.m_solverBodyB = rbB;
                                solverConstraint.m_overrideNumSolverIterations = overrideNumSolverIterations;

                            rbA.InternalSetDeltaLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                            rbA.InternalSetDeltaAngularVelocity(ref zero);
                            rbB.InternalSetDeltaLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                            rbB.InternalSetDeltaAngularVelocity(ref zero);
                            ConstraintInfo2 info2 = m_tmpConstraintInfo2Pool[m_tmpConstraintInfo2Pool.Count];

                            Debug.Assert(info1a.m_numConstraintRows <= ConstraintInfo2.maxConstraints);
                            info2.m_numRows = info1a.m_numConstraintRows;
							// MAN - copy the data into the info block for passing to the constraints
							for (int j = 0; j < info1a.m_numConstraintRows; ++j)
								info2.m_solverConstraints[j] = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[currentRow + j];

                            info2.fps = 1f / infoGlobal.m_timeStep;
                            info2.erp = infoGlobal.m_erp;
                            info2.m_numIterations = infoGlobal.m_numIterations;
                            info2.m_damping = infoGlobal.m_damping;

                            //FIXME - log the output of the solverconstraints for comparison.

                            for (int j = 0; j < (info1a.m_numConstraintRows); j++)
                                SolverConstraint solverConstraint = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[currentRow + j];

                                if (solverConstraint.m_upperLimit >= constraint.GetBreakingImpulseThreshold())
                                    solverConstraint.m_upperLimit = constraint.GetBreakingImpulseThreshold();

                                if (solverConstraint.m_lowerLimit <= -constraint.GetBreakingImpulseThreshold())
                                    solverConstraint.m_lowerLimit = -constraint.GetBreakingImpulseThreshold();

                                solverConstraint.m_originalContactPoint = constraint;

                                    IndexedVector3 ftorqueAxis1 = solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal;
                                    solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA = constraint.GetRigidBodyA().GetInvInertiaTensorWorld() * ftorqueAxis1 * constraint.GetRigidBodyA().GetAngularFactor();
                                    IndexedVector3 ftorqueAxis2 = solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal;
                                    solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB = constraint.GetRigidBodyB().GetInvInertiaTensorWorld() * ftorqueAxis2 * constraint.GetRigidBodyB().GetAngularFactor();

                                    IndexedVector3 iMJlA = solverConstraint.m_contactNormal * rbA.GetInvMass();
                                    IndexedVector3 iMJaA = rbA.GetInvInertiaTensorWorld() * solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal;
                                    IndexedVector3 iMJlB = solverConstraint.m_contactNormal * rbB.GetInvMass();//sign of normal?
                                    IndexedVector3 iMJaB = rbB.GetInvInertiaTensorWorld() * solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal;

                                    float sum = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref iMJlA, ref solverConstraint.m_contactNormal);
                                    float a = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref iMJaA, ref solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal);
                                    float b = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref iMJlB, ref solverConstraint.m_contactNormal);
                                    float c = IndexedVector3.Dot(ref iMJaB, ref solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal);
									sum += a;
									sum += b;
									sum += c;

                                    solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv = 1f / sum;


                                ///fix rhs
                                ///todo: add force/torque accelerators
                                    float rel_vel;
                                    float vel1Dotn = IndexedVector3.Dot(solverConstraint.m_contactNormal, rbA.GetLinearVelocity()) + IndexedVector3.Dot(solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal, rbA.GetAngularVelocity());
                                    float vel2Dotn = -IndexedVector3.Dot(solverConstraint.m_contactNormal, rbB.GetLinearVelocity()) + IndexedVector3.Dot(solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal, rbB.GetAngularVelocity());

                                    rel_vel = vel1Dotn + vel2Dotn;

                                    float restitution = 0f;
                                    float positionalError = solverConstraint.m_rhs;//already filled in by getConstraintInfo2
                                    float velocityError = restitution - rel_vel * info2.m_damping;
                                    float penetrationImpulse = positionalError * solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv;
                                    float velocityImpulse = velocityError * solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv;
                                    solverConstraint.m_rhs = penetrationImpulse + velocityImpulse;
                                    solverConstraint.m_appliedImpulse = 0f;

#if DEBUG                                
                                if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                                    TypedConstraint.PrintSolverConstraint(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, solverConstraint, j);
                                //m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[currentRow + j] = solverConstraint;

                            //if(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                            //    TypedConstraint.PrintInfo2(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter,constraint,info2);

						currentRow += m_tmpConstraintSizesPool[i].m_numConstraintRows;

                    int lastManifold = startManifold + numManifolds;
                    for (int i = startManifold; i < lastManifold; i++)
                        ConvertContact(manifold[i], infoGlobal);

			ContactSolverInfo info = infoGlobal;

            int numNonContactPool = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numConstraintPool = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numFrictionPool = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;

			///@todo: use stack allocator for such temporarily memory, same for solver bodies/constraints

                for (int i = 0; i < numNonContactPool; i++)
                    m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[i] = i;
				for (int i = 0; i < numConstraintPool; i++)
					m_orderTmpConstraintPool[i] = i;
				for (int i = 0; i < numFrictionPool; i++)
                    m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[i] = i;


            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("SolveGroupCacheFriendlySetup stop.");
			return 0f;

		protected virtual float SolveGroupCacheFriendlyFinish(ObjectArray<CollisionObject> bodies, int numBodies, PersistentManifoldArray manifold, int startManifold, int numManifolds, ObjectArray<TypedConstraint> constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
			int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("SolveGroupCacheFriendlyFinish start [{0}].",numPoolConstraints);

			for (int j = 0; j < numPoolConstraints; j++)

				SolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[j];
				if ((infoGlobal.m_solverMode & SolverMode.SOLVER_USE_FRICTION_WARMSTARTING) != 0)
                    ((ManifoldPoint)solveManifold.m_originalContactPoint).SetAppliedImpulseLateral2(m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool[solveManifold.m_frictionIndex + 1].m_appliedImpulse);

				//do a callback here?

			numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count;
			for (int j = 0; j < numPoolConstraints; j++)
				SolverConstraint solverConstr = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[j];
				TypedConstraint constr = solverConstr.m_originalContactPoint as TypedConstraint;
				if (Math.Abs(solverConstr.m_appliedImpulse) >= constr.GetBreakingImpulseThreshold())
				m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[j] = solverConstr;


			if (infoGlobal.m_splitImpulse)
				for (int i = 0; i < numBodies; i++)
					RigidBody rb = RigidBody.Upcast(bodies[i]);
					if (rb != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < numBodies; i++)
					RigidBody rb = RigidBody.Upcast(bodies[i]);
					if (rb != null)
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("SolveGroupCacheFriendlyFinish stop.");
			return 0f;
        protected virtual void SolveGroupCacheFriendlySplitImpulseIterations(ObjectArray<CollisionObject> bodies, int numBodies, PersistentManifoldArray manifold, int startManifold, int numManifolds, ObjectArray<TypedConstraint> constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
			if (infoGlobal.m_splitImpulse)
				for (int iteration = 0; iteration < infoGlobal.m_numIterations; iteration++)
						int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
						for (int j = 0; j < numPoolConstraints; j++)
							SolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j]];
							ResolveSplitPenetrationImpulseCacheFriendly(solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, ref solveManifold);
							m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j]] = solveManifold;
		public virtual float SolveGroup(ObjectArray<CollisionObject> bodies, int numBodies, PersistentManifoldArray manifoldPtr, int startManifold, int numManifolds, ObjectArray<TypedConstraint> constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, IDebugDraw debugDrawer, IDispatcher dispatcher)
			//you need to provide at least some bodies
			Debug.Assert(bodies.Count > 0);

            SolveGroupCacheFriendlySetup(bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, startManifold, numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer, dispatcher);

            SolveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations(bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, startManifold, numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer, dispatcher);

            SolveGroupCacheFriendlyFinish(bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, startManifold, numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer);

			return 0.0f;

Ejemplo n.º 15
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        // Portable static method: prerequisite call: m_dynamicsWorld.getBroadphase().getOverlappingPairCache().setInternalGhostPairCallback(new btGhostPairCallback());
        public static void GetCollidingObjectsInsidePairCachingGhostObject(DiscreteDynamicsWorld m_dynamicsWorld, PairCachingGhostObject m_pairCachingGhostObject, ObjectArray <CollisionObject> collisionArrayOut)
            bool addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance = true;     // With "false" things don't change much, and the code is a bit faster and cleaner...

            if (m_pairCachingGhostObject == null || m_dynamicsWorld == null)

            //#define USE_PLAIN_COLLISION_WORLD // We dispatch all collision pairs of the ghost object every step (slow)
            // I thought this line was no longer needed, but it seems to be necessary (and I believe it's an expensive call):
            m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(m_pairCachingGhostObject.getOverlappingPairCache(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatchInfo(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher());
            // Maybe the call can be automatically triggered by some other Bullet call (I'm almost sure I could comment it out in another demo I made long ago...)
            // So by now the general rule is: in real projects, simply comment it out and see if it works!
            // UPDATE: in dynamic worlds, the line above can be commented out and the broadphase pair can be retrieved through the call to findPair(...) below.
            // In collision worlds probably the above line is needed only if collision detection for all the bodies hasn't been made... This is something
            // I'm still not sure of... the general rule is to try to comment out the line above and try to use findPair(...) and see if it works whenever possible....

            ObjectArray <BroadphasePair> collisionPairs = m_pairCachingGhostObject.GetOverlappingPairCache().GetOverlappingPairArray();
            int numObjects = collisionPairs.Count;
            PersistentManifoldArray m_manifoldArray = new PersistentManifoldArray();
            bool added;
            for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)

                const btBroadphasePair& collisionPair = collisionPairs[i];
                if (collisionPair.m_algorithm)
                else    // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
                    printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");
                BroadphasePair cPair = collisionPairs[i];
                //unless we manually perform collision detection on this pair, the contacts are in the dynamics world paircache:
                BroadphasePair collisionPair = m_dynamicsWorld.GetPairCache().FindPair(cPair.m_pProxy0, cPair.m_pProxy1);
                if (collisionPair == null)
                if (collisionPair.m_algorithm != null)
                {       // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
                    //printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");

                added = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_manifoldArray.Count; j++)
                    PersistentManifold manifold = m_manifoldArray[j];
                    // Here we are in the narrowphase, but can happen that manifold.getNumContacts()==0:
                    if (addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance)
                        for (int p = 0, numContacts = manifold.GetNumContacts(); p < numContacts; p++)
                            ManifoldPoint pt = manifold.GetContactPoint(p);
                            if (pt.GetDistance() < 0.0)
                                // How can I be sure that the colObjs are all distinct ? I use the "added" flag.
                                collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));
                                added = true;
                        if (added)
                    else if (manifold.GetNumContacts() > 0)
                        collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public void RecordGhostCollisions(PairCachingGhostObject obj)
        IOverlappingPairCache cache = obj.GetOverlappingPairCache();
        ObjectArray<BroadphasePair> pairs = cache.GetOverlappingPairArray();

        DiscreteDynamicsWorld world = (PhysicsScene.World as BulletWorldXNA).world;
        PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray = new PersistentManifoldArray();
        BroadphasePair collisionPair;
        PersistentManifold contactManifold;

        CollisionObject objA;
        CollisionObject objB;

        ManifoldPoint pt;

        int numPairs = pairs.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++)
            if (LastCollisionDesc < UpdatedCollisions.Length)
            collisionPair = world.GetPairCache().FindPair(pairs[i].m_pProxy0, pairs[i].m_pProxy1);
            if (collisionPair == null)

            for (int j = 0; j < manifoldArray.Count; j++)
                contactManifold = manifoldArray[j];
                int numContacts = contactManifold.GetNumContacts();
                objA = contactManifold.GetBody0() as CollisionObject;
                objB = contactManifold.GetBody1() as CollisionObject;
                for (int p = 0; p < numContacts; p++)
                    pt = contactManifold.GetContactPoint(p);
                    if (pt.GetDistance() < 0.0f)
                        RecordCollision(this, objA, objB, pt.GetPositionWorldOnA(), -pt.m_normalWorldOnB,pt.GetDistance());

Ejemplo n.º 18
        // Portable static method: prerequisite call: m_dynamicsWorld.getBroadphase().getOverlappingPairCache().setInternalGhostPairCallback(new btGhostPairCallback()); 
        public static void GetCollidingObjectsInsidePairCachingGhostObject(DiscreteDynamicsWorld m_dynamicsWorld, PairCachingGhostObject m_pairCachingGhostObject, ObjectArray<CollisionObject> collisionArrayOut)
            bool addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance = true;	// With "false" things don't change much, and the code is a bit faster and cleaner...

            if (m_pairCachingGhostObject == null || m_dynamicsWorld == null) return;

            //#define USE_PLAIN_COLLISION_WORLD // We dispatch all collision pairs of the ghost object every step (slow)
	// I thought this line was no longer needed, but it seems to be necessary (and I believe it's an expensive call):
	m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(m_pairCachingGhostObject.getOverlappingPairCache(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatchInfo(), m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher());
	// Maybe the call can be automatically triggered by some other Bullet call (I'm almost sure I could comment it out in another demo I made long ago...)
	// So by now the general rule is: in real projects, simply comment it out and see if it works!
	// UPDATE: in dynamic worlds, the line above can be commented out and the broadphase pair can be retrieved through the call to findPair(...) below.
	// In collision worlds probably the above line is needed only if collision detection for all the bodies hasn't been made... This is something
	// I'm still not sure of... the general rule is to try to comment out the line above and try to use findPair(...) and see if it works whenever possible....

            ObjectArray<BroadphasePair> collisionPairs = m_pairCachingGhostObject.GetOverlappingPairCache().GetOverlappingPairArray();
            int numObjects = collisionPairs.Count;
            PersistentManifoldArray m_manifoldArray = new PersistentManifoldArray();
            bool added;
            for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)

		const btBroadphasePair& collisionPair = collisionPairs[i];
		if (collisionPair.m_algorithm) collisionPair.m_algorithm.getAllContactManifolds(m_manifoldArray);
		else {	// THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
			printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");	
                BroadphasePair cPair = collisionPairs[i];
                //unless we manually perform collision detection on this pair, the contacts are in the dynamics world paircache:
                BroadphasePair collisionPair = m_dynamicsWorld.GetPairCache().FindPair(cPair.m_pProxy0, cPair.m_pProxy1);
                if (collisionPair == null)

                if (collisionPair.m_algorithm != null)
                {	// THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOES, PLEASE RE-ENABLE the "call" a few lines above...
                    //printf("No collisionPair.m_algorithm - probably m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatcher().dispatchAllCollisionPairs(...) must be missing.\n");	

                added = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_manifoldArray.Count; j++)
                    PersistentManifold manifold = m_manifoldArray[j];
                    // Here we are in the narrowphase, but can happen that manifold.getNumContacts()==0:
                    if (addOnlyObjectsWithNegativeDistance)
                        for (int p = 0, numContacts = manifold.GetNumContacts(); p < numContacts; p++)
                            ManifoldPoint pt = manifold.GetContactPoint(p);
                            if (pt.GetDistance() < 0.0)
                                // How can I be sure that the colObjs are all distinct ? I use the "added" flag.
                                collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));
                                added = true;
                        if (added)
                    else if (manifold.GetNumContacts() > 0)
                        collisionArrayOut.Add((CollisionObject)(manifold.GetBody0() == m_pairCachingGhostObject ? manifold.GetBody1() : manifold.GetBody0()));
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     if (m_convexTriangleCallback.m_manifoldPtr != null)
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_childCollisionAlgorithms.Count; i++)
         if (m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i] != null)
             if (m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i] == this)
                 int ibreak = 0;
 public abstract void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray);
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     if (m_manifoldPtr != null)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public virtual void ProcessIsland(ObjectArray <CollisionObject> bodies, int numBodies, PersistentManifoldArray manifolds, int startManifold, int numManifolds, int islandId)
            if (islandId < 0)
                if (numManifolds + m_numConstraints > 0)
                    ///we don't split islands, so all constraints/contact manifolds/bodies are passed into the solver regardless the island id
                    m_solver.SolveGroup(bodies, numBodies, manifolds, startManifold, numManifolds, m_sortedConstraints, 0, m_numConstraints, m_solverInfo, m_debugDrawer, m_dispatcher);
                //also add all non-contact constraints/joints for this island
                int startConstraint   = 0;
                int numCurConstraints = 0;
                int i = 0;

                //find the first constraint for this island
                for (i = 0; i < m_numConstraints; i++)
                    if (DiscreteDynamicsWorld.GetConstraintIslandId(m_sortedConstraints[i]) == islandId)
                        startConstraint = i;
                //count the number of constraints in this island
                for (; i < m_numConstraints; i++)
                    if (DiscreteDynamicsWorld.GetConstraintIslandId(m_sortedConstraints[i]) == islandId)

                if (m_solverInfo.m_minimumSolverBatchSize <= 1)
                    ///only call solveGroup if there is some work: avoid virtual function call, its overhead can be excessive
                    if (numManifolds + numCurConstraints > 0)
                        m_solver.SolveGroup(bodies, numBodies, manifolds, startManifold, numManifolds, m_sortedConstraints, startConstraint, numCurConstraints, m_solverInfo, m_debugDrawer, m_dispatcher);
                    for (i = 0; i < numBodies; i++)
                    int lastManifold = startManifold + numManifolds;
                    for (i = startManifold; i < lastManifold; i++)
                    int lastConstraint = startConstraint + numCurConstraints;
                    for (i = startConstraint; i < lastConstraint; i++)
                    if ((m_constraints.Count + m_manifolds.Count) > m_solverInfo.m_minimumSolverBatchSize)
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)
     ///should we use m_ownManifold to avoid adding duplicates?
     if (m_manifoldPtr != null && m_ownManifold)
		//protected virtual float solveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations()
		protected float SolveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations(ObjectArray<CollisionObject> bodies, int numBodies, PersistentManifoldArray manifoldPtr, int startManifold, int numManifolds, ObjectArray<TypedConstraint> constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, IDebugDraw debugDrawer, IDispatcher dispatcher)
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("SolveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations start.");

		        ///this is a special step to resolve penetrations (just for contacts)
		        SolveGroupCacheFriendlySplitImpulseIterations(bodies ,numBodies,manifoldPtr,startManifold,numManifolds,constraints,startConstraint,numConstraints,infoGlobal,debugDrawer);

		        int maxIterations = m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations > infoGlobal.m_numIterations? m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations : infoGlobal.m_numIterations;

		        //for ( int iteration = maxIterations-1  ; iteration >= 0;iteration--)
                for (int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++)
			        SolveSingleIteration(iteration, bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr,startManifold,numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer);
#if DEBUG	        
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("SolveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations stop.");
			return 0.0f;
        protected float SolveSingleIteration(int iteration, ObjectArray<CollisionObject> bodies, int numBodies, PersistentManifoldArray manifold, int startManifold, int numManifolds, ObjectArray<TypedConstraint> constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, ContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, IDebugDraw debugDrawer)
            int numNonContactPool = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numConstraintPool = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numFrictionPool = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugSolver)
                BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine( "solveSingleIter [{0}][{1}][{2}].", numNonContactPool, numConstraintPool, numFrictionPool);

			//should traverse the contacts random order...
			if (TestSolverMode(infoGlobal.m_solverMode, SolverMode.SOLVER_RANDMIZE_ORDER))
                if ((iteration & 7) == 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < numNonContactPool; ++j)
                        int tmp = m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[j];
                        int swapi = RandInt2(j + 1);
                        m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[j] = m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[swapi];
                        m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[swapi] = tmp;

                    //contact/friction constraints are not solved more than 
                    if (iteration < infoGlobal.m_numIterations)
                        for (int j = 0; j < numConstraintPool; ++j)
                            int tmp = m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j];
                            int swapi = RandInt2(j + 1);
                            m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j] = m_orderTmpConstraintPool[swapi];
                            m_orderTmpConstraintPool[swapi] = tmp;

                        for (int j = 0; j < numFrictionPool; ++j)
                            int tmp = m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[j];
                            int swapi = RandInt2(j + 1);
                            m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[j] = m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[swapi];
                            m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[swapi] = tmp;

			SolverConstraint[] rawTmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.GetRawArray();
            int[] rawOrderNonContactConstraintPool = m_orderNonContactConstraintPool.GetRawArray();
			///solve all joint constraints
		    for (int j=0;j<m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count;j++)
                SolverConstraint constraint = rawTmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[rawOrderNonContactConstraintPool[j]];
                if (iteration < constraint.m_overrideNumSolverIterations)
				    ResolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric(constraint.m_solverBodyA,constraint.m_solverBodyB,ref constraint);

		    if (iteration< infoGlobal.m_numIterations)
                SolverConstraint[] rawTmpSolverContactConstraintPool = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.GetRawArray();
                int[] rawOrderTmpConstraintPool = m_orderTmpConstraintPool.GetRawArray();

			    ///solve all contact constraints
			    int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
			    for (int j=0;j<numPoolConstraints;j++)
                    SolverConstraint solveManifold = rawTmpSolverContactConstraintPool[rawOrderTmpConstraintPool[j]];
				    ResolveSingleConstraintRowLowerLimit(solveManifold.m_solverBodyA,solveManifold.m_solverBodyB,ref solveManifold);
			    ///solve all friction constraints
			    int numFrictionPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;
                SolverConstraint[] rawTmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.GetRawArray();
                int[] rawOrderFrictionConstraintPool = m_orderFrictionConstraintPool.GetRawArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < numFrictionPoolConstraints; j++)
				    SolverConstraint solveManifold = rawTmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool[rawOrderFrictionConstraintPool[j]];
				    float totalImpulse = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[solveManifold.m_frictionIndex].m_appliedImpulse;

				    if (totalImpulse>0f)
					    solveManifold.m_lowerLimit = -(solveManifold.m_friction*totalImpulse);
					    solveManifold.m_upperLimit = solveManifold.m_friction*totalImpulse;

					    ResolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric(solveManifold.m_solverBodyA,solveManifold.m_solverBodyB,ref solveManifold);
			return 0f;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public override void GetAllContactManifolds(PersistentManifoldArray manifoldArray)