Ejemplo n.º 1
        public object Handle(Mode modePrePost, ProcessType processType, object model, Db db)
            PermittedGeoLocation modelCasted = null;

            if (modePrePost == Mode.Pre)
                if (processType == ProcessType.Get)
                    modelCasted = GetPermittedGeoLocation1(model);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private PermittedGeoLocation GetPermittedGeoLocation1(object model)
            PermittedGeoLocation permittedGeoLocation = new PermittedGeoLocation();
            List <UserGeo>       userGeolocationView  = new List <UserGeo>();

            userGeolocationView           = ((List <object>)model).Cast <UserGeo>().ToList();
            permittedGeoLocation.District = userGeolocationView.GroupBy(p => p.DistrictCode).Select(x =>
                                                                                                    new District()
                DistrictCode = x.First().DistrictCode, DistrictName = x.First().DistrictName, DistrictNameBangla = x.First().DistrictNameBangla

            permittedGeoLocation.Upazila = userGeolocationView.GroupBy(m =>
                m.DistrictCode, m.UpazilaCode
            }).Select(x =>
                      new Upazila()
                DistrictCode      = x.First().DistrictCode, UpazilaCode = x.First().UpazilaCode,
                UpazilaName       = x.First().UpazilaName,
                UpazilaNameBangla = x.First().UpazilaNameBangla

            permittedGeoLocation.Unions = userGeolocationView
                                          .GroupBy(p => new { p.DistrictCode, p.UpazilaCode, p.UnionCode }).Select(x =>
                                                                                                                   new Union()
                DistrictCode    = x.First().DistrictCode,
                UpazilaCode     = x.First().UpazilaCode,
                UnionCode       = x.First().UnionCode,
                UnionName       = x.First().UnionName,
                UnionNameBangla = x.First().UnionNameBangla

            permittedGeoLocation.Village = userGeolocationView
                                           .GroupBy(p => new { p.DistrictCode, p.UpazilaCode, p.UnionCode, p.VillageCode }).Select(x =>
                                                                                                                                   new Village()
                DistrictCode      = x.First().DistrictCode,
                UpazilaCode       = x.First().UpazilaCode,
                UnionCode         = x.First().UnionCode,
                VillageCode       = x.First().VillageCode,
                VillageName       = x.First().VillageName,
                VillageNameBangla = string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.First().VillageNameBangla)? x.First().VillageName:x.First().VillageNameBangla

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private PermittedGeoLocation GetPermittedGeoLocation(int userId, Db db)
            var    result = new PermittedGeoLocation();
            string sql    = string.Format(@"SELECT DISTINCT S.DistrictCode ,D.DistrictName, D.DistrictNameBangla
                                            FROM dbo.Geolocation s
                                            inner join GeoLocation.dbo.District d on d.DistrictCode=s.DistrictCode
                                            where s.DistrictCode in (select DistrictCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}')",

            result.District = db.Get <District>(sql);

            sql = string.Format(@"SELECT DISTINCT  s.DistrictCode,u.UpazilaCode ,u.UpazilaName,u.UpazilaNameBangla
                                        FROM dbo.Geolocation s
                                        inner join GeoLocation.dbo.Upazila u on u.DistrictCode=s.DistrictCode 
										U.DistrictCode in (select DistrictCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}') AND
										U.UpazilaCode in (select UpazilaCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}')"                                        ,
            result.Upazila = db.Get <Upazila>(sql);

            sql = string.Format(
                @"SELECT distinct   s.DistrictCode,s.UpazilaCode,s.UnionCode ,u.UnionName,u.UnionNameBangla
                                        FROM dbo.Geolocation s
                                        inner join GeoLocation.dbo.Unions U on U.UnionCode=s.UnionCode and U.DistrictCode=s.DistrictCode and u.UpazilaCode=s.UpazilaCode 
										U.DistrictCode in (select DistrictCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}') AND
										U.UpazilaCode in (select UpazilaCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}') AND
                                        U.UnionCode in (select UnionCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}')",
            result.Unions = db.Get <Union>(sql);

            sql = string.Format(
                @" SELECT DISTINCT s.DistrictCode,s.UpazilaCode,s.UnionCode,s.VillageCode,v.VillageName,v.VillageNameBangla 
                                        FROM dbo.Geolocation s
                                        inner join GeoLocation.dbo.Upazila u on u.UpazilaCode=s.UpazilaCode
                                        inner join GeoLocation.dbo.Village v on v.VillageCode=s.VillageCode and v.UnionCode=s.UnionCode and v.UpazilaCode=s.UpazilaCode  and v.DistrictCode=s.DistrictCode  
                                        v.DistrictCode in (select DistrictCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}') AND
                                        v.UpazilaCode in (select UpazilaCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}') AND
                                        v.UnionCode in (select UnionCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}') AND
                                        v.VillageCode in (select VillageCode from UserGeoLocation where UserID='{0}')",
            result.Village = db.Get <Village>(sql);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ApiResponse <Object> GetPacketByUserId(ApiPacketRequest apr)
            ApiResponse <Object> returnObject = new ApiResponse <Object>();
            List <object>        obj          = new List <object>();

            switch (apr.TableName)
            case "Login":
                UsersLogin query             = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UsersLogin>(apr.ApiPacket.Packet.ToString());
                var        result            = new AspNetUsers().Login(query);
                ApiPacket <LoginResponse> fp = new ApiPacket <LoginResponse>()
                    Packet = new LoginResponse()
                if (result != null)
                    returnObject.ApiPacket.Packet = new LoginResponse()
                        UserInfo = result.UserInfo                                                          /*, BlockInfo = result.BlockInfo ServicePoint = result.ServicePoint, GeoLocation = result.GeoLocation*/
                ApiResponse <LoginResponse> response = new ApiResponse <LoginResponse>()
                    Success     = result != null ? true : false,
                    ApiPacket   = fp,
                    PageNo      = apr.PageNo,
                    PageSize    = apr.PageSize,
                    TotalRecord = 0,
                    Message     = result != null ? "Login successfully." : "Invalid Username or Password",
                    Status      = result != null ? 200 : 400
                Tools.CopyClass(returnObject, response);
                //return returnObject;

            case "UserGeo":
                var result = new PermittedGeoLocation().GetPermittedGeoLocation(new PermittedGeoLocationRM {
                        UserId = apr.UserId

                ApiPacket <PermittedGeoLocationViewModels> fp = new ApiPacket <PermittedGeoLocationViewModels>()
                    Packet = new PermittedGeoLocationViewModels()
                if (result != null)
                    returnObject.ApiPacket.Packet = new PermittedGeoLocationViewModels()
                        District = result.District, Upazila = result.Upazila, Unions = result.Unions, Village = result.Village, CenterInfo = result.CenterInfo, CampInfo = result.CampInfo

                ApiResponse <PermittedGeoLocationViewModels> response = new ApiResponse <PermittedGeoLocationViewModels>()
                    Success     = result != null ? true : false,
                    ApiPacket   = fp,
                    PageNo      = apr.PageNo,
                    PageSize    = apr.PageSize,
                    TotalRecord = 0,
                    Message     = result != null ? "Record Fetched successfully." : "Record Fetched fail.",
                    Status      = result != null ? 200 : 400
                Tools.CopyClass(returnObject, response);

            case "UniqueId":
                var requestObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RequestForUniqueId>(apr.ApiPacket.Packet.ToString());
                var result        = new UniqueId().SaveAndGet(requestObject ?? new RequestForUniqueId(), apr.UserId);
                returnObject = GetApiResponse(apr, result.ToList <object>(), result.Count);

            case "SpinnerData":
                var         spinnerRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SpinnerRequest>(apr.ApiPacket.Packet.ToString());
                SpinnerData spinner        = new SpinnerData();
                var         result         = spinner.APIGetSpinnerData(QueryFromAPIPacketRequest(apr), spinnerRequest);
                returnObject = GetApiResponse(apr, obj, apr.TotalRecord != 0 ? spinner.APIGetTotalRecord(QueryFromAPIPacketRequest(apr), spinnerRequest) : apr.TotalRecord);

            case "BlockInfo":
                var requestObject = new ForApiResponse()
                    UserId = apr.UserId
                BlockInfo blockinfo = new BlockInfo();
                var       result    = blockinfo.APIGetBlockList(requestObject);
                returnObject = GetApiResponse(apr, result.ToList <object>(), result.Count);

                ApiResponse <object> response = new ApiResponse <object>()
                    Success     = false,
                    ApiPacket   = null,
                    PageNo      = apr.PageNo,
                    PageSize    = apr.PageSize,
                    TotalRecord = 0,
                    Message     = "Table is not registered to System",
                    Status      = 400