Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Content ResolveItem(HttpContextBase httpContext, string requestUrl)
            using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration <DefaultRenderModelFactory>("Begin ResolveItem", "End ResolveItem"))
                //Sorry, gonna need to use the resolver here
                var urlUtility = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <IRoutingEngine>();

                //var revisionStatusType = httpContext.Request.QueryString["revisionStatusType"];
                //var actualStatusType = (revisionStatusType.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) ? FixedStatusTypes.Published : new RevisionStatusType(revisionStatusType, revisionStatusType);

                bool isPreview = false;
                bool.TryParse(httpContext.Request.QueryString[ContentEditorModel.PreviewQuerystringKey], out isPreview);

                var result = urlUtility.FindEntityByUrl(httpContext.Request.Url, isPreview ? null : FixedStatusTypes.Published);

                if (result != null && result.IsRoutable())
                    var viewPermissionId = new ViewPermission().Id;
                    if (isPreview)
                        // First get the user from the backoffice membership provider, which may be different than from the site running
                        var user = BackOfficeAuthenticationModule.GetUmbracoBackOfficeIdentity(httpContext);

                        // Check user is allowed to preview
                        var userId = (user != null && user.IsAuthenticated)
                            ? user.Id
                            : HiveId.Empty;

                        PermissionResults permissionResult = this._applicationContext.Security.GetEffectivePermissions(userId, result.RoutableEntity.Id, viewPermissionId, new CreatePermission().Id);

                        if (!permissionResult.AreAllAllowed())
                            // Redirect to insufficient permissions pages
                            throw new HttpException((int)global::System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "You do not have permission to view this resource.");

                    var resultId = result.RoutableEntity.Id.AsEnumerableOfOne().ToArray();

                    using (var contentUow = _applicationContext.Hive.OpenReader <IContentStore>())
                        using (var securityUow = _applicationContext.Hive.OpenReader <ISecurityStore>())
                            resultId = resultId.FilterAnonymousWithPermissions(_applicationContext.Security, contentUow, securityUow, viewPermissionId).ToArray();

                    if (resultId.Length == 0)
                        throw new HttpException((int)global::System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "You do not have permission to view this resource.");

                    var content = _applicationContext.FrameworkContext.TypeMappers.Map <Content>(result.RoutableEntity);

                    // Swap out the current template if an alt template is in querystring, and current node has an alternative template with that alias
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(httpContext.Request.QueryString["altTemplate"]))


                LogHelper.TraceIfEnabled <DefaultRenderModelFactory>("Could not find item for route '{0}'", () => requestUrl);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Content ResolveItem(HttpContextBase httpContext, string requestUrl, bool isPreview)
            //check if the RouteDebugger is enabled, if it is, we just return the content virtual root... or any other full TypedEntity will work.
            //this however will show a no template found page, but still allows us to debug the route.
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RouteDebugger:Enabled"] == "true")
                return(new Content(FixedEntities.ContentVirtualRoot));

            using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration <DefaultRenderModelFactory>("Begin ResolveItem", "End ResolveItem"))
                //Sorry, gonna need to use the resolver here because IRoutingEngine is registered with IoC as per-request
                //whereas the model factory is a singleton (SD)
                //TODO: Fix this by adding IRoutingEngine as a parameter to relevant methods (APN)
                var urlUtility = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <IRoutingEngine>();

                //var revisionStatusType = httpContext.Request.QueryString["revisionStatusType"];
                //var actualStatusType = (revisionStatusType.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) ? FixedStatusTypes.Published : new RevisionStatusType(revisionStatusType, revisionStatusType);

                Content content = null;
                var     fullUrlIncludingDomain = httpContext.Request.Url;
                var     result      = urlUtility.FindEntityByUrl(fullUrlIncludingDomain, isPreview ? null : FixedStatusTypes.Published);
                var     altTemplate = "";

                if (result == null || result.Status == EntityRouteStatus.FailedNotFoundByName)
                    // Couldn't resolve node, so see if it's an alt template request instead
                    // TODO: this detection could be changed to check if a template exists with the discovered alias, before calling FindEntityByUrl to improve perf.
                    if (!fullUrlIncludingDomain.AbsolutePath.Trim('/').IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        var url           = fullUrlIncludingDomain.ToString().TrimEnd('/').Replace("/?", "?");
                        var templateAlias = url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fullUrlIncludingDomain.Query))
                            templateAlias = templateAlias.Replace(fullUrlIncludingDomain.Query, "");
                        var newUrl = url.Substring(0, url.LastIndexOf('/'));

                        Uri parsedNewUrl;
                        var isValidNewUrl = Uri.TryCreate(newUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out parsedNewUrl);
                        if (isValidNewUrl)
                            var tempResult = urlUtility.FindEntityByUrl(parsedNewUrl, isPreview ? null : FixedStatusTypes.Published);

                            if (tempResult != null && tempResult.IsRoutable())
                                var tempContent = _applicationContext.FrameworkContext.TypeMappers.Map <Content>(tempResult.RoutableEntity);
                                if (tempContent.AlternativeTemplates.Any(x => x.Alias != null && x.Alias.Equals(templateAlias, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                                    content     = tempContent;
                                    altTemplate = templateAlias;
                                    result      = tempResult;

                if (result != null && result.IsRoutable())
                    var viewPermissionId = new ViewPermission().Id;
                    if (isPreview)
                        // First get the user from the backoffice membership provider, which may be different than from the site running
                        var user = BackOfficeAuthenticationModule.GetRebelBackOfficeIdentity(httpContext);

                        // Check user is allowed to preview
                        var userId = (user != null && user.IsAuthenticated)
                            ? user.Id
                            : HiveId.Empty;

                        PermissionResults permissionResult = this._applicationContext.Security.Permissions.GetEffectivePermissions(userId, result.RoutableEntity.Id, viewPermissionId, new CreatePermission().Id);

                        if (!permissionResult.AreAllAllowed())
                            // Redirect to insufficient permissions pages
                            throw new HttpException((int)global::System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "You do not have permission to view this resource.");

                    var resultId = result.RoutableEntity.Id.AsEnumerableOfOne().ToArray();

                    //using (var contentUow = _applicationContext.Hive.OpenReader<IContentStore>())
                    //using (var securityUow = _applicationContext.Hive.OpenReader<ISecurityStore>())
                    //    resultId = resultId.FilterAnonymousWithPermissions(_applicationContext.Security, contentUow, securityUow, viewPermissionId).ToArray();

                    if (resultId.Length == 0)
                        throw new HttpException((int)global::System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "You do not have permission to view this resource.");

                    if (content == null)
                        content = _applicationContext.FrameworkContext.TypeMappers.Map <Content>(result.RoutableEntity);

                    // Swap out the current template if an alt template is in querystring, and current node has an alternative template with that alias
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(altTemplate) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(httpContext.Request.QueryString["altTemplate"]))
                        altTemplate = httpContext.Request.QueryString["altTemplate"];

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(altTemplate))


                LogHelper.TraceIfEnabled <DefaultRenderModelFactory>("Could not find item for route '{0}'", () => requestUrl);